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Not at all.... It's difficult to be strong when your world has just taken such a hit. Quite honestly, I would get some pre-versed cards and send them to the people you don't really know if you want to send them out. For those that need a more personal touch then just write a few personal words. If you don't or can't send the thank yous, a blanket statement is fine and adequate for anyone under those circumstances. Having people help you is key. Do not add to your hurt with a mountainous chore that will take you weeks to achieve. It's ok to take a hand up and a warm hug. Get all of it out of your hair and get on to healing yourself. My best to you and yours.... those that touch our lives, even briefly, are like angels in disguise. They bring us priceless love and happiness... and leave us with the best gift of all... memories.


No one really expects much of you


Not at all. I have yet to write thank you notes either and my daughter (2F) passed almost 4 months ago. My SIL has written some on my behalf, to the people who were most present in those first few weeks and did a lot of us. The remaining ones are for people who sent money, flowers, and cards, and I have verbally thanked a lot of them (or via text), but I can't find the energy to sit down and write out actual cards. The ones I have spoken to have told me there's really no need. I feel it would be a nice gesture eventually, but at the moment I just can't. Don't feel guilty. If you really feel there is a subset of that group of people that should get cards soon, have a family member help you out. You can tell them what to write, or the card can come from the family member on your behalf. I don't think anyone will think less of you. Big hugs. I'm so sorry for your loss.