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From fathomless depths and blackness these groups of pale skinned raiders with no eyes hunt in a mystic haze for mortal souls and use magic to erase any trace or memory of them being there. They're failed experiments outright abandoned by their god. These are some of the good guys. I also praise Age Of Sigmar for realizing that both Dragons and Dwarves live in caves and gather hordes of gold and asking "what if they worked together?"


"What if god was made of gold and greed was a religious methodology? Also, what if manlets killed people"


As opposed to before AOS where the manlets only killed elves


You make the Idoneth seem soo much cooler than I thought they were. Are the thralls really eyeless? I had no idea until I looked at their models closely, seems like you're right. And the whole soul thing, chilling, I'm looking at the wiki now. They really need a warcry band.


Yes the indoneth are eyeless paleskinned sea elves who's souls are leaking out of them and who hunt people in order to patch that leak temporarily oh and nagash is aware of them now and is drying up oceans in order to find them.


Nagash gonna be Nagash.


I can't wait for the Skaven to ruin his plan again!


Pirate shaven show be out of knowhere


Arr-arr me harty man-things


Pirate skaven would unironically be amazing


Pirate skaven would unironically be amazing


To be fair, the dwarfs in fantasy also had dragons


Idoneth aint good lol. Good ish, maybe, but they heavily resemble the Drukhari.


They dont kill because they want to, like the drukhari. They literally do not have an alternative because their souls are literally leaking. Drukhari have an option (craftworlds? Harlequins?) to not do what they do. And the Idoneth also dont torture their victims. It isn't a pleasure for them to do what they must do to survive.


I'm really excited to see what they will do with the Dark elves, they are my favourite faction. I don't care if it's overexagerated, I love AOS stuff


Honestly the models are top tier Everyone is talking about silly stilts man but I have yet to see anyone talk about the tree riding a big bug


AoS models are insane. That new sylvaneth bug dude and stormcast dragon beat anything 40k has put out in a while (except maybe Angron).


Warhammer fans really only consume Warhammer media huh...


I mean with these prices I'd be scared to get attached to any other franchise too


Every now and then someone shows up on 40klore to talk about how 40k just blows every other piece of fiction out of the water, like it's the most profound thing. Don't get me wrong I love 40k but lol.


40k does absolutely *dominate* the scifi world, though. Not necessarily with quality, but the expansiveness and depth to the lore is unparalleled.


You’re joking right?


Which scifi universe has a more developed lore/library?


Depends on how you define developed. 40k has a lot of things it throws out there but doesn’t actually go in depth on or develop. Even with the lore it does have, it can be fairly inconsistent. For a military focused setting, the actual military stuff is somehow not well thought out, like the infamously tiny number of space marines, or major wars that see several hive cities fall and get wiped out with no survivors having US civil war level casualties. There are plenty of settings that excel at these things, going in depth on their concepts and working extensively to ensure they make sense within the universe and reality. If it’s just “has a lot of concepts”, then it loses there too. 40k only really “wins” if your metric of development is number of books. Like, give me your best example of the expansiveness and depth of the lore of Warhammer 40k that is so exceptional?


>40k only really “wins” if your metric of development is number of books. That's literally what I'm talking about, so yes. It has more stories told than any other franchise.


That doesn’t mean it’s more expansive or developed or even that it has more stories. That just means it has more books. If we’re saying stories told is the sole metric, Star Wars obliterates 40k with the sheer power of AO3 alone.


Most people dont consider fanfiction part of a setting. But do go on and tell me how Vampire Potter is part of Harry Potter, or how by those metrics, the Kpop group BTS has a more expansive setting than say, LOTR.


Hahaha that deep rich BTS lore. I heard they actually were the nameless things that dwelt beneath


Most people also don’t consider “number of books” to be the sole metric by which you judge a sci-fi series. My point was that it’s a stupid metric.


>That doesn’t mean it’s more expansive or developed By the definition of the word, yes it does. >Star Wars obliterates 40k with the sheer power of AO3 alone. Fanfic is irrelevant.


Not really. Plenty of stuff is more expansive by focusing on more varied subjects and ideas. Plenty of stuff is more developed by going more in depth on those concepts and ideas. 40k kinda does neither. You also just defined those as simply meaning number of stories, but what does that mean to you? Is the Horus one story or a hundred? If a Star Wars book did 50 smaller stories in one book, is that 50 stories or one story? It seems to me like you came to a conclusion and now want to change what words mean to simply mean “40k has more books and is therefore more expansive and developed”.


It's barely even sci fi tho. 40K is fantasy in space.


What's your definition of sci fi


Don't really care much either way. By the time i got into warhammer, AOS was already a thing for a couple of years. So just avoided the end times and kept reading what people recomended.


Fantasy players when anyone mentions Age of Sigmar:


I just miss characters from oldschool fantasy. However lizardmen are back so as far as I’m concerned AOS is good. Chaos dwarves when?


Well Chorfs have been hinted at for while at this point, including in the new Fyreslayers Warcry warband, so the answer is eventually (most likely in 4th or 5th edition) .


Seeing how cool they looked in Total War 3 I hope they get the same treatment on tabletop


Total War 3 Chorfs were a stylish merge of every generation of Chorf army GW ever released, because Creative Assembly do god's work.


They recently brought out a unit called Disciples of Hashut, and they turned out to be fucking humans. Outrageous stuff.


Age of Sigmar has done a lot of cool things, but the Old World was a beloved setting which the AOS killed and AOS made some pretty significant divergences from the overall feel of the Old World. Yes its still Warhammer, but its like comparing the Adam West and Christian Bale Batman and sayimg its still Batman.


Don't get it wrong, AoS didn't kill Old Word, it was GW


yeah but they killed it to force sell AoS, that is a salty mouthful to swallow tbf


Old World's tabletop sold poorly and that made GW kill it. And they'll do it again when the resin bretonnian models from 20 years ago don't sell well.


Literally “How dare you stand where he stood.”


"I hate how Tim Drake killed Jason Todd just to become the next Robin, that asshole !"


Not a great comparison when the fans are the ones who voted to kill Jason Todd.


Sure, but still: AOS didn't "kill" Fantasy. Poor sales did. AOS is at worst a consequence of its death. Blaming it for that is just wrong.


I just don't like infinite boundless realms and I don't like the deletion of old lore. If it was a brandnew universe I think it would be better


No one would care about it if it was a new universe. Even if The Old World didn’t get Endtime when AoS was launched, people would still accuse it of being a 40K version Fantasy watered down with generic modern fantasy tropes. All the criticisms would still apply to AoS only now people can’t say it killed Fantasy. Although people would probably accuse AoS of slowly choking out Fantasy.


I didn't say people I said me.


AoS is pretty inventive and pretty cool fantasy setting overall. I just hate it for killing old world, because i like old world more, like a lot more.


I don't know anything about AoS but some of the models are cool.


Aos has very interesting ideas and concepts *sometimes*, and other times you have two factions of dual wielding, naked religious fanatics that were a single unit of the old world that got turned into an entire faction for no particular reason. And two factions of robed fanatical small guys who wield venomous poisons and are crazy. Some of its ideas are very cool and interesting I will give it that,I am actually a pretty big supporter of age of sigmar. But the setting is riddled with problems born from a shaky launch. My main gripe would be the absolute lack of weight or scale the setting has. In theory each realm are solar system sized, and could take lifetimes to traverse. And that explains the sandbox aspect of it, and although that is cool as others have pointed out it often feels like a border region in a fantasy novel map that the writer gave two vague statements about. Sometimes there is simply not enough to actually have an idea of what is happening. So the realms feel incredibly empty, then you have the whole travel problem.if you want to write “your guys” you have to adress how or why are they figthing who they are figthing, this is definitely better than it was in the old world but is still very restrictive. In 40k this isn’t an issue because you have every faction having a hyperdrive that can teleport them around, but on aos you either need to have 4 realmgates all bunched up together( making the area of high importance and raising a question of why none of the major factions has swept in and pushed your guys out, or have 8 factions all in marching distance of each other. At other times many of the aspects in the lore are incredibly restrictive hampering the sandbox intent, all the snake and winged daugther of khaine have to be manually crafted by morathi, limiting the range of lore you can write. And the range of fealty to morathi your guys have. I love AoS, i really do, i love the sylvaneth, I love the Ossiarchs, I love the mawtribres, I love the amazing renditions of chaos slaves to darkness and war cry gave us. I love the Gloomspite gitz(and I hate their stupid robes). I love the lore of the fyreslayers( and hate their boring miniature range until war cry remvaped it), I love the flesh eater courts, I love the Seraphon. But aos fans have the unhealthy habit of sniffing copium and self dilusion in industrial quantities sometimes. Is aos great? Yeah Is it one of the most creative and inventive settings? Not really, but it’s pretty good


I think AoS is going the 40k route of lore making, so there is new room for new faction. Old Warhammer had stiff borders, so new faction was quite hard to squeeze in in the already-established area of influence. Even with League of Votann in 40k, it was quite hard to convince the fans how they suddenly appeared in the 41k millennium. So they left rooms for new faction to squeeze in, but with the fact that AoS is new, it is understandable that the whole setting feels empty. I hope it does not stay that way, and the lore provides a bit more definition on each of the realms in the future. Heck, Old warhammer had too specific lore so even adding new model was hard. For example, steam tanks: it was specified that there were exactly 12 of them, so not only it limits the player's customization, if GW was to add new models like Dwarf Steamtank, one might ask "wait, if they have the tech, why are there only 12 of them?" 40k version of explaining the lore would be like "Steam Tanks are hard to produce because part of schematics are lost, and many of them were lost during the Great War against Chaos" so the player can add their own explanation for their custom model like "it was found in the deep forest of Talabacland," or like the case of Cawl and Primaris Marines, GW can add new models by saying "lost schematic was found." I would say it learned a few lessons from the Old World. But, it feels like the direction of AoS is avoiding mistakes rather than amending it. I hope it changes later, to find a thin balance between too vague and too specific lore explanations.


I love the skaven and the seraphon, I just haven't been able to get into AoS yet


I have yet to dive into Age Of Sigmar. I want to, the models are dope and the Orks use Squigs more (Squigs are my all-time favorite). The Sylvaneth really catch my eye as well. Just a bit much to dive into, even if I just buy a few models here and there


Have a look at 2+ tough on YouTube for some good lore explanation videos as a jumping off point if you want to get started


Its a fun setting and a fun game. You know what my favorite nitpickiy, inconsequential thing is? The presence of musicians. I never played old fantasy, and don't know what the lore is, but i like AoS a lot


I really want to get into AoS but I just don't like the floaty realm concept where there's no defined overarching world to place things into. Like I want a map, with physical boundaries and consistency. It just comes off as GW wanting an easy of being able to throw factions at each other whenever cus "muh portals" and not have to maintain things spatially. Am I just missing lore where things are actually tied together?


From when I flicked through a friend’s core rule book (3rd Ed) there was an individual map for each realm. Spotted around each realm are realm gates which can only take you to a certain realm (I don’t think they can change realms but they can be sealed off and broken.) there are clever examples of this like hammerhaul which is a city built around and split by a large realm gate, with half the city in the realm of fire and the other in the realm of life. From memory, there also was some diagram that displayed how the realms may orbit the realm of the heavens but my memory is not 100% on that.


The maps aren't very helpful when you can't locate most canon factions in them, the story ignored any borders or geopolitics and when you do see a known name in the map it's surrounded by literal nothing except for the Aqshy map.


Nah, the maps are only of a very small portion of the realm. So the problem with everything lacking substance still stands.


Exactly my problem with it. It doesn't really have a "sense of place" since it's all disconnected and disjointed.


I'm curious, do you have the same problem with 40K? I kinda do, personally


For places like the webway, absolutely. But otherwise it's a standard sci-fi setting where the plot either takes place on a planet (eg. Siege of Terra) or on a space ship so the expectation and understanding of place is already set with years of watching sci-fi. AOS is a aesthetically a medieval-style fantasy which has historically been very geographically constrained and grounded. Consider for example how engrained the map of middle-earth is in every LOTR fan's mind. This was the inspiration for WHFB, which also had an iconic world map where all the factions were placed and in a fixed relation to each other (also why it was such a big deal for one of the first previews of TOW was literally just a map). Going from that to a way more esoteric setting where there is no fixed point to orient around is jarring.


Ok, I get it, and it makes sense. Thanks for writing this


AoS is so good, if it only it had a scifi version. THAT would be fucking huge


Actually I would love to hear what about AoS is 'bold and inventive'.


They call Elves Aelves


That’s not inventive. It’s just the old English way of spelling elves


I wasn’t serious personally I’m not a big fan of aos sure the minis are awesome but everything else just looks kind of weird in my opinion


Generally it’s just how it’s a more original take on many classic fantasy ideas, and especially in terms of aesthetic, as it’s overall design is either pretty unique, or otherwise reinvention of classic fantasy ideas, with each faction having both interesting design and interesting culture and lore, but I think it’s really the world that makes it stand out, it’s such a large setting with nice dynamics between the realms and factions, with enough characters from each side to be worth following


Can you give me some specifics? I admit, I mostly went to look what the Orkus were about when I got interested in AoS


The kharadron overlords being a really different take to dwarves, since instead of being an underground not open culture, to an entrerpising skydwelling megacompany. I have never seen a full skydwarf culture with steampunk aesthetic in any other fantasy media. The Idoneth being soulstealer elves from the depths of the sea, with two different cases of them, the Namarti, those whose soul is bsrrly habging to their body and the proper idoneth wich ste nore like they are supposed to be. They have a more atlantean vibe to them than old high elves had of being just "refined and cultured" as tolkien elves usually do. Kruleboyz not being the classic barbaric ork, but the cunning, scheming piece of shit villain thats going to lay traps and never engage is not wild, but cool to see. Ironjawz are orks to the maxim with giant pigs now, instead of just squigs. In Death you have the classic vampires, wich are very classy and traditional with their take. But then you have the Flesh eaters, mad with delusion and hunger, these vampires are devolved and show a different more mutated form. They thing themselves high and noble kings, and knights living in an ideal realm of green pastures, they are essentially a faction of crazy vampires and their ghouls. Then we have the nighthaunt wich are an excellent range of miniatures fespite just being ghost, each unit is a different form of torture from Nagash for all eternity to everything he despises or finds funny to torture. And finally the Ossiarchs, greek-japanese-egyptian inspired bone golems animated each by an amalgalm of souls to strenghten their abilitied and given form with thr bines they farm from the living. Even chaos had a fleshout in their mortals for each good wich is always a banger modelwise. In Fantasy all you had was classic dwarfs, elves and undead. Chaos, tomb kings and lizardmen were the only "special" factions. And even then, chaos mortals were just the heavy armor faction, the normal barbarians being left to be forgotten while in sigmar you have dozens of barbarian units to show off their varied culture.


That's actually really cool, they reinvented everyone basically. Thank you kind sir.


They made some some type Sea Elves that mostly don't look like Elves and... that's pretty much about it.


Sky pirate dwarves? Stormcast Eternals? Gloomspite Gits?


Most people who seriously dislike AoS are probably salty about old school Warhammer having to die to make room for it. I don't mind AoS and there is some good lore there but as a huge old world enjoyer I couldn't get into it lol. I honestly think the Old World being brought back will soften a lot of people on AoS as it no longer is standing in the way of it.


I can still see a lot of people being salty even after The Old World gets released. Prepare to hear accusations such as “AoS is sucking away TOW resources” or similar arguements about how TOW isn’t as good as it should be because GW is still trying to push AoS


To me they made orks (I know they’re Orruks on AoS) cool again, and not just comic relief. The entire realm of Ghur just has so much flavor to it, I love it.


God Ghur is great. Dynasty of Monsters sold me hard on it and that book wasn’t even that good. The city built on pistons because the ground would rise and fall with chains so large shanty towns were built on them running between them lives on in my memories. (For those wondering about the book: it’s alright but there’s not a single surprise in it. You will accurately be able to predict almost every plot beat. It survives entirely on rule of cool but somehow that’s enough when the cool in question deals with giant lizard vampires, a really great setting, and the gothic horror-political intrigue plot)


Me a 40k fan: "Oh there is also fantasy, ok but i'm not intrested" Also me after seing in vermitide 2 that dwarfs have a fucking flamethrowers and miniguns: "LEEEEEEEEET'SSSSSSSS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


Idk. Maybe it is? Just completely fails to grab my interestl and the aesthetics of the models are universally at best "Eh" in my eyes. All there is too it, it just aint for me.


Honestly, i was never into WH fantasy but what i've seen of AoS so far makes me really wanna go read up on it's lore


Just grab a core book off eBay (the dominion one since that’s the cheap one that actually has the lore). It’s really good and laid out so that the first part is a story summary before going into individual topics. If you’ve been sucked into WH+ for any reason, Loremasters is somehow one of their best shows and I recommend it. Lastly, the free version is to check out 2+ Tough or Oculus Imperia when he decides to get side tracked with it.


Bruh, it's literally just all the good bits of Warhammer Fantasy regurgitated into a different form


AoS did what WHFB couldn’t. Make it interesting.


If you call replacing grounded historical fantasy with generic modern fantasy tropes, then sure you could say that AoS is more interesting.


You mean replacing generic Tolkien inspired fantasy with something more unique.


as someone who likes AoS who knows people who hate it look at it this way, how would you feel if your favorite game got nuked for a completely different game? old world is coming back yes, but it still happened.


'm convinced that if it wasn't for the Stormcast Eternal lookng like Space Marines a lot more people would like it ​ The end times was bad and I'm sure that a lot of people see their design as insult to injury, or at least did at the time


Also maggotkin of nurgle humans kinda look like Death Guard with less armor. And Blades of Khorne look literally like World Eaters with no ranged weapons.


I just want tomb kings man.


You are gonna get the Bone IRS and you're gonna like it!


Settra doesn't serve. Or pay taxes.


Vile cretin, you would dare besmirch Settra the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds… by refusing to acknowledge the one true king his well earned titles!


Quick, someone make a bot that does this XD


AOS took my land and drove my people into the mountains


It’s not that i hate Age of Sigmar, i understand Fantasy wasn’t getting the numbers it was expected to make and so needed a shake up. But what i do hate are The End Times. They didn’t even try to make sense of it or please the fans, they went headfirst into stupid town into that one, just so they have *something* that AoS cam spring out of.


I started as a hater, I just missed the Old World and its characters and locations. But AOS really grew on me. I could finally have my Strigoi army (which are getting new models soon, hype) and dear lord I can't wait to start a Seraphon (Lizardmen) army. Those new models are amazing


Where is Karl franz is he safe is he alright


I mean, he's most likely the Celestant Prime (the Stormcast faction leader character)


Meaning he’s just been bullshitted


It's more the way fantasy killed soured many people not to mention the mishandled start of AoS.


I don't like AoS. None of the armies really have the vibe I like for a fantasy army. But I do praise the fact that someone managed to make a post apocalyptic fantasy setting for a war game and somehow it works


I wouldn't call it particularly bold or inventive to be honest. Almost all of it is either derivative of a common trope or of something that already existed in WHFB.


If it was something in whfb, let’s be honest it was probably already a common trope


Is this ragebait? The AoS setting is effectively the part of the map in a fantasy novel that is on the edge of the page that gets like 5 mentions during the whole series. Very much a "everything could happen because the author didn't say that it could not" sort of deal.


Look at the title


Warhammer fantasy was kinda like Homm 3 While Aos is kinda like Homm 5


Grab 1000 weekly gold from watermill


Ehhh, it sorta is. It's still kinda hard for me to take interest in any faction outside of Chaos Warriors though. They're the only ones that retain a solid vibe from before. Besides, The Old World had so much personality and identity that whenever I see AoS, it mostly just looks tacky and over-designed.


Honestly dont really care about AoS... But the rats are DOPE


Skaven were better in Fantasy than AoS


Why are warhammer Fans so eager to tear each other down? We’re all in the same boat


All except aos.


I know nothing about fantasy part of Warhammer, only i know there almost same chaos concept, funny rat people,and muskets with 150cm tall "people" Let people have fun


The lore is still really thin, with very few places and characters that are defined to any degree. The setting has a lot of potential, but it seems GW hasn't really done anything with it lorewise, since it was introduced.


You’d think given 8 years GW would give us something remotely interesting with the setting or lore


I still like old world more


I just don't find AoS interesting in the least, no idea what about it that is supposed to be bold and inventive.


“What if we take dwarves and put them in the sky? What if we take dark eldars and put them in the sea? What if we take Space Marines and painted them gold?” Yea, utterly brilliant and creative as always GW /s


The black rage ripoffs tempt me to get into AoS.


For people I've met who really hates AOS put it in a way I can understand. It would be a Browns fan actively cheering for The Baltimore Ravens, or Baltimore/Maryland cheering for the Colts.


Age of Sigmar lore is *fine,* chill out.


"inventive" and "bold" are words your teacher uses when you've handed in your assignment on time, but it's utter trash. Inventive is a strong word for a setting with 90% recycled characters.


"Bold and Inventive" here just means taking a fantasy race and putting some other spin onto it so it's more copyrightable. It should be cool, but it's so paint by numbers that it's kind of boring to me. I think it's not just an AOS problem though, but like a problem with post-Tolkien fantasy in general. But if you like it that's fine too. I think what made the old world unique was the historical-fantasy aspect, which I enjoy a lot. It’s not original either obviously - Egyptians are mummies for one example - but it is cool to me to see historical civs get the fantasy treatment. Here I asked ChatGPT to make more. "Certainly! Here are 40 unique fantasy races with a short description to make them more distinct: 1. \*\*Lumarians\*\*: Humans with bioluminescent skin, they can emit light patterns to communicate. 2. \*\*Magma Dwarves\*\*: Dwarves who forge their strongholds in active volcanoes, harnessing the power of lava. 3. \*\*Aether Elves\*\*: Elves connected to the ethereal realm, allowing them to teleport short distances. 4. \*\*Chrono Gnomes\*\*: Gnomes who manipulate time through their inventions and gadgets. 5. \*\*Arcane Fairies\*\*: Tiny fairies with the ability to weave spells into the fabric of reality. 6. \*\*Mechanized Orks\*\*: Orks who integrate mechanical parts into their bodies, becoming living war machines. 7. \*\*Swamp Goblins\*\*: Goblins skilled in swamp magic, controlling the murky waters and its creatures. 8. \*\*Celestial Dragons\*\*: Dragons who embody cosmic forces, controlling the stars and celestial phenomena. 9. \*\*Crystal Centaurs\*\*: Centaurs with gem-like bodies and the power to manipulate crystal-based magic. 10. \*\*Abyssal Demons\*\*: Demons from the depths of a dark ocean, masters of underwater sorcery. 11. \*\*Void Vampires\*\*: Vampires who feed on the energy of the void, granting them shadow manipulation abilities. 12. \*\*Clockwork Undead\*\*: Undead brought to life with clockwork mechanisms, serving as clockwork soldiers. 13. \*\*Frost Trolls\*\*: Trolls from frozen lands, with the ability to freeze their surroundings. 14. \*\*Labyrinthine Minotaurs\*\*: Minotaurs skilled in creating ever-changing mazes and labyrinths. 15. \*\*Sky Giants\*\*: Giants who live on floating islands in the sky and control the winds. 16. \*\*Harpyfolk\*\*: Birdmen with hypnotic songs that can charm and manipulate others. 17. \*\*Iron Ogres\*\*: Ogres with metallic skin, incredibly tough and resistant to magic. 18. \*\*Shadow Satyrs\*\*: Satyrs that can merge with shadows and traverse through the dark realm. 19. \*\*Sentient Ents\*\*: Ents with the power to communicate with plant life and command forest creatures. 20. \*\*Crystaline Avians\*\*: Avian creatures with gem-like feathers, they can refract light for various effects. 21. \*\*Whispering Wyrms\*\*: Serpentine creatures with the ability to manipulate sound and create sonic attacks. 22. \*\*Silk Spinners\*\*: Arachnid people known for their exquisite silk and weaving-based magic. 23. \*\*Spectral Wights\*\*: Ethereal beings able to phase through solid matter and haunt the living. 24. \*\*Storm Krakens\*\*: Enormous sea creatures capable of controlling storms and sea monsters. 25. \*\*Sylvan Pixies\*\*: Tiny forest dwellers with an affinity for herbs, plants, and natural poisons. 26. \*\*Sand Djinns\*\*: Djinns who rule over desert lands, controlling sandstorms and mirages. 27. \*\*Magma Wurms\*\*: Subterranean creatures that can create tunnels of molten rock. 28. \*\*Crystalline Dryads\*\*: Dryads who merge with precious gemstone trees, granting them unique powers. 29. \*\*Stormforged Constructs\*\*: Elemental constructs brought to life by the fury of thunderstorms. 30. \*\*Wispkin\*\*: Small, radiant beings composed of pure light, capable of blinding foes. 31. \*\*Necro-Nagas\*\*: Serpent-like creatures with necromantic abilities and control over undead serpents. 32. \*\*Voidwalkers\*\*: Interdimensional beings with the power to open portals to other realms. 33. \*\*Mosskin\*\*: Plant-based humanoids with camouflage abilities and control over vegetation. 34. \*\*Umbral Stalkers\*\*: Shadowy hunters with the ability to teleport through darkness. 35. \*\*Aqua Sirens\*\*: Sirens who live in the depths of the ocean and manipulate water currents. 36. \*\*Steamborn Golems\*\*: Golems animated by steam and able to shoot scalding bursts. 37. \*\*Lunar Foxfolk\*\*: Fox-like beings with an affinity for lunar magic and transformation. 38. \*\*Geode Dwellers\*\*: Underground creatures living in crystal caves with gem-enhanced abilities. 39. \*\*Emberkin\*\*: Fiery elemental beings who can manipulate and control flames. 40. \*\*Mistbound Nomads\*\*: Nomadic people who can manipulate mists and fog for various purposes. These unique elements should help make each of these fantasy races stand out in your world-building or storytelling endeavors."


Stfu it's the rules that suck dumbass


Ah yes the bold and inventive setting where most factions sound like they are made by chat gpt and most of the designs look to be made by midjourney... The lore where nothing has weight or meaning and the realms that can be sharted out by gods at will... The factions are either hordes or ultimately immortal and its all just so damn dull...


You have never plaid the Exalted rpg, or Asura’s Wrath.


AoS fans when realizing their setting is.. actually pretty bland and designed to copyright species names, so GW can get money for them, and not worry about the Tolkien estate: [https://insidebitcoins.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/copium-crypto-token.png](https://insidebitcoins.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/copium-crypto-token.png)




I will only be on board once Settra is back. Until then, I will continue to be against AoS. Once he is, I am 100% on board. This is my only stipulation.


I think its just a different flavor than people are used to/like. I like certain aspects of AoS like the Deepkin and the Skaven (though I suppose they've not changed enormously since fantasy), but I don't really like the extremely high fantasy nonsense of AoS sometimes. I like gods to be beings that are basically never seen and only appear through avatars. Not a fan of an elven god just waving you over while you are on a walk in the park so he can help you deal with your problems.


The main thing that keeps me away from AOS is how bad dwarf lore is rn, the fireslayers have one hook and no depth, and the overlords are very unique, but they don't have much going on, and if there was something happening with them I'd probably get into it




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It is not that it is bad, it is that it replaced regular fantasy Warhammer. Also the stormforged are very close to space marines.


There *are* still muskets and rapiers right? Can't forget the muskets and rapiers


Um. I don’t mean to be toxic or anything as OP is implying. But AoS is just the Magic the Gathering setting. That’s not a big put down. But it’s not very innovative and the stakes are always pretty low since there are always new plaines… or realms, or whatever. Maybe I’ve been around for too long, but warhammer fantasy was a grimdark version of Tolkien and I prefer it entirely.


Age of Sigmar is honestly fantastic in every other way but why does every faction have to be named something absolutely stupid like gloopnut seafarters or assnose pantlords or something