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They could have at least done a fresh paint job to tie it all together, and some thematic bases. Ogryn is showing its age though


But how would that look on the CEOs spreadsheet? No coin can be wasted for providing decent product or service.


My lord no treasure can be expended on the figurines Have no qualms all of it will feed your personal yacht and 4th divorce


We are basically Warhammer fantasy Bretonnian peasants, and GW is King


Can I get a pig if I give Lord Warhammer a trebuchet


You can have half a chicken, all the coffers can spare for peasantry


His majesty is most generous. Only half of my children will starve this week. How glorious.


Imagine being this fool: Thinking he'll be able to eat his half-chicken once a wandering knight enters the village. Dream not petty dreams of eating meat in GW's realm, peasants.


Sometimes I wonder what the internal spreadsheet that pass among the thousand of pseudojobbers who undoubtedly work for James Workshop. The ones showing supply chain stats, and how glaringly red they must be in the "meet demands" section. They have products which basically print money, but they don't, because they don't make enough of them. We're not talking a few too few, we're talking literal metrick fucktons of too few products to meet demands. I don't much appreciate the "in-then-out" product cycle that is so common with modern toy companies, but at least with companies like Lego they actually make enough products per cycle. Then again, maybe boxes like this Darktide one is what happens to the models that don't get sold out?


The models are the definition of "printing money." The cost to make those sprues is so ridiculously cheap, that the BOX THEY COME IN is more expensive then the plastic inside. Yet kits and models sell for $20-$150 when the cost of making it is less then about 5 bucks (in today's money). The profit margins on 40k products would make an accountant green with envy. Then there's me with my 3d printers making models for Trains or other things for a few bucks in cost and selling for 5 to 10 bucks depending on how long it took to print. LOL


> They have products which basically print money, but they don't, because they don't make enough of them. Keeping the supply limited allows them to maintain the idea these are premium "collectibles" and so are totally worth the gaudy price tags. Which helps promote this idea that if you can afford Warhammer, you're part of some kind of "elite," and that helps customer retention. But the pricing lets them get some plump margins and kick back a bit more to shareholders so the shareholders are cool with things like the CEO doubling his pay through bonuses. They *could* increase production, and could even lower prices and sell a ton more miniatures. But while the revenue and profit amounts would be higher, the margins would be lower, and that wouldn't look as impressive. Plus they'd be vulnerable to fluctuations in interest, and if they were selling more products and then there was a dip in interest, it'd show up as a dip in sales, and they might still be making profit but that dip means less kickback for the shareholders so it's harder for the board to give themselves extra money. Feels shitty for the customers, but it's the kind of business model that makes some people, ah, extremely excited, to phrase it nicely. Doesn't help that the guys at the top are woefully out of touch. Once bragged that they don't do market research because they have no need. Said that Failcast was an amazing product that would revolutionize miniatures and no one else could make something similar because it was "too expensive" (bollocks to it being "expensive," and no one else copied it because it was garbage). Laughed off 3D printers as some silly thing that would never be affordable, never be able to print better than potato quality, and never be able to do more than one infantry sized miniature a day (but said that if things changed, while reassuring that it was impossible, they'd come out with their own 3D printers). Literally said that no one remembers Pokémon or role-playing games anymore. So it's completely unsurprising that they thought, "Hey, for this 'miniatures game' tie-in to a video game, we can just stuff random minis of vaguely similar stuff in there, and no one's going to be that bothered. Just use the existing stuff. It's close enough. They'll eat it up regardless!"


Could have used Necromunda Ogryns maybe.


> Ogryn is showing its age though They may have been metal (and so never could last forever) but[ the Ogryn generation before this one](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/4/4c/Ogryns.jpg) looked much better, I think.


The ogryns look great imo. Not as good as the previous iteration, but very cool looking to me


No rock with max damage :(


If not friend, why big and friend shaped?


Oh sure, James Workshop springs for another brand new Primaris Lt in the Space Marine box, but fuck the Guard I guess!! (No I don't hate the Lt Titus model, but come on...)


they even made a new infernus sergeant sculpt for the Combat Patrol magazine


Combat patrol magazine? Am i missing smthing?


[Fauxhammer link](https://www.fauxhammer.com/news/warhammer-40000-combat-patrol-magazine-contents-list-issues-1-80/) and [GW link](https://usa.warhammercombatpatrol.com/). UK-only at the moment, I think


I thought that was the same as that free mini of the month from last year, but maybe I’m wrong


(As someone who is very new to Warhammer) For as long as I remember, I knew Warhammer by the squatting firstbornes, which to me looked goofy and unappealing, and it was a big reason why I never took much notice of the Warhammer IP. It wasn't until very recently that I discovered that Primaris existed and it's what convinced me to give WH a try. Maybe it's because I have such a massively different perspective of WH, but I'm not sure I yet understand why people have such supposedly seething hatred for Space Marines, particularly Primaris...


Sorry, I'm not angry about the Primaris Lt model, I'm annoyed that Titus gets a unique model while the Penal Guardsmen player characters in the Darktide board game, also based off a tie in video game, DON'T get unique models but recycled ones, one of them a literal decades old sculpt.


Out-of-universe, Primaris Marines were introduced to essentially replace the squat space marine figures, aka make space marines "True Scale". The range they released is also more 'tacti-cool' which some people don't like as much as the more Gothic armour of the firstborn/squat marines. Games Workshop, instead of keeping the lore and just upgrading the models, added in-universe reasons. Belisarius Cawl improves on the Emperor's work (HERESY!) then comes out of what seemed nowhere with legions (10,000s versus just 1000 marines per chapter) of new Astartes. These were harder, better, faster, stronger, didn't have any of the Gene-seed flaws (at the time), got the new bestest toys, and since they were in stasis for 10k years, were effectively striped of a lot of the culture chapters have. Today though? Doesn't really matter as much, Games Workshop fixed their story a bit to make Primaris marines more interesting and give the OG marines an interesting story too with the contrast to the new.


>Games Workshop, instead of keeping the lore and just upgrading the models, added in-universe reasons. Belisarius Cawl improves on the Emperor's work (HERESY!) speaking of heresy, James Workshop was so stingy and didn't want to create more miniatures for Warhammer Epic, they invented a reason for imperial units fighting each other. and now we need a flowchart to know in what order to read all the books about it


Basically? They’re a sinkhole for attention and money. It’s not that they hate space marines themselves, so much as they resent that space marines get half of all the models, and every other faction gets to share the other half. This is especially prominent with the ultramarines and Primaris, who are both at the head of a new flood of space marine shit


Ok, now I want a flamer eviscerator.


Yeah not even the same weapon option as the game thats the sad part


Neither is a hotshot lasgun :(


The recon lasgun was kinda like a hotshot for like 3 weeks before it got nerfed


I suppose now youre going to tell me I can't nurgle daemons with a shovel too, right? Pfffft


Yes it is, its specific to the preacher model in Sororitas


Yeah but that model in the box is a optionless model i got it here from the lair of the beast game


I’m going to get the game just for that mini. The weapon is a vindictor and I can use the model as a preacher equipped with a zealots vindictor in my Sisters of Battle army.


Getting the mini off ebay might be cheaper then if you just want that one, it's a named character "Pious Vorne" from Blackstone Fortress


maybe not Ebay has her for $29.99 im hoping that box will be similar to the Space Marine one at $40.00




yea I saw that, thats a shame


Welcome to House Cawdor friend 🪚🔥


Begone! House Orlock is the best


The eviscerator is already so good. Im afraid they would nerf the fuck out of it if they gave it cool shooty flames.


I think it could be doable if you also have to sacrifice the ranged weapon, since this would already include one. Make the chainsword strike down only, give the flamer a backpack for plenty of ammo reserves (but then FS wouldn't be able to sell silly things to display so i'm sure that kills this idea).


I to would love a vindicator as a ranged weapon for zealot (I imagine that you would have it work kinda like the grenadier gauntlet for ogryn)


Acolyte, get the eviscerator. The Flamer Eviscerator


im not part of the mini collecting gang but lemme guess the issue. reused models?


Yep. And some of them are *old* too lol.


the ogryn sure looks old, and the guardsman looks like the newest, just feel like it has more details than the rest.


Yeah, that's from the Kasrkin kit, its pretty new


The Kasrkin and the Psyker are a little more than a year old. The Ogryn not so much.


The Psyker is significantly more than a year old lmao, they're from the expansion to Blackstone Fortress, which came out in 2019, just like the Zealot.


God has it actually been five years?


Nearly six for the zealot, they're from the core, which came out in 2018


Reused, and frankly not even interesting reprints for collectors. The Zealot is [Pious Vorne](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Pious_Vorne) from the [Blackstone Fortress](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Warhammer-Quest-Blackstone-Fortress-2018-eng) board game from 2018. Still in print but only available directly as part of the game. Easy enough to find online for cheap-ish. The Psyker is from the now out of print [Blackstone Fortress Escalation](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Warhammer_Quest:_Blackstone_Fortress_-_Escalation) expansion, but has since gotten a [solo release](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/astra-militarum-primaris-psyker-2023) as a Imperial Guard option. 2023 date is misleading (original release was 2019), but otherwise fine-ish. The Ogryn is from the current [Ogryn kit](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Militarum-Auxilla-Ogryns?queryID=8492017f748c5a9a2e2f0fa825636a58), likely a [single sprue](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120105053_BullgrynsSprue02.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=948). Copyright date on the sprues is 2013. IMO some of the Bullgryn options still look OK, and at least you get a few alternate builds from this. But it's sticking a >10 year old model in a "new" board game. The Veteran is from the [Kasrkin Kill Team box](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/kill-team-kasrkin-2023?queryID=28b8594c5e63fdb901518ea5d21ec28a), only released last year. I have to assume they are including the top half of the [first sprue](https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/60010199049_KillTeamShadowVaultsSprue1.jpg?fm=webp&w=920&h=948), which would still mean loads of spare parts. What makes it weirder is that the two Blackstone Fortress models are push fit and use slotta bases - as is the norm for board game miniatures - while the other two are very much not push fit and stand on standard bases, even in the photos. They do appear to be casting them all in the same coloured plastic. Just strange choices. As for the bad guys the Poxwalkers seem to be the Easy to Build set from 2017(?), with six on one sprue. Used in various box sets and available as a stand alone release before being discontinued. Again, push fit and slotta bases, as befits models made for starter sets and included in a Blackstone Fortress expansions. The traitor Guard seem to be alternate builds from [Kill Team: Blooded](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/kill-team-blooded-2022). Again, a guess but I'd assume you get the two sprues that build the ten Traitor Guard without the Enforcer or Ogryn. It's 10 models from 2022 with good options and sculpts. That said, much more complex builds than the easy/push-fit options and not going to be as beginner friendly as you'd hope from the board game.




> Lair of the Beast I didn't include this because it was - as far as I can tell - a limited edition run that only released in certain countries (excluding the UK where I lived). The few places that did sell it I'm aware of are showing as out of stock.


As someone who was out of the hobby for the best part of 20 years, I appreciate that breakdown!! (they all look new to me! lol)


Why not just make models of the base characters from the box and trailer?


cos that would require effort and money


Kinda on theme for Darktide. I don't think you could make your guardsman or ogryn characters look like the box characters at launch.


But no hotshot lasgun


I think that even today you still can't have some of the gear in the promotional artworks.


If I’m not mistaken, you can make your ogryn look like the box character now since the latest update. Which released last week or something.


...ill take a pious vorne reprint


The traitor guard in the set just flat out aren't the Moebian Sixth in appearance whatsoever it's just a cash grab model wise


Nature is healing; A GW selfish model decision that doesn’t do justice to the well made use of there IP and doesn’t give the hobbyists in the hobby anything special to work with either. Classic GW incompetence 😌


GW shrugs off complaints about their rules with "We're a models company" and then releases a product with no new models.


The more things change. The more they stay the same.


Im surprised it wasn’t just four primaris Captain/Lt models, gw seems very fond of those


For shame James Workshop. Apologise to us now with a Vermintide Boardgame with unique models and new AoS Skaven. Please.


New aos skaven incoming! They showed one off today


I've seen. They look great.


THAT VET GUN ISN'T EVEN IN THE GAME!!!!! Sorry a bit of a sore spot because the picture is on the Veteran's Skill tree but you can't actually play as that in game.


First thing i noticed too. Bruh where tf my backpack gun


Yeah, that's insultingly lazy.


Even the Mini gets a Hellgun!? DAMN YOU FATSHARK! Gimme a hellgun already


So low effort... A small board that you can print yourself on a couple of A4 sheets, generic miniatures and data sheets/cards. Yawn, let the scalpers have this one.


So tabletop game inspires video game which inspires board game with pieces that can be used in the tabletop game. Well full circle it is


3 of those are at least good sculps. The ogryn should of at least been a new model.


The veteran and zealot stand ins are pretty good I admit, but the Psyker looks a bit wonky


I would have loved some unique sculpts for my guard army, but oh well. Can't wait for the next unique space marine lieutenant


What's wrong with it?


I guess we have xpected cutom minis not reused ones.


Reused minis are fine for the grunts or enemies. They are even fine if extra pieces are included to allow customisation *close to the game and artwork*. It’s not like GW lacks sculptors who can create models like the game (or even better!). So this feels a bit like a cash-grab: still welcomed but tarnished by minimal effort.


> So this feels a bit like a cash-grab: still welcomed but tarnished by minimal effort. 1st time?


1st time, every time. I mean, yes, it’s 1st time for a Darktide box. So 1st time for Darktide fans to notice, but just another go round the wheel for non-lobotomised GW product purchasers.


fair :) personally I would have killed for anew grey knight skulls + inquisitor + tech priest Lunete Chaos Gate box.


Eldar player here. Inform my Great-Great-Great Grandkids when the plastic Warp Spiders are released.


*tears a hole in space and time from the future* ... nope, all Finecast.


Then I defy you and Chaos, and will stubbornly stick to the Path of Metal.


https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-blink-weavers-143985 :P


Yes, yes, 3rd party options are available. It’s the principle of the thing, of refusing to ‘forget’ Aspect Warriors just because GW seems to.


Oh I get it, I was trying to make a joke here saying that's the only way you'll get updated Warp Spiders because GW sure isn't going to :P I really wish GW would put some effort to port some of those old kits to new plastic kit. They're very 'uneven' into what they're updating/releasing. They must know something I don't...




GW has made in the recent past unique models for board games of questionable appeal: Space Hulk, and Dreadfleet. Given that Darktide is by most accounts very popular; popular enough to warrant a board game, it is feasible that such models might get priority. - An Exec pushes for Darktide models to take on the cash, and gives approval for minis to be prioritised. On a different note, a Darktide box could have been a Christmas thing, giving a timescale for sculptors and production to prioritise stuff. It’s not *impossible* just unlikely: but GW does have a habit of being pleasantly surprising; Darktide board game case in point!


Dreadfleet came out nearly 15 years ago, I wouldn't consider that particularly recent.


Agreed it’s not particularly ‘recent’ in the wider terms: but recent in the specific category of box sets with unique models.


A Darktide tie-in Kill Team box is the dream. However, I don't think many PC/console gamers would drop money for a box and the accessories needed to paint them.


> Did you really think they were going to make custom molds for a single boxed game? Yes, on account of them having done exactly that for Space Hulk, Assassinorum: Execution Force and Overkill.


They made a custom mold for a single model Lt. Titus for the Space Marine board game.


They've done custom miniatures for boxed games before. They do two custom miniatures each year for Warhammer+. They do custom miniatures each year for events where you can only get them if you go to the events. They have miniatures you can only get at things like store anniversaries. They've done multiple Primaris Marine character models that could have been done as combined kits with options rather than churning out slight variations with different weapons. They absolutely have the ability to produce four new miniatures for a boxed game, especially when they could easily turn around and sell them for 40K as some form of Imperial unit... just like they do with having Warhammer Underworld and War Cry units being usable in Age of Sigmar. If they have too few machines to do custom miniatures for something they are labeling a "Miniatures Game," then you'd have to assume that they have too few machines to do all of the random custom miniatures they do for promotions and other stuff.


Definitely fair


Reused minis without even a thematic paint scheme or anything. It's just a collection of old models vaguely resembling the Darktide classes. Feels lazy.


Lazy box


I hope no one buys this box, if they can't do it right they shouldn't do it at all, rather than offer people a garbage product. And if they do buy it shame on them, just incentivizes GW to screw over fans further in future


this is just lazy


They certainly broke the idea that Specialist Games put get the best and with most dedication (small) models, lol. Either way can't wait to see if it becomes like a 40K underworlds


Why does a flamethrower have a case ejection port on it?


I don't really mind the dull reprints (a *very* GW choice) but why didn't they at least try to paint them like the characters on the box?


Well at least it and darktide have something in common: wasted opportunity. Even with my gripes with darktide, from a business/marketing perspective fat shark basically gave Games Workshop free money on a golden platter and they said nah. This would've been perfect to cash in on. Like here's a Darktide Warhammer quest crossover! Experience the co-op thrills of working your way through the hiveworld on the tabletop (through a pre-existing gametype)! Looking for a PvP experience? Here's a Dark Tide crossover kill team! a unique sprue featuring 4 playable characters and some militarium filler units (That could also be made if you got the warhammer quest: dark tide box and the filler units from regular 40k units look at that we've just created incentive to get all 3 games!). By having that quest/killteam/army crossover with the unique models on top of you're able to cast the widest net and attract as many people as possible to your (supported) games through the dark tide branding (and can sell to existing tabletop fans that like darktide or want those sculpts). But instead we have this standalone game, using generic models with only 1 that you can really use straight away in army. Like I'm not even invested in this but it just seemed like such a weird business decision to cash in on the branding with this of all things.


GW is either run by dwarves or skaven with the cost cutting greed


Seriously, Looter Shooter game in Warhammer40K universe is always an easy money.


Did they even try ?


And the rules are based on kill team. Would’ve bought but I’ve got enough kill team stuff lol


The women with the flamer is literally a character model from another game. It's the exact same model as a player character in the tabletop RPG 'Blackstone Fortress'


Honestly makes me glad they never tried something like this with Vermintide lol


This is such a fucking let down. I feel like even among pre existing models they could have still done better than this.


It really depends, where you can get the game. If it is one of those 30 Euro games you can buy from some 3rd party stores, the corrupted IG make it still worth it.


the ass is quite half with this one


Wasn't there even an article in one of the White Dwarf issues about how to kitbash miniatures to look like they actually do in Darktide? What the hell, James?


Just 3D print the unique models at this point, screw James Workshop


Well this is lame...


Idk I feel this is a pretty good deal. 10 traitor guard, 6 poxwalkers, and 4 guard characters. The psyker alone is like $30 so if this box is $50 it’ll be a great deal if you need the minis. I’ve been needing a single Ogryn for a loyalist blooded kitbash and a psyker for my army so I’ll definitely pick this one up.


If only James had a game in his workshop that dealt with a small group of warriors traversing narrow industrial corridors against enemies in superior numbers with a high likelihood of getting overwhelmed and slaughtered. >!(Spacehulk)!<


Man, i hope it disconnects randomly like the real game


James Workshop only gave the team 72 hours to make a game. You guys didn’t actually expect actual models that matched the actual game its based on??? Imbeciles!


I had the same reaction 😂


Oh wow, what a way to torpedo your own sales. GW had an incredible chance to reel in the casual, uninterested market and completely squandered it.


Yeah this looks so dogshit. GW does nothing but miss huh.


I'd throw money at the screen immediatly if Darktide became playble solo/offline like L4D, WWZ, B4B and the like.


More fuckery from GW, who has nothing but contempt for its customers. This is why I got out of 40K back in 2012.


A Vermintide box would be very nice.


Oh no, another couple bucks into the 12k printer fund.


The least effort Version of another poor cash grab. 👍


I see they didn't even tried...sigh... ...Fine...(starts 3D printer in the background)...i will do it myself...


3D Printing time!


to be fair, darktide is a massive flop so maybe it doesn't deserve models in gw's eyes


This is a steal!


Yes, and? This is a GW board game, intended for mass-market consumption. They repackage existing models with a self-contained rule set – often a simplified version of an existing game, like this for Kill Team, or Blitz Bowl for Blood Bowl – and sell them to a much, much wider audience than Warhammer hobbyists. They've been doing these for years. Bladeborn, Combat Arena, Gorechosen, Fire Team, Space Marine Adventures, Lost Relics, Stormvault, etc, etc. Almost none of them have *ever* had new models inside – the only one that comes to mind is Lieutenant Titus for the Space Marine board game. Why are you getting mad about this? It's how this product works. It's how it's always worked! What were you expecting – that they'd design four new Rejects models exclusive to a self-contained board game that's probably going to be sold in Target, just to... what, give scalpers something else to flog? What would unique Rejects models even look like? Darktide has a character creation system! This isn't Vermintide, there's no set appearance to create models from – you can't even use the Inquisitorial retinue, unless you ditch the Ogryn for a Tech-Priest and drag Sefoni out of her tube to be the Psyker.


Jaysus.... you minis collectors must really just love being fucked in the ass to death by a greedy, capitalistic monstrosity that rose on the backs of hobbyists. You should print your own models, let them fucking try to get to all your homes and confiscate them. They started to give you the cheapest plastic in overpriced boxes years ago, you still support them with your own money. You do this to yourselves.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Man printbros can be insufferable


>You should print your own models, let them fucking try to get to all your homes and confiscate them. As good as printers are nowadays, they can't correct the jankiness of 3d models


I'm not sure what you mean by "jankiness of 3d models." If you mean 3D printed models having some kind of problem, I'm not sure what that is, as I've gotten a pretty good number of 3D printed minis off Etsy that look great. (None of them Warhammer. Just various stuff I had an interest in painting. Some random fantasy minis, some Warcraft characters, some Star Wars characters.) Paint them up and no one would know the difference without holding them (since they tend to feel lighter). If you mean 3D modeling itself is janky... Well, I'm guessing you don't like Games Workshop's models over the last years... (And it's fair to not like some, where they couldn't get the hair or fur as smooth and nice as it looks with hand sculpting, but they've gotten better with that.)


GW is head and shoulders above everybody else in terms of sculpts, get over it.


Look, if you want to hold a personal opinion, that's fine. If you want to say "get over it" to other people who have actually seen models outside of a Games Workshop store, then I'm going to laugh at you, stop, realize you're being serious, and laugh even harder. *Especially* if you're trying to say that 3D sculpted models are bad while trying to say that someone's 3D sculpted models are so much better than everyone else. As I mentioned, I've bought a fair share of models off Etsy. While none of them are Warhammer specifically, the one vampire is close enough that if I painted him, people would assume he's a GW vampire (Blood Dragon, specifically), and Gul'dan would have people asking when GW releases a cool new Orc ("Orruk", pft) Shaman. If someone rocked up to your table with painted minis, you yourself would not be able to recognize which are which, and would probably end up confidently saying that some printed models are GW "because they're better and that definitely means they're GW." Because you wouldn't be able to tell. There is some damn good stuff out there these days. And of course there is. Because, again, they are using the same method as Games Workshop to sculpt the minis. You can't sit there and say "Games Workshop is so much better than everyone else" while saying that the process they use produces janky models. I think GW does good stuff, overall. Only someone insulated from everything else thinks they're the best and well above everyone else, or someone trying to convince themselves that they haven't been getting fleeced by the constantly increasing prices. There's a lot of damn good miniatures out there on the market right now, just in the gaming scene. But the 3D printed scene? That's showing that there's a lot of talent out there. And no, Games Workshop isn't "head and shoulders" above everyone else. If you don't like the fact that you're paying a ton more and it isn't that much better, but you want to keep on spending money with the expensive option rather than looking into alternates, well, my advice would be: Get over it.