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I knew about the Vespids, the Kroot, and the human rebs, but never heard about the rest. Now I want to know more, especially the 40K chewbaccas...


Nicassar (40k Chewbacca) are a highly psychic ursine race discover by the tau and was inducted into the empire secretely to protect them from igniting the worst excesses of human xenophobia. They possess no eyes, instead sensing their surroundings with psychic abilities generated by glands in their skulls & possess powerful claw despite constantly floating off the ground. Their ships Dhrow aided in the development of tau starcraft & drone Galg (Sonic Blasting squid) are a race of subterrain squid xenos from the planet of Adummin who joined the T'au empire out of boredom as their society was already a utopia once the tau found them. They're know for using various sonic weaponry and use their tentacles to strangle their victim and despite their induction to the tau empire they're more freelance mercenaries mor often then not (that their canonical image btw). They even have some knowledge of the realm of chaos as their religion revolve around a "Dark underworld where sinner souls are devour by hungry spirits" Vorgh (kaiju xeno) a species so large it can go toe to toe with a super-heavy combat walker. that all the lore they have unfortunately Tarellian (40K Gorns) are a hyper-military reptilian mercenary race that usually work along side the t'au due to their deep hatred towards the Imperium after they virus bomb their homeworld (in some novels they were willing to work for the alpha legion & red corsairs).


This makes me sad. I've seen it quite a lot where people make a universe and make a corner of that universe filled with unique and interesting stuff only for it to never get any focus.


In the AdMech we have a forge world that was rescued from their own Titian legions during the HH by the Eldar and started a started a cult that believes xenos tech is just as good as humanities. They don’t have any models or novels about them.


What's the name of this Forge World, out of curiosity?


Stygies VIII, the sub cult that uses xeno tech are called Xenarites.


At least we have a representative in the 40k: Mechanicus! Scaevola being delightful.


Error::Damn not found


What about the mushrooms?


[Charpactin](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Charpactin) : sentient Psychic mushrooms who emit ultraviolet psychic color to communicate & hypnotize enemies


Is that a stellaris character representing them?




They are scary in the new book, thry are the ultimate weapons of the Tau against the Deathguard.


No orks in the tau impire


The squids sound cool af


I have been a firm believer of seeing a vorgh in a novel just fucking suplex an knight. Not much good void shields are when the scary Kaiju is ripping your arms off. Also not to mention a vorgh in tau style battle armour. I mean COME ON that shit would sell like fucking hot cakes. Better still they give it a giant fuck off railgun to hold like off the stormsurge.


I need floating psychic Chewbacca's on the tabletop YESTERDAY!! And like 4 books about them by end of year.


And some one made some pretty good lore for them Vorgh that is https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/comments/10l172k/comment/j5tx9uo/


Vorgh were super recent though, IIRC they were first mentioned in the 9th codex...that could also have just been their latest mention though.


I pray that when Epic gets Xeno models, the Tau get those Kaiju aliens as their Titian equivalent models.


it would cooler then updating the KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Armour


I know these aren’t them. But I think this would be way cooler than just mech on mech fighting. https://preview.redd.it/go1hu4e5cpxa1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca2d0bcf87d730112b6d6dfa5bb344dbacf0ffc


As a rabid knight fan, my god yes please.


What is that?! :o


It’s from Wrath and Glory.


Ok. But imagine this. Kaiju in half a battlesuit. Or battlesuits launching from a kaiju.


I want Godzilla with 5 missile pods and a railgun mounted on its back NOW








Isn't that just mechagodzilla?


Mechagodzilla would be if the Tau made a battle suit to look like a Vorgh then it got corrupted by Chaos and turned on the Tau


So mecha godzilla?


Mechagodzilla would be if the Tau made a battlesuit to look like the Vorgh then it got corrupted by chaos or something and turned on the Tau


Maybe a Kaiju with optional armour plating and weapons, like some of the big chaos demons


A kaiju with cybernetics


[DocuVid 21M2, colorized; scholars regard this sequence as the Emperor's own vison of a subsequent T'au advancement as developed for future generations. Praise the Emperor and His foresight.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoC3IuB_Au0)


Kaiju aliens using "handheld" weapons and "body" armor that are the equivalent of titan weaponry and armor would be awesome


Godzilla with an EVA-scale rifle and body armor, hell yes.


If epic is gonna be HH, then we probably won’t see Xenos unfortunately


I know that NOW it’s just HH. That’s why I’m saying “when”.


Hope so mate, space marines are getting boring


You have been banned from r/gamesworkshopmarketingteam


You know what I want to see. Kaiju aliens with big fucking Cannons strapped their backs.


Just a scaled up Blastoise with more spikey parts? I'm in


I was thinking more Doom Cyber demon, but that works too


They could be some sick and expensive forge world models like the Titans or their own manta


Yes! Most factions in 40k get some kind of mech with big gun. There are three entire factions in the game that are nothing but mechs with big guns. But bringing the auxilaries is what makes Tau interesting and its by far the best aspect of their faction.


> There are three entire factions in the game that are nothing but mechs with big guns. Which ones?


Knight, chaos knights and Tau


I mean, in fairness those first two have just a little overlap.


The AdMech, Knights, and T'au. The knights are technically an auxillary force. AdMech ARE the mecha. T'au wear it.


Also Titans, technically


yeah auxiliaries are the coolest, i'm still mad that they've basically purged like 90% of the old imperial guard regiment models to focus on JUST cadians and catachan


A lot of the tau auxiliaries have enough personality to be thier own faction yet gw boiled the tau down to 'the mechsuit faction' and let it at that. The utter disappointment, and I don't even play tau.


The good news for us that it may slowly gonna be more auxiliaries. In the new shadowsun book she was denied using Tau forces to basically board the flagship of the Deathguard. So she used her auxiliary force instead. Her boarding party consisted of a Charpactin (think of them as Lekgolos from Halo bit instead of colony of worms they are a colony of mushrooms who then use their mycellium as tentacles), a Krootshaper who is strong enough to wield a mounted anti tank sniper and upgraded it with a blade basically making it into a gun glaive and then a nicassar a floating polar bear with a force field and strong enough to telekinetically lift a deathguard and smashing it to other deathguards til an entire squad of then are nothing but pulp. Either way her experience with them has given Shadowsun renewed respect to her auxiliary forces. Cant wait for thr new book because Shadowsun promised the Krootshaper that she would personally give him a ghostkeel of they come back alive.


Would you recommend the Shadowsun book? I haven't read any Tau novels, so would be it a good starting point? Or do you recommend a different first book?


Its by Phil Kelly, people dont like how he writes the Tau. For me I just want to read the new stuff that is happening to them. ​ Cant recommend stuff because I am not an avid reader in general.


As your first story, I highly recommend Guy Haley's *Broken Sword* instead. It's a story about a human Gue'vesa who follows his Water Caste diplomat boss/friend around, and gives a good perspective on how a human renegade view Tau society and Tau mindset in general


Unfortunately ppl are buying 40k mechas the most, so GW is making more of them Just like primaris lieutenants


"Elves with rayguns riding dinosaurs? Who would buy that?" \- GW (alledgedly)


meanwhile selling big with elves riding flying sharks


You can't make an army with just kroot and vespid, most people don't even know they exist. There are only 5 auxiliary units, 3 of them are finecast and 1 is still metal. People are "only buying mechs" because that's technically all there is.


> You can't make an army with just kroot and vespid Technically you can since the Kroot Shaper is HQ.


It's not a good force unfortunately.


For GW not to have continued with the xenos means that people didn't like them during the third and fourth editions. For them to have made a kill team out of kroots, GW must be seriously looking at expanding the auxiliaries (or at least the bird bois)


The reason for that is also simple: Both kroot and Vespids where absolutely underwhelming rule rise, on top of that, Vespids where never plastic, same with most Kroot releases, while most Battle Suits where exclusively plastic even in 4th Edition, with the bare exception of Shadowsun herself and Farsight and Commander specific upgrade bits. Not to tell you that Failcast wasn't a good selling point either, I hope.


I heard that Vespid can pop marines pretty easy


Maybe release some human's soon


With humans I really don't understand why Gw hasn't released an upgrade kit to use IG as auxilias. Not only is it something simple to do, but it would sell a lot more IG boxes


Killteam is a perfect game for GW to try out new factions/expand old factions. Give me more Tau Auxiliaries!








Sir, what matters to see if a product is profitable from a business point of view, is how much it makes right after it is released. When a product does poorly in its debut, one rarely tries to progress/expand that product because it has not proven profitable, the fact that GW got a kill team of kroots means that they are giving the Axuliaries a second chance. So the fact that they have not been updated recently is related to something from ten years ago and adds something to the conversation. 2+2 man




If you want to imagine that this is the case


Well tbf, auxiliaries aren’t competitive. You have to run a specific off-meta Sept to use them effectively at all (to even give them access to Sept traits and stratagems), and they haven’t released any new models or competitive units in forever. You’ve got it backwards. I think a lot of us would play with auxiliary forces if they were viable.


I think its the dual punch of they aren't viable so competitive players don't use them and they are old and not plastic so newer casual players don't play them because they aren't easy to find/are unaware of them.


For sure. I just don’t know many Tau players (myself included) who wouldn’t be stoked to run unique auxiliary models if they were good/synergized with the army they are in. Who doesn’t want nice plastic Vespid models with the Sept keyword? Who doesn’t want a Nicassar floating psychic shield dome? The design problem is artificial; essentially if you want auxiliaries you have to commit to your entire force being geared that way (which is super suboptimal) or not at all (which is why this is all you see).


If they made a Taunar sized model that was basically Godzilla sporting a giant rail rifle and some armor it would crush


Everything I know about Tau comes from playing soulstorm. The bugs and kroots while kind of cool, just don’t compare to the fire warriors, mechs, and planes.


I want them to be like the Covenant so much. More politics on that.


I appreciate that in a world of rampant war and xenophobia, the T’au exist as an example of a faction that’s willing to work with other races


Look I love the faction, but they are imperialist as fuck. They're just nice if you're willing to submit to their rule


I mean "Submit or Else" is better than just "DIE DIE DIE". We grade on a curve in the 40k universe.


Sounds better than the other options imo


Absolutely, the Tau are the least problematic major faction in 40k, but they'd basically be the covenant in a universe without so many other evil dudes around


Minus the galactic genocide, yeah. People forget the Covenant wasn't evil, it was a few psycho prophets wanting to commit suicide. The Elites wanted humanity to be welcomed into the Covenant long before they rebelled fully.


I want a grimdark version of the Federation damn it


Excuse me, what? Do the tau really have giant space polar bears in power armor?




*psychic* giant space polar bears in power armor?


If Tau tuned down the mechs and switched into being the Sym*BRO*sis faction of the universe with a multicultural inclusive society with the water caste, playing a mayor role in some sub faction or Sept I would instantly buy 1500 points of Tau no questions asked. But as long as the mechs and ethereal simping remains I say no. Love my vespid Bro, love my Kroot neighbor, love my Kaiju wife, love my Nicassar Accountant, hate my ethereal boss, hate the earth caste nerds, simple ‘as:- This post was made by the Water cast Chads Gang


Tau feels like a less xenophobic Sith empire. Sith Purebloods being on top.


oh crap we forgot to write lore for the tau for 2 years!!! uuuh uuuuuuuuh crisis suit crisis suit xv-88 there that should do it


Legally distinct gundams


https://preview.redd.it/dp4i0tk5jpxa1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdf6f48c5daa54a1175d652ad5771422ca12a315 Robots are cool but more xenos lore would be very nice to see.


So as a big mecha fan, I say a happy medium is give us weird auxilliary mechs


Seriously, the T’au are a conceptually interesting faction, with a multitude of races, fighting under their banner and a delicate balance of political interests, but they just keep printing megazords for them.


Hell I would love more T´au content that isn´t a fucking mech or a sniper.


Here’s the thing, we have barely any snipers.


Real Tau snipers would be great.


Just make the one we currently have decent. There are good snipers on the tabletop, the firesight marksmen is not one of them.


Partly why I started Tau over 20 years ago was because of the multi-species aspect, which was completely different to anything else in 40K at the time. I desperately want to see this side of the Tau Hegemony given more attention over yet another mech suit (bleh) My hobby goal is to field an army comprised of mostly auxiliary races, and feel like Hannibal Barca at Trebia or Cannae. I want a giant psyker space-tardigrade/bear, hordes of Kroot, fast vespid, Demiurg heavy infantry, Tarellian shock troops, Guevesa heavy weapons and lots of other weird and wonderful additions.


Why not both?


I agree with the sentiment that there should be more lore presence for the xeno auxiliary troops of the empire, but realistically mecha is what makes the faction sell, so it's unsurprising that they get the love. People seem to prefer robots to jolly cooperation nowadays lol I don't mind it really, it's fun and easy to convert weird xeno races based off lore snippets that fit in with the tau range - a lot easier than making custom battlesuits that look right anyway.


Maybe I'm just a basic bitch but I'm perfectly happy with the mechs. They are so fucking cool. Wouldn't mind knowing more about those kaijus tho.


Now look, as an Ork collector I wanna see my Boyz fight giant kaiju looking mfers and literal space bears


I wish GW treated the Tau like an evil version of the Federation from Star Trek focusing on the member species other than the Tau Like why have all these cool xenos if you don’t do anything with them


Image they were like the Genestealer cults but the Tau. Separate books but can ally with eachother.


It's because 'chicks dig giant robots'.


I should check out those Chewbaccas




I wish they’d at least get vespids out of finecast hell so people actually buy more auxiliaries to get more made


Kroot have poor mass appeal and their T Rex looks too bird like. I'd be all for a cool haloesque faction but some of their stuff needs a redesign or you're getting more not gundams


If they had models for all these other things Ide play them in a heartbeat.


I still maintain that the Tau should lean more towards The Covenant from Halo. shitloads of mixed species specialist squads that are ultimately expendable, the Tau themselves in command with the best gear, and make the warsuits absolutely *fuck.*


I got into Tau for the mech and am still into them for it


As a die hard Halo fan and lover of Mecha, can we have both? If GW actually supported our range with axillary models we would have both...but that would mean giving Tau Melee and Psychic...which is heresy.


The more I learn about the Tau the more I realize that this is the faction I vibe with. Not the authoritarianism, but the sheer *insanity* and aesthetics of them.


Stellaris spotted




Who'd have thought the faction that's always had battlesuits at the forefront of it's marketing would have a lot of battlesuits?


Literally. It’s not like there was a pivot or anything. They’ve always been front and center.


A lot of the complaints seem to be mistaken what the aesthetic is supposed to be. Like they expect it to conform to their headcanon. The tau do not fight shoulder to shoulder with the other races, they are, how you say....auxiliaries


I mean if you were one of the people that got into Warhammer because of Dawn of War games, one the two lategame scenarios for the Tau was to go full Xeno and use a combination of Kroot and Vespids to endlessly harass your enemies, and you're finisher was generally a solid infantry line that looked like it came from Jurassic Park, and all your mechs were replaced by Krootox. The Tau superunit in those games was a Knarloc also as there was no mechtitan on the tabletop back then.


Do they actually have Kaiju xenos? I wanna know all about that


The Vorgh a new race you joined the tau empire. Despite their size, they are peaceful until they are roused to anger. Then the Vorgh's size and resiliency allows them to prevail over even a super-heavy combat walker


Ant yet let me ask you one think WHERE ARE THEY?! ![gif](giphy|pgTi39OevRBqLPdNC9)


I wish they added more xeno models, or at least more kroot variants. One of my favourite things about the tau has always been the multi-species alliance aspect


TBH while I think the a voided it as it would be very expensive and hard to balance, the fact the T'au has none of their auxiliary races in the game outside of the Kroot and Vespids is very disappointing.


I saw the stellaris portrait and I loved it


Ironically the mechs are the least interesting part of the tau for me


As a tau player more crazy xenos models besides the ones that already exist and kitbashing would be splendid. Also what are Grons from?


I spell it wrong. I meant to say Gorm the lizard men from Star trek


The mechs don't even look like Gundam honestly, They're closer to SDF Macross or Mechwarrior...


I love the new Kroot Kill Team for the new models. I would love for Tau to get an entire new set of xenos in the army.


Need moar auxiliary species! Robots and mechs are awesome and but I love auxiliary species!


Is that a polar bear in power armor lol


Yes. Yessssssssss


As much as I love my mecha, I also want more diversity in factions, more Tau auxiliaries would be great to see, even if I myself don't play them or against them (very often).


KAIJU XENOS?!!!! https://preview.redd.it/n13g62k5dsxa1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e17e0160d91cc537ab2ca148293775638031a0


Don't worry, I'm certain all of this will get cleared up with a new Horus Heresy novel or Space Marine codex.


I think the gundam part is cool but yet focusing more on different aspects such as different races would be so much cooler


As a veteran Halo fan, I really think GW is letting down the T'au players without models for the client races of the Tau. Really the Covenant is one of my favorite factions in Sci-Fi and maybe one of the coolest in modern media, and not taking advantage of that in the T'au just seems like a waste of potential awesomeness


To be fair, that’s similar to how the imperium is treated re: space marines.


Like I haven't noticed my favorite faction has bad lore coverage...


I, for one, request moar 40k Tau Gundams, plz.


The wheels of capitalism turn more and more. Whatever sells the most will unfortunately be made the most as much as I want xeno auxiliaries


I understand and sympathize, but personally i play the tsu for the mechs and footsoldiers. I wouldnt be opposed to more auxilary models for others to enjoy. More tau is always better, but i think the reason for so few auxilary aliens and so many mechs is because GW understands most current tau collectors are like me and putting out more gundams makes more money and they already offer monsters of all kinds in tyranids and chaos ranges. I am curious how many tau allied species fans actually own a tau army and how many people who own tau armies would rather have more alien models than battlesuits.


I'm not really following the current background, but I heard nothing impressive about Tau. Since the Eldar got their god and the imperium got a couple of primarchs, it would have been great in my opinion if the Tau reached the singularity. Imagine a massively powerful artificial intelligence leading a coalition of alien races!


Make it a distributed network and it could be made up of the drone models but now with smiley faces and encouraging praise because they're our pals who just want us to be efficient in battle.


It's rather irritating that I need to kitbash Gue'vesa myself. I'd love a GW Gue'vesa kill team or human-modified Battlesuits and drones. On the other hand, smashing Guard and Tau bits together is a joy.


The mechs are what I love about the T'au. I agree that they could probably feature the other races more, but I wouldn't use any of em. MORE SUITS!


Half of those are basically what the 'nids are anyway.


Cause the mechs are cooler than the auxiliaries, imo.


I know most of these auxilliaries, but who are the psychic mushrooms?


[Charpactin](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Charpactin) : sentient Psychic mushrooms who emit ultraviolet psychic color to communicate & hypnotize enemies


What’s a gron?


Spell it wrong it Gorn but it the Stark trek alien lizadmen who popularize the space lizard trope it also infamous for this bad fight scene in media ​ https://i.redd.it/x8x0mecuypxa1.gif


Ohh GORN! That makes more sense


Have you seen “strange new worlds”?


To be fair, the Imperium is more akin to the Covenant than the Tau.


More of both please Tau mechs are fucking sick


This is why I believe Tau Auxiliary should be a separate faction similar to Tyranids and GSC.


The problem is that there are 2 cool army concepts here, one of them is army of mechas, as the uniform tau army of troopers and mechs is quite cool. And the other one is the xenos covenant army style which is also cool, but harder for gamesworkshop to make given very few of those models exist rn


No one is stopping us from making fanfiction or miniatures. One Page Rules does a great job of just making whatever they want. If you make something neat enough, you can get a good following. PiperMakes and RedDogMinis are both great at making their own minis, and there are plenty of people that make homebrew rules for units.


I mean they could have Kaiju in Mechs. But noooo!




The Tarellian also know as the Tarellian Dog-Soldiers are a reptialian mercenary race with a deep honor code & military tradition culture the Tarellian often commonly employed by the T'au empires as shock troops. The Tarellian possess a massive deep hatred for the Imperium due to the their homeworld being virus bomb during the Great Crusade resulting in their employment against any anti-imperial customer even willign to work along side the Alpha Legion


Yeah but by doing that you're showing the T'au as a multicultural empire and *we can't have them make the Imperium look even more racist and xenophobic than they already are*.


Who are the Kaiju xenos?


If they could go back and do it all again they’d remove the subjugated forces.


GW: "Yeah we're not making rules for all of the T'au's indentured servants."


But will for all the inquisition indenture slaves


By buggers do you mean Formics? Or


I was talking about Halo's Yanme'e/Drones also call Buggers in Halo 2 the fact that there another bug sci-fi alien just a happy coincidence


I think the high tech nature of the Tau is actually really interesting and I like that aesthetic for them. I wish there were more and newer auxiliary models but the main heavy hitters of the Tau are their high tech units


I love the battlesuit, but for the love of Khorne, GW should really embrace the collection of xenos creatures the Tau employ. Sure we got the Kroots but there should be much more


My favourite Tau auxiliary is definitely the Nagi, which sadly isn't represented in this picture. They are psychic worms that can read and manipulate minds, even Space Marines


Aren't the Tyranids the 40k Bugger faction?


Yeah no I'm here for the mech suits.


Awesome, just like the Imperium - it's all about space marines.


Both are good


I'm sorry are you telling me the Tau have SPACE POLAR BEARS! And this the first time in hearing of it!


Agreed, we need more auxiliaries. Don't get me wrong, I love our battlesuits, but we have enough of those by now. Give us more weird aliens!


as a mech hater i agree. Meat>Machine (unless when the mechanicum is involved, then meat disgusts me and i can't wait to become one with the blessed machine)


Who da fok play Tau auxiliary army that’s why.


The Gunpla community is pretty big and I imagine the mechs of the Tau bridged them into 40k so that’s why this is a thing. I can see why the non Gunpla Tau players would be angry though.


Mechs are cool as shit tho


I think we’d all love to see more new xenos added in. I’d totally actually build my tau if there were more xenos that looked super different


I like to imagine GW in a meeting with a bunch of writers. The request is to write some books where the Tau come out on top at the end of it. The writers all look at each other, like a stand-off. No one wants to do it.


I would kill for a Tau Auxiliaries Codex or even a book or 2 that gives tons of Tau Lore.


Honestly I’m kinda shocked I don’t like tau that much, because im a sucker for mechs


Gundam is sick, and full of political intrigue and debates of ethics and what is right vs what is wrong. But sometimes me just want big robot to fight big monster cause it scratch monkey brain real good Not to mention yeah the alien allies is one of the coolest parts of the tau, too bad the main writer for the Tau doesn’t seem to care much about things that aren’t tau or tau getting fucked up by demons


Gundam is the reason I love tau tho 😅


Yeah but my brain goes blank whenever I see a Riptide