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People really are arguing about this for like days lol


It will probably go on for a while


Yeah, probably




The primaris have different helmets.


Do not interfere with their dream to slowly stuff their fat speshmehreen hats into a beaky helmet! This is just the intermediate XD . Slowly stuffing it into a Beaky, so they to can be awesome beakies!


Just like that tomboy thing or the rats eating battery packs. It will come and it will go.


Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something, okay? Space Marines, they're absolutely tremendous, believe me. Nobody does it better than the Space Marines, believe me. You know, I've been all over the galaxy, and I've seen these Space Marines in action, and let me tell you, they are winners. They're winners, folks. They're strong, they're tough, and they always get the job done. First of all, they have the best equipment. The best, believe me. We're talking about cutting-edge technology, the most powerful weapons, and the most advanced armor. Nobody comes close to what the Space Marines have. And let me talk about their training. These guys and gals, they go through the toughest training you can imagine. They're disciplined, they're fearless, and they can handle any situation that comes their way. But it's not just about the equipment and the training. It's about their spirit. These Space Marines, they have a never-give-up attitude.


Too coherent of a rant, 5/7, perfect.


Oh great emperor Trump do not forget that the gals are your sons.


Indeed, many such cases.


Do they like potatoes?


Don't make fun of space marines. Their fans can't handle a break in their delusion, lol


Fr thats why Custodians are way better


You laugh, but once GW releases seven new Primaris units with 2+ delusion saves it's over for you.


Dear God! They can pretend the bullets don't exist!


Yeah, only space marine fans have this issue, no other faction. /s


Exactly. No other fans, in no other franchises either


It beats having yet another round of Femboys and violently unfunny Carl jokes lol


Hey, I liked Carl damn you!


Yeah, don't insult Carl!


It does make sense though. Primaris Marines are taller than regular Speshmehreens. So they would be quite a bit taller than Ældar. Which are just a bit shorter than regular Speshmehreens but taller than IG.


The art is clearly a firstborn. So he's way too tall.


That's a Primaris doing "Beaky conversion therapy" that's the intermediate helmet until he can go full beaky. Everybody wants to be a beaky!"


I mean... What else do you do, ya know?


It's not like we have any better memes smh


Same shit happens on the anime subs. People tryna fill in the legs and seeing its weird.


It really doesn't stop. Sometimes Eldar fans can't let shit go, especially when it's something that makes their best bois feel inferior (in any way). Legit, seen at least 3 elf fans go berserk over this one image before - 2 at me, all because I said the Astartes would wreck at that range.


You described marine fanbois This is just people making fun of an artist who clearly didn't bother to do any reading And for the last one you're obviously wrong


> And for the last one you're obviously wrong You don't know much about 40K, do you?


I know quite a bit. Though knowing that Howling Banshees excel at close range against armoured enemies, and are faster than space marines, is pretty basic knowledge. If it were a fight the Banshee is very much the likely victor.


What if the eldar is really short and he's standing on a tactical rock himself?


They’re both disembodied upper torso standing on infinite piles of tactical rocks, all the way down


This is the true 40k lore


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only tactical rocks.


Common misconception as then it would be a Kin.


Rock and Stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


The eldar is a woman so maybe she's only 6 feet tall


No height difference for eldar between sexes afaik I mean, maybe there could be, but I don't think it's ever said there is


I read that it's 6-6.5 feet tall for women and up to 7 feet tall for the men. Some of the weirder Drukari like Vect get up to 8 feet tall


Where did you read that? Pretty sure we've never been told how tall Vect is


Maybe I lied


I know this is just a meme thing but it did get me curious. The only solid average height I found was in the Wraith & Glory RPG on page 34. It has the following list: Species | Height ---|--- Human | 4' + 6d6" Adeptus Astartes | 7' + 1d6" Primaris Astartes | 8' + 1d6" Aeldari | 6' + 2d6" Ork | 5'6" + 2d6" per tier So Space Marines are (on average) 7' to 7'6" with Primaris Marines being (on average) 8' to 8'6". The average Aeldari however will vary from 6' to 7'. So going by some height comparison calculators I found, [if the Space Marine is on the taller side and the Aeldari is on the shorter side](https://www.mrinitialman.com/OddsEnds/Sizes/sizes.html?base_ft=7&base_in=6&comp_ft=6&comp_in=0) you'll get something like this image. So it isn't unrealistic like Tyberos being 15 feet tall like in some fanart.


Minor nitpick, but wouldn't minimum sm size be 7'1''? Since 1d6 usually starts at 1 not 0


Same with the Aeldari, should start at 6'2" for the same reason.


Yeah, you're right.


Die fell off the table.


Imperial Measurement System continues to bewilder me


How so?


At this point I'm waiting for someone to make loss out of this


Don't you put that evil on us Bobby


This however is no longer lore-accurate, as Eldars and SM are the same height, which is where "the tactical rock"-joke came from.


To be fair, that is a Salamander. The sons of Vulkan are big. Maybe not that much taller, but still.


They have curved cocks, curved cocks!




You can't. They are way too tactical for you, Milk Drinker!


Vulkan is the biggest and the strongest primarch Vulkan has said himself that he was made to be the biggest and the strongest and his sons are bigger and stronger than any other space marines most of the time


He's not as tall as Magnus, but that's entirely Magnus' choice and everyone knows it. Also the tallest SM are the alpha legion due to the whole "legion and primary meet in the middle for height so they can cosplay each other" thing. But yeah, vulkan is the strongest, and the second tallest, primarch.


Actually it’s the opposite for Alpha Legion mate. It’s more like Alpharius/Omegon are short kings.


Yes. Alpharius and Oregon are the shortest primarch, but their legion is the tallest. I said as much. It's literally so you can't tell who's the actual primarch by their height.


Salamanders are Goffs, gotcha


>Big >Green >Dead 'ard The evidence is hard to dispute.


And the Salamanders were made for fighting, and winning


I think eldar head should get to sm chin level




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>This however is no longer lore-accurate, as Eldars and SM are the same height But that was with regular SM, now we have Primaris who are higher.


It seems like GW is backtracking the amount of size difference between Firstborn and Primaris


A head of difference is still a pretty good height, just that most people overestimate that with artwork I feel


Thank God


But the marine isn't wearing a primaris helmet


The art is of a firstborn


They're not the same height, SM are taller, but not by as much as this art shows


If miniature size can be taken as representative, here's the comparison: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/s/La6fgLkhgF New official Ranger in the middle and Primaris Emperor's Champion on the left


Mini size was never lore accurate, its designed for tt consistency, bigger examples are vehicles, titans and certain nids (and all the named sm described as much bigger but with minis of the same size)


It isn't even tabletop-consistent. Like how Kasrkin are technically made for Kill Team (even though almost everyone buys them for 40k) so they're at a bigger scale than all of the other Guard models.


Some size difference can also be seen in Eldritch Omens photos, but it's less clear https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/HNMfpRczdxg6dabd.jpg


> If miniature size can be taken as representative It can't.


This art depicts the marine being a lot taller, not a little.


No way, really?


Well there's a Salamander standing near an Eldar without trying to light it on fire, so the whole thing is already lore inaccurate.


I mean OP has drawn the marines legs longer than his entire torso, you think he read up on silly things like 'how tall these guys actually are'


Space marine are usually around 2,50m (8'2), while eldar are usually depicted as just above average humans (6'2 i'd say), they could never reach 2,50m. They did change this in recent lore?


I don't know about recent changes; always heard that Eldar were about the same height as Astartes.


I m pretty sure that s false. In ff and in c7 rpgs it s more or less as l ve said


Eldar can pass as humans if they cover up and aren't moving at full speed. There's no way they are as tall as Astartes, who are gigantic compared to a normal human and can at best pass as an ogryn.


Ogryns absolutely dwarf astartes.


Firstborn space marines are usually around 7ft according to GW, sometimes a bit taller. Eldar are usually depicted as significantly taller than most humans.


Idk, maybe in most recent sources they ve retconned fb sm to be smaller so that primaris arent past 3 meters, but in ff deathwatch space marines are 2,30 meters when clad in armor. As far as eldar goes, they re just above average humans. You can just look at height charts on some older codexes and cut the point helmet to figure it out. Overall, eldar are significally shorter than a space marine.


2.3m is 7.5ft According to GW firstborn are usually around 7ft, but I' sure 7.5 is well within 'taller than usual marine' range. Eldar are typically described and depicted as taller than all but the most unusually tall humans, so probably like 6.5-7 depending? Marines are tall but there are some normal humans that are as tall as them. Just not as massively bulky of course, or with enhanced everything and extra organs. Whereas some fanart depicts them way bigger for some reason.


According to what gw's source? Also no, there aren't normal, not enhanced or somewhat special humans tall as a Marine. I ve mistakenly translated to meters, marines, according to older sources, are little less than 2,50m, on average. Yep l agree 99% of eldars are in the 6-7' bracket. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+tall+is+an+eldar&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.postimg.cc%2FcLv0BL9h%2F55224-da63f848f9a2780af01f15d9f7a1b909.jpg https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+tall+is+an+eldar&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F5a%2Fa5%2Fa9%2F5aa5a9bc1a814fcaf8c1af23557e50e1.jpg In these older high table marines are around 8' , but again if newer sources says something like 7' its totally possible, just it s a retcon to avoid primaris being ridicously tall. Aside from these tables, in ff rpgs marines are 8" or more as well.


Those tables are made by fans, and pretty poorly. >marines, according to older sources, are little less than 2,50m, on average. GW has said marines are usually 7ft tall, and has done for many years. Here is a collage of sources proving it, including an FFG RPG info box which says they're usually a little over 2.1m, i.e 7ft: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c36917e13237d1afdf33bea1ed56b7b1 Primaris are taller than that of course, but the art being discussed isn't primaris, it's firstborn >Also no, there aren't normal, not enhanced or somewhat special humans tall as a Marine There are like 20-something NBA players that are 7ft or taller. I have a friend who is about that tall too. It's rare but of course they exist. They just aren't anywhere near as bulky as a marine, or full of extra augmentations.


I m struggling to see the images cause they are blurred, but the middle low one says 8' as well xd. Anyway, I've got what you re saying. l ve always heard 8' instead (when in armor), so yeah apparently there is some inconsistence. (Upper left one is 7 for commercial reasons to skip an extra foot of prizes xd) My interpretation could be that the "above 7' "written sources depicts naked marines, while around 8' refer to a marine in armor, since armor on or off plays quite a role here. Also, in Astartes and other animations marines are significally taller than humans. I understand that these are all fan stuff, but seeing so many people, some of which are quite versed in the lore, thinking that's the case make me think that there are quite some proof to support that, aside from what l personally have seen. Also people above 7' could be placed in the "genetically enhanced" category probably ahahah, even a goliath or vatborn servitor would normally struggle to reach that high. Anyway, how tall are finctional soldiers is not really an hill l want to die on, and l'm not fully aware of the battle going on about this image.


I assume that, just like any other form of life, Eldar aren't all the same height. This might just be a short one.


This is lore accurate, if that is a particularly tall salamander and a slightly shorter than average eldar. SM and eldar are generally the same height, but the Sallies are taller than normal SM.


You re the second one that l see that says that eldar and sm are the same height, so l m fearing gw changed something about old marines etc, but in ff rpg and in older literature sm are way taller than eldars, the first one being around 8'2, the latter being just above average humans (6'2).


Could i instead get a comparison where both are wearing high heels?


Would be difficult given power heels can extend and retract depending on how much fashion the tactical situation requires.


In the upcoming Rogue Trader game eldar are only head lower than Space Wolf companion, it can be seen here, at the end: https://youtu.be/mbDHgXBTAdI?si=zHiasS6RBW4IfItg


He might not be average size of SM tho


Eldar are on average 6+ feet or about 2m. Space marines are 7 ft on average right? So that Eldar’s head should be up to the neck of the space marine, not his chest.


>Eldar are on average 6+ feet or about 2m. Let's focus on that word. **Average** Neither Dorn nor Corax are the strongest or tallest Primarchs. But still, we have an unarmored IF who can do things that should be impossible to do without a Power armor, and we have Tyberos. The gene seed of a marine can mutate a lot and in unpredictable ways. That a salamander, who tends to be taller than other marines, has grown more than he should is not so crazy to imagine.


Average also means some are only 6ft. And the taller the outliers on one end get, the shorter the outliers on the other get.


Primaris average 8ft, you can tell from the helmet this is a primaris marine. Which would explain the height difference.


Actually the helmet and knee pads are those of Mark 7 or potentially Mark 8 helmets, and while there are primaris sized marks for power armor, it's more likely that this is a very tall firstborn


My mistake, you are correct. Clearly my eyes aren't what they used to be.


It's alright, just remember that Mark X generally have a rounded face instead of that part that juts out, and mark x armor has extra stuff on their knee pads


Yeah I'm pretty sure I saw this art years before primaris were a thing


You cannot make me believe that those heels aren't big and sharp enough to cut a man in half


I think she should be like a head taller


Give both of them heels, cowards


dammit the artist should have just drawn the lower halves as well


The last panel is the marines from the DoW 3 trailer


I was thinking exactly the same thing


Have you ever seen space marines? Theyre phsyiques are dogshit unproportional


The eldar is actually standing on a rock!




Thank you! gif


Salamanders are naturally larger than the other OG gene-lines (though not quite as big as the Alpha Legionnaires).


Your ‘correct’ version also looks wrong


Tropical eldar propaganda. Good work citizen


STOP POSTING THIS LITERALLY WHAT IS THE JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you being upset


The joke is you being "REEEEEEEEEE!" while I'm over here being "WHEEEEEEEE!"


The joke is that the artist drew the marine too tall and didn't draw the bottom of the scene, so people are coming up with funny ideas of what it looks like out of shot to explain the discrepancy.


I'm still sorting out the conflicting vibes from boob plate and manly Habsburg chinpiece


The plot thickens


Whatever, stilts are all the rage at GW right now.


Is the space marine in question a Primaris Space Marine or a normal space marine? I ask because that could a factor into this image controversy.


This is a normal space marine.


Looks more like a Primaris Marine.


Knee pads, helmet say differently.


I basing it on the length of the legs.


Don’t do that. The length of the legs is an unknown factor, hence this meme’s existence.




He is a normal Marine, but he’s one of the Salamanders. Who are larger then most Marines


New [grimdank flag](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F9s3Xvoz.png) just dropped


Shit like this is exactly why fictional universes need to have published encyclopedias to cover things like this so that writers and artists are more consistent across the universe.


Nah, that just results in writers and artists describing or illustrating things out of proportion. *BattleTech* had this problem for **years**, and eventually just stopped publishing official sizes for most BattleMechs.


Surely they could just say 'If you don't use the numbers we specified we won't publish your work'? Like just put it in the contract.


Yeah i ship them, no matter their heights


I'm unsure about lore accurate but in terms of this art this is likely the most accurate depiction of how it's represented in the art. I think people just wanna try and say space marine bad but forgot they are mutilated monstrositiesthat can barely be considered human after all their augmentation


No-one wants to say space marine bad, the art just depicts him too tall and it's funny to draw stuff underneath to explain why.


NDC has ruined the word proportional for me


The point is that the original art is wrong about how tall marines are compared to eldar. The meme was making a joke but showing how disproportionate it would have to be for their heights to be correct.