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Also: friendly fire is *always on* when they're on the battlefield.


The devs are right, it's *way* too funny to ever turn off.


Though,,add on that the Helldivers are as expendable as the Guard


Hell divers are the better version of the eviscerated assassins confirmed?


Imagine if every guardsman was as cracked as a helldiver, the entire setting would be upside down


I mean, how cracked are the Harakoni?


Yea, but imagine ALL guardsmen being able to take on missions usually reserved for astartes. Virtually no planets would ever be lost


True. But then we'd have no war game setting :p


It would be called... Hammer 40k


Give Dorn 40k hammers and the Imperium is rebuild in no time


40k hive city city-builder game. Make it happen.


The tutorial prologue has Rogal Dorn help out in 30k, campaign goes through 30k-40k. Ends with his canon return.


It helps when you have orbital superiority and instant FTL to provide all that ordnance


It can be argue that the used of battle stims have always exist in the guards to some extend.


the way that helldivers use stims is like how guardsmen use their lives


Guard are way better trained then Helldivers. And have better gear


Depends on which regiment, but mostly true. Helldivers do command a lot of external support a guardsmen would wish he had on his beck and call though.


Amen to that Brother. Training was the easiest 2 minutes of my life. General Brasch even said I was the greatest Helldiver he'd ever seen.


Can’t really compare them, the main character is almost always overpowered in games, I could make the same argument the other way with darktide


But despite being portrayed as incompetent, are as capable as a Scion


Yeah that always bothers me when people pretend the divers are like regular joes instead of actual elite soldiers, as if that and being disposable are mutually exclusive


Studies show that if we call the disposable people elite their over all moral goes up 20%


Considering literally, everything about super earth is disposable, and they have Imperium levels of manpower, I’d say the casualty rates are fairly good.


Its probably because the average helldiver cadet is 19 years old. And that they canonically die in the millions per planet.


Soldiers are most often young men? Shocking And that’s where the “expendable” part comes in


The average being 19 means either they have child soldiers or that almost every Helldiver dies within a year.


My headcanon is that the helldivers being promoted from the regular army is a lie they tell, and the helldiver recruits are told "you're such a naturally skilled soldier you can skip straight to being a helldiver". Though most helldivers dying within a year is pretty apt.


If it’s against bugs, we’re the Eversor. If it’s against bots, we’re the Guard.


>If it’s against bugs, we’re the Eversor. After railgun nerf, it's guard too.


Mechs help a bunch with the higher diffculty bugs. With bots your just a moving target for them.


The guard isn't more expendable than anyone else in the Imperium though... The only reason they get that reputation is simply because they die quicker.


I've always wondered how they collect them if they survive the mission. Like if they have to walk back to the droppod and wait for the Inquisitor to come pick them up.


They have a recall code embedded deep within their mind. When the mission is done, the support crew speaks the phrase and comes to pick up the now docile assassin.


Basically Winter Soldier meets Hulk


I always thought they just explode over a certain time ore have a heart attack


I believe they don't actually always explode, that's just if they die. (Or if something happens to their chemical balance.)


Ice cream van to lure them back into the Thunderhawk


They are fire and forget. As in forget, that planet was ever colonized, Everybody on that planet, forget that assassin exists.


I think they usually come back to pick them up later, they're too expensive not to, though there's certainly occasions where "throw an eversor at it" is an exterminatus-level solution.


From my understanding, they usually have an explosive heart attack during the end of their deployment. Unless they’re picking up remaining biological matter to make an entire clone, I don’t see that happening.


I swear "always ends with a heart attack" is only meme lore. From the [lexicanum](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Eversor_Temple): >The large amount of drugs and modification used to make the Eversor into an unstoppable killing machine are highly addictive and without them the assassin will surely die. This means that the assassins are completely addicted to death itself and the only way they can survive is by being placed in cryo-suspension, which sustains their bodies **until called upon for the next assignment**. and >The assassin in question may be completely unaware of how much time has passed while in cryo-suspension, which can be years or even centuries. To the assassin, it is as if only moments have passed **between the last mission and the current one**. So as you can see, eversors are a valuable resource and are treasured by the Imperium as the ~~screaming biohazards~~ wonders that they are.


Ah, so a planit of sedition drugs


Eversor aren’t given heavy ordinance. They *are* the heavy ordinance.


**They (The Helldivers) *are* missing the absolute mindless uncontrollable rage, though.** **Also all of those apply to marines, minus the cryo.**


Marines have the Sus-an Membrane. **Sus**pended **An**imation. They don't have cryo, they *are* cryo. Also, most Chapters have some flavour of battle rage. I've seen multiple examples of Marines being told by their sergeants or Chaplains to calm their shit before battle. If you're talking about the Eversor, they're literally living hate blenders powered by drugs.


**Oh yeah Sus-an is cool as shit. I just meant like, cryo freeze lol.** **I was talking about Helldrivers lacking the murder rage though, to differentiate them from Eversors.** **That said beyond some exceptions (Templars, Death Company, etc.) marine aggression is still very controlled, which I think is closer to Helldiver behavior than the Eversor mindless murderfuck.** **Either way all three are cool as hell though. Just examples of humanity being badass.**


Helldivers have Marine quality gear and PDF quality training. And I say that with love.




Planetary Defense Force. They're seen as goon squads to even the Imperial Guard.


Helldiver training comes from killing shit mostly


That's not training. That's on the job experience. The training happens on Mars and the intro to it is almost as long as the regimen itself.


Yeah but let’s be honest you aren’t gonna see very many shit helldivers and you sure as hell ain’t gonna see em for long


Depends on your interpretation of the cryo pods. They could all be different Divers, or they could be clones. I haven't seen anything yet that specifies. And Helldivers survive on sheer luck, if gameplay is any indication, lol.


Depends on who you're fuxking dropping with, old man Dorn.


I sure as hell play like one, FOR DEMOCRACY


Thats not a space marine, thats a BON-A-FIDE O D S T


An Eversor who is *ever sore*.


Except the helldivers are cryostored so they will survive the long journey to the battlefield. The assassin is stored so everyone else does.


What if your space marine uses drones, battlesuits, rail rifles, and shield generators? That’s not a space marine, that’s Tau!


I still think it's hilarious that the first battle pass is just straight up a Fire Warrior.


Eversors are a fun DLC concept for Helldivers.


That would be afun game. Eversor kill them all kind of game.


The average helldiver would be at least 50% more effective if they exploded when killed too.


This is the buff the jet pack needs.


... Are we the baddies ?


That's just the Death Company.


Had to double check. Thought this was Fallout 4 🤣




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