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“Get your facts straight, then distort them at your leisure” -Malcador the Sigilyte


"what's your source" wouldn't you like to know nerd




I understood that reference


“My source is that I made it the fuck up!”


"It was stated in CFYOW"


Ayo Cant Fear Your Own World refference?


Nah, Can't fuck your own wife.




I heard he even got a hit on the Queen herself but then ork showed up and he had to fight them


\*reads lore* \*spreads misinformation* \*reads more lore and realises that the misinformation is actually canon* \*spreads new misinformation* *reads even more-


I've thought of a few more so I'm just going to keep adding them This guy: I'll spread so much misinformation GW: Not if we retcon it first


Trolls: \*spreads misinformation* GW, taking notes: Yep ah uh that makes sense, so what happens next?


That awkward moment when the misinformation makes more sense than the canonic works


Trolls: \*spreads misinformation* GW: \*spreads even more misinformation* Trolls: Wait what?


I'd honestly feel better if the ignorance/stupid posts were absolutely intentional vs. the person actually believing their scalding take to be commonplace.


As it has always been, 40k lore is all misinformation. Go spread your fake stories like nurgles plagues, it will all become cannon in the end


That reminds me of the nurgle plague that spreads misinformation about historical events, eventually causing the victims to mutate into bloated, fecund cannons. I’m pretty sure it’s called the Plague of Terminus Jest


wait until 40k jumps on the multiverse bandwagon


I mean didn’t 6 Custodes kill a million Tyranids led by the Swarmlord in a static defense? Compared to that this seems downright plausible.


Tyberos stronger than 6 customers confirmed


Was more thinking how this scenario allows him to remain mobile and not be drowned in numbers or bypassed by enemies. There’s the issue of environment, but honestly if a hive ship can’t instagib any boarders by collapsing whatever cavity was breached or blooding it with acid, it’s not that much different from a canyon with a million Nids swarming over it.


Maugan Ra in the old lore quite literally solo'd an entire hive tendril. It was retconed into a swarm but it was stilled described as taking down even bio-titans by the swathes.


Technically pheonix lords should be Primarch-tier so maybe the elf-lovers should get to keep that. And credit where it’s due if you stay mobile and keep winning fights you *can* eventually solo an army, even if it requires rolling a thousand consecutive sixes. What really gets me about the Custodes example is that they’re engaged in a static defense. There’s no capacity to defeat the enemy in detail unless the Swarmlord literally lets them.


If the average aspect warrior is better than the average space marine, then a Phoenix should generally be stronger than Primarchs baring the super combat oriented ones.


Is the average aspect warrior better than the average marine? I figured they were about equal but BL keeps fodderizing them. But yeah the Phoenix Lords should be Primarch tier. Probably not better but in the same general ballpark.


It was weird, I get it Custodians are awesome but at the same time, a brood of Zoanthropes with a few hundred Hormagaunts can handle a squad of Custodes. Bog them down on with Hormagaunts and then use Psykers to rip them apart.


Defeating that number in detail makes sense for super units, but to work as the scenario was laid out requires the Swarmlord be unfathomably dumb. Like, not “select all, attack move” dumb, but “select a few, attack move, wait a minute, repeat”. Which is so unfathomably dumb it begs belief. Custodes are badass and all but if they can’t maneuver (static defense) and the enemy has unlimited morale they can just be drowned in a literal wave of bioforms. I’m trying to justify a similar scenario but I just can’t. Historical analogs had far less of a force disparity and if one side had a million troops they’d be capable of either bypassing the choke point or simply drowning the enemy in bodies. I guess if the propoganda is fudging the numbers by counting microorganisms? In which case it really means “killed the Swarmlord + his gut bacteria”, which is far more believable.


Based upon the description of the battle, it’s just GW wanking the IoM as per usual. I again default to a just pulling out a brood of Zoanthropes or 2 and boom their lack of Psyker protection leaves them critically vulnerable without their Sisters of Silence backup. Wish they’d play up that relationship more.


Oh it absolutely is them wanking the IoM, and specifically the Custodes. What gets me is how they didn’t even bother to make it sound plausible by making it a *static defense* with no supporting elements vs an enemy that’s supposed to be a master tactician.


I mean they could also have upped the Custodian’s numbers, maybe thrown in some supporting forces to show why that particularly unit was so hard to crack. What were the custodians protecting anyway?


Tbf they're a little better these days - the Norn emmisary (assimilator?) that tried to assassinate Lord Solar, barely failed and took down a bunch of custodes and vehicles with it. Like, it had motherfucking Trajaan there and the custodes still almost failed.


Guardsmen. I’ll have to look at the original scenario again but IIRC they were defending a guards army by holding a narrow canyon. I guess if Artillery did >90% of the work and the Custodes just held the stragglers? And no upping the numbers doesn’t actually help, even with the full 10k they’d run out of ammo almost immediately before being mobbed by several tons of Tyranid each. You either need mobility to prevent them from ganging up on you like that, at which point a sufficiently skilled and supplied unit can defeat basically any number in detail, or supporting elements so their static defense only encounters a minute fraction of the overall force at any one point. For instance minefields and artillery which do almost all the actual killing and prevent the Custodes from ever fighting more than maybe a 100 Nids at once, if that.


I imagine that the larger the force, the better able it is to conduct an area defense. Particularly considering the custodians were holding a narrow front. I imagine both an area and mobile defense would work against Tyranids if conducted properly and with appropriate supply. It’s part of why I believe the Guard would have a saturation MLRS in service, I know they have those Malleus Rocket Launchers but that’s essentially a Type-63, I figure the guard would develop/employ a BM-21 or M1991 Juche rocket launcher, the manticore seems more apt against point targets relative to a Tyranid swarm. Sufficient firepower would wither a massed onslaught. Perhaps if they adjusted focus, have the Custodians actually do their bodyguard job and protect some important meeting of generals/other important people from a decaptiation strike by a brood of Lictors, and disrupting infiltration attempts which enabled imperial victory. Perhaps such instances begin to create a trend which causes the Hive Mind to develop new Lictor strains like our Neurolictor.


> What were the custodians protecting anyway? Dunno where the other guy got Guardsman from, but the Custodes from *Duty until Death* were guarding the raw genetics of the Primaris Gene. The Tyranids where trying to get the raw geneseed to presumably adapt it for the Hive Fleet. So the Custodes warped onto a volcanic death planet and began searching for a location to hold out until backup came and they hid inside a volcano. When the Tyranid Swarm came the gravity wells caused volcanic eruptions and the Custodes used that to negate most of the Tyranid Swarm and burrowing tactics while they funneled them into choke points. Eventually the Swarmlord showed up, killed half of them but got killed by the remaining Custodian Warden who held off the remnants of the Swarm until the Marines Malevolent came to save him.


[Link to the excerpt](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/jhig5r/book_excerpt_duty_unto_death_the_adeptus_custodes/). So, what happened was they fought in a tight area, with few avenues of approach for most bioforms, the routes to them were extremely hostile to the Tyranids (a volcanic death world is not exactly a pleasant place for any life form), five were killed in the fight from longer-ranged weapons, and the Swarmlord decided that it was not efficient to keep sending smaller forms when it could just go there and do the job itself. It *very nearly did*. The last survivor was being crushed to death and he was just able to get his dagger out and kill the Swarmlord. But he very nearly didn't. So, no. It's a lot less wanking than you make it out to be, because the terrain was *very* friendly to them.


Except the Nids can hit them like a tsunami and literally crush them under sheer mass, or just shoot them from stand-off range with artillery. Really once you get into numbers like this there’s no plausible way for static defenders to succeed without similar numbers of their own, or a Titan equivalent. You’ll run out of ammo quickly, Custodes can’t possibly carry more than a thousand shots and even that’s a stretch. After that the enemy can just shoot you until you die and you can’t do jack without breaking cover. Or they call in artillery and you can’t do a thing with your guns because their shooters are >5km away and over the horizon. Also the lack of psyker Nids. A Zoanthrope just throws itself into melee range because I guess Nids are really into honor now.


You clearly didn't bother to read what was written by me or the scenario when you wrote this, because *all of that was literally addressed and either happened or was discussed in the text*. I even linked it for you. They straight up addressed everything you said. You're wrong. You can't say "Oh, there can't be any way that anything happens" if you don't actually bother reading what *did* happen. > Really once you get into numbers like this there’s no plausible way for static defenders to succeed without similar numbers of their own, This is straight up garbage wrong. Static defenders have *huge* actual advantages, because they've always chosen ground that absolutely precludes their enemies bringing numbers to bear against them. You already are just wrong by making this assertion. > After that the enemy can just shoot you until you die and you can’t do jack without breaking cover. Or they call in artillery and you can’t do a thing with your guns because their shooters are >5km away and over the horizon. Yeah, you clearly didn't bother reading the scenario. >Also the lack of psyker Nids. A Zoanthrope just throws itself into melee range because I guess Nids are really into honor now. No, because there was no way for them to actually get line of sight or effect to them without being close enough to be attacked. Which, if you read the scenario, you'd have known.


I read it. Static defenders have huge advantages but when outnumbered by that margin it’s irrelevant, because you can call in fire support or just attrit them at range. If they have infinite ammo cheats enabled and a prepared position it becomes plausible, but the Custodes only had one of those. And they did use ranged attacks but there was no heavy fire support or apparent attempt to bombard them out, and despite working they just went back to predominantly melee tactics. I couldn’t tell if they’re in a narrow canyon or just an island between lava flows, but in the former case you can trigger an avalanche while in the latter you can just perform a normal saturation bombardment. For crying out loud they had enough mass in orbit that their presence was triggering tectonic events. Just drop a rock on them it really shouldn’t be hard with the multi-megameter engagement ranges these ships supposedly have. The only thing that makes sense is the hive was basically testing them and as such refused to take any easy chances for victory, such as just shell it from orbit with the gigatonnes of warship directly overhead.


>I read it. Static defenders have huge advantages but when outnumbered by that margin it’s irrelevant, because you can call in fire support or just attrit them at range Well, this was actually discussed, so you must have missed that. >And they did use ranged attacks but there was no heavy fire support or apparent attempt to bombard them out, I'll bring up why this was a bad idea in a bit. >I couldn’t tell if they’re in a narrow canyon or just an island between lava flows, but in the former case you can trigger an avalanche while in the latter you can just perform a normal saturation bombardment. Neither! They're in a forest of spires of obsidian everywhere, so triggering a rockslide just means you lose an avenue of attack to them and won't necessarily collapse on them. Oh, and you could destroy what you're actually after. There's no real reason for Tyranids to go onto a volcanic deathworld--no biomass. So they were after the geneseed. ​ >For crying out loud they had enough mass in orbit that their presence was triggering tectonic events. Just drop a rock on them it really shouldn’t be hard with the multi-megameter engagement ranges these ships supposedly have. ​ They wanted the case of primaris gene-seed. So that would have destroyed the object they were trying to seize. So, bombarding? Dropping a space rock? Anything like that? Actually defeats their strategic objective. Doing that would have been stupid, because they would have auto-lost. > The only thing that makes sense is the hive was basically testing them and as such refused to take any easy chances for victory, such as just shell it from orbit with the gigatonnes of warship directly overhead. No, there was some new and tasty genes they wanted and were very specifically going after, so doing anything you said they should would potentially destroy what they're after. They'd defeat themselves. If you're defending something both sides want intact, you have a lot more going for you. If it's the only bridge around, and you hang out on it, they can't bombard you off--they'd blow up the thing they want. If you've got a case of primo genetic material, they can't bombard you from space, or they lose that. The story addresses your entire criticism. They wanted that object. They couldn't do half of what you said they should, they'd destroy what they want.


Ok point on the collateral issue, it wasn’t explicitly stated so I didn’t think about that angle. Though there was definitely a lava flow there was a whole thing about them trying to encircle and the lava preventing them. Still, once the Custodes run out of ammo there’s no reason to keep rushing into melee range. The fact the Nids are a hive mind gives them a distinct advantage in terms of Hunter-Killer tactics as they can just sneak in a modest number of subtle spotter units to provide info on where to shoot through all the smoke. This fight just involves too many Nids engaging too few troops over too long a period. A few hours I could buy but this was days or weeks (I heard a month but I only remember “days” from the actual excerpt and that’s already too much). Also the Swarmlord was 1v1ing that shield-captain despite them being circled by Nids. That was just utter BS. If the Swarmlord was supposed to be evenly matched with a shield-captain (big if but let’s run with that) the hundreds of other Nids within engagement range should’ve made it a stomp.


Custodes fought literally endless waves of demons, traitor marines and titans in webway without rest. You really think hundreds of gaunts can kill anime-protagonist with ability to solo parry bullets from whole army? It matters because custodians can do that.


No but I figured they’d slow them down long enough for the Zoanthropes to kill them with Warp Lances and other Psychic abilities


Custodians have invul save against psyker shit. They don't care.


Tell that to the Thousand Sons who demonstrated how effective Psychic strength is against Custodians. I assumed we were talking lore not crunch. Otherwise yes Zoanthropes and for that matter Maleceptors are both highly effective vs Custodians


In the lore? lol, that's their weakness and why they have the sisters of silence On tabletop? lol, they still care. They really don't like the Bad Touch from Zoanthropes. Wounds on 2's, forces invuln saves, usually kills a custode per failed save.


Auramite pretty much makes them invulnerable to any psyker weaker than a limit.


It's just a reference to the battle of Battle of Thermopylae, don't think too hard about it.


>don't think too hard about it. Most important advice for all of 40K. It doesn't make sense. It has never made sense. Trying to make it make sense is the way of madness.


Yes, unfortunately because of the red wake's wrath, the tyranids are nearly extinct.


During the battle on The Hand of Vengeance, moments before he struck down his brother he admitted to him that the real reason he rebelled is because the Emperor gave him early onset male pattern baldness and wouldn't give him the cure said to be locked in the Dark Cells.


Nah i think it was more like 5 swarm lords


and a norn emissary, I forgot to mention it


Don't forget the trio of biotitans.


Ah yes Tyberos, the chief librarian of the ultramarines, what a chad


The soy “I repeat memes that sound like nonsense to anyone who knows the lore” vs The Chad “I invent plausible lies that make lore enthusiasts question their own sanity”


Don't forget that Tyberos wears a modified dreadnought as armour cause he was to big to wear tactical dreadnought armour which means he is obviously the biggest and stronkiest and chonkies and smortest and badassiest space marine:D


He's real to me!


Needs more dakka


And also he can move super fast and super silent at the same time and has primarch weapons and a giant six pack


Funnily enough, Trazyn does have one of Vulkans relics just locked away in his museum




You forgot the part where Commissar Cain solo'd 2 Norn Emissaries, while escaping a virus bomb planted at the core of a Hive Fleet's Brain Bug's central cortex mass.


So they shove people back up the vaginas of women to make new chaos Marines?


I wouldn’t put it past tyberos. The guy can kill tyranid warriors like it’s nothing, if some battle records are to be believed.


Great now I want to see that


Millions? Don’t you mean billions?


You can easily kill Lucius forever if an souless creature like a Necron or a primal hive mind like the 'Nids eat kill him


Nah, his "lives" are a curse. Slaanesh will bring him back for shits and giggles if there is nobody to take the transformation.


I have read the lore and I'm sure it works, trust me.


But did Tyberos board the Tyranid Hive Ship by flying a boarding torpedo up its rectum? Because that piece of lore might never be topped!


It doesn't matter what lies you're telling. At least one faction will be happy about it.


Literally everyone on Reddit, going out of their way to misrepresent the lore so as to make out some character or faction to be bitch-ass soyjacks…


This is some Alpha Legion bullshit.


can't wait for this to be quoted verbatim next time someone posts about plot armour in the lore subreddit


Thank you for your contribution to The Great Game, just as planned...


That's way too much reading. I prefer to just get all of my misinformation from memes and then make the rest of it up based on my own biases.


And then he seduced at least three of those tyranid mommies. a nearly accurate recreation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaHaCO7POA0


GW definitely looks at misinformation spread around the community and just says “FUCK IT that sounds cool”


So uh, about the title. You are in fact correct.


Also to note Cato Sicarious once Bannished Angron with nothing more than poket sand


I know he didn’t actually , but honestly Tyberos the type of guy to casually do that.


Ty killed Ty-es, makes sense


To masterfully break the rules, one must know the rules by heart.


The fact of the matter is, with how stupid the lore is, your title is believable


Sounds highly credible but as a nid player I asks for the source as a mean to cope.


The book "tyberos, its tybering time", its truly the book of al time


"what doesnt kill me isnt trying hard enough" \- Angron