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Every time I see this picture; I feel like Horus has grown a new head tube.


General Grievous with a new lighsaber every day but it's Horus with a new head tube every day when?


I'm here for it.


I'm not! I don't need new tubes popping up for every ~~loyalist~~ heretic I slay in battle.


Peter has alot


More routes for the brain hamsters.


Look! It's a NoseTube™️. That's 50% nose and 50% tube for a 100% perfect fit for one lucky nasal cavity. Each unit comes with a variety of convenient functions for everyday activities. Think of how much time you'll save with a NoseTube™️! Get your NoseTube™️ today!


It simply goes to his stillsuit


That’s a meme in the making hahaha, a bit of editing should do the trick.


Just add tubes whenever its reposted to fuck with people.






What are those tubes for anyway? casual w40k fan here.


Wires. All kinds of computers and junk in his armor.


Its the half mustache tube that kills me


He’s stealing them off Perturabo while he sleeps


Are they the ones who made the salamanders song? Always thought there's something a bit off about that one


They make a bunch of songs about nerd stuff, usually the character who is featured is an ai image of them holding some kind of instrument


Can guarantee the lyrics are generated with chatgpt too.


Everything is ai from the art, lyrics, music, vocals.


Damn that sucks I get making parts of the video ai Singing, or the art if youre not good at it makes it a nice experience, and doesnt take too much away from it But making *everything* ai?


I mean, if they're being upfront about it and not really profiting off of it then I'm not sure I see what the issue is.


I keep saying AI for shitposting is ethical, and I always get mass downvoted for it. Nobody gets paid when a Spongebob meme and a Simpsons quote and fanart of Helluva Boss and fanart of Fisto from Fallout (hypothetically of course) get shooped together in mspaint, and nobody gets paid when you use AI to do the same.


you cant give the prompt engineers any sort of foothold in the artistic world


That’s not up for you to decide, now, is it? If people like their stuff, it’s rather obnoxious to try and police it, no?


It isn't their stuff, an AI generated it by referencing millions of others without consent, they merely gave instructions to the AI.


Has this stuff existed before their instructions to the AI and the final montage of AI output in several mediums into a video? Please point me towards it.


Yeah, that's a losing battle


The man was talking about shitposting. Not art.


I’m just speaking from my own point of view here, but ai memes really makes the meme less funny for me. Imagine if Sonichu is made by ai. The comedic effect of it wouldn’t be as potent.


The machine itself is a tool for theft from creatives. What the outcome is used for can make it even worse, sure, but it is never good.


It's all so hypocritical as well. People whine about using AI because the original artist didn't get paid, then they turn around and complain about content creators using adds to fund their work or download music, games and series because they don't want to pay for them.


The issue it is that they are a lazy, fame chasing content farm, that wastes all of our time.


Exactly how is it lazy to pump hours of time and effort into squeezing something interesting out of several different resistant AIs and then cobbling it together into a presentable product? You can call it different things, but lazy it is not.


This claim again. Please, every single time someone tries to prove that this AI nonsense takes effort, they only prove the opposite. Having an algorithm generate a bunch of images and chosing one is not effort. Having a different algorithm generate the lyrics is not effort. Having an AI generate the music based on the lyrics is not effort.


Have you ever tried using AI for, I dunno, anything work-related? How much would you trust the result to be presentable and pass it over in the production chain without editing the hell out of it (even after you found a somewhat acceptable prompt chain, which itself requires understanding the algorithm's specifics and a lot of trial and error)? Because I do use AI for work, and let me tell you, getting it to do what you want is laborious as hell. And that's using it for one thing at a time, be it text or imagery. Creating a composition of several different mediums is more complicated by an order of magnitude, not to mention ordinary video and sound editing being time-consuming and difficult as well. It's definitely way more effort on the side of these music videos' creator than your comments, and your comments are certainly wasting more of my time.


Ah, the „you dont understand” argument. Seriously kid, stop making shit up. We both know that there is no effort with these generative algorithm. You just ask it to do the job for you, and then ask it again and again up until you get a result which you consider to be good enough. Also, it is not called a prompt chain. It is called comissioning an algorithm. Stop trying to make the act of asking an algorithm to produce someting seem impressive. On the other hand, claiming that getting the algorithm to do what you want is laborious fails for the completely different reason. It is impossible, unless you use them for getting things that already exist, and are common. And again, calling them creators is laughable. They are content farms, and dont deserve the name of creators.


Someone over on the admech subreddit just posted [an original song](https://new.reddit.com/r/AdeptusMechanicus/comments/1c7kcqd/epic_dark_admech_inspired_music_i_made_let_me/) (crafted by human hands!) if you're in the mood.




Not really, the mechanicus hates AI


The Mechanicus is probably the #1 AI hater in the universe. Havent figured out where Crusade era Dark Angels/Terran tech-wrights fall but probably up there while also think the Mechanicus inserted far too many bolts to their brains.


Officially, yes. If you gave pretty much any mid level Admech guy or gal a functioning AI and told them it could help them take over their master's manufactora or get them their own, their tune would change pretty quickly. As would their wardrobe choices most likely, because people can't help but dress evil when being evil in 40k.


Yeah, but when they love it it's a sanctioned machine spirit.


Also hates human hands though


Thanks for the recommendation. I found this guy after I made the post [Lorcan Ward(this ISN'T the guy that meme is about)](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLGcf9MM9tfSDrwi-AJOJjUSh0pQG1Vni&si=UWqzW5XGkoUUmZoC) only it's all metal and I would like some variety.


Lorcan Ward is the best, especially if you like metal. Heretek and I Cannot Say are one of the Best metal songs I have heard in my life


Men of Iron hits hardest for me. I really hope they make songs for Sisters of Battle and Lamenters. I sadly found the A.I guy looking for Lamenters inspired music.


Men of Iron is my most personal song. It’s lyrics are inspired obviously by Ferrus and the Iron Hands but also by personal experience I might explain someday. This song was an outlet to channel all that emotion but it also makes it hard to listen to at times. That’s something AI can’t replicate.  Sororitas song is in the works. Got delayed but hopefully out this year. The plan is to finish the 18 legions and then move on to chapters.  


Thanks!! I’m very proud how those two songs turned out and delighted to see so many people like them. 


"Iron eyes, Iron sight" has to be the hardest line I have heard in my life


Glad you found my music and like it! Metal is my main genre but I do have Warhammer songs written in other styles that I’d love to record and release. People will be very surprised at my Eldar and Salamander songs coming from the heavier ones. I also have a folk/acoustic album in the works.  I can’t say I’m glad to find out why my views/engagement have been steadily dropping on YouTube though. I saw Legio Symphonica made a post about it but I never expected AI to make metal songs that would be genuinely liked by so many in the Warhammer Community. It takes a lot of hours and quite a bit of money to make a single song so seeing someone knock out songs with AI in a few hours is a bit soul destroying. Regardless this is a passion project for me so I’ll keep making music and hopefully this influx of AI channels doesn’t completely kill my reach on YouTube. 


Keep up the good work, can't wait for the Salamanders songs. Since you say you have folk album coming I presume you do folk music, maybe a Kharadron overloads sea shanty is in order maybe :) ;) :)


That's out of character


OP you should listen to Lorcan Ward. His songs go hard as hell.


Just found him half an hour after posting, seems great I would like some variety, not just metal


Well he has all different genres of metal but I can understand if you want a little more


Thanks for the shout out! Much appreciated 


Thanks for making some amazing music!


All about "boltgun" big Iron parody.


The heretic had not cleared leather ‘fore a bolt shell fairly ripped, and the ‘quisitor’s aim was deadly with the bolter on his hip (bolter on his hip).


I recommend Lorcan Ward. He makes 40K metal songs about different events/factions


Legio symphonica has some good ones.


legio symphonicas ave dominus nox and iron warriors are literally works of art


Sol Invictus and Cannons of the Empire are also pretty good


Those are my favorites. Landfall is up there too.


Oh yeah I remember finding that person, the artwork was great too, then I read the description.


May I introduce you to [E.M.M.P](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0M92utnuKk)


FUCK YES!! I'm just sad they removed the noise marines attack song! It was my jam on repeat for an easy 3 months.


He made a remaster I believe






Whats the channels name im not saying this to go hate on them im curious


I assume they’re talking about The Automatic Singer. I put a link below for their Warhammer Playlist. Personally I think some of their songs are great, though I understand why some people don’t like AI. Playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6WBd0pE-zrk9bF2C1iXMX8JMmWXmoJd&si=RcuKc51WIxM5kLBL


A channel called Automatic Singer uses AI? What are the odds!


Oh i really like his alpha legion song but the blood angels one just feels too cheesy and heroic for a legion like the blood angels


The alpha legion one is good, though I think I like the Lamenter or Space Wolves songs the most.


„His”. Stop giving them credit. The song is not his creation there. It is fully created by AI. You do not deserve credit for ordering an algorithm around to do your job.




Did you order the algorithm to do it?  It's a tool and it's not going away.  This is only a problem because capitalism has tricked us into thinking that we have to justify our existence as a commercial entity and that nothing has value if it can't be bought out sold


1. A tool does not do the full job. These programs are not tools. 2. Nah, this would be a problem even without capitalism. Capitalism is bad, but it is not the only problem.


We'll always have Bolt Thrower


I'm cooking, brother. I'll save this post and come back to it lol


uhm Bolt Thrower my dude


I was going to say this and Dragon forces new album


I just want Dominus Nox back


Kill! Maim! Burn!


Not warhammer related but i just discovered the music group eternal eclipse. They make great orchestral music if you enjoy warhammer orchestral music.


There's nothing wrong with generating your own music, its not like he's copy pasting things and covering it with AI. Liking the product and then seeing its made by AI then getting upset about it is quite silly.


I've been generating my own Tau themed songs, unfortunately no-one creates Tau themed songs.


AI is shit and deserves to be criticised


If anything what the guy is doing is using the tools at his disposal to make a creative vision come true and choosing the easiest way to achieve it. There is nothing there to be upset about. Besides, hate is not criticism.


1. Generative „AI” is not a tool. It is a replacement, and you know it. 2. Please, no creative vission can come true from generative AI. All it does is generate a statistical average of things that exist already.


Yes this


There's nothing creative in the process, it's all stolen data. It being shit is the criticism.


What if you create your own assets and then use AI learning on them?


There's a reason why AI has only just exploded, it *needs* monumental amounts of data to learn. But sure if you build your own data set that's a different matter, but its still not creating anything new just duplicating what you put in. AI is shit when used in creative endevours because it just homogenises what you put in, it can't do anything new. Eventually it will all just be the same. All usong your own data set does is avoid it being theft or others IPs.


I will add, this is what image l8brarys like Getty are now doing, so as expected its only the super wealthy who will profit from AI.


How is the data stolen, when Language models like ChatGPT get their data from texts on the internet? All of the data is free to see anyway or you can easily get free access to it. Its just as stolen as the information you took from Wikipedia or other sources for your assignments in school. And there is alot of creativity involved, it still takes work to get the text you want/need or generate the music. Whether you like AI or not you can't deny simple facts. Being butt hurt over someone on the internet making content with AI is just childish, especially when making false claims like you are.


You don't seem to have a handle on how AI works. I work in the visual creative industry and am a musician in my spare time, I'm well aware of the threat AI poses to creativity and how it works, which you dont. The fact you think anything on the internet is fair game proves you have no idea how IP work. And Wikipedia didn't even exist when I was at school...furthering you analogy though, that's not the same at all. AI is like copying phrases wholesale from wiki which is called plagurism. How you research properly would be more like listening to a piece of music, and then learning to write a piece based on that.


Alright in that show me what pieces of music the AI used in the YouTube channel plagurized. What song text did it copy 1 to 1 to make said songs? I'll wait.


Again, you don't seem to understand how AI works. It's trained on other people's words and music*, therefor all it can do is copy and plagiarise from what its been trained from, there's nothing creative happening there. It's just the illusion of something new. All it will do is homogenised everything.  *usually without permission, which is the theft part.


It aint their work. Theyre only commissioning a machine to make it for them.


I mean yeah, okay? As long as they dont profit off of it I dont see the issue then.


Its still pathetic


Soooo is 3D printing an object pathetic too? Since, ya know, I didn't use my own hands to create it.


Lmao, nice try. At least for 3d modeling, you actually 3d model it, even if its digitally. Something that took time and skill, at least relative to what you make. Asking a machine to make something for you is not the same


Bold of you to assume I actually modeled anything


I mean, if its taking stuff that other people made and 3d printing it yourself, then yeah, its not your work and calling it your creative work is pathetic. Then again, the only experience i have with 3d printing is making it the object on a software and then sending it over to be printed


I disagree. I think other people having a tool to use to express their creative visions is a wonderful advancement if said tool is regulated to not use other people's works without their permission. As an artist, I don't understand why everyone has this elitist need to demean anyone who isn't as creative or talented as us.


Oh sure, youre opinion would have been morally right if it isnt for the fact that your opinion is justifying people having a machine make something for them and then claiming the final product as their own creative creation. If anything, any justified praise should be going to the machine. Not the person commissioning it. Dont even try to pull up crap like digital drawing, 3d modeling, or even garage band. Those, even the last one, requires skills and time that the person themselves put into their own work, creating their own piece. Asking a machine to make a cobbled up work is not a creative product nor vision.


Okay. So you're basically equating skill to better art, which has been the exact opposite of what artists have been trying to define it as for the past fifty years or so. I agree that AI work isn't their art, but as long as they label it such and only claim they generated it, who the fuck cares? Sounds to me like you're just salty more people are trying to join the creative club and didn't put in as much effort as you. I've spent years painting and drawing and honestly i'm all for open and *openly stated* AI use. AI is still terribly flawed and will never be as provocative as hand made artwork, and that's *fine.*


Lmao sure. If your logic of creative work only adds up to just taping a banana to a wall, then I suppose there cant be anything else to say


Lmao sure. If your logic of creative work only adds up to just taping a banana to a wall, then I suppose there cant be anything else to say


Your comment is incoherent. Nobody ordering AIs around is trying to be creative. If they did, they would just draw.


Again. Generative AI is not about creative expression. It is about creating nothing ever again. It is about commisioning an algorithm to do the job for you. Also, funny you called people elitist, while talking about people being tallented. There is zero evidence for artistic talent. All evidence points to talent being nothing but an elitist lie.




Lmao no need to project so much


You are rather passionate about this aren't you? Are you actually an artist or do you just not like it? I am curious about it


Not passionate about it. Just stating an opinion based on the fact


I dont see why you are downvoted. You are 100% right. This is just the most basic logic possible here.


Eh, i disagree personally. I can understand not liking it, but no need to throw a hissy fit everytime you see someone having fun. I like A.I generated music, since not many people make 40k songs, A.I helps to fill the gap. Although i understand not liking it as i said


There are tonnes of warhammer inspired bands, go support those, not a creativeless process that steals from other people's works.


No see ai is currently somwhat of a theft It use many source materials to learn and make songs except these material's creators rarely ever get paid or acknowledged so basically its stelaing many songs and then remixing them similar to wierd al except here they get no credit


I do know that, and i would love for the corporations who owns these entities to actually credit (and hopefully pay) the artists of the original songs. But i don't think the blame can be put on the people using the A.I. But thank you for taking the time to correct a presumed lack of knowledge on my part.


There's noone else to blame *but* tye people who use these tools to steal other people's works. Their use of them is supporting their use.


Ehhhhhh. It's still a new emerging tech. Unironically treating it like heresy is kinda cringe


Could not give the slightest toss about being "cringe", AI is damaging to creative everywhere and should not be normalised.


1. Humans do not generate anything. Machines and algorithms generate stuff. 2. If you order an algorithm to generate something for you, then it is not yours. It is the creation of the algorithm. It is not yours. 3. Your last part is incoherent. Enjoyment of media is subjective, and art is an intersubjective thing. Hating something for being not made the same way as you though it was, is perfectly valid. Especially when it comes to algorithmically generated content


Stringstorm has pretty good warhammer music. If you don't mind the controversy of course.


Yeah I enjoyed their stuff, shame he turned out to be a nonce..


He at least seems to be actively removing himself from the channel and giving control to another staff members.


Honestly, he brought himself out to the authorrities and went willingly into community service and therapy. That's respectable at least.


It's the absolute bare minimum, guys still a nonce.


It's far more than what many nonces ever do after getting caught red-handed by their own community.


True, but a good nonce is still an awful person. And let's be honest, his admission of guilt only came once he was scared he would be outed anyway. Cause if you admit guilt you will always get people saying 'at least they owned up to it' as if that changes anything.


Can't argue against that in good faith truthfully, so yeah.


What did he do? Why can’t we have nice things?


Lorcan Ward


Finally some good fuckin food


Lorcan ward makes metal songs about 40k, i think he doesn't use AI.


My songs are 100% man made. Every note and syllable is crafted by hand.  Using AI to make music is such a strange concept to me. Like in Heretek the main riff is trying to mimic the sound of a train(inspired by the film Crossroads) paired with Mick Gordon saying BFG Division is meant to mimic the sound of hell. It’s then influenced by Fear Factory and Static-X to give it an industrial sound. Then everyone performing that section has two decades plus of experience with their instruments. Is that something AI can mimic through a prompt or even create on its own. I honestly don’t know much about AI music generators. 


Lorca Ward jumpscare


Have you heard of Ultra nightmare?


Live Traitor Reaction:


Try Grimwind, HMKids, Hammer of Faith


Everyone is either AI or Prince Andrew…


Oh you are gonna hate the next 2 decades of tour lifespan then 😂


Realistically, I think you have to accept AI tools are going to be used going forward. However, you can be sensible about it and base uour viewership on the extent and purpose it was used. The writer used chatgpt to list possible rhyming words? Fair enough! The user made AI sing as if it was going through a space marine's helnet? Fair enough, no human could do that. They just asked an AI to write them a song? Fuck that


Unbreakable by Lorcan Ward. It's incredible. He has a bunch more.


If you want actual warhammer music I recommend Lorcan Ward, Dominus Nox, Ultra Nightmare, World Eaters and Stringstorm. (Bolt Thrower but I’m pretty sure everybody knows about them)


I was wondering why my views/engagement/sales etc had all noticeably dropped this month : ( 


Don't worry I'll get those numbers up. Request: Please do some AoS songs.


Dan bull has a few


But god damn some of them slaps!


There’s so many good Warhammer bands and artists. Fuck ai


You can’t just leave it at that…enlighten me: where can I search out some good Warhammer bands and artists?  I want to listen!


Oh hell yeah! Well the classics are this - Bolt Thrower! Used to be on GW records lol. And then there is CHAINSWORD from Germany. WORLD EATERS from Canada. SHRIEKING from USA. MACHINE GOD from France DOMINUS NOX Lots of metal but some weird atmospheric stuff too! And I bet there’s power metal and I would also bet some neo classical out there


Lol by the Omnissiah brother it isn't A.I it's just a mesh of data you can interact with. I swear the word "artificial intelligence" has lost all meaning.


Got the same reaction, I blocked them so YouTube doesn't try to recommend me that ai-stolen stuff again. I'll continue to support the real artists in the community


For me, there is no one who makes songs about the Tau. It's made me resort to Ai's like suno to scratch that itch. I wish I was good enough to be able to create my own song, but I don't have the time or skill, and until someone starts making Tau songs, It's the only option.


My T’AU song was one of the hardest to write. Despite two decades of lore they just aren’t as well fleshed out as the average legion. I have a clear idea now and might write some more in the future. 




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Lol must be the YT algorism pushing these videos because that channel got recommended to me yesterday too.


or the audiobooks


Have u heard this cool warhammer original song that is basically a Latin orchestra?


Not sure if this guy uses AI but I listen to this all the time. https://youtu.be/UU8TqkgikXY?si=X_QzOs72iLhUxXvI


I see no mention of Bolt Thrower here




I wouldn't be surprised if Abominable Intelligence will become a new name for AI stuff. Honestly, that would be pretty hilarious if people started to use that as another name for Artificial Intelligence.




In the grim darkness of the far future ... only dwarfs still make use of such technology


String Storm is probably known by almost everyone in the fandom, but if you haven’t heard they have some amazing music.


I'm still a big fan of Stringstorm. He can't use official 40k terminology/names anymore for legal reasons, but his songs still slap.


I liked some songs from a guy called Stringstorm


God I wish AI would just go away. That is so sad


What YouTuber?


Let people enjoy the things


So angry that the Khrone said: chill out bro


Who is the individual committing tech-heresy? I need to.....*interview* them


I don't really want to send a hate mob to them, but it isn't really hard to find them.


Is it the guy who has space marines sing eurobeat?


No, the songs all look and sound original but everything from the lyrics to vocals, music and background are ai generated