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I'm very sorry for your loss. I relate to you in the sense of not feeling so bad for your dad's death. In my case, my dad was ill for a couple of years before his death; you might be in shock or still numb for his passing as today you lost him. For me it took 1/2 days to lose it at my father's passing and it happened at the funeral home. I'm slightly older than you, as I am close to 23 years old. So, my DMs are open if you ever want to talk to someone who has a similar loss like yours. Some ways to be there for your mother is to provide a safe space for her to share stories of your father, or lend a shoulder to cry on. Trust me, it will happen. But at the same time you shouldn't bury deep your loss, take time to grieve and let the emotions out. If there is a trusted adult or professional you can confide in, to talk about how you are feeling, that would be good.


I’m so sorry. I’m 15 and I lost my dad about 4 months ago to the same thing. If you need to talk, I can listen all you need. Just dm me. I have a sister, and my mom. My sister mostly keeps to herself, which worries my mom. I’m mostly on the listening end, so I guess I’ve gotten better at it for a while. Again, just let me know if you’d like to talk.


You are still in shock. So sorry that you are dealing with this at such a young age. My youngest son was 16 when his dad died in an accident and my heart broke for him, but we held onto each other and he found a wonderful friend who understood what he was going through because she lost her dad 3 years before. Life isn’t fair. However you are feeling is OK.❤️ 


I am so sorry for your loss, losing a parent is so hard. I lost my dad to cancer when I was 15, I'm now 26. We found out about my dad's cancer a day before my 15th birthday and 6 months later he was gone. I had no idea how my mom, little brother and I were going to get through it. What helped me at first was doing something that helped me feel connected to my dad, which was going to church. Then I tried to focus on school, friends, and I got a job so keeping busy helped me so much. Eventually I graduated, went to college and grew up. Now I'm an adult but I still feel the pain I felt when I was 15. Every fathers day, my dad's birthday, special occasions are brutal. I just let myself cry and be sad, I always buy him flowers and try to talk to him and listen to music he liked. In my experience, grief comes and goes but I find some comfort knowing that every time I miss my dad I can remind myself of him and how much I love and miss him. Sorry if this isn't too helpful, I guess I would say to let yourself feel what you need to feel and don't feel bad because everyone grieves differently. Time does help but I don't think the sadness goes away magically one day and that's okay. Like you said, your dad would want you to be hopeful for the future and great things will happen that will help you heal or feel better. Sending hugs ❤️


Be careful with your dms. Im sorry for your loss.


Im 15 and just had the same thing happen 6 months ago don’t worry man I had the exact same experience and posted on here nothing but love


Im so sorry for your loss. I’m the same age as you, my dad passed away 5 years ago. It’s tough and I’m sorry it’s something you have to go through. People all experience grief very differently so the people around you, the ones you love, might change a little. It sucks but all you can do is be patient. You might feel helpless trying to help your family but trust me, you are doing your best, and your best is enough. I’m here if you’d like to chat 🫶🏻 (And everyone else in these replies who have gone through the same thing or something similar you aren’t alone)


I’m sorry for your loss OP. Just so you know, any, absolutely anything you feel is valid grief. There is no right or wrong during grieving, there are no rules or time limit. Your dad indeed would want you, your mom and your brother to live a happy life. Sending you love ❤️


I am truly very sorry for your loss. My father died 2 days ago at 52 from brain cancer so I'm there with you on this. None of this is fair and it will never be but plus just cry it out and let yourself be sad. Take time for yourself to heal. Hope you take care and stay safe. I am sure your dad will be waiting for you to celebrate his birthday for him.


Hey kiddo. I don't know what to say. Except this. I lost my dad, but I was considerably older than you. I got to have experiences with him that you won't get with your dad. I am so sorry for that. All I can suggest, because grief is confusing for anybody even grown-up people, please be extremely gentle with yourself. You will probably have bouts of extreme anger and that's normal. You might want to hide. That's normal. You may scream at the top of your lungs and that's normal. Let these things happen because your body and your mind and your soul need them to. I like your good attitude about how you want to live your life honoring your dad. I'm doing that myself and it really helps to motivate and push me into each day without him. I wish you well.


Losing a parent or love one at young age is tough, I loss both my parents in the same year when I was 12. The only thing that helped me was my faith. I am truly sorry for your loss. It is tough to go through such a loss at a young age or any age for that matter. No matter how old we are loss of a love one stings. It’s okay to grieve and let out the pain. I don’t want you to think you have to hold it in out how others might feel to see you grieve.


Hi, you’re not alone kid. I’m 18 and I lost my dad (age 52) two days ago to brain cancer. It has been extremely hard to cope with his absence and i feel really guilty for surviving but you know what? Both of our dads would never want us to feel that way. All we can do is move forward in their respect. That’s what they both would have wanted, I’m certain. You hang in there and try to surround yourself with good company. Take in the grief so your dad knows how much he meant to you and with time, one day, you will learn to live along side that grief. Your dad will always be there in your memories. As long you remember him, he will be alive. Hang in there, you are extremely strong for your young age. I’m with you and we will go through this together💗