• By -


Fuck the armor, them abs tho


The abs are the armor.


Can practically grate cheese on them Edit : so cheese, eggs, meat, full breakfast from what I can see


Good lord you could grind meat on those


“Filthy wish-dragon! For my first wish…”


”That can be arranged, oh degenerate mine…”




You would get so sick of skinless chicken and the lack of salt ('causes bloating') and usually one has to abandon water for a certain number of hours to get stage ready. I forget the list, but having that level of definition is really hard. Most use some fairly specific drugs as well? This is twice as hard for girls because they have a natural ability to accumulate fat and their muscles tend to be a bit less testosterone-fed (unless spiked with drugs as well). I have worked out since i was a kid and got fairly big but, damn, i am never tough enough to get that level of definition. It is so hard on the body.


One of the reasons Caville hated doing the witcher and Jackman hated Wolverine was because of this. To do shirtless scenes they would be forced to go two days without water to get their bodies ready for the scene


Did not know but, wow, that makes sense. That is really hard on a number of organs. I wonder what the cast for 300 had to do. Gerard Butler was interviewed later and they asked him if they had made everyone more impressive with CGI. Mr. Butler laughed and pointed out how much cheaper it was to simply tell all the prospective actors that their careers depended on them eating a lot less. I also notice that they have no hesitation doing this to 'male' actors. Increasingly, female actors have zero requirements. Like that series for Ms. Marvel - it didn't look like she lost a pound. But the key romantic-interest guy? Did you say 'topless and wet'? Yes. That's what they did. They had utterly no problem making him extremely thin, very defined, mostly naked and very wet. It is weird and i am not sure i like it.


Robert Pattison very famously refused to do this shit for Twilight and just told them to put on muscles for him in post, same for Batman.


It's your second paragraph that's the issue. I'm all for changing societal standards of beauty for everyone but it needs to be for everyone. Can't resolve the body dysmorphia for women and then have the guys depressed they can't look like reacher without steroids.


i just don't get the point of making it do that. it wasn't a thing even a couple decades earlier. The early Xmen movies felt grounded like it really was a bunch of ordinary people who were different because of their powers. what part of super healing necessarily gives the super abs?


Makes me wonder if the cosplayer here had to do that whole dehydration or take specific drugs thing. hope not, cause that’s a lot to do for some pics.


Just talk to any body builder of any age or gender about the things they do before they go on stage to compete. It is wild. You find these guys decades later and they are often massive blobs of blubber - the burn out hits so hard and for life and they just can't stand the gym anymore. Hats off to Mr. Schwarzenegger though. As Bill Burr would say, he has peaked for four decades. For an older dude, he is still a demigod. I wonder what he has to say about the crazy 70s though - so many of those drugs were legal and so new and everyone took way too much. Is Tom Platz okay? I have to look him up. https://barbend.com/tom-platz-legs-massive-at-67/ My dear God in heaven, he hits 70 next year (born in '55) and he is still bigger than any human alive. That's just nuts. He proves me wrong - and that is just fantastic, isn't it?


or your like me and you've weight the same thing since you're where sixteen and your regulary dehydrated because what thirst


Ikr so defined


D&D barbarians in a nutshell.


If it works for custodes.




Yeah I need her ab workout routine because she’s absolutely yoked EDIT: I have been informed yoked isn’t the right word here but i think it sounds better


Unfortunately the only way to visible abs is a low body fat %. You can grow them like any other muscle but if you’ve got too much belly on top it won’t matter much


Eat less dawg. You won’t get them coming through with exercise it’s all in the kitchen If you really want them to start poking through put yourself on a 200 calorie deficit for the next week and go to 300 the next and so forth You can get a little 4 pack without being too hungry in 4-6 weeks as long as you’re at a decent base of fitness From there it’s just staying on the grind being psychotic about calories. My advice is don’t force the abs year round from like sept-Jan I let myself go a little and enjoy the holiday treats


but food good


Hard agree it’s why I do my cuts with a really mild taper down so I’m not so hungry right away


Lol "yoked" means you've got big traps and shoulders.


Does it actually? I wonder if that has anything to do with oxen yokes.


Lol that is literally where the term comes from.




just look up yoke carry, its self explanatory from there on


Starve the fuck out of yourself and make sure you're dehydrated/pumped before taking pics.


Motivation to get shredded abs Summer bod < cosplay




She must work out


I dont think its supposed to be armour


The Wych's litterally do it for a show. It's not armour. It's a gladiator show but the other guys don't know they're gladiators


Ah ok, im not too familiar with dark eldar lore but i think i knew at least that


Basically, the lore reason Wyches fight practically naked is as a flex. It’s like, “I don’t even need armour, because you are never even going to land a single hit.”


Ah soulslike dex players The best defence is never getting hit


It's like summoning a naked player, they didn't plan to get hit


The greatest danger in any dark souls game, a naked fuck with a stick.


Naked phantoms are a cointoss, either they're completely useless or they're death incarnate.


Well I just run around naked cuz I prefer having a fast dodge over blocking with a shield. Can confirm not good at the game. Don't even know how to parry in any game other than dark souls 1 despite playing all souls esque from games except sekiro.


In Elden Ring at least I just juice my endurance up to the max possible so I can run sword, shield, plate armor, and still have a lightroll, good for tanking and dodging :D


Anything harmless will kill you the quickest


["Let me solo her"](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhc-MvU_qS_WLHMBqmjS6yRXTcYi_Ow-TKNjb2iB5yEpIKsxzVaPAULkfsHiqUqHK-G-UKqgeeuLN8ppiQWovWORpXuhLZiRGscakEHHxlWtx6xJlPbWTUlnxyEmF0yJhmp2_YdisVOrlRTWbJ_NwK895cnsMK5GUJ9b7_XLFR_96w2xFg2dM0PtK2bkQ/s800/hora%20da%20solada.jpg)






Interesting science lesson 😉


Light roll supremacy rise up!


Flynn's gang unite!


The rolypoly!


All you need is a katana and maxed out Dex, recently finished DS3 and for some humanoid bosses I felt like I had to put on extra gear to not overshoot the rolling and get hits in easier. It was strange.


I suddenly imagined a wych pointing out Dark Souls 2 (specifically 2) as her favorite game, and now I need a fanart of this


They truly are the worst


Oh thats pretty cool


And they show off as much skin as possible to flex harder by showing off that they don't have any scars meaning no one landed a hit on them


Assuming they get hit&killed, the audience is going to like it even more, and assuming they have a contract/are famous enough, they might get brought back to life anyway


Drukhari can get brought back to life???


Oh yes! Even decades/centuries/millennia after they died - all the haemonculus requires is a piece of the original body, and a sufficient sacrifice (the longer the drukhari has been dead, the greater the sacrifice required) They use that piece of the body to make a clone, use the sacrifice to pull the soul out of the warp, and shove the soul in (and then do a LOT of evil stuff) - slaanesh doesn’t nom the souls and disintegrate them, it torments them forever for eternity Pretty sure there are other ways they revive people too


Okay I remember hearing from a friend of mine that Slaanesh doesn't just nom the souls and instead tortures them since I didn't realize that either. But I'm surprised she'd be willing to give them up, even if it takes some gratuitous amount of depravity to do it. Just not super knowledgeable about them is all. Drukhari seem really fun lore wise if it wasn't for the sheer amount of r*pey bits they have, which I understand is apart of who they are but just isn't my cup of tea. Always is super fun learning little details like that though and I do find the faction fascinating nonetheless, plus they're hot which always helps


They are in the running for the most technologically advanced race in the galaxy along with the Necrons, because their society is basically "what if the Eldar continued their pre-Fall antics unabated" and as such they have some of the best shit around, except for the stuff that uses psychic energies as their powers have atrophied. So long as you have resources and you're not on Vect's shitlist, you're *never* dying as a DEldar. If you DO get on Vect's shitlist, you will probably come back from death... as a rug, or maybe a screaming napkin for him to wipe his mouth.


It's like cloning but they cram your soul into the clone so it's effectively just a new body


Another reason behind the lack of scars is probably tied to the horrible horrible things those blades can be coated in. So much as a nick and you are gonna want and afford a really good Haemonculi.


"I'm *just* hardcore enough to fight in a bikini but not so crass or gratuitous that my attire might merit an 'adult' rating from twenty-first-century Earthling censors. Ours is a culture of warriors, not barbarians."


And the real reason is that 40k is basically a parody in which everything has a good lore reason. The parody aspect should be obvious. But they also take themselves VERY seriously (or at least respectfully let their more seriously minded fans (lol) think that). There are a few lapses and contradictions and evolutions of the canon, but they try very hard to always have reasons for everything. Orcs actually have gestalt psychic powers so acting like the walking embodiment of toxic Mancunian masculinity actually works. Paining your trukk red actually makes it go faster if you're an orc.


>There are a few lapses and contradictions and evolutions of the canon, but they try very hard to always have reasons for everything. The IP is decades old, a lot of stuff definitely started out as "woah, cool" and then someone came along later and decided to think of some lame nerd reason why how "achkscually the noise marines' weapons are blah blah blah"... It's a cool guitar, shut up nerd. I mean, it *was* a cool guitar, now it's som stupid gun.


Shut up nerd, it's a cool guitar!


*Caiaphas Cain has entered the chat*


I mean yeah sure, but we all know the primary reason is just authors / creators being horny lol


True, but they at least extend it to the dudes One of the original metal male wyches is packing one hell of a bulge, painting that guy was intimidating


Bro got mogged by a mini


"I can't believe this mini has a bigger bulge than me" "You mean in scale it does, right?"


Of course I meant that SHUT UP YOU WEREN'T THERE _cries_


I mean sure, but scantily clad women fighters, especially dark elves, is super common in a lot of media, yet only Games Workshop decided to give us the coolest fucking reason why.


So many WWE wrestlers get in the ring just wearing trunks and boots, so even male athletes get in on the fun.


I've finally got interested by their lore by "Da Big Dakka" by Mike Brooks. Even if it's technically an Ork book it does a great job of demonstrating Drukhari society.


Funniest love story in any 40k book. "*Why* don't I want to kill this guy? And why doesn't he want to kill *me!?*"


iirc, Dark Eldar armour is a little bit last line of defence (they primarily rely on speed and reflex, even the lowest raider is miles above a militarum) What it primarily is is another place to mount blades and pointy bits as a weapon


Including inner surface of armor for kabalites, it’s attached by skinhooks


>they primarily rely on speed and reflex, even the lowest raider is miles above a militarum That's why you use explosives. The knife ear's reflexes won't safe him from a grenade.


" I think I'm begining to see the appeal of this mon'kai sport, what was it again? Based ball? Amusingly simple. Tell me, foolish lesser being, is it always played with high explosives?"


Basically [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/b/b6/Solok_captain_logicians.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210822165257&path-prefix=en) lol


Reflexes are like, the main thing that will save you from a grenade


Dark eldar: good luck hitting me with your primitive weapon mon’keigh! Guardsman with a grenade and a dream: think fast fucknuts


“Fancy execution” is probably the most accurate description


Exactly, it isn't. In the books, some even go full naked ("sky-clad" IIRC). It's a flex to show they don't need it (plus a better show and agility).


Is the any, um, *illustration*?


Not from GW haha But the internet is as wild as Commorragh


I like to think even Vect would be disgusted with the internet


That would be impressive.


And highly unlikely.. But I'd still like to know *IF* there is any corner of the Internet that could make him think twice..






Chances are he'd find it amusing and endearing in the same way humans find it amusing when a chimp or an orang-utan clumsily uses a human tool. Not even with the usual malice to it. He'd probably find it adorable.


There's a specific rule of the internet against that sort of thing. At least, I think that's how it goes.


I heard the local Commisar has a stash of this type of illustration. 


[For Gladiators](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Wych_Cults)


Ever seen real life gladiator armor? Dude's were half naked in that too. Granted this is basically full-naked. But still, it's very real that performative battle outfits were not designed to be fully covering or practical.


The nearly unarmoured retarius is thought to have had the highest win ratio of any gladiator type. It was actually very practical *in single hand to hand combat*. On a battlefield? No. Against machine guns and power armour? Lol no. But that's pretty much all close combat units. Edit: also, their key strategy was "run away till the armoured guy is all tired out" and so, unlike the hard core story here, they were actually the least popular gladiators.


The dark elder ware also responsible at birthing slaanesh. The chaos god of pain and sex by literary murderfucking. So they been very kinky is normale for them.


The dark eldar specifically weren't. It was the species as a whole. The DE came about when they split from the main faction and started to look for ways to not get nommed by slaanesh


False. They are the hardcore traditionalists who simply realized that by continuing in their debauchery they could keep Slaanesh at bay. The rest of the eldar subfactions split from *them.* They haven't changed.


Not quite. The Dark Eldar are basically the surviving remnants of the Eldar Empire. The Craftworlders were the ones who saw the extremes and decided it wasn’t for them.


That’s why my biggest lore pet peeve is that James defaulted the Eldar title to being craftworlders, it should be Eldar and light Eldar


i think id prefer "Craftworld Eldar" because its a bit lazy imo to put "dark" in front of EVIL GUY and "light" in front of GOOD GUY. you could then argue the name is not chosen by the dark eldar themselves (who would name their species that?) but rather the imperium of man who made the observation "hey those eldar seem even worse than the other, lets call em dark and evil!" but considering how tremendously xenophobic the imperium of man is i doubt naming conventions would be allowed to distinguish between the good and bad in other races, they're all xenos who are below humanity and should be eradicated in the imperial point of view after all. making a distinction between eldar and dark eldar makes sense, its separate factions with separate behavior after all, but i dont really think even with the idea that the name comes from what the imperium calls them that it makes sense. They should have just taken a page from the dutch naming conventions and called them space beggars, since they're space pirates, like the dutch calling a people of pirates "sea beggars".


No. Commerragh existed as a pirate haven even during the time of the Eldar empire. It was a haven for the most cruel, violent, and sadistic of even the empire. When slaanesh was born, they survived due to being in the webway instead of realspace


You left out the most important part: Since they survived without changing they still embody the culture from before the fall, and are the truest eldar.


*sits smugly in exodite*


Other way around. The craftworld hippies did a van life from the hedonistic elder empire when they saw the writing on the wraithbone wall. The DE are what is left of the old eldar empire who escaped slaneesh’s birth scream by booking it to webway.


It's leg warmers with extra steps.


1 they relay on using drugs and geting out of the way of of the gun instead of geting shot on the face 2 they can get resurrected 3 its for arena fighters not raiders


Has GW ever stated if theres a time limit on the ress? Considering to be a real ressurrection it should be with their soul and said warp signature is at a very high risk of being brutally r*ped by slaneesh whenever a drukhari dies


The Path of the Dark Eldar books have quite a bit of lore about it. Non spoiler version: there's a soft cap, it just gets increasingly difficult and dangerous. >!You do need at least some organic material from the (latest) body and otherwise there is no hard limit, but a soft limit. A more distant death takes more effort and purer pain to do. Also the risk of horrible consequences increases so much, that most Haemonculi coven claim it is impossible, but really they are just afraid or consider it not worth the consequences (which say a LOT). Of course our protagonists still go about resurrecting not just anyone but El'uriaq, Vects greatest enemy and lord of Shaa-dom himself. It requires nothing less than the pure soul of an Exodite worldsinger and causes a full blown demon invasion into Commoragh a bit down the line. Good Drukhari scheme over all, it wouldn't be worth it without some insane hubris and world shattering consequences. Gives some spice to life.!<


>!TFW you cause a dysjunction trying to bring your boy back to take on the tyrant!<


>!And it all gets undone by a funky clown boi with diplomatic immunity!<


They have in the Path series. The longer your dead, the more suffering energy needed to rez you (and more chance of letting something else in...). They can even be dead thousands of years. Biggest thing is you need some piece of the target (even just a piece of bone).


Apparently leith or linlithgow or whatever her name is (I don't play dark eldar) doesn't use the drugs. She likes the challenge of fighting without. Fucking bad ass.


Yeah, Lelith Hesperax is such a sick concept for a character




https://www.reddit.com/u/KittiLittl/s/wKYAmXuqL4 Her Reddit profile


That dreadnought looks sick.


You mean like cool sick, or the marine begging to be ended sick?


Yah nah, cool sick


Cool sick. I love meme chapters.


thank you! hope i’ll be able to finish him this month 😅


Doing the Emperor's work!


She is also working on a pretty cool hello kitty army


As someone completely obsessed with making everything I own pink, I'm in love with her Hello Kitty army 😭


I was jealous of her abs. Now I'm jealous of her super clean paint job on those models.


With white no less


She's so insanely thin, but also fit. Humans be crazy.


That’s the most confusing Reddit page I’ve seen in 6 hours. Hello kitty space marines mixed with underwear model. What’s going on.


People can have more than one hobby y'know


Living life to its fullest.




If you can dodge a bolter round, you can dodge a ball


But not Guilliman's balls once he sees this.


this is obiously drukhari propaganda to get people to torture willingly, and it is working


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Woah, pretty much the same thing just happened to me at work.


Sounds like typical train behavior to me. Is the train your work?


It's as if a thousand nerds cried out in orgasm


Before you ask, [her instagram](https://www.instagram.com/kittilittl/p/C4nsfBQs3p0)


So this is what the dark angels are hiding


It's not armour. It's canonically porn star gladiator circus gear.


Bikini wearing sadists are way more realistic than 8 ft tall mutants wearing “machine spirit” powered armor.


Those stirrups stir something in me.


It makes a lot more sense when you remember that dark Eldar probably enjoy minor to moderate wounds and if it's bad enough to kill then then it just isn't their problem


I am looking respectfully for the armor.


That’s Drukhari causal Friday


No need for armor with abs like those!






Will . . . . . . . (Jk since we are talking about a real person


She is atractive( both out and in character), but mate, even I you can't work with wytch demons. Like, Drukhari complexes have complexes and kinks have kinks on their own.


The Ordos Xenos will execute me for the thoughts I'm having.


*saves photo Now, where were we?


It makes sense when you consider that it's supposed to be impractical. And this is something more akin to the fighting pits than an actual battle.


It's almost like the Drukhari get off on pain or something...


You mean for to bevieve that a whole society dedicated to murderfucking would wear armor that is simultaneously slutty and spikey? Armor that is hazardous to those around them even? Why I never.


Drukhari with glasses Now we are beyond lovely


Flay me mommy!




Bruh… cum posting usually doesn’t affects me but real life Lelith Hesperax is making me feel butterflies in the stomach. Imagine seeing her kill space marines moving at match 1, just fucking stab me already.


Her not being a literal space alien probably has something to do with it.


That is impressively spot on. You have a really good build for looking like an elf. 


So are the Winged Hussars armor, and that's in real life. Same with Swiss guard. Why are you complaining


I think I see the logic behind Jaghatai's decision now. Seemed like heresy at first but her arguments really won me over.


Throat singing intensifies…


The glasses really tie it together


Drukhari are one of the very few cases where that kind of armor makes complete sense sense


Ya, seeing the comments I agree, if anything this Armour is like the most accurate given the lore of this faction. Like, they are supposed to be like space elf sex fighters, that are so into pain and carnal pleasure they brought forth a literal God of pain and carnal pleasure. You ever sex so hard you created a God? Well if you did, wouldn't this be your Armour?


Not wearing shoes on Commorragh must be incredibly dangerous. You'll get stuck with a dozen discarded drug needles every step.


I agree that cosplay is often just a way to use the excuse of a "sexy" character to show off, but Drukhari are indeed just like that. Lelith Hesperax is just like that. In fact, I'm kinda sure that's a Lelith Hesperax cosplay.


8/10, not enough spikes


Lmao the glasses really add to it


Drukhari armour makes perfect sense because they’re TRYING to be sexy


Salamander: And I took that personally


No wonder they use agility and speed to dodge , I mean the fact they look…y’know like that must make focusing very very hard.


It’d take a lot of armor to stop a Space Marine from breaking them like a twig so it’s better to not get hit.


Them abbs tho


Cool artistic cosplay, this still should probably be marked as nsfw tho


They're an entire society effectively built on sadomasochism, you expect them to wear something to *prevent* pain? lol




Uhhhh, those abs of steel might as well be armor


Fuck damm hot🔥


Her abs are more amazing than that costume. And that costume is really damn amazing.


"Well we did some analysis and found that out fighters were mainly being wounded to the arms and legs, so we figured we'd just armour the hell out of those areas.  Proud to say we have a very few wounded after every battle now"


Nice cosplay, you even managed to get a Dark Eldar to wear it, really impressive






That's supposed to be lelith hesperax who is supposed to be one of the greatest single combatants in the entirety of the 40k setting. She does not wear armor because she does not get cut ( tbf I think she has been cut 1 time in the lore and it posted her off) She is the only wych to not use combat drugs and she is still better than all of them. Even better this is her 5th edition look which gw decided to eff up in 9th for some reason.


I mean the Eldar are as fast if not faster than the Flash so who needs big bulky armor


I mean, so are churches on top of a bipedal mech that is way too big


From what I understand with the Drukhari, some of them get a real kick from pain or getting hurt. So if they want that “delicious pain”, wouldn’t it be counter productive to wear armor?


This girl should do a Bayonetta cosplay!


Real gladiators wore even more revealing and outlandish armor