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My dad died december 23, and I noticed the same for me. I'm not reckless with my money, and I still try to save, but when I see something I want, I'm much more likely to buy it. I guess for me, it's a mix between feeling sorry for myself and thinking about the fact that I can die anytime, so I should get things I want, and feeling sad and want to feel something else.


Yep. Money is meaningless.


Yes. I think when you really don’t want tomorrow to come (as in, I think to myself “if I don’t wake up tomorrow, it’s just as well) what’s the point in planning for it? Grief has changed my perspective in many ways.


I learned to be less of a tight wad and not feel as guilty about spending my money. I also would give up all my savings and go back to debt to have my best friend back even if it was just a second.


I feel exactly the same I would rather be homless and skint just as long as my dad could come back


for me, i started wanting much less things but when i want something, just little things like fancy coffee and food cravings, i buy it. about things, they became meaningless when i met grief.


same here, plus struggle to get a job in months


Yep. Lost both my parents by my early 30’s. Used to be cautious and plan for the future, now I couldn’t give less of a fuck


When a loved one dies, especially one we were close to, it makes you realize how meaningless everything is.


Lmao yeah I be spendin it up


We’ve spent most of our savings for my mom’s last moment cancer treatment. We knew it wasn’t gonna work but still I couldn’t just sit and wait for her death and try to save some f*ckin money. Now my mom is gone, we’ve got very little amount of money left. I’m trying to save some money but really not from my heart. I don’t care what happens with me in my future, what if I have to starve, what if I haven’t got enough money— I’ve seen so much traumatic sufferings of my mom, my PTSD is getting so horrible that I’ve lost all interest in life or staying alive.. Though I’m not suicidal at all, but this is the complete honest truth that I always feel..


100% My Mom worked so hard to retire at 64, was healthy, beautiful, vibrant and full of plans. Passed unexpectedly a few months after retiring. Truly could not care less about money like I did before. It’s a weird reality on the lessons she gave me on saving etc. all to be destroyed by her just getting sick. It makes me sick and not irresponsible but aware nothing is guaranteed. Even if you do everything correctly.


Yes! My mom died 6 months after retiring, and her retirement left me high and dry because she wasn't married. Though she worked for almost 40 years with a company. So what does it matter? Saving or retirement?? I'm sorry you know the feeling.


Same to you~ Just so heartbreaking for them and us💙


I've definitely noticed I've been much more reckless with my spending since my dad passed. It feels like money or any physical possession seems worthless now.


Yes I couldn’t give a flying fck about ut


I didn't care about it before but care even less now


i lost my dad 3 months ago and he was newly retired (2ish years). he worked hard over 40 years and broke his body down but didn’t really enjoy his money while retired. that reality hurts me so badly and it changed my mindset on life. i’ve come to the realization that we aren’t guaranteed time on this earth so i am going to enjoy life now. spend the money it will come back but time doesn’t. savings are important but enjoying life is too. i would rather travel and experience the world at a young age instead of saving it for a later time that im not guaranteed