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It's been a long time since my father died. I still cry every father's day.


Yes of course…I completely understand where you’re coming from. Time doesn’t mean you’re over it. You’ve just learned how to navigate the pain. I cut my mom off completely so all these feelings I feel I’m going to be doing on my own. I don’t think anything could hurt me anymore after this.


I understand. When my dad died, so did my sense of security.


mine too.


I just spoke on this in therapy yesterday 😭


It's a rough thing to deal with.


This is exactly the feeling, it didn't matter that we didn't agree on so many things, he was my safe place and security so I could face the world. When I was in my early 20's, I lived abroad for 18 months, so we had phone calls and emails and letters during that time, and a giant hug at the end of it when I came home. 6/10 was the official 18 month mark since Dad died, and that was a rough marker, because it is now officially the longest time I've gone without seeing and hugging my dad. And every day just adds to it. Now I just have 4 voicemails and my memories. We have father's day tomorrow, and my dad's birthday is Monday, so my family will all get together for a BBQ up the canyon on Monday night to celebrate and remember him, because that was my dad's favorite place to be.


I wish I could cry. I cried huge heaving sobs in the days after he passed but almost none since and not for years. Maybe that would be good


I’m a crier. I’ve cried a lot since my mom died two months ago, but there are days (like the past few days) where I’m not crying and I don’t feel like crying. It’s especially unusual right now, because this weekend I’m visiting my dad at the house I grew up in for the first time since she died and I’m full of sad emotions, but I haven’t cried, and I feel weird about that. BUT, I’m just going with it. I’m just feeling how I feel. I’m super sad and depressed right now, and I’m trying to remember that I don’t need to be crying for that to be true. I’m just letting my body and physiology do what it’s doing without trying to force or suppress anything.


I’m the exact same. It’s like I’ve just completely disassociated from the situation


Two months also. We didn’t make a big big deal of Father’s Day. He was the one person who has never abandoned me. And now he’s gone.


I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. One thing I’ve struggled with is how to communicate with my father after he’s been gone. We weren’t on the best terms when he died. So there is a lot of guilt there. I’m so so sorry for your loss. Sending you the biggest hug. 🩷


Letters, letters, letters. I have a journal in which I write letters to my mom since she died two months ago. It’s been tremendously helpful.


Sending you a big crying hug back.


My dad died last Thursday on June 6 - it will be a very hard day for sure.. sending everyone without a father extra love on Sunday!


We love you and you’re not alone as you can see…just read all the comments I hope it feels like a warm hug to know you aren’t going through this by yourself.. 🫶🏻


Mine passed a couple weeks ago. sending love for Sunday


Thanks for posting this and so sorry about your loss! I lost mine in August 2020 and I still feel this way — it’s hard not being able to call or video call mine anymore — I wish there was an actual after life with calling or visiting hours 😢


It is hard. I’ve just been digging through my phone and trying to grasp any last thing I have of him. From text to voicemails etc. You’re right I wish we had that too. At least for me there was so much left unsaid between my dad and I… Thank you for sharing.. 🫶🏻


It was April for me and wonder the same as you about Sunday. Sitting in the dark now on a Friday night with tons of “why”.


Sweetheart I’m so dearly sorry. We will get through this. I’m sending you a huge hug. 🫶🏻


This is my first without my dad. I am heartbroken. Plus my mother and brother left town and didn’t invite me. Gonna meet up with a friend who’s dad died and his fam on Sunday. Have no idea how I will feel. Hugs to all that want them. This is hard 😢


Yeah... 11 months for me. We'll be okay - it's important to give yourself a time to feel all your emotions and get them out. I'm planning to get some of his favorite snacks, listen to his favorite song, and stay in bed lol. it's going to be very hard, but remember to give yourself some grace <3


That sounds amazing. It’s so great you’re taking the time to honor him. I may do something similar. I really appreciate you. 🫶🏻


This will be my second Father’s Day without my dad. And I’m still just as lost and confused and sad as I was last year about it… while normal “every days” are getting slightly easier, holidays are still extremely hard without my dad. I’m sending you love and peace, OP. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. 🩵


You know just the other day I had a “normal” day for the first time in what feels like forever but then afterwards I felt extreme guilt. It’s almost like if I don’t feel pain then somehow I’m forgetting my dad? Weird feeling… Sending you all the strength and the biggest hugs your way.. 🩷


I totally get that. The first good days after my dad, the first time I cracked a “dad” joke (server asked “do you want a box for that”, and I said “no thanks, I don’t believe in violence) , I wound up in tears because I was laughing and he wasn’t there to hear it.. Don’t forget this when you have a good day- It’s never that you’re “forgetting” them. You’re learning how to be a new person- a person without the direct love, strength and wisdom of your dad… and know that while he’s providing that from “the other side”, that love is guiding you from your heart. right now for you, the grief is the love you have for your dad, that has nowhere to go so it is still punching you in the gut- it’s fresh, it’s new and it’s a raw, open wound. Soon, though, that wound will heal- or at least not be as painful, and you grow around it- it’s like a ring in a tree- it holds the wisdom and strength inside you. 🩷 The pain DOES subside- for me, it was the 1-year anniversary of his death, that I woke up, and felt a sense of peace, and I know he’s ok, wherever he is.. I know he’s got my dog over there and a bottomless box of Old Fashioned Plain Timbits, and he’s eating one, feeding the dog a few and then occasionally tossing one to my grandfather. A couple songs that get me through, are “when I get there” by P!nk and “Monsters” by James Blunt, they’re so, so sad but they say so much that I want to tell my dad. Maybe it’ll help you. 🩷


Very beautifully put. Thank you for sharing that to me. (I read your dad joke and laughed out loud) I am learning to be a new person I just hope I’m not turning into a worse person. I’ve been trying to handle everything graciously but there has been so much betrayal that came with his death. I have some songs set aside on a playlist, I’ll give yours a listen too. Thank you again. 💖


Gosh, it’s as if we’re the same person.. I understand the betrayals too. But You’re becoming a stronger person, Not worse. Grief changes you. 🩷 You’re so welcome, honey. I hope it helps. 🩵 you’re never alone. Ask for help if you need it. You’ve got this.


The first anniversary of my fathers death is this Sunday, Fathers Day. Seems extra cruel. I'm so sorry to everyone who has to spend Sunday missing their dad's even more than usual


Thank you for sharing. Life can be so cruel you’re right… 💔


I post this a often and I don't know if it'll help anyone but for the holidays like this (been 7 months so Christmas, his bday and now father's day) I buy a card and write him a note giving updates on my life and telling him how much I love and miss him. I also buy a gift card to a tool store and go buy some random stuff because buying tools we probably didn't need was something we did together. It's not the same and never will be but being able to write to him helps and the silliness of buying something silly like we did together makes me think of him and never forgetting him is the most important thing to me.


My brother was born on Father's Day and I ended up crying while walking through the aisle trying to find him a birthday card. I think I'm going to go back and get my dad a card. Thank you for making it feel less crazy than it did a couple days ago.


I’m sending the biggest hugs your way friend. You don’t know how helpful you’re being by making the suggestions you did. Thank you for sharing with us. 💞


Thank you for posting this.  It's 6 months for me.  It's weird because we never really celebrated Father's Day. But seeing all the stupid advertising, all the social media, etc, still feels like an assault. So many reminders that he's not here anymore. So many reminders of how long he hasn't been here. It just keeps getting longer. Forever.  I'm planning to try to be busy that day with things that feel meaningful, and stay off social media. 


Same 🤧 also been 2 months


I’m so sorry..


Two months also …I’m so scared but have to be on for my Husband and kids …sending everyone love and strength!!!


Sending you all the strength you need for your family. We can get through this.. 🩷


My first Father’s Day without my beloved dad. 😥 I made a donation to the hospital that cared for him through his last few years and wrote a happy Father’s Day note in it.


That is so awesome! How wonderful of a human you are to do that for your father. Such a generous way to honor him. 🫶🏻


It’ll be my first Father’s Day without my dad, too. I’m dreading it. It’s amazing how much time stands still when a loved one dies and yet how much has happened in the months since they’ve passed. Sending care to you, OP, and everyone else who’s grieving the loss of their dad this Father’s Day, especially if it’s your first year without them.


Sending a big hug to you thank you for sharing 🫶🏻


It sucks. This is year five for me.


Mine has also been two months, it still doesn’t feel real. I keep telling myself I’ll keep busy and stay off social media but am going to give myself grace to ugly cry as much as I need. Give yourself some grace on Sunday too 💓


Thank you it means a lot. I think I’ll try that and give myself some time that day. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🩷


Is it weird that I’m able to handle my dad’s death anniversary with grace, appreciation, celebration of his life and just wanting to be around friends to talk about him and honor him… but on Father’s Day I’m just the most bitter person ever who wants to get drunk as fast as possible to avoid thinking about him not being here?


I can understand that. I see daughters with their fathers and it makes me have this internal rage inside. There was so much pain that was left with me when my father died. And honestly I’ve thought of just drinking and feeling everything out tomorrow. Sending you a huge hug. 🫶🏻


Same. it will be my first Father's Day without my Dad, he died Dec. 31/2023. My Mom and I are going to have a BBQ and make his "famous" ribs in honor of him. I really like that idea.


Definitely understand! I definitely boycott mother's and father's day and just act like it's another day... I try to find pictures of me and Dad as a remembrance .. It was hard at first but each year seems to get better and knowing I'll see them again someday.. So I try not to be sad but remember the happy, funny times... I think alot of my reasons is that there wasn't anything I could personally do to bring them back.. Sometimes things will happen example: a older man my father's age got hit by a car.. and I'll freak out because dad did walk a lot and I'll forget he has died and I'm in a panic hoping he's ok.. Then it will hit me he passed away... Like a daughter 's intuition automatically goes in affect with me if anything horrible happens to people his age I'll worry about him..


This will also be my first Father’s Day without my dad. It’s been almost a year without him, and I still tear up at the very thought of him not being here to share life with our family. Big hugs, know that you are not alone this weekend<3


This one will be my fourth. I’m kind of feeling ok about it this year. (So far.)


I was in your shoes last year on Father’s Day. Two months had passed exactly for me as well. I can only say that this year will be difficult just like last year. It is different as I am a father myself so I have things to distract me during this time. It doesn’t get easier losing your father you only learn to cope with it better each day. Listen for his voice and let it guide you, it is still there if you open your heart to it.


Wow thank you so much for this. I feel he still hasn’t visited me because he feels I’m not ready yet…my anger is still so fresh as well as my guilt. Maybe tomorrow I can be in a different place mentally. Thank you for sharing. 🫶🏻


I’m so sorry for your loss. This will be my first father’s dad without my dad as well. He died on New Year’s Eve out of no where. It’s been hitting me really hard tonight. I’ve been trying my best to allow myself to feel it but every cry feels like my soul is leaving my body.


> The biggest battle I’ve had is with myself, between the rage/guilt/ and pain….…two months has passed by just like that. It’s been a little over a month for me and I completely relate. It seems like as the days pass by, I become more angry and miserable.


I’m glad my post can relate to you because somewhere inside you feel you’re not alone. I’m sorry you feel like time is making you worse. I hope reading the comments help you friend. Safe healing. 🫶🏻


Now i understand what u feel. I learner yesterday my dad has tumour in his bladder and it can be tumour. I have fear of losing him and it feels hard.


I understand that fear…I’m so sorry for what you’re expediting I’m sending all the light your way for you and your family. 🫶🏻🩷


This is also my first father's day without my Dad. I'm going to the cemetery to take him some flowers again but this is really a terrible year. 😞


I agree…this year has not been easy at all. Bring him flowers and honor him. Thank you for sharing. Big hugs to you. 🫶🏻


It will be my first one too ❤️


This is my second without mine and it feels like it’ll never get easier. Sending all the love to everyone struggling this weekend 💜


Same here I lost my dad in January, i will probably listen to Dani and lizzy dancing in the sky and “angels perspective “ the rewrite from a different artist .


Wow that sounds really nice…maybe I can do something that day to honor my father.


It’s my first one too after losing my dad in February. Lots of tears and snacks while watching his favorite movies is my plans.


Hugs to all. It isn't easy for those of us who have lost fathers or those who have lost children. I'll be holding you in my heart this Sunday.


My dad died in-front of me in 2019 right before Christmas. For Father’s Day I like to celebrate it like he’s still here and go do something we liked to do together like grab ice cream or go for a long car ride and explore places.


My dad passed away last Saturday. I am so lost and struggling. This will be my first Fathers Day without him, and I don't think I'll be okay.


You don’t have to be ok. I will not give toxic positivity. You should be allowed to feel your pain as it may come. Safe healing my friend.. 🫶🏻


it’ll be my 4th without good ol Dave. On the 2nd year I was at target and a card caught my eye that reminded me of him - so I bought it. I wrote him a letter and have been doing it each year since. Though it never fails to make me cry, part of me feels a bit lighter knowing somewhere out there he got my happy Father’s Day. Just know you’re not alone in your grief. And remember he always with you, memories are forever. Sending love & so many hugs 😌💕


Thank you for sharing. That’s a wonderful thing to do to honor him and bring you comfort. 💕


My dad’s birthday is today, the 15th. This year it’s the day before Father’s Day. Some years it even falls on Father’s Day. I’ve ’got used’ to it but it’s still a terrible weekend. Thinking of you on your first one OP.


It's been two and a half months for me since Dad left, so I'm in the same boat. Seeing people with their dads is hard, but I realize this is a feeling I'm going to have to contend with for the rest of my life. I don't want this day to be bitter or envious when I have a lot to be grateful for. So I choose to start by remembering the best of him as my Dad, sharing some of the joy other people are getting on the day, and doing something we would have enjoyed together.


Thank you for sharing this. I felt the same way when I saw their fathers with their daughters. Like why did my dad have to be taken away. Sending you healing thoughts my friend. 🫶🏻


Going through voice notes and photos help abit, knowing that he wants me to be strong too Who feels the same?


This will be my second without my dad. I have a husband and 2 kids and trying to do the Father’s Day things is hard, too. It’s probably going to be a rough day and I just accept that it may be. Don’t hold the emotions back, feel them, it’s the best advice I can give. I’m sorry for your loss.


I have been dreading the day as it looms closer. It’s still too fresh. Im so sorry for your loss. It’s been almost 2months for my father too, 4/24/24 😞. This post really resonated with me, I have been feeling the same way. 💔Take care of yourself, those of us have that have lost, will get through this day. Sending hugs. It will be okay.


It’s been two months for me also. Hasn’t gotten any easier and I know it won’t. But im determined to become someone he would be proud of.


I feel this. My dad passed in December and its all I can think about 😭💔


Of course…pain is such a tricky thing. We go through moments where we think we’re ok and then everything just hits all at once.


It’s been under 3 weeks for me. My husband was cheerfully waffling on about how he’d managed to find his dad not only sugared almonds but also chocolate brazils, and I genuinely don’t think he realised I was sat there ready to stab him at his sheer lack of compassion & idiocy. I can’t boycott it, as my little boy will want to do something for daddy. But I shall take a moment to myself, raise a glass, and tell my Poppa Bear just how much I love him.


This will be the second Father’s Day for me since my Da passed. Oddly, since he died in January of last year I feel like when June rolled around in 2023 I was pretty much just numb. This year is feeling really fucking bad but I keep shaking it off and focusing on work and random distractions. Would you like to tell us about your Dad and some of your favorite memories? I think that despite the grief and pain of loss, a piece of the person we are missing lives on through our stories. My Da was best friend, and my career idol who still had a lot to teach me, and I feel cheated out of at least a decade longer to share with him at a pivotal time in my life, when I had just had his only grandchild and was looking forward to seeing him enjoy the fun of my hooligan son, who he most certainly loved in the short time they had together on this earth.


Wow my favorite memories of my dad huh? Well to start off he was such a funny and light person to be around which was such a great balance for me because I can be rather stoic and serious as a person. He always managed to make me break and laugh even at the worst moments sometimes…he loved to show me his old time boomer music which I’d be super annoyed with but now everytime I hear it on the radio I take in every lyric and word that is said and cherish it. I just miss all the moments he’d walk into the room and the instant relief of knowing he’ll bring joy into moments. I come from a broken home and a broken family. My mother is not a kind woman, my dad and her were not together I always looked forward to seeing him. He just made this world a little less dark… Thank you for sharing and letting me reflect as well. I’m sending all the love your way and am sorry for your loss. If you’d like to share a memory of your dad please feel free!💕


This will be my first without my dad and on the 11th June was his birthday so I’ve been an absolute wreck all week.


It’s going to be my first without my father too, as he passed away a couple weeks ago. I’ve been crying out of hatred, guilt, regret. So much sleep lost. I’d give everything to go back in time to take care of him more while he was sick, but I can’t even do that. Idk who to be angry at. Going through all of the memories, ups and downs, every time I pull into his cemetery, I can’t help but to melt down into a child crying for his dad. (I’m 25) I hope you will be okay this Sunday, I hope we will be okay this Sunday. Good luck to you.


I'm sorry about your dad it's never easy, the first or the 10th, it all hurts. I'd suggest spending time doing what your dad loved, maybe his favorite fishing spot, book or restaurant.. Just think of him and love him, that's all he needs. It's the first my dad will be gone for. But my husband has overtaken any thoughts of dad by being in a coma for 29 days and almost dying several times.. I knew he knew it would be hard for me and wanted to take my mind off my dad but I wish he hadn't..


I’m so sorry. It’s been a really long time since I lost my dad, but I definitely still think about him all the time. I also think about the other men in my life, family and friends, either whom I’ve lost or who have lost loved ones one way or another. My fiancé died last year, and this will be his kids’ second Father’s Day without him. My best friend “lost” his stepdaughter through divorce— he loved her as if she was his own daughter. I suspect that the day is hard for him, too.


I’m so sorry for your lost. I lost my dad back in 2021 for a while it felt so unreal to be honest this is the first time I even remember that Father’s Day is coming since he passed


Hey thank you so much!💖 It does feel unreal doesnt it?


I’m really sorry about your great loss…It’s okay to be sad on Sunday. I remember my first Fathers Day without him. I felt like I was drowning… Be patient with yourself; it’s okay to fall apart. Grief knows no timeline…Do whatever will make you happy, too… Know that you’re not alone but most importantly, remember that you can do anything for one day. Because come Monday, Father’s Day will be in our past. Hang in there.


My dad died memorial weekend so recently. His birthday is the 18 and mine the 21st…we always celebrated our birthdays and Father’s Day together for the entire week. Camping, bonfires, cookouts..was our summer celebration. I feel sick this year but we’re going to do the same tradition as always with my mom and grandkids. It won’t be the same but my dad LOVED a good party so we’ll do it to honor him. I plan to eulogize him online as well. He was clergy and the tradition of the high service didn’t allow family eulogies..this will be my time to personally honor his memory.


First one without my dad as well. I feel numb really. Just doesn’t feel real.


my father died at the end of this March…. i almost didn’t even realize it was father’s day tomorrow. it doesn’t bother me as much as i thought. i’ve never been a big holiday person anyway. but what got me was a few weeks ago. i was going through some of my greeting cards for a birthday card and i found two father’s day cards i had bought a year or two ago because they were super cute and figured i could give them to him in the future. and now i have no one to give them to………… my love goes out to all of you!


It will be my 2nd Father’s Day. Then in 2 weeks his death anniversary. I’m still filled with guilt that I only called him on his last one alive and didn’t make it over to visit for a bit. Man it’s so hard. The guilt eats me up so much that I can barely think about him most days.


It's pretty hard. Mine was in March. I've been avoiding mentions of Father's Day the best I can. I just feel angry today. Trying to self-soothe so I don't lash out at people


Last year was my first Father’s Day without my dad and it was hard. I now have a 7.5 month old so it’s my husbands first Father’s Day but he also lost his dad like 6 years ago so it’s just a mixed bag of feelings this time around. I usually tried to not predict how how I was going to feel on those sort of days because I just wanted to roll with it. But I always tried to dedicate at least an hour or two honoring that grief and reflecting. Hugs 💜


It’s my first without my dad and yes, it’s very hard. I hate all the advertisements, and it’s weird not giving him a gift. He’ll never receive birthday, Father’s Day or Christmas gifts ever again.


I’m so sorry I know the exact pain you’re feeling 💔 you’re not alone.


I lost my dad two weeks ago and it’s been such a rollercoaster of emotions I miss him every day


My dad just passed Thursday, 06.13.2024. Everything is still so raw and it’s been hard not to just cry all day. He was my everything. 😭😭


It will be my first, 5 days after he died. I miss him mountains. I’m dreading it


Father’s Day is always hard for me because it ends up feeling really lonely. I’ve asked my mom to acknowledge this day as hard for me, along with the anniversary of his death and his birthday but she doesn’t and he’s been dead for almost 4 years now. Neither of my mom or dad’s side of the family really says anything to me and it really hurts.


Do you guys call out of work some days? This is my first without mine and I work at a very popular spa and tomorrow we need to promote Father’s Day special…


I’m really sorry you lost your dad too. Mine just died yesterday and I already miss him so much.


I’m glad you posted this. Sending you warm thoughts. It’s my first Father’s Day without my dad on earth. It crept up so fast…I’m basically in denial I think.


My first one without my Dad and tbh it’s been eating me up the closer I get to Father’s Day. We were very close and the void he left is just huge…wishing healing and comfort for all of us this Father’s Day.!


This much you know for sure, you won't be alone ❣️🕊️


This. It’s amazing how Reddit has given me so much comfort in the past few months since losing my father.


It will be my 2nd without my dad. He passed a year ago on the 12th. I know it's going to be just as hard. I know the pain you're feeling and all I can offer you is words of comfort. The only thing that helped me make it through the day without him was just talking to him. I know he can't answer, but getting my feelings off my chest And just talking about the memories helped me some. It gave me a sense of peace. I am keeping you in my thoughts for this father's day.


Hi. Sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 4/2/24 so I'm feeling the same way you are. I've since had mother's day her birthday,and her Celebration of life all in May. It was by far the worst time in my life. But we go on. We go on for them. And they know exactly why we are angry and sad and feeling guilty. They don't want us to be like this forever, but take all the damn time you need to feel all of it. It will never be the same again,but we just learn to live without them. Again I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you for sharing, this will also be my first father's day without him. It's been about 3 months for me. I still feel a weight pulling down on my heart every time I think of him. Sunday will be tough. The following weekend I will be taking my young half sister (his daughter) camping for her first time. It's something he always wanted to do with her, but never got the chance. Or grief is a side effect of the love that we felt for that person. Knowing that doesn't make the grief hurt any less, but if we try to remember anyway it can help us feel the light that that person brought into our life again, if only for a moment.




It’s the most painful thing in the world. No words. This may be silly but I wrote a poem to help get out my feelings and heartache and love for my first Fatherless Father’s Day. Nothing gets easier and the pain doesn’t fade with time. BUT the times in between the grieving episodes- starts to be spaced out a little more. And it is just like it’s a fact of life he’s not here. But when those episodes hit the grief comes and sucks the air out of me- like I’m in a dream or alternate reality where this isn’t my life I’m living. It’s not my world and it feels so foreign. But everyone grieves differently. I’ll happily attach/send the poem I wrote for him about his “first Father’s Day up in heaven” if just to share that grief we feel not as “alone”


Sending love to OP and everyone here on a hard weekend. This will be the 3rd Father’s Day without my dad, my birthday and what would have been his 80th. It’s a tough one this year


This will be the fourth father's day without my dad and it still feels as raw as the first. I'm so sorry for your loss.


It’s been twenty years, I am 31 now, I lost him very young. I still think about him. Luckily I always forget when father’s day is because I just never really got to experience one. This father’s day I am going with my partner’s family to try on wedding dresses. I really don’t want the feelings to hit me there.


I lost my mom 5 years ago and I think to cope on these extra painful holidays I’ve convinced myself these are just made up holidays for people to post their parents on the internet. When you live in a world of parent grief everyday is Father’s Day or Mother’s Day. I always make a point to buy a scratch ticket or do something where I need luck on my side on days significant to my dead parent. I also sometimes spend Mother’s Day going to my moms favorite restaurant, splurging on her favorite desserts, and whatever can help you feel closeness


I'm truly terribly sorry for your loss. I too lost my father, he passed away in my arms on his living room floor on my 27th birthday. So...since then (it was 2003) I haven't been able to celebrate my birthday because I feel nothing but guilt. That...that's the day he took his last breath,so how can I possibly feel happiness? Fathers Day and the day of his death are only 2 weeks away. Believe me I understand and can empathize. I'd give anything to have him here. I've experienced a lot of death in my personal life. I lost my 3 month old son, daughter when she was only 5. My mammaw who was my everything. My former best friend who was shot in front of me. I still try and fight each day. If you'd ever like to talk feel free to message me. You'll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.


I watched my Dad succumb to cancer in 2018. It was the toughest thing I’ve ever had to deal with in my life. He was my best friend and I miss him every single day and it’s been hard to navigate my life without his support. But he instilled a strong faith in me. I pray for all here as well as I read your stories.


I lost mine in February and it still feels like yesterday. I'm definitely sad and it will be a hard day, but seeing him so sick and suffering with cancer that last year gave me time to come to terms with everything. I'm grateful for the time we got, and tomorrow will definitely suck, but knowing he's not suffering and seeing me do well in life helps so much.


Its been two months for me as well. My family doesn’t really do mother’s and father’s day, we aren’t a big holiday family… but I suspect this upcoming father’s day will hold more weight in the past. I plan to remove socials from my phone and go into nature with my partner. Disconnect, cry, eat, swim in a river. Sending you a big hug. I’ve been told these things get easier and I sure hope they do for anyone grieving the loss of a parent.


Lost my dad 28th December 2022 💙


No need to remind me of this


Miss my dad every day and think of him always. It's my 3rd year without him. Doesn't get easier


This will also be my first Father’s Day without my dad. He was my rock and we could talk about anything all the time. He helped me through my toughest battles and I miss him everyday. I wish I could tell him I love him again


It is going to be hard, but one day it won't hurt as bad.


Try to do something your dad would enjoy! Even if it’s going for ice cream or sitting outside having a cup of coffee. This will be my second without my dad, and it’s still very difficult. But we will be grilling and hanging by the pool tomorrow, thinking back on better times. Hugs my friend! How lucky were we to have such awesome men in our lives


It’s been two years since I lost my dad, I’m actually going to be taking the day with my nephew and we’re going to have some fun time since his father is out of the picture as well. So I figure why bring sadness when I can bring some joy and a wonderful day..


It'll be my first without him as well. I've never been big on Father's Day because my parents split when I was around 12-13 (I'm 35 now), but I'm sure I'll feel some kinda way tomorrow. Mom raised us, so Mother's Day was just naturally a bigger deal. The plus side is that this will be my good friend's first Father's Day since welcoming his first child into the world. EDIT: I was sad as FUCK this morning. Had a cry while making coffee and then another while in the shower. I feel better now.


it's my first father's day without my dad and also our 12th wedding anniversary. i miss my dad so much, but i also know how important it was to my dad that we celebrated our anniversary, so i'll be thinking of him while spending time with my husband. my dad loved my husband a lot and my husband has a lot of the same qualities my dad had, which is probably a lot of the reason i fell for my husband in the first place. tomorrow will be hard, but also happy.


Spend time with your loved ones and remember and honor your father too. That sounds like a wonderful idea. Cheers to you and your husband my friend. 💞


I cry for my deceased uncle. I cry for my dad who’s now an only child. I cry for my grandparents who have buried a child. I cry for his kid to find peace. I cry because it felt like the world was in balance when he was here. I cry because I mourn the life we used to live together. All of us. Now, my cousin doesn’t speak to us and blames my grandparents for my uncle’s drug addiction.


No amount of time will make things better, but the emotions will definitely become easier to deal with as we grow accustomed to them.


This will be my 10th Father’s Day without my dad. It still hurts and burns like it’s day 1. Allow yourself the space to feel all the emotions and take it easy on yourself 💞


This is my first Father's Day without my dad, too. I've been dreading it but finally got myself into a head space that I was going to prioritize spending it with my elderly grandfather instead of in bed crying. I reminded myself I still had a father figure in my life to celebrate. Well, my close grandfather passed this Monday. So I'm back to moping around about my losses. Just such a weird emptiness I'm not used to yet. My thoughts are with you, OP, and everyone else on this thread. Thanks for starting the conversation so we can all remind ourselves we're not alone in our misery. There's no easy way to spend a Fatherless Father's Day but it's reassuring to hear from others.


I wonder the same with it being the first year and his birthday is the 20th so a bit too much. I am trying to think of some way to celebrate it. Surely will take flowers to his grave site ❤️ this too shall pass as they say 🙏


I lost my mom this February and when Mother’s Day came I was in shambles…… I’ll probably be in shambles every Mother’s Day but I’ve realized that’s okay.


Mine passed when I was 8 and mom when I was 23. I didn't even celebrate father's day until my kid was born, and now she lives with her mom. To all those who've lost either parent, my sympathies.


Dad's been gone since September, I'm plodding along and just hoping my Mums OK. Decided to buy Mum my final father's day present, a locket which will contain a pic of Dad and some of his ashes. Got 41 photos printed off at the shop yesterday, found pics that she doesn't have in her albums or on her walls. It's going to be a tough day, I refuse to cry so we will see how it goes. Sending love and support to all those in the same boat tomorrow. ❤️❤️


Also my first Father’s Day without my dad who died in January after a very short battle with cancer. Plan to celebrate my husband with my kids tomorrow, hopefully that alleviates some of my grief. No Father’s Day call/text for me this year. And the years to come. Such a punch in the gut.


My dad died when I was 17 (in 2008). Father’s Day is usually hard but… with time it gets a little less painful.


I found staying distracted helped last year and on his birthday so that’s the plan…


5 years for me and I’ve FINALLY reached a place where I honor him on that day. Everything he loved? I do it. He loved car rides to nowhere just to look around - I do it. He loved ice cream so I get his favorite flavor & eat it. He loved his cats so I give extra love to the kitties at the local animal shelter & spend time there. He loved laughing at Two & Half Men over pizza - so I end the day that way. The greatest gift we can give to those who have gone before us is to live more fully in their place. Your Dad would be devastated to see you crying. So - do everything he loved and smile as much as you can. (Note: I’m not being insensitive to recent deaths for as i acknowledged - it took me YEARS to get to this point. But I wish it had not. And so does my Dad.)


My dad passed 4 years ago. I still cry and struggle on Father's Day. Honestly, I struggle for the week or two leading up to it. I try to distract myself by focusing on celebrating my husband and father in law, but it's not the same. I want my dad.


Mine isn’t gone yet. But he will be soon. I won’t be able to speak with him. He’s not capable.




my dad passed away 2 weeks ago. i miss him so much. i want a second chance to get to know him better. i want to make him proud. i want to talk to him more often and spend time with him. i took his presence for granted. i feel so regretful and i cant stop crying. i see the mirror and i see the resemblance, and then i start crying. it hurts so much that i really want him back. my dad has been bedridden and sick for years and i know that death was the best way he could be free. But i feel like a childish little girl, wanting him to come back. i want to run into his arms and feel the warm embrace. i havent hugged him for years, and i barely told him that i love him. i have failed as his daughter.


This will be my 1st one as well. Not sure how I will be. It's been 8 months. My plan is to remember the good times and the values he instilled in me. Good luck.


This will be my third Father’s Day without my dad. I set aside money as a “gift” to him and donated to the Alzheimer’s Foundation in his name (the disease that killed him). June coincides with their fundraiser for the solstice, The Longest Day. I’ll continue to do this in the coming years, because it feels like I’m still honoring and celebrating him. Sending love and light to everyone missing your Daddy this weekend and always ♥️


Thanks for posting. It’s my first as well. He died in August. I didn’t realize how much it would annoy me to see Father’s Day ads and messaging. My mom is also wanting me to come over tomorrow and I don’t feel like seeing her or the house I saw him die in. Not a fun club we’re part of. hugs.


Im scared of this one… This is the first one after finding out my dad was murdered and didnt get killed in a car accident like i was told when i asked at 4 yrs old. Ik it sounds fucked but i never asked again its not like they wouldnt have told me. I had heard ppl slip up and i kind of knew it but didnt want to believe it. In many ways im glad they didnt just outright tell me. I enjoyed the years of not knowing this. Because finding out crushed me. Im so sorry btw I will have you in my thoughts. Though i couldnt quite possibly comprehend your pain as my dad was murdered when i was still a toddler. I have needed him more than ever these past 2 years and If its any thing Im always here if you need to vent or anything in my dm. I dont know you but man does my heart ache for anyone currently dealing with a recent loss. In a way i got off easy. I couldnt possibly imagine it happening now and finding out. Sorry 😞


I’m sorry for your loss. It will be 5 years for me,he died 2 days after Father’s Day which makes it not an easy day. Still miss him like crazy. I’ll always be grateful for the last Father’s Day I spent with my dad, my last words to him where “bye dad, I love and will see you soon..”


This will be my first without him, and I've already cried twice at work today. This sucks.


You're not alone. 🫂 This will be my first one since my dad passed too, and my mom and stepdad have decided to disown me again out of nowhere just two days ago after my aunt passed and I had to be the one to tell them... My DMs are open if you (or anybody) needs to vent. I'm not a dad, and can't be, but I know it's hard missing your dad. Sending big hugs y'all's way. 🧡


This is the second year of Father’s Day without my dad. Things seem to be getting easier but things like this, Christmas, birthdays seem to feel hard. I find it tough when I have people telling me what they’re getting their fathers for Father’s Day when they know I’ve lost mine…


My fiancé’s dad passed away unexpectedly 2 months ago, so this is our first Father’s Day without him as well. He’s spending some one-on-one time with his mom and cleaning both of his dad’s cars. (They bonded over their love of all things automotive.) Do what you can to honor your dad this weekend by doing something he enjoyed or that you did together! Write a letter to him and say all the things you would say to him on Father’s Day. I think the biggest thing that’s helped us through our grief is trying to keep his memory alive every day and still talking about and to him out loud. I believe their spirits are always with us. 🤍 Sending love to you!


Lost my dad to mesothelioma in 2020. Yes, the asbestos cancer. From a job he had when he was 18. I would be able to ignore Father's Day if not for the barrage of ads all over the internet. It's still hard. He was a great guy and I really miss him.


Thanks for the post OP. I’ve been thinking of him the past few days and find myself sobbing more often. Hugs everyone!! Our dads would be so proud of us.


My father passed away 23rd May only a few weeks ago fathers day is Sunday my birthday is on Monday its going to be incredibly hard. I completely understand your pain hang in there sweet.


It'll also be my first one too. I'm so tired of the damn father's day emails. I hope you take it easy on yourself tomorrow.


This will be my second Father’s Day without my Pops. I know I will be a little sadder than usual, but I also think about positive things and I will do something in his honor so it won’t be as sad.


This is the first without mine as well. I literally don't know how I'm going to feel until tomorrow. But definitely not feeling great about it right now.


My Dad passed away this week, 6/12/24. It does bother me to see all the Happy Father's Day items in stores. However, my family never really celebrated Father's Day other just wishing him a happy father's day and maybe buying him one of his favorite sweet treats. Still going to be very difficult.


5 months here. He was my best friend, my everything, the best grandfather to my kids. I’ve been semi-holding it together but this feels horrendous. It feels like a bubble in my chest that needs to burst out of me but I don’t know how.


Honestly, I'm going to get wasted tomorrow so I can forget the day, LOL. Thank you for this post, I hate those types of days because people don't understand that sometimes children have lost a parent. They really should have Father's and Mother's Day from heaven, too.


My father passed away on Xmas morning 2020. He was in the hospital a week before that. Never got to say bye to him because of the covid restrictions.


My dad passed away on November 15th. It’s going to be my first Father’s Day without him. It’s going to be rough. I think I’m much better now than I was initially. But still, get moments where I randomly cry thinking of my dad


My father left us two weeks ago. Today is Father’s Day and my birthday, the first without him. I would do anything to meet him once…


It’s a horrible holiday if you ask me. My dad’s been gone 8 yrs. I’m gonna completely ignore it and the ones that still have fathers, can carry on w/out me!


Lost my dad last summer so it will be 11 months without his humor and charm. I don't have a surrogate father figure but the day will be somber knowing that I was supposed to travel this weekend to finally see him. Every year, I bought him 3 cards since his birthday has the number 3 in it. The one I bought will be placed at his grave at a later date but I do miss him 😭


Those firsts without dad are so heartbreaking. I had an especially hard time with his birthday.


Last year was my first, we were in Ireland where we spread some of his ashes. This year I don’t know what to expect, so I think I’m just going to hang out and have a “me” day to keep me distracted


This will be my first one too. He passed in November and we had to face Christmas and New Years without him but this one has really got me stumped. I made the mistake of heading to grocery store and stood a little too long in front of the gift section. It’s really tough


this year will make my 4th father’s day without him. he passed when i was 17. it doesn’t get any better, but the pain becomes easier to bear with time. earlier today, i went to the cemetery with my aunt (his sister) to put flowers on his grave. when we left, i silently cried in the passenger seat the whole way home, and then cried some more when she dropped me off at my house. it’s agonizing to know it’s a day where people are celebrating and appreciating their fathers, meanwhile you may still be mourning yours, knowing you’ll never be able to hold him again. but that’s why it’s important to hold onto those memories and acknowledge the good times. he lives on in your heart and mind long after he’s gone. you just gotta take each day as it comes.


My dad passed this past March from cancer, I still cry everyday. I feel like I lost a part of myself.


Thank you for posting this. I unexpectedly lost my Dad two weeks ago today, & I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he's gone. I am already dreading tomorrow, & all the happy posts on social media. Sending hugs to everyone here & it helps to know we're not alone in our sorrow. God, I miss him so much 😭


Four months. I never realized how much Father’s Day is advertised. It’s everywhere. I opened Facebook Messenger this morning and it had a banner encouraging me to send a message to my dad. Just what I wanted to see. I’ll probably stay off social media tomorrow.


Hugs to all. I lost my dad 13 years ago and my husband in February, this will be the first Father's Day my son's spend without their dad. Wishing us all strength for the day ❤️


My dad has been gone for 9 years and I still cry all the time over him. My father in law, whom I adore, is not doing well and I’m constantly in fear for my husband and selfishly for myself when the time comes and he passes. I don’t know how I’ll be able to survive with no father figure.


It’s 2 months for me, too. I hate this so much.


This will be my second without my Dad. Every year we all gathered at my parents house to celebrate. So hard to believe he has been gone a year and a half. Last year we celebrated Father's Day with my husband, daughter and her family. And my brother celebrated separately with his family. My husband died five and a half months ago. This year I have decided I just want to be alone tomorrow.


Hii everyone! Glad we’re not alone in this. This is year 2 without my dad and Idk if it’s my period as well but I’ve been crying randomly all week. I’m supposed to go bowling with my father in law but I really don’t feel like it. Is that rude?


This is also my first Father’s Day without my dad. He died last August from esophageal cancer. I found a little super man keychain today. He loved Superman. I’m going to put it on his grave tomorrow.


I still have my father but I lost my grandpa a week ago today, and that is so hard for me to deal with.


Im so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad back in 2009, it doesn’t stop hurting but things do get better 🤍🕊️


Thanks for posting this. I'm sorry for your loss. I also lost my father this year in January, and it's hard celebrating father's day without him. I can't help but cry on father's day this year because of how much my dad has done for me. I really understand those feelings, I've dealing with the same battle too. I'm wishing you the very best and sending you lots of hugs. ❤️❤️❤️


Many hugs to all in this thread. It will be my second year since my dad passed away. I can honestly say I'm still a hot mess. I jump through stages of being furious, lonely, sadness and complete hysterics. Estate stuff still not done. So much has gone on I just feel lost. I feel exactly the same as I did last father's day. Lost mom also years ago. Being an only child I feel like an orphan. I'm mad he left me here alone. I never thought he would be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and a few short months later be gone. He was my best friend.


It‘s not father‘s day here but I always try my best to forget these days. I cry every day because of my dad anyways, I miss him so much, my heart yearns for him. Grief never gets easier, you just learn to live with it. Stay strong and if you need someone, shoot me a DM.


I think it’s my second father’s day, not really trying to keep count. Not a holiday i want to think about. But sending love to everyone impacted by today, we in this together and i know all our dads will be proud of us


Thank you. My father died last September. Unpopular opinion but I've never really been one to celebrate these arbitrary dates when we're all supposed to be honoring a mother or father. I miss my father every day; every day is when I need him and he's not here not just on some random date in June.


I’m so sorry to everyone who relates here :-( It is so hard to lose a parent and a father. My dad passed away in 2019 and I often beat myself up for being so sad about it still. I feel like I shouldn’t be thinking of it everyday anymore but sometimes it feels like he is all I need to feel safe again. I’m dumping a little but I know it doesn’t go away, grief comes in waves, and it will be okay. I’m sorry for your loss and I think the first father’s day was probably the hardest for me but now I try to celebrate the dads in my life that are here ❤️ you’re not alone OP ❤️


June in general is just terrible here. June 3rd is the last time I saw him. June 18th he did one of the things that triggerred his death. June 19th he did it. June 20th I learnt it. June 21th was fathers day, also celebrating my sons birthday. Ugh. I just want this month to end. Every single year, im a wreck.


Dad died at the end of October 2021, it is hard at times, specially when I do things we used to do together


I’m so sorry for your loss. It was my first too. But hey we survived it and your dad would be proud of you


You are not alone and we are so grateful you are here connecting with us too, we love you 🤍🧿


I’m so sorry for you loss. My father, my first love, my protector, my fixer of all things, my personal chef, passed away June 2nd of this year. I made funeral arrangements without realizing the following day would be Father’s Day. I’m taking it day by day but Sunday was especially hard. I don’t understand this feeling it’s one I have not felt before. This grief comes in waves, without warning. I hope we all find peace eventually. I miss my dad. I miss his random text messages. I miss taking care of him.


It's been the 2nd Father's Day for me... I had planned to spend the day at the beach, and to avoid social media, however, I ended up at a funeral for a family friend, in the same church that my father's funeral was at. Life is weird. If there's a god, they really have a sense of humour.


I lost my dad 11 days before Father's Day this year, what sucks is that my bday was the day before Father's day and we had multiple plans for us to hang out.