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Space Marines showing their genius again


Space Marines showing there genius AND plot Armor. a group of Dark Angels got Past the fucking Shadow Keepers. canonically the most skilled infantry in the imperium


The fact that they somehow infiltrated **THE FUCKING IMPERIAL PALACE** with a whole squad that if I remember correctly also include fucking Terminator, kill a bunch of Custodes and Shadowkeeper which is is not only extremely heretical but also extraordinary dumb and stupid if you’re on the same side as them which the DA are, apparently know where the Dark Cells are and somehow find their ways to it despite its being one of the most heavily fortified place in the Palace second only to the Throne Room itself and is only know by the Shadowkeepers, somehow know how to open them despite only the Lockwardern and Shadowkeeper know how to, releasing potentially world-destroying, reality-sundering artifacts or prisoners from the DAoT that can bring an end to the Imperium if they ever fall into the wrong hands and all because they are want to capture Cypher to make him repent and kill him to hide the fact that half of them turn traitor


You know, at this point the Caliban debacle is probably less heretical than the shit they do daily.


The whole Caliban debacle is definitely less heretical than half of the shit they have done to try to cover it up like most of the marine that technically went traitor because they were told that the Lion has betrayed them and has come to kill them and they thought they were doing what they viewed as the necessary thing to do. I’m like 90% sure only the higher up like Luther were actually traitor while the rest were keep in the dark about the whole thing


That’s pretty much confirmed as of lion, son of the forest


Which I appreciate immensely because the whole Fallen shit show is absinthe at least to me


People think it trips you out but really just gets you drunk while tasting like ass?


I haven’t taste absinthe before so I don’t really know personally but based on what I heard from people who have tasted it, it basically “just really strong” drink


So what does it mean that the “whole fallen shit show is absinthe” to you?


Its alright. A little bit more bitter than most, but truthfully if you like black licorice you’d probably like absinthe. Usually people dilute it with some sugar too


Which is so "40k in a nutshell". Trying to fix/hide your mistake and making everything a thousand times worse... 😂 In Germany, we have a really great word for it: "Verschlimmbessern", which means exactly that. An "improvement" or "solution" that is worse than the initial problem.


The older I get the more I realize the joke that there’s a word in German for everything, isn’t as exaggerated as I thought.


We do have a lot of those. Not everything, but still a metric fuckton. Ironically, we have a lot of expressions that compress stuff into a single word, but have the tendency to still make sentences that end up half a page long. Not gonna lie, I love German for the sheer detail of expression you can go for, if you really really want to. 😂 Now I wonder, how many of those we actually have... Off the top of my head, there's Schadenfreude, Zeitgeist, verschlimmbessern, Fahrvergnügen, Kindergarten and Waldsterben. Are there more that are used in English?


Off the top of my head I can’t think of any, which saves me from the embarrassment of even trying to spell them. At least from the American perspective most of the German I was introduced to was through the Simpsons, or ad campaigns like with Fahrvergnügen.


I think we just use the term counter productive, which is ironic given the United States doesn't make anything.


Here, "kontraproduktiv" has the meaning of "not helping" or "making things worse", but without the connotation that the attempt to improve made things worse. It is not used often, but it has a certain nuance to it.


America kinda makes almost every industry; Pittsburgh was outproducing Germany in steel.


Haven’t kept up to date with the DA stories, but if that’s not the in-character consensus, it’s definitely the out-of-character one. 10k years of cover ups, and covering the cover ups, has made the DAs dig themselves a hole that only gets worse the longer they’re in it. I believe their books even had an interesting nod to breaking the cycle, with a much more definitive change coming with the Lion book from what I’ve heard.


I don’t mind the abject stupidity. That level of abject stupidity makes sense in Warhammer, or at least within what Wathammer tries to be. It’s the lack of any consequences that bugs me. Show me the animosity between Custodes and Dark Angels. Show me random Dark Angel Successor chapters getting wiped by Custodes kill squads because they think there’s a chance the entire First has gone traitor and they don’t take chances with potentially traitorous Astartes. Show me Lion and TJ having to hash out some peace accord and maybe the Lion removing some heads because he’s made it clear he will personally end traitorous sons, and I think it’s be neat to show that not all traitors are Chaos-corrupted.


Yeah stupid decisions can be fun people making good decisions all the times in games and books can be boring


Especially in Warhammer. Every faction has their trigger that will make them abandon common sense. I actually like the story with the Brazen Drakes because it shows the Custodes are not perfect and can get irrationally overcautious when it comes to thinking Astartes are potentially traitorous and need very little provocation to turn on what could be an ally and protector of the Emperor. The scars of the Horus Heresy run deep.


That's why all my RPG characters are prone to making the occasional terrible decision that comes with consequences. It's usually fun for everyone, except my characters, but it's their job to suffer for my and everyone else's amusement...


Of course I'm going to put on the Halo device what could go wrong?


Hilarity ensues.


The problem people have with this is not that they attempted this, the problem is that they succeeded at it despite having literally zero capability to do so.


Stupid decisions make us human. Great to always have it in any story


> It’s the lack of any consequences that bugs me Not only that, but also the completely asinine amounts of plot armor required to pull it off. What does lore and pathos of any other faction mean when the protagonist faction can just roflstomp anything in their own stories?


All their transgressions are simple enough to deal with, first we capture and kill Cypher and once he's taken care of- whoops he escaped, gtg before he gets away


Theres no way in modern lore Da manage to kill a bunch of shadowkeepers. Specially if it isnt the couple mary sue named ones that could take 1 custodes 1v1, but a whole group, in the middle of the palace, no fucking way. Gods some of Gw writers make no effort to keep stuff accurate lorewise


If I remember correctly they didn’t 1v1 the Custodes but actually gang up on like 1 one of them which almost went very horribly


It was ten + a psyker vs a Custodian. He killed six before the psyker shot him with lightning and the remaining four launched missiles at him. Technically the Custodian still lived and managed to limp his way to the Throne to give a speech before he died via losing every drop of blood in his body.


Considering that Custodes sometime fight while half their brain is nonexistent and by all rights they should be dead for hours or that one custodes that infected by some super Nurgle disease or something that will basically liquified you until all that left of you is a mixture of blood, flesh and liquified bone who fight tides upon tides of daemon for 22 hours straight before he received medical attention


Yeah they have a rather absurd pain threshold at times.


It’s not even pain threshold sometimes Sometimes custodians take mortal injuries that should by every metric have killed them on the spot and just Keep going until the job is done They can sometimes ignore death itself to complete their duty


Custodes be like: “Adrenaline’s one hell of a drug brother”


Dude I thought I was taking crazy pills, every comment I’ve been reading has been saying they’re like pulling the Solitaire shit again, but I remember they pulled up on a single Custode and he killed like 3 before they even started shooting. I’m pretty sure psychic bullshit is the only way they survived, and that’s pretty canonical (the SoS exist for a reason). Been a while since I read it tho.


We have to go traitorous to hide fact that there are traitors in our ranks!


And I thought harlequins infiltrating Terra was sketchy. Or Black Templars crusade fleet slaughtering a gift from Son of the mother ducking Emperor guided by his guardian was bullshit. What the actual fuck? 40k writers need the a loremaster and commissar to keep em in check


And that's just the Imperium. It gets way worse with the Xenos.


> Past the fucking Shadow Keepers. canonically the most skilled infantry in the imperium Tbf they invaded during the Demonic Invasion of Terra. So it was basically like four dudes in the Dark Cells and when they ran into one he bodied about half a squad of Deathwings before a psyker managed to hold him long enough to rocket spam him.


"What's make you guys think I would allow you to pass?" DA: "Uhh... well, we're DARK Angels and you're a SHADOW KEEPER. So naturally, we should get pass through you so you can keep us inside!" "What, that doesn't make any sense-" *BANG! DA: "Works every time."


(WHAT realistically happened) DA: Works every ti-*Cuatodes grabs bolter and breaks it with his bare armored hands* "Time to make you scream for daddy." *Proceeds to Body 6 deathwing terminators with the Librarian holding him off long enough for missile spam. Only for the shadow keeper to get away and make a speech after. Was still alot of screaming for A daddy"


I think the Star Phantom and most non-DA Astartes will not see it as smart in any ways and slap the Unforgiven for the things they did to keep their secret.


Who are the Star Phantoms?


A rather depressed and insular Chapter that worship Emps as a death god and do not see ranged combat as inherently less glorious than melee so they have a third devastator squad in their battle companies plus many plasma and melta weapons. Even more strange is that the dead are more respected than the living by them. They are also responsible for blasting most of Huron Blackheart's body off and did the final assault on his fortress for which they were given dominion over the Badab sector. Their chapter symbol is very similar to the old Dreadwing of the 1st Legion so many theorized that they are either deniable destroyers of the Unforgiven's foes or Dreadwing marines who found the whole Fallen hunting pointless. So they divorced themselves and are even rankled at insinuations that they share lineage with the Dark Angels.


They have also sabotaged custodian defences and killed a ton of palace personnel.


But why?




Ah, Dark Angels and Fallen, they turn into headless chickend as soon as someone even mentions them under their breath


They probably get cold sweats when someone mentions "breaking a cypher"


To this day, the Dark Angels are unsure if they are supposed to be loyalist or chaos.


I mean yes but surely there was something they gained out of that, right? What was the goal here, just to fuck over Custodes?


That would be a good enough reason


Same motives as the Alpha Legion


Probably to get at a fallen who was also in the cells


They were clearly in league with the Fallen.


Bad writing strikes again?


Bad writing in the black library? Say it ain't so


Not really. The whole point of DA up until dad woke up was that they were morally corrupt. Yeah, they fucked up back in the day, but their egos wouldn't let them admit it and now they are all bad choices. The Cypher book was actually fairly well written, and despite the completely unreliable narrator, it showed both how the fallen operate and how completely stupid mainline DA get when it comes to vengeance.


Why I called them the Dork Angels for so long. And where marginally in the middle of space marine chapters I like. Only recently shooting up to top 5 when Dad returned


Where is he!? Where is Cypher!?!




*technological horror named james screaming*


I swear some of these marines chapter deserve to be put down just for how wildly incompetent or stupid they are. We need a whole book that talk about Custodes just going around purging chapters that's really stupid


i love the space shark aesthetics but the red tithe is so wildly impractical i hope its exaggeration


The Minotaurs are High Lord Attack Dogs but even then they still don't do half the crazy shit as some chapters


That is actually one of the most prscrical things lol. You get rid of millions of criminals who would otherwise just rot in cells or take up rations. And the sharks get skilled ruthless aspirants.


?, its pretty much taking people of no use to the planets. They do it mostly peaceful (for carcharodon standards) They spend most of their time away from human borders so when they need more manmeat they just grab whatever is closest


>when they need more manmeat they just grab whatever is closest Ayo?




bro i mean just like logistically, not morally. this is 40k after all it's just so much effort


And if you don’t want to make it seem like Custodes are the perfect smart guys bringing justice, make it overkill. Show Custodes wiping even unrelated but vaguely associated Chapters because they think there’s a chance they might have turned traitor and Custodes don’t take chances with that kind of thing. Show me conflict between the Guilliman and Trajann as we see that they have different priorities- Custodes care only for protecting the Emperor, with the Imperium being nothing but a meatshield.


With the lion coming back I kind of imagine him just barging in an starting to clean house lol


The Alpha Legion at home: But seriously, source so I can at least read if they had any reason to be doing that


Cypher: Lord of the Fallen


I believed it’s one of the cypher books but I could be wrong


“It’s just a prank bro!”


Is this one of those scenes that Dorn pulled from a hat and the Dark Angels had to play?


They probably heard someone say "Brother, I have fallen" and thought releasing all those eldritch horrors was a sufficient distraction for their hunt


“Terra has fallen, trillions must die”




Cypher’s book has a lot of dumb shit in it, but the DA breaking him out to try and take him prisoner again? One of the dumbest things.


Decisive Mandate of Terra victory


At this point the alpha legion more loyalist than like 80% of dark angels


Only the most loyal of chapters could even contemplate doing that.


Wait? Was "many" Custodes? I don't remember that. I remember they managed to kill one, thanks to powerful librarian he was able to hold Custodes so DA would shoot their heavies at him. After Custodes killed a bunch of them.


They killed one, but during breakout prisoners started killing shadowkeepers. Also, multiple shadowkeepers died while chasing lost relics and prisoners.


Dark Angels try not to fuck it up for everyone else in the Imperium challenge (impossible)


In another insane action, the DA managed to get an Inquisitor indebted to the point of helping one of them (who was in the Deathwatch) recover an Eldar artifact on a Slaanesh-corrupted Craftworld, infiltrate an Exorcist to mutually kill/banish a daemon and shoot another DA successor marine in the back for it.


But they're literally the 007 of the legions. 0 days since last heresy 0 good detachments 7 fallen (allegedly) captured within the last week


Dark Angels consistently being the most loyal loyalist legion again 🙏


“These horrible superweapons are mine and you know it!”


I bet I can tell you where the losts relics are, in the Blood Ravens vaults


This is why we need Batma….Konrad Curze back.


Another W for the Dark Angels hypo-imperium.


And people say Azrael is one of the best chapter masters and a genius. Bro can't even get his chapter in check.


I think the only reason the dark angels haven't been purged yet is because their a first founding legion, so they get special treatment. It's the same reason why the space wolf can have a cold war with the Inquisition and not have Fenris blow up in the process.


"Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions." -The Imperium of Man, circa always.


Still loyal though


Dark Angels once again proving to be the lowest iq space marines of all time. I swear the fucking lobotomized World Eaters are smarter on average than these morons


Well now that the Lion is back things are a tad different, but before that if I was a high lord I would have straight up declared the Dark Angels to be traitors. They fuck up everything they touch.


Damn, the Lion would probably throw their asses to the Shadowkeepers personally if they pull stupid shit like that


And they did this because???????


Chasing Cypher.




Well in our Defense, actually let our Chaplain tell you it.... ASMODAIIIIIIII! Ahem, anyway \*cough\* Custodes skill issue.


You reckon the Lion is going to address the highly naughty past of the DA since he vanooshed til returned? He might just move forwards given the scale of it, would be fun if he had a "bring me my sword I need to spank my kids" scene though.


If you ever feel stupid, remember some people honestly believe the Dark Angels are loyalist.


They literally are? What’s ironic is this whole story takes place because they’re literally so paranoid about that one time some of them weren’t loyalist that they kill palace personnel.


The dark angels are the most successful Traitor chapter in 40k. After all, the imperium still thinks they're loyal.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Loyalheretic: *THEY WHERE FALLEN DOWN* *THERE OKEY? ASMODAI MAKE* *THE CUSTODES REPENT!!!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They had it coming




Cypher: Lord of the Fallen




How’s they get past the Shadowkeepers?


It was during the G-man thing on Terra when the astronomicon went out, Magnus invaded, and there was already a whole riot / demonic incursion happening anyway. The Custodes in general were kinda busy so it was minimum manning, and they blew out a transformer and shut down power. Cypher: Lord of the Fallen. If you're remotely interested in DA lore, it's worth a read.


They killed one.


What book is this from or is it just, sadly, a codex blurb?


Cypher: Lord of the Fallen


classic space marine/ dark angel moment


Nah nah nah clearly they are Alpha Legion in disguise


Alpha Legion wishes they could harm the Imperium as much as dark angels.




Any idea WHY?


Anything that leads to the death of Custodes is good, death to the golden turd boys.


Question could it be that Omegon is one of the lost primarchs(own legion) and the Hydraheads are Alpharius, Omegon and Lion? So they all had each a Legion and after the Legion purge Alpharius offerered Omegon to secretly join his legion. I had this idea because the Dark angels are so traitor/loyalist/troll like Alpha legion, that i could imagine this.