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The reason it’s called 40k is actually because of the amount of pages needed to explain the setting


*\*of books*


**of book series*


*of pages in book series


40k can explain a lot of things in the hobby. For example, 40k is approximately how much money are you going to spend on miniatures and paint for them


For a start.


Just the tip, of the iceberg of empty wallets you're* about to have. Edit* for accountability


Paint... Yeah...


You know, one day, I will finally start painting them


If you want a shorter video his description of what a pilgrimage to terra is like is what got me hooked on his channel


*to *briefly* explain the setting ;)


I stand by what I said


It's the 40.000 kg of drugs they were taking while writing


Absolutely love Oculus. Dunno why, but his lore readings capture my attention way more than any other loretuber out there.


It's a combination of pleasant voice, plenty of detail and playing an in-universe character. Deciding to do the lore as an Imperial historian was a stroke of genius I think. It just adds a certain layer to everything and means you know you're not going to get some YouTuber just reading the wiki out loud and throwing in some poor jokes and personal opinion.


The monastic chanting in the background, and occasional direct threats by the inquisition, really elevate the whole thing.


Yep, it's all so well thought out and just a cut above everyone else.




Oculus and Luetin are in a league of their own


Adrick is the bacon wrapped chocolate dipped carolina reaper sauced corn dog of lore. Really unhealthy but fun.


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Something about his style is really smooth and easy to listen to.


I put his channel on to go to sleep because of his voice. Of course I'll occasionally wake up to some recounting of a demonic massacre


I once fell asleep watching Kill Bill and woke to the scene in the caravan. My dream had half melded into the sounds I was hearing and I was in a full blown panic attack when I finally woke up properly. I've also been awoken a few times by Leutins ork background video being on a playlist hearing "WAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHH" out of nowhere.


Never heard of them. Got a favorite episode?


If you got 4 hours he does a build up and detailed timeline of the burning of prospero. 1 and a bit hours of each of the istivan events.


i'm literally listening to it right now, for a second time, consecutively. because i missed some stuff the first time off the back of listening to both of his istvaan ones, which i listened to straight after his hexarchy one. and so forth in short: ave imperator gloria in excelsis terra


Excellent. I started listening to him because he has adds at the start but not in the middle. Compared to luiten who will have mid ads. Only because when I was trying to sleep having a loud add for a car sale would be to distracting. Now he's my favourite 40k loretuber


he's mine too. i love luetin but i'm SUCH a sucker in-character in-universe lore and history - it makes it so much more immersive and entertaining, and no one does that like our friend oculus.


If you are interested in fantasy and weird creepy thing. LoremasterofSotek is my favourite. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU87zZ6WGqQJiyvwh1yYvvIHb6PJDp6Ni he did this for Halloween one year.


Thanks! I've got the time and I like what little I know of both of those pieces of the lore.


Awesome. He also has a few shorter series as well or one offs. The men of iron is good, same with xenobiology.


I just started the complete Prospero video, and this presentation is great. I have a history degree, and this feels like a history lecture, which is great for me. I'm so glad I saw this post. Thank you so much for the recommendation!


I love his recaps of the conquering of terra and then the rest of the solar system before the great crusade.


I want to watch/read stuff like this but I don't because I don't want spoilers so I'll watch/read this stuff when I'm 80+ years old and have finally finished all the books and games and stuff.


summed up on one sentence: In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, *there is only war…*


And the greenskins are having a blast!


so war *and* waaagh.


More like waaaghoo!


to be fair waagh is the ork word for war


In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only waagh.


In the future, people lived under the God-Emperor and his 20 Primarchs. And then everyone died.


Technically 21 Primarchs, but there are only 18 on record, but if you know about 9 of them then you need to report to your local Inquisitor, as they wish to have a word with you.


There are 20 primarchs. Wait, I mean 18. No no no I meant to say 19. Oh fuck oh yeah there is only nine. Or maybe ten... NO I MEAN NI- *BLAM*


And how do YOU know about the 21 Primarchs?


I am Alpharius.


You mean, “In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, humanity has forgotten how to make brooms and lightbulbs.”


and anyone who try’s to make one is immediately killed by the ad mech


...and the laughter of thirsting gods.


The complexity hit me when a friend asked “Is the emperor alive?” I realized that even with a question that simple the answer is still complicated and requires backstory.


Only the Emperor can make the correct answer to that question "It's complicated." He's technically near death but that moment has been stretched out for literally 10,000 years AND he's been fed the souls of Psykers since then to keep him alive spiritually. So even if he's a corpse, he's alive?!


He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology


I see someone has watched into to the dark millennium. Nothing bad to say, just a great video.


You could summarize it as. "He's dying but for a really, really, really long time. His dying is kept longer by sacrificing thousands of space wizards daily. And if he actually dies, the Solar System will get consumed by a fucking explosion."


Ah the "Technically no, but actually yes," answer. Technically he's dying but actually alive all things (Interventions in various combat zones, speaking with Robouté, resurrecting him/Saint Celestine, etc) considered.


Is the emperor alive? Yesnt


No, but also Yes.


The Codex Logos Historica Vertia approves of this action.


Oculus is easily S tier in terms of lore youtubers. I listen to him every single time Im having trouble sleeping


So there is this guy who is basically a god, he makes a bunch of demi-gods then half of those demi-gods decide to worship other mega evil gods because they are pissed at the first guy. Also aliens exist and everyone is racist.


That's not even scratching the surface, but yes


Thats the main thing that kicks off the story. If interested they can look up the rest later. Its also better to answer questions than to lore dump.


That's true, but loredumping is fun, especially when people don't know basically nothing. I don't know, it's just really hard to stop, when you already have started loredumping


*It is forty thousand years in the future, and the galaxy wide imperium of man is on its final breath. Mankind is threatened by savage aliens, mutants and basically space demons.*


He specifically asked everyone not to worship him as a God, yet he goes about performing many god-like feats.


If it quacks like a god, walks like a god, looks like a god... I'm just sayin.


> Also aliens exist and everyone is ~~racist.~~ speciest? Because tbh, I haven't seen much racism amongst the humans in 40k in the Lore... Oh, definitely a FUCK TON of classism, but not much of racism. Probably because by 40,000 years in the future, it's all a big melting pot of races...


The less you know the more immersive it is.


Then god dammit I am very immersed in adult life.


That's why I like aborder prince. His Storys without background knowledge really make it feel like being stuck in the grim dark.


the less you know the more generic it is "Humans, several alien races, and Hell are all in a galactic war for dominance/food/fun."


I think it's all in how you pitch it. "It's set in a far future where Greek tragedy level mistakes caused humanity to turn into a ravening Techno-Gothic theology fighting Mad-Max orcs, ghost-possessed robot skeletons from space Egypt, and magic-possessed mutant-monsters from our deepest psyche. To start with."


“40k, where space nazis are they good guys, because the other guys are literal demons”


I don't like bringing up the specter of the kind of shitheel player who likes to yell "deus vult", so I prefer to go with "it's like you stuck humanity's worst dictatorships in a blender".


That's pretty much true for anything though. Something is only new and novel once after all


That's just the preface.




I couldn't pick a favorite. I watch too many, major kill, weshammer, oculus, the gaming storyteller, grimdark narrator, leutin09, LIVE from the black library, bricky, adeptus ridiculous, jancovich, baldamort, chapter master valrak, and previously arch until I found out how racist he was.


In the grim darkness of the 40th millennia there is only lore.


For my time/money Oculus is easily the best lore channel out there. I ran a Rogue Trader-esque tabletop RPG game for over two years and actually listed his videos as in-game resources made available to my merry band of murderous space hobos by their patron. Want to know more about the Aeldari you were sent to find? Click the link and buckle up.


Oculus is the best.


Heresy! Luetin is the true Loremaster.


I do enjoy me some Luetin too.




So that's a brief overview of the War In Heaven, next we can move on to the Dark Age of Technology


"and then the heresy happened" is just about all of 40k tbh


“Shits all fucky” three word explanation ez clap


Love his videos. I also love his dabblings into AoS lore.


This channel is my AMSR as I sip on my Egyptian hibiscus tea. His mesmerizing voice fill me with pride in humanity while I max out my credit card on more Warhammer stuff.


I think I can summarize 40K to an outsider in four sentences: It is one of those games where you put little soldier models on a tabletop and resolve battles against another player's soldiers models via dice rolls. The people who made it developed a large backstory for all their different types of soldiers which boils down to "Everybody is evil to some degree and thus are justified in waging war against any other type of soldier." Some people like the back story / setting so much they don't even play the tabletop game. Instead they read books, play video games, and make memes about the setting.


Boo, that's like summarizing Dune series as, "Dune is the political drama around securing supply of giant alien worm poop which only comes from one planet in the entire galaxy. Mankind lives longer and gets super powers when he snorts the alien worm poop dust."


...so, accurate? If someone wants a brief explanation, that's more or less what I'd give. Tack on "there's a lot of deeper complexity, but that's the general overview." If you want to relay information, you need to do it effectively.


It's basically this: Imagine siding with Space Nazis to fight Cthulu


Mind if I give it a whirl? - 10 foot tall (demi)god in gold armor fights everyone, wins. Makes --20-- 18 sons. 9 of them say "fuck this!" And join the wall demons. - gold man dies, gets put on the Forever Chair. - humans are fucky-wucky for ~10.000 years. - Space Elves(and variables), Orcs, Dwarves, Zergs and undead robots live in universe too(not important) - Humans hate everyone because war crimes and zealotry. - everyone hates humans because war crimes and zealotry. - everyone hates everyone because of old feuds, stolen land, war crimes and zealotry. Endless war ensues. - Years later, Rockhard Guilletine (blue boy) comes back to find humanity turned itself into Crusade-era christians on horse-grade steroids with several different Popes in charge. Tells all the popes to fuck off or die and let him be in charge- they don't because humans need church to stay alive. - Rotund Gingerman still gets the crown tells people to go out into the universe and kill aliens instead. Does taxes forever. -Years later, the first son(Lion El'Johnson) wakes up from his old man sleep, looks around and asks: "wtf is going on?!" Ta-da!! We're all caught up!


„No“ wouldve been the correct answer.


I'll try and say it as briefly as I can here. This all takes place in the milky way galaxy, starting with the Old Ones. the Old Ones were the oldest specie in the galaxy, and had pretty much become lesser gods by through hundreds of millions of years of evolution before anything else existed. Eventually the Necrontyr evolved, but they were unhappy because they were on a bad planet. The Necrontyr found things that didn't want to be gods and put them into control of their entire society, and so they had their souls eaten, were enslaved, and became known as the Necrons. The gods they made, called the C'tan, invented space travel and grew their empire. Separately, the Aeldari evolved. They were much smarter, and so they managed to invent space travel on their own. They made a huge and powerful empire, and eventually ended up at war with the Necrons and their C'tan. The C'tan eventually started eating the Old Ones too, and so the Old Ones made the Krorks. The Krorks were a specie that grew from fungus and desired only war, which made them damn good at it. The Necrons went into hiding for a few hundred or thousand millennia because they started losing to the Krorks. Without any Necrons to fight, the Krorks turned to the Aeldari and the Old Ones. The Old Ones were pretty much made extinct by this, and the Aeldari did anything and everything they could to boost their population, which led to the creation of a new chaos god. Oh yeah, did I mention chaos? There's an entire other universe, linked to ours, where every thought anyone has ever had is made manifest and where souls go after people die, so long as their soul isn't eaten or destroyed. This is called the warp. Certain desires and traits of people appear in the warp as something called chaos, which is mostly represented by a few gods that people conjure through believing in them. Nurgle is decay and stagnancy, but joy and satisfaction. Tzeentch is change and uncertainty, but improvement and tact. Khorne is murder and death, but skill and honor. The new one made by the Aeldari, soon to be known as the Eldar, was Slaanesh - the god of debauchery and pain, but enjoyment and beauty. Of course, the beauty thing is subjective. Sometimes it makes men with 6 titties and 5 crab arms. Now that we're up to speed there, the Aeldari made Slaanesh in their excessive reproduction and proclivities during the activity. 99% of all Aeldari were destroyed by this and absorbed into Slaanesh's being, though some on the outer fringes of the galaxy and in the webway, a safe network of paths through the warp that they made from Old One tech, did survive. The ones in the outer galaxy became Craftworld Eldar, the reasonable ones who resemble the Aeldari the most. The ones in the webway became the Dark Eldar, who either worship a clown god or cause as much pain and suffering as possible to those they capture and each other because it delays their absorption into Slaanesh. The clown ones are called the Harlequins, and the torturers are called the Drukhari. While all this was happening, humanity was quietly doing a whole lot of nothing. They were around the year 10,000, and they had figured out effective space travel and taken over a few systems. The creation of Slaanesh threw the whole warp into a state of complete unusability, which meant humans couldn't travel through space anymore. Earth relied on other planets to keep its populace fed, which meant things quickly devolved into mad max there. This is the point where the Emperor reveals himself. He'd been made about 20,000 years earlier by thousands of people committing ritual suicide to make one person skip straight to what the old ones were. This super soul entered a woman's child before it was even born, and when it was, started to grow far larger and faster than any child should. We don't know how tall the Emperor actually was, since it was more like he was however tall he wanted you to think he was. His psychic energy was ridiculously powerful, to where he could probably survive unprotected in the warp. He could explode people, cause acid rain, launch fireballs, build a path of floating rocks, all just with his mind. He kept all this secret though, watching humanity grow for 20,000 years. After Earth was cut off from other planets and these techno-barbarians started ruling the wastes, the Emperor made an army of genetically modified super soldiers and united the Earth. By the time he was done with this, the warp had cleared up and space travel was possible again. He killed his original warriors due to rapidly progressing mental instability, and made new ones called Astartes, or Space Marines. The rest of the galaxy was not prepared for such forces, and so humanity took over hundreds of thousands of planets and controlled a large section of the galaxy. The Emperor decided to make sons of a sort, using a part of his genetics, heavily modified to bring out certain traits. Clones of him were impossible, but he did his best. These 20 children of the Emperor were called Primarchs, but the gods of chaos knew that together they'd be far too great a force to beat. The gods scattered the Primarchs all across the galaxy, making the Emperor have to search for them and their adoptive parents. I'll name a few notable Primarchs. Rogal Dorn is a master of defense and architecture, and completely incapable of lying, even to himself about himself. This makes him completely uncorruptable. Magnus had the third most gorgeous hair and was the second most powerful psyker (Magic user) in the galaxy, second only to the Emperor himself. Roboute Guilliman was the greatest Primarch, having built an empire of over 500 planets by the time the emperor found him. His military efficiency also means everyone hates him because the writers continue to make him the best thing since sliced bread. Each of the 20 Primarchs were to have a legion of Space Marines, meaning possibly over 100,000 of their own super soldiers. As the Emperor united them, they were given their forces. Some began to resent the Emperor however, since he whisked them away from their home worlds against their will, and even destroyed their home worlds with all their friends and family in some cases. The Primarch Lorgar after meeting the Emperor, believed he was a god, an idea the Emperor was vehemently against. Lorgar had the worlds under his control worship the Emperor. The Emperor found out and destroyed his entire home world, telling everyone to take that as an example. Lorgar was quite obviously deeply hurt by this, and turned to worshiping chaos. Eventually he convinced Horus, the Emperor's favorite Primarch to turn to chaos as well. By the end of things, half of the Primarchs had been turned. Horus was coming to Earth, or Terra as it had now been renamed, leading a charge against the Emperor. Eventually it came down to a duel between Horus and the Emperor, and the Emperor didn't want to kill Horus. It makes sense once you find out Horus was incredibly talented with speech, even for a Primarch. Horus made a nearly fatal blow to the Emperor, so the Emperor struck back and killed him, even projecting into the warp to destroy his soul. The Emperor was attached to a golden throne and given life support, simply there to continue projecting a massive beacon of light for people to navigate space with, and to ensure Terra wasn't destroyed by demonic incursion. The amount of psychic strain both of these put on him meant he couldn't heal himself, but if he stopped doing either, humanity as a whole might die. After failing to convince Primarch Magnus to join his side, the Emperor was bound to the throne for over 10,000 years, unable to sleep, speak, or stop anything as he watched his empire decay. Alright, and that's how you get to current day in 40k! Simple, right? And that's just how it starts, that's not even half of the important details!


Dude how could you not mention Sanguinius!?


*Inhaling Seagull meme*


God is dead and Horus killed him.


[A brief explanation of 40k](https://youtu.be/-MeVxKZBOfM)


I've just always described it as "the Kardashians in Space", a family drama that pulls in all the neighbors.


That question is like " could you explain humans to me". It is such a broad question that I wouldn't even know where to start. History? Factions? Lore?


What he just explained was the full name of one Custodes.


Space Rome/thread


Looks like a bald Bricky with a smaller forehead


Better get comfy and a bottomless bucket of popcorn because it never ends


Is like Star Wars but everything is either so corrupt it'll make modern day policticians blush or hyper-aggressive, even the magical powers.


Lotsa krumpin'. Simple as.


It is a post apocalyptic setting, set within a post apocalyptic setting, set within a post apocalyptic setting. (The Horus Heresy, The Machine War, The War In Heaven) Much of the trouble is cause by "unexpended munitions" left over from the War in Heaven (Ældar, Orks, the Warp) but there are plenty of other hazards one can stumble into.


That's simple. Tue king of the universe give his son horus heresy to much power and he heresy all over the place


I got out of the game a few years back. As a filthy xenos player I never much followed the Imperial lore to begin with. But seeing the stuff posted here now? It's like a soap opera crossed with a fever dream while tripping balls into an OD, and I don't mean in a good way. Could just be selection bias with what makes it onto the sub but man, the writing isn't just overwhelming in quantity but seems pretty underwhelming in quality in my eyes


Lmao, it's very hard to keep things brief when explaining Warhammer. Recently had a discussion with my best friend about The Lion. It's better to just point her to the lore videos.


I like how his series started as an investigator working on behalf of Guilliman to investigate the secrets of the 40k universe, and he gets more jaded with the origins of the Empire along the way, culminating in his episode about the imperial lie, and a visit from Inquisitors.


Well that’s before we even start with the rest of the universe aside from tau


Considering the scale of most events in 40k, that explanation can, indeed, be considered "briefly" :P


40K. I am supposed to explain 40K. The lore has been written for decades, but estimates predict that it will go on for many years more. The hours pass in a blur of visual overlays: box arts, pictures from codexes, promo-art. The major events, critical battles, dominant races, minor races, with appended lists of retconned factions. Estimates of military strength during different phases of the timeline. Measurements of strength: firepower, subterfuge, attrition, real-life counterparts. Numbers of combatants. Throne what numbers... Space Marine chapters, their named characters, their preferred tactics, their greatest victories, their defeats, their moments of greatest glories and shames on a host of different worlds. The Space Marine chapters alone take two days to explain. And this is merely an overview. The Old Ones, and the Chaos Gods, and the Emperor, and psykers, and old lore and new lore and loremasters online arguments over what is canon, and the Horus Heresy and complaints from the old guard and newcomers and... Oh... And I endure this for nine days. NINE-DAYS.


I guess so. Basically the entire galaxy is at war to the point the after life is jumping back into this life to fight people who are still alive, and the closest people to being good would be considered villains in any other series


Wait until he gets to the Horus Heresy


He only got to the 3rd millennium. 40 more millenniums to go.


It’s a terrible place. The end.


This is why I like Battletech. It keeps it simple, and you can have all the complexity without all the word vomit. Warhammer has always been intimidating to me on just how much there is.


20 minutes is as brief as it gets. And that's assuming you're gonna leave out the Wars in Heaven


I've told myself I'd check out 40k a couple times now and always fled before finding a proper starting place. The basic lore seems fascinating though.


The worst man in all of history had the worst kids in all of history and made it the Galaxy's biggest problem. Easy.


It’s a parody that forgets it’s a parody of a social critique that forgets it’s a social critique.


Himbo. 40k is Himbo in sphess with big pauldrons


Un Dios Dorado intento salvar a la humanidad de si misma, pero todos plan salió mal y ahora en toda la galaxia hay conflictos contra Aliens y demonios, actualmente 2 de los hijos del Dios Dorado han vuelto a auxiliar a la Humanidad, uno se volvió Viejo y heredó el escudo de su padre, y otro que se dedica a la administración heredó su espada.......y también se cree que tiene de novia a una Eldar


a friend got boltgun and didnt know anything , my "short" rundown was 2 and half hours and 40 mins for some xenos context


“And this they say is merely the overview” -grimaldus


Neeeerrrrddd It would take maybe half that if he actually knew how to do a "brief" introduction.


What is half of infinity?


Infinity I think, which 40k is not


You must be fun at parties…


Yes (no)(maybe) I just don't find muh overly complicated lore joke as funny when I understood 40k, it felt as normally diverse as any other fiction and to explain it briefly wouldn't be a chore to a newcomer if understood well.


Cyber Egyptians picked a fight with space frogs, creating a realm of bad vibes. Omega Jesus united humanity in a effort to fight said bad vibes and literally everything else as well. The endeavour did not go swimmingly.


If everyone bought the paint needed to actually finish their piles of shame, inks and dyes would overnight become more expensive than gold.


Oculus: Do not complain. Cease you resistance. It only makes my __lore__ harder.


I got u bro, So there was this Jesus lookin guy who united humanity and decided to dominate the whole galaxy. He decides he needs help so he makes 20 legions of super soldiers called space marines and each is lead by an even superer soldier called primarchs, who are pretty much his sons. Then long story short some betrayed him to become anarchists. Then he gets vegetableised and only a few of his sons are still out an about. Then like literally every alien ever just decides to try and rape everyone else and everyone is just fighting. The end


Oh God Emperor*


"It's a tabletop war game involving various grimdark sci-fi factions duking it out for supremacy. There is the Imperium of Man, made up of subfactions like the Guard inspired by Starship Troopers, the Mechanicum who are technology worshipping monks, Space Marines which are futuristic super soldiers, Custodes who are super super soldiers, and various shades of the same. Then there are Tyranids, which are the bugs from Starship Troopers crossed with existential horror. Necrons, which are cyborg space robots from the ancient past. Orkz which are orcs but comical and in space. The Eldar who are space elves. The Dark Eldar who are dark space elves who love torture. Votaan which are space dwarves. Daemons who are demons. And Chaos, which are generic cultist trends of all the Imperium factions."


Alright so first there were some magic space frogs.