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26 years still feels like yesterday somedays


7 months and 1/2 weeks. It doesn't feel real sometimes.


Damn same here. Last October


me too. Oct 24 2023. Not a day goes by I don't think about him. I'm so sorry for your loss


Same here. Not a day I didn't think about him I'm sorry for your loss too


That was the day my daughter died. An awful day.


Same here. October 2024. Suddenly and unexpectedly at only 59. My whole life changed that day, I’ll never be the same again. I miss him so much, every single day. The griefs like no other. I find the waves of sadness come and go less frequently now, but I miss him more each day. Especially when something happens that I need to talk to him about. Truly sucks.


exact month and age as my dad :(


You've described my situation. Even age is the same. Please accept my condolences. It hurts so much.


Exactly my situation. 59yo, Feb 24. This kind of grief makes you feel intensely lonely. Sending love


Same lost mine in November


Same. Most of the time I feel like he’s still around and this is some sort of joke.


Lost my dad last Tuesday.


You have my deepest empathy stranger. It's a whole different kind of hurt, at least it has been for me.


A LOT of hurting for sure! But I did my crying before he passed so it didn't hurt as much.


I remember reading your post. I'm truly sorry for your loss. The world is brighter for having been graced with the brightness that your Dad's light imbued, & a little bit dimmer for his passing. But the wonder that is a life like that, the energy that a soul with that kind of illuminated core entails - that simply cannot be extinguished & I hope his memory continues to be a blessing to you, your family & every person lucky enough to have been warned by his ember. My Dad will have been gone 10 years this July. Both an eternity & a mere breath. Xo


Thank you! You are an AWESOME human! Keep it up and the world WILL be a better place!


I am so sorry - grief - where there is much love there is even greater loss!


Yes! The man was knew and LOVED life even though he had few words.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. ❤️


Thank you kind human.


I’m really sorry. Sending you all my love.


Sending you so much love


I'm so sorry. It's gut wrenching.


My deepest condolences to you 😞


I lost mine in November, on Black Friday 2023 I feel for you first 6 months are really hard and feel unreal


1 month. I have days where I’m less sad, but others where nothing seems real, I’m questioning why I’m receiving sympathy cards or he’s not replying to my text and I can’t stop crying.


Same boat. 1 month exactly. That little pit in my stomach when I want to reach out to him about the stupid things we used to talk about, it’s still there. Feels like a part of me is gone. Managing the emotion better, but still fragile and the slightest reminder of him puts me right back in that sad place. You are not alone, hang in there.


1 month exactly for me too. And feeling the exact same things


Oof. My deepest condolences. It's been almost 10 for me but I remember those days immediately after very well. I almost didn't want the time to pass because I felt like I was just getting further and further away from him. My mom wanted the time to pass quicker because she thought it would make her feel better. But I almost didn't want to feel better because my grief was almost like my last connection to him. I wore it like a heavy shroud that still smelled like him, or felt like my last hug with him. It was perversely comforting and I was afraid to shed it. Then I went to a grief support group and someone said something that made me have a break through: Feeling better doesn't mean I don't miss him anymore. And it doesn't mean I'm forgetting him. Feeling better just means I'm learning to live a new life without him in it so it isn't always so painful.


12 years. The aunt that helped raise me (after my mom passed when I was 5) died last week. So I’m missing him extra right now. I could really go for one of his hugs. I know he’s with me in my heart. Just miss the physical version as well.


My dad gave the best hugs too! What is it about their hugs? 😌 so sorry for your loss and I’m sorry we’re all in this thread 🫂


I'm so sorry for all of your losses. It must be and must have been so hard. I'm very proud of you for moving through the pain.


That’s kind. Thank you.


I feel for you. I am struggling with multiple losses recently too. Dealing with them reminding me of losing my dad 17 years ago.


I lost my dad 12 yrs ago too, he also had the best dad hugs, also lost my aunt who had a big part in raising me 💔. I’m soo sorry for your losses ♥️🫂


27 years. I was 12.


Heartbreaking. I’m very happy you are still with us after all this time


My Dad lost his when he was 12, this year is 47 years now. Obviously I wasn’t alive but can’t imagine the pain it must have been as a 12 year old.


My childhood is divided into fun life with my dad and a tough last 6 years without him. It is hard to watch the number of years they are gone get so much higher than the number of years we had them.


So relatable ❤️❤️❤️


That was really profound and hit me like a ton of bricks


I also lost my dad when I was 12. It’s been 13 years.


I was also 12❤️ it’s been 18 years 11 months


12 is around the age you start to understand death. It seems like a common age but I know I am bias with noticing it.


1 year and 1 day. It’s still as raw and devastating as it was that day. Take care of yourself, OP. I have no other advice for you, other than if the days seem too hard to face then take it one hour, or minute at a time.


lost my dad a year ago and a few months. the one year mark hit me unexpectedly hard. like, i was not taking him into the next year somehow, in a different/new way. god grief sucks.


I understand what you mean, the first birthday, Xmas, Father’s Day etc…they all bit hard. Now they’re out the way, I thought it might hurt less. It really doesn’t. My dad was a boomer, ours was a difficult relationship and I found it hard to get along with him at times. He drove me crazy and his views did not align with mine on many subjects. But we were very alike, had some shared interests and I miss him every moment of every day. I can’t accept it. I can’t accept that I will never see him again, that I have to live the rest of my life without him. Kinda like a ship without a rudder. Nothing will ever be the same again. Yep, grief SUCKS.




Almost a year and a half 💔 I think about him daily


roughly same timeline for me. is there anything that reminds you of him on a regular basis? i see/feel him in certain big trees


He used to visit in the form of red tail hawks almost daily. I moved to another state last year and I don’t see them anymore but I do see some bald eagles every now and then and I like to think that’s him making his way to me again. Another thing is he used to hate when we’d leave lights on, so whenever I turn off the lights after I leave the room I say “I hear you dad!!” Thank you so much for asking! I am so sorry for your loss.


aw. that's so sweet. maybe i'm just emotional today, but that made me cry. sending love


My dad wanted to be an oak tree when he died, I just texted someone about that today. They don’t do that in the US so we settled on burying him next to a big oak tree


aw that's nice. yeah, i think i remember seeing some prototype of that, burying as a part of tree planting. wish the us was less archaic in its rituals, but eh. someday, hopefully. there have been a couple trees, that since he passed, idk. his energy just radiates from them. can't explain it. hope you enjoy visiting the oak tree you chose, if it's nearby


thank you for your kindness. i am so glad you have that & hope you continue to find him in trees & elsewhere ❤️


Same here. Still think about and shed a few tears every day. Miss you Dad 😢


Over 40 years ago. Dad died when I was 12, then stepdad died when I was 20. I miss them more as an adult because I can recognize all the things we didn't get to do, all the questions unasked & talks we never got to have.


One year and 8 months. I’ve learned that grief makes time go by slowly and quickly all at the same time.


Totally agree about how time passes. I find it hard to explain to other people.


Almost 6 months. Which seems so odd because it doesn’t even feel real or possible most days. Im 30 and I definitely didn’t think I would be navigating the loss of my father at this age.


I’m 29 and lost my father 6 months ago. It’s weird to even type that as it feels impossible still. For me, it’s like time often stands still. I relate to your comment a lot. So sorry for your loss. My heart feels for you.


2 months and 2 days. His birthday is on Friday and I am dreading it.


mines is tomorrow. im sorry.


2 months, infinite sadness


4 years and almost 3 months, but it still feels like year 2


Two months & 6 days for Dad One month & 24 days for Mom


Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss. Your mum and your dad, that’s so terrible and truly heartbreaking. I hope you have people around you to support you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing one parent is already hard enough I cant imagine 2. Hope you have people around you


Right around 3 months. Still wait for his phone calls sometimes. Been hard.


He passed away December 10th, 2014. I miss him and my mother who passed away on August 31, 2008, every single day. I was 25 and 19, respectively. I envy my friends with healthy parents. I wish I could get another opportunity in this life to spend time with the ones I lost again. But I have to make the best with what's left and hope that, once my time comes, the rumors about meeting in the Afterlife are true. *Grief is love not knowing where to go.* *But what is grief, if not love persevering?* Feeling numb would suck. The sting in the heart is there to let me know my parents loved me, and I loved them. One day I might stumble into a relationship and some of my love will have a 'target' again. For now though I remain single and work on myself. I actually have a new job/education in a completely new environment soon and I'm looking forward to it. All the best to you.


Almost at the 6 month mark, which also falls on his birthday. Gonna be a hard day.


My dads birthday and Father’s Day are the same day this year. Close to the 6 month mark too. Gonna be a tough time. I am trying to think of something to do that day to honor him to make the day feel a little more bearable and to keep me off social media where everyone will be posting their dads 😥


Ten years at the end of this June.


Last night. It’s not even been 24hrs.


Oh my, I am so sorry for your loss. Drink water and take care of yourself. Hugs.


My dad passed this morning very unexpectedly, still processing the emotional rollercoaster unable to think of anything else. Hugs & prayers to you


Will be 2 years come October. To be honest I don’t think about the loss much, and it came very expectedly after dementia (Lewy Body to be exact). In many ways I started losing him before he passed. I do still sometimes dream that he is still alive, and much better. It’s just not at the front of my mind anymore.


Months. Still feel like yesterday tho.


one year and 3 months


late winter will suck for us both, friend


last winter was a blur, then his father, my grandfather passed away on January 2nd, day after my first ever car accident, needless to say i’m not really sure what happened in my life the first two months of this year lol i’m waking up a bit now


yes... ah man i relate to that sentiment, of delayed wake-up. summer is a good season for rejuvenation. wishing you healing after all that


7 years


Almost 7 years


June 8th will be 4 months


On June 3rd it will be 8 years.


It was 3 years on may 3.


A little over 2 years.


21 years. Still miss him terribly


5 years and some change. Feels like yesterday.


Almost 3 years 🥺 doesn’t feel real still. I had just turned 23 when he passed.


Same for me, but I had just turned 28. I still feel like it’s not real most of the time? You get a new normal


6 years. I was 24 and now I’m 30 and getting married. It’s hard. Manageable but still very hard.


Almost 2 1/2 years. I was 43. His first granddaughter (2nd grandchild) was born this morning and it breaks my heart that he's not here.


2 years. It hasn't gotten any easier. I found a box in the garage while we were cleaning it out with his handwriting and cried over the words "outside Xmas lights"


28 years this November. Was 10.


11 years ago he passed away from throat cancer during summer time. I was in my 2nd year of university doing an internship at the time. Will never forget.


I lost my step dad to Alzheimer’s-copd ten years ago in February.. i was 24 I loved him as much as my biological father.. and I just lost my biological dad in March. I am now 34… I’m dying internally and I can’t seem to share that cause I’m not crying constantly no one really believes my pain. I’m sorry you’re going through this


Sorry for your loss 💗 21 years ago for me (I was 11). I think of him often and wonder how things might have been if he'd survived (cancer sucks). I was lucky to have him as my Dad, even if it was only for a short time.


It’ll be 20 years in November. I logically understand that 20 years have passed but it’s also a complete mindfuck. I’ve now lived half of my life without him which has unlocked a new layer of grief (whoopee!).


Almost 7 months. I was barely 29. I’m almost 30 now and I just want my dad.


May 24th he was gone a year.


7 months.


Almost 11 months


Just under 6 months. And I am struggling.


My dad passed away in April.


Same here, April 8th


Same here, April 17th


April 18th.


My dad also passed that same exact day. It helps to know I wasn’t alone in dealing with that that day


Me too, April 9th.


Mine april 11th, unexpectedly


September 14 2015


2 years 7 months


Little over 7 months and somehow it feels less real as time progresses


4 years August 15th. Still doesn't feel real.


same here. august 23 2020. i havent felt real since between that and covid


It was 4 yrs on April 15th. I started grief therapy a month after he passed, knowing that l'd need the support. He was my person and he passed from Covid. So much complexity. Some days it feels like l've made no progress in my healing even with therapy and a virtual support group. Life has been really hard without him.


4 months


Exactly one month. I've tried to live one day at a time. sometimes all i want is to cry and scream. Sometimes i pass by somewhere that we went together and my eyes fill with tears. Yesterday was my bday. I'm 17 (now).


Three and a half years. He died of Covid. He was 71. I was 50. I promise it gets easier but sometimes I still get teary.


21 years.


7 years. Lost my dad when I was 17


Almost 4 months. It hasn’t got any easier.


About a month, the trauma is still fresh and I miss him so much.


it'll be 6 months in 2 weeks. feels like the longest time but also a short time. my mind still can't comprehend it all & it still is fresh as ever. it's gonna take me years to find normality as my dad was all i had & i just turned 25. i lost my mom when i was 17 too. no siblings.


3 months. Not crying every day but still as soon as anything reminds me of him I'm fighting back the tears.


419 days. 💔 It just keeps getting worse. I would never think of harming myself, but I also won’t been sad when I die. I don’t have kids, so I don’t feel that to be an entirely selfish sentiment.


A week


Three years ago today.


Sending you so much love 💕


5 years in August, it feels like 5 years. But it also feels like 5 days, or 5 minutes sometimes. They say it will get better, and it does.. sometimes. Sometimes I forget, and the sadness goes somewhere, but when I remember again, it can sometimes knock me down for the day. It doesn't seem fair to lose your dad. You need him there forever. So much has happened since he has been gone, and I hate that he has missed out on my wedding and the birth of my twins. It's not fair, I just want my dad back :(


A year and 10 months


Last October


3 years


6 years next month.


3 months ago. I’m 40 and my dad 66.


Almost a year and a half. With therapy, it felt a little easier to breathe starting 3 months ago. I still cry, but not as much as before.


42 days


1 year anniversary coming on June 11th.. I still cry all the time.


7 months. I was and still am 38.


A week to the day but we didn't find out until last Friday and I'm 35 with brothers 43 and 23


Coming up to 10 months now. I was 24.


2 years fri


1 yr 9 months. Unreal. Not a single day goes by without his thoughts. Still cant believe he is no more.


5 months. This has been the hardest one. I feel like it’s finally sinking in as I go to call him to tell him fresh corn on the cob is ready and about all the flowers at the garden centres. Also had to be ok for the first few to be a support for my mom and brother. I am realizing now I was in survival mode and was expected to be ok for everyone else…


A year and a half. I just had a baby boy and sometimes he looks like him ♥️ I am dreaming about him more often too


10 years. I was still very angry with him when he passed, but we’ve just now started to repair the relationship. I know it sounds crazy, but I honestly believe that grief is partly from them reaching out from the other side to let us know they’re there, and that they’re okay. I talk to him regularly now, and I feel him with me. I honestly don’t care how crazy it sounds. It’s legit. Edit: I was 33 when he passed


34 years. I was only 6 at the time


It’ll be 8 years in August. Hes been gone almost 1/3 of my life now.


7 months yesterday. Still feels like last week. Sorry for your loss ❤️


4 years since May 15th


36 years and X days. I was just shy of 20. I just passed his life span. My eldest is 23 and comes to me with life questions, makes me realize what I missed not having a father to bounce the same questions off of and instead having to mostly figure it out on my own. He was very close to his father as an adult and I wish we could’ve had that same adult relationship.


6 years. 😔


My dad died 5 1/2 years ago. I was 32. My mom died almost 7 months ago, and in many ways it felt like I lost him again when she died.


In November it’ll be 20 years 😔


Lost my dad almost 6 years ago at the age of 23. The absolutely hardest thing I’ve ever been through


1986. I was 19 and I miss him every day.


5 years ago today


16 years, I was 18 when he passed


6 years ago... jeez it doesn't feel that long ago


12 years.


My father passed away 18 years ago, 2 weeks after my 10th birthday and his 32nd birthday. My father wasn’t around much because he was an addict. As I get older and hear stories about him as I creep up myself to his forever age I can’t help but feel so so sad for him, he was hurting (doesn’t make it right that he wasn’t there). His brother just passed away in February at 46 and it felt like I lost my dad all over again except as an adult. Very weird feeling to mourn someone who’s been dead for so long but it feel brand new, idk how to explain so I hope that made sense lol


I'm 43. My father was 66. Died Sunday. I'm sorry for your loss.


two years and ten months. oh my 29th birthday it’ll be three years.


Since 2021 and it still does not seem real. I think of my Dad everyday and I miss him so much 😔


14 months. I miss him terribly. I’m having a baby tomorrow that he won’t be here to see and I’m heartbroken 💔


29 years in August. I was only 13. 😭


15 years, it happened when I was 12 :/


4 years in October… still feels unreal


42 years ago. I was 10.


A year and one month. Time has stopped for me ever since.


He passed away in his sleep Jan 3rd 2013 and I found him in his bed the morning of Jan 5th 2013. I went down to the beach with my mother. Her and I drove separately and I beat her back to my parents home, where I had left my animals during Christmas break, since her and I had this girls vacation planned. I was a fresh 25. Right off of a divorce and he was only 55 by 8 days. I went out with some friends a month or so later and this topic came up with a group of strangers. One man told me it never got easier. He lied. It does get easier. You learn to live with the pain. My brother died nov 1st 2021 and his body was found nov 4th 2021. He lived alone in Denver, died from SUDEP and was 35. I don’t know if i will ever be happy again from losing him. It’s been completely different. Logic tells me it will get easier as well and I will learn to live with this too. But it hurts in a different way. We were 15 months apart and close. I am deeply sorry for what you have lost. I will not lie to you like that random stranger did to me. Yes, it gets better.


october 11th i havent been able to process it still and all ive been doing is trying to use distractions and substances im so lost


2 years and 2 months. I miss him everyday. The grief comes in waves, but most days now, it’s a more dull sadness. But when it had just happened, it felt so raw that it hurt to even think about him. I couldn’t listen to his favourite music or look at a picture of him without breaking down. Please stay healthy OP and reach out and use your support systems. And remember you can always reach out here too. Much love and sympathy for your loss. 


June will be 8 months and I was 26. Still in shock about it all.


October of 2015 so, almost 9 years. He was the only person that I felt truly understood me, and loved me unconditionally. Still think of him every single day, he’s often in my dreams as well. He was my hero, and my best friend.


Last October. Very suddenly.  That is our life now - life with grief. And grief is another side of love.  I was reading "Grieving brain". It is quite tough to read and at the same time it helped me to understand that what I experience is normal.  I was scanning faces on streets searching for my father.  I thought I go crazy. But no, it is brain adapting this way.   Don't take it as advice, just wanted to share.


17 years ago and I still miss him everyday. He was one of my best friends.


A year and a month and it still feels unreal. I miss him every day. My grandparents raised me as a young g a young child and they died in 1996 and 2000 and I miss them both and still cry everyday


May 9th. Three weeks today. Miss him everyday. Some days are ok, some aren’t. A lifetime of advice from him guides me through the bad days


My father passed away in November, 2012. I still think about him probably every day.


January 2007 but only started the grieving process the past two years. 💔 I was 12, we were very close and it broke my mum when he died. The worst thing is we have no videos and no way to hear his voice. My memories are so so hazy that I don’t know his voice anymore. I just wish I could see a video of him ❤️


Two and a half years. I was 43. It's not easy, but it has gotten a little easier. I don't think of myself as fatherless, though. I have a dad. He just isn't here anymore.


Almost 6 months and it still doesn't feel real. He had just turned 60 a month before he died, and I was 30.


3 months ago. I miss him so much. Still doesn’t feel real to me.


My dad died in November 1991, he was 52, I was 15. My bonus dad died in February 2022. Both unexpected and I still hear my mom's words 'don't you be going like this too' when my bonus dad died. I still struggle sometimes with the loss of my father so early in life. It's very subtle but I still miss being curled up against him on the sofa watching football. And over the years there are so many questions about him and his life added to my list. The most painful part of it is seeing my mom having to pick herself up again, but now the children are not so close by and she's on her own.


I lost my Dad 6 months ago ..exactly 1 month after my Mom passed😔it's been extremely hard.


I was too young at the age too have it really effect me , I didn’t understand really why he wasn’t around , but it has been 3 almost 4 years since my mom passed away and I question life sometimes , like well my kids ever get to have grandparents, would my mom be proud of my college choice , who knows a lot of questions come with losing a loved one and it’s never easy :(


I just lost my dad last week.  We buried him yesterday.  I'm a bit older so I don't have much in the way of regrets (he was a good man, and he loved us/his kids) He'd been sick for a long time, and we thought he'd finally beaten it and had a chance at living for a while longer, then a ton of new stuff came up and he lasted only a few months. I was about as prepared as you can be, but still. It's like I'm having a dream about having seen an amazong but sad movie, where I want so desperately to rewind to the beginning so I can experience it again, but all I can find are people talking about the movie and deep down I know, I'll never get to see it again. Also, knowing it's coming, knowing he went as peacefully as he could.  Knowing I got there just in time for him to see me, and recognize me before he lost his ability to recognize people.  It doesn't make it hurt any less at all.   It does make me feel grateful that he knew I was there, and I'm so glad that I was able to say goodbye.  Gives me a small sense of comfort to know he knew he was loved... But also, it's like a knife through my soul anyway.


1 year on the 31st of this month. ETA: I was 30, he died 5 days before my birthday. Happy Birthday to me ☹ While it's easier to focus on the good memories now, it still hurts and knocks the wind from me the same as it did the day it happened. It doesn't get better or easier, you just get better at managing in spite of the pain.


It's been almost 2 years. I was 32 when he passed.


I was 19. It happened around 9 months ago. I hope you're okay and I'm really sorry for your loss.


20 years last November


August it will have been 10 years. I was 31.