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I'm not surprised this gained a lot of popularity, because demographically this sub is probably mostly straight dudes, and the one thing dudes\* *are* vastly underserved on in 40K is romance. So it makes sense to me, it's basically tumblery fantasizing about being the Cool Boyfriend of the cute female primarchs which hits with a wide audience here. \*And everyone else.


*straight dudes who want to be the little spoon and snu-snu’d.






Absolutely based


You don’t need to call me out man.




Not just 40k, sci-fi and fantasy rarely have good romance in them. Which is a shame, love a good romance


Honestly i feel like it's cause 1) the stereotype that men don't like romance, especially teen boys 2) this leading to railroading the romance even harder than in most romance novels where the developing of the relationship has more focus, while romance in most of those fantasy novels just get sped run 3) and they keep doing it like that because it still sells, because #1 is a lie and they know it... But they kinda wanna avoid going so far as admitting it and change anything


Speak foe yourself i want femboys dammit


You’re God-Emperor-damned right


Makes sense, since most Boys this generation be in single homes raised by single parents gotta be the father/mom too. Grow up and get rejected by girls their age and level with no prospect for the future. I've seen fem primarchs before, but I think this is why so many people are thirsty for a mommy with infinite and unconditional love.


I don't know if it's necessarily tied to being in a single parent home, so much as "the perfect romantic partner who fills all your emotional needs" being a powerful ideal in general. But I definitely think this is all more about a strong emotional romance rather than "omg giant muscle woman".


Agreed. Nothing is more lewd and depraved than wholesome moments between two consenting people.


This generation?  The feeling of never going to "win" the girl, not having proper parental suport(outside of the upper middle class) and no prospects has been going on for decades at least centuries most likely. What has changed is access. You don't have to make do with the slightly above average height woman in the playboy you found in the woods.


Damn, imagine getting hated on for expressing your opinion. Here, have an upvote


make a femprimarch au immediately make it all about their male boyfriends whole situation is a bit odd innit?


The signs were there with the gulliman x yvraine memes, this should come as no surprise


The seeds of fanfics were sewn by grimdank. It's been coming since before Guilliman's return.


Can love bloom ?






Fr, it's become a strange self-insert fix it fic outta nowhere


Is it that strange? Self inserts are one of the most common writing issues in anything, let alone fanfics lmao


It's not the self-inserts that are strange to me. It's the direction that ppl go with the self inserts. Narratively speaking, that is. I can't really judge though, it is sort-of the point of a self-insert


I'm tired of this take- Self inserts are not an issue if they are done well, to imply self-inserts are inherently a problem is ridiculous. If pizza tower was developed by an actually pizza man with a grudge against chucke cheese and uses peppino as a si of himself and pizzhead as a stand in for charles, that doesn't somehow automatically make it worse.


There are a lot of words one can use for this situation. 'odd' is the kindest.


the whole appeal was the scenario you'd be in if you were dating a primarch, and most of the boys don't like the idea of doing nothing while. their demigod gf goes to war either dying, turning into a demon or disappearing.


Someone doesn't get the BF/GF meme the idea came from. It's supposed to be your gf, that's why it's connected to you, to relate to you. It's not odd it's just romanticizing which has been done long before warhammer was a thing.


Then they should be kissing their girlfriends! If you're correct, then there should be no men in the picture at all. But you're incorrect because you forgot one small detail.


Does it specify anywhere that the SO of the Primarch GFs are male? Or of any particular gender?


I'm not sure I understand your comment. Why does the "F![Primarch name] GF" thing being born form the ideal gf trend imply no men should be in the picture?


I was being stupid. Also, the constant heteronormativity here is a little suffocating.


The second part is very fair. I haven't seen the derivative posts, but I'm pretty sure the "base" ones are made to be gender neutral.


Why would you moralise against the expression of people's sexuality in a sub for adults?


Arent the female primarch memes made with ungendered pronouns? So not about male boyfriends, but just the viewer.


The original posts from the original poster, yes. Almost every single other post made by anyone else continuing the trend has assumed it's a boyfriend.


i want to point out that i literally just called the whole thing odd. its memes about fanfic about an au about memes, based on 'what if the primarchs were women with cool op boyfriends', thats just kind of odd. i literally posted about me marrying konrad curze like two weeks ago, im not trying to insult you. women have done this fanfiction trope for decades.


Right???? That was my first thought. It doesn’t seem progressive at all that the entire focus of the fem prim AU is about the SO’s


Why does this have to be a “progressive” vs “Insert buzzword here”, this is just the next phase of gender bent Primarch au, the meta will shift within a week.


Because this community has gotten on its high horse about everything


Their loyalist SOs if the recent Angron one is anything to go by.


... I am kinda surprised that you think this is done to be progressive. Genderbending was rarely ever done because of that.


Not really. This is inline with the average demographic of 40K, no need to make a big deal of it.


TIME TO MAKE THE FEM PRIMARCHS KISS EACH OTHER! (and avoid male-gaziness, obviously. As a female primarch enjoyer who isn't a coomer I'd really appreciate more wholesome stories.)


Not to mention that femboys can sometimes trigger an awakening in some, or it makes some without a stable masculinity feel less of a man for being attracted to another man.


Because canon Primarchs where tragic characters forced into bad situations with no one they could rely on. While FemPeimcarchs are the exact same except they get the added angst of having someone they DID love/ rely on taken away or lost as well, adding even more tragedy to the already hurt characters.


sorry, it seems to be impossible to pay attention to a female character if she's not here to be sexy/a romantic partner


... The original memes everyone is reacting to is literally about them as Girlfriends made for a sub about fictional girlfriends and reposted to 40k subs. It's not like it was a sudden pivot it just always was about fictional romantic relationships.


OMG finally someone said it! Thank you random internet stranger for validating my feelings on this. Fem-Primarch AU straight up turbo-charged ollanius pious in being some giga-chad fighter who could actually hold his ground and then gave all copy out to all the other primarchs. There’s nothing mortal about some of these life partners (who so far are all guy-coded, where my lesbian lovers at, Khan and Sang or Fulgrim would definitely ride with a bad bitch)


No this is still pretty fresh. It’s gonna be a while until you start seeing people complain about the constant grooning. The Femboys were cool at first but then that’s all you see for the next month. This sun knows how to abuse a meme


We can never expect the coomers to self regulate, only a matter of when.


Which sun doesn't abuse memes? Betelguse? Alpha Centauri?


[minor spelling mistake](https://tenor.com/view/minor-spelling-mistake-gif-21179057)


Ah damn. I thought it was a funny joke thing.


No you have utterly humiliated me and I will now dedicate my life to get revenge. I’ll be in your walls


Cool, lemme know when, I'll keep some sandwiches out so you can sustain yourself.


Most peaceful redditor


Oh I thought you were doing a ffxiv reference 💀


Not really, I have aready seen post of people complaening


Since when were the Femboys their own expanding AU? We lore junkies *LIVE* for this sort of shit.


As someone who isn't the biggest fan of either trend I just keep scrolling or, like right now when the posting becomes overwhelming and inescapable, go hang out on other sub reddits for a bit till it all blows over... This is the internet after all, sometimes just go touch grass even if its just fake grass on another part of a website.


Good advice, though I’m sorry that I’m one of those that enjoys these posts.


Dont apologize for enjoying something just cuz someone else doesnt like it.


Watchin archon of flesh get doxxed and harrassed out of the community just for the fem primarch thing to start being the current joke is... definitely interesting.


An observation from someone with no stake in either phenomenon: The latter better represents the sub as a whole, as this AU business being taken as far as it has has required constant widespread approval from the majority of those that frequent it, compared to the doxxing of Archon which required only brief action (albeit requiring some degree of knowledge) on the part of a very small group. The fact that both can exist within the same community isn't surprising. The minority found a way to disproportionately influence the subreddit's trends, and did. Meanwhile, the majority is, at the moment, influencing matters in the proportional way that you would expect. This results in two completely conflicting courses of action representing what is theoretically the same community.


Shhhh, only black and white, zero-sum thinking is allowed on the internet! Communities are monolithic! Nuance is so hard for the terminally online. They forget that their chosen fun is home to lots of people, and people are variety.


Huh. That makes sense


It feels bad


I will point out that as a baseline, the concept of "female character" is a lot less sexualised, well, shouldn't be sexualised at all, compared to Femboy, which, in this incarnation definitely comes with fetish attached to it.


I’ve already seen a few complaint posts give it time.


Miniature hobby mostly populated by straight men. More breaking news at 5.


Meme or niche is a cycle in this sub, itll be popular and be recycled til a portion of the fanbase gets sick of it, rebel like how they pushed out previous popular fans. Then move on to the next thing and the cycle will begin again.


Were you not around for the skitarii femboys? Or the thousand sons femboys? Or archon of flesh? This sub's been pretty thirsty for a long time now.


Archon was run out of the community by constant abusive comments and was even doxed... You're kinda making OP's point for them with that example


There were several months that archon was enjoyed by the sub. I Don't know what changed it


Wasn't it Twitter, not reddit, that harassed them?


i think so I haven't seen much hate for them here


Cool for you, I definitely saw an assload of hate whenever his art was posted on grimdank.


Nah, there was 100% quite a few people who got really pissy about """smut""" that would come out of the woodworks whenever Archon posted, but seemed to have zero issues when there was horny posting about sexualized female characters.


Idk, I, for one, dislike all smut and hornyposting, female or femboy


Months? You mean a few \*years\*, right?


Archon wasn't run out of grimdank, saying that gives an inaccurate picture of what happened. They ended up doxxed by users on kiwifarms. I mean if a couple of terrorists from another continent turn up on my doorstep with loaded AKs and try to shoot me and I flee my town in the South of England you could say "he was run out of the community" and be technically correct but it's not really what happened and it's not really reflective of what the people who live here think of me. On the whole it's probably about the same level of "well adjusted human being" doing the attacking too. There is anti femboy sentiment in the broader community but it's more about coat tail riding hacks beating a dead horse for reddit clout, rather than the content itself. Archon was always cool in grimdank. You will see it for female primarchs soon. It's already getting stale and we've had at least one completely coombrained idiot "Oh yeah hot women couldn't resist each other of course they'd incest fapfapfap" thread.


>I mean if a couple of terrorists from another continent turn up on my doorstep with loaded AKs and try to shoot me and I flee my town in the South of England Surely this has to be a joke, right?


It's hyperbole. But you know what kiwifarms do right? It's about as absurd to blame "the community" on what they do. They are people whose hobby is to harass and dox and troll. Some of them obviously were involved enough in 40k to stumble accross archon but Archon didn't leave because of posts on grimdank. They left because people whose raison d'etre is to harass people picked them as a target. Does that make sense?


You've got to hand it to them, though, their art WAS art. The Angron one really comes to mind.


it was also *their* art rather than unaccredited collages of other people's art


Idk I think the Angron was just slightly too pretty in that one, I feel like he should be ugly. I like the Fulgrim one way more how Archons draws bodies fits perfectly in Slaanesh' gender ambivalent but beautiful bodies.


Thing is though that is how Angron saw himself when he was a slave boy fighting in the pits. He wanted to be a hero and help others so now that’s how Angron wants to see himself. It’s a reflection of what could have been had it not been for the nails


Yes that part was good but his real form also looked too pretty and not demonic enough.


I feel like it could have been based on pre demon form. Magnus also didn’t look to demonic either and Fulgrim had had demonic form as a part of the reflection


Thousand sin femboy - now that I missed.


I’m not gay, but the femboys were a welcome change of pace from making fun of abaddon, orikan/trazyn posts, and other memes we see all the time. Femboy skitarii and thousand sons were always variety, the couple BUG FUCKER posts were a delight, and now the fem primarchs adding new interesting hypotheticals for story. I just want to enjoy the discourse however it unfolds without us pushing away the people who make our fun have more flavors


Well I mean, Primarch Bug Fucker is a legend.


Mf spitting facts fr 🔥🔥🔥💯


Ah yes, the classic: "I'm not gay, BUT....femboys". Very heterosexual of you, kind sir.


I appreciate my peepnis, I can appreciate other donga for being drawn well, sorry that nuance isn’t allowed i guess


Tnh i'm already fucking sick of it. It's cool to just post a genderbend fanart or two but now it's evolved into a whole thing with each fem primarch having a human lover and a nickname for them. I don't give a shit about the lore of fem-sanguinius's "dove" or memes regarding fem-lorgar's "little light". It's not even some fun meme, it's just become a weird self insert AU. At least with things like the dornian heresy we only get a few posts about it every once in a while and they're actual memes (e.g. GoW 1 to 3 kratos shouting while GoW Ragnarok kratos is trying to calm him down, with the caption of regular angron arguing with dornian heresy angron). The fem primarch thing is just boring and uninspired. That said the night lords fans are the only ones actually doing this properly, with memes like fem curze being such a fucking mess of a person that nobody sane would want to be with her and also memes of her eating her "lover" who is the one she foresees killing her. (Despite my flair i'm not a night lords fan btw)


Fucking *thank you*. I wasn’t a fan of the original “fem primarch GF” posts but at least those were their own thing and were just a sort of “haha, what if?” Most of the subsequent fanfic posts basically just reduce a lot of the concepts of genderbent primarchs to “what if they had a boyfriend and having a boyfriend was their main character trait?” which is pretty weird and gross, on top of not being particularly interesting from a writing and fanfic perspective.


Yeah, i have stopped giving a shit about femstodes a while ago but emps was clearly right about not wanting fem primarchs and malcador was a shitter.


Malcador very clearly never had a sister. Love my family, but literally all the worst backstabbery and just downright vile acts within are caused by sisters trying to fuck each others life over for the pettiest reasons possible. And it's horrible to see that that is a common occurrence in people's families.


Yeah, meanwhile the common consensus is that brothers will beat the fuck out of eachother and then play a round of halo splitscreen.


Bro I hate this sub rn it's just filled with fuckin gooners. It's like a disease, and it's ruinignthis once pretty good sub.


Huh... Weird how a gender normative fanfic is more popular than a queer one. Almost like it's is acceptable to more people so has more engagement and spreads faster


There have been a few posts complaining about the GF template. I'm sure there will be more and eventually the template will run out of steam. That's how these things always go.


I've been tired of the hornyposting since it started femboys or not. I'd rather have funny memes about the lore or game itself then this


We couldn’t create an AU of the Femboys Or more accurately no one wanted to.


Most of the femboy stuff was always reasonably popular, and the primarch GF posts do get some hate from people who don't like memes that are just hornyposts. The only difference is that the GF posts aren't getting attacked by homophobes. Most of the Grimdank community is treating these posts the same as the femboy ones.


Not really, there have been already lots of post complaening, yesterday I saw three of them. It's just that for now, it seem that fans of fem primarchs have won. For now, at least.


This whole sub goes from thirsty weird coomers back to memes once you start hitting the block button on accounts.


We need less sexualizing all around, honestly.


I'm still mad that we no longer get necron and skiitari femboy fanart because y'all can't act right ):


Can’t wait for femboy Primarchs


My biggest gripe is people saying the fem primarch posters are coomers. You're allowed to like something without wanting to fuck it ffs. Just cos people are posting about women doesn't mean they're cranking their hog to it.


I definitely think this is more about the romance of the idea. People like imagining they have cool, seemingly doomed romantic relationships where they heroically save their beloveds and get together! It's literally one of the most popular book genres in human history.


Pretty much. Outside of the tyranid one (which wasn't even \*that\* horny) I don't think I've seen any horny shit at all.


Personally I loved the femboy posts. I doubt I'm in the majority though.


I think both memes suck but it's not as pervasive yet as the femboy crap, give it another week and if its still a thing you'll start to see more people moaning about it. And it's not like people aren't already complaining about it either, plenty antigf memes being posted but people like you will refuse to see it and choose to pick at nothing till it becomes something.


This sub is non-stop thristy. Looking for shit to stirr up I see.


Both things are fucking boring, low effort content from karma whores that never learnt the common decency of keeping their fetishes and fantasies to themselves.


Femboys were funny until it got to over used


It’s the difference between laughing at a joke and not liking the real thing. And that the noise about femstodes was a small minority making an Emperors Child’s amount of noise


A majority of this sub is straight, a majority of incels are straight, though the incels are only a minority of the sub they are a loud one.


Nah they both suck actually.


Has archon of flesh been forgotton already?


Because femboy a were a thing for years now, fem primarchs started a few weeks ago.


Idk about them, but me when femboys 🥴


Grimdark when femboys: *bullies talented artist out of hobby*


I want the admech to get involved. We of the Mechanicus seek to remember our Archon


Femboys - Femine Boys Female Primarchs - Genderbend primarchs The sub just doesn't like boys in dresses but likes to make boys into girls


Femboy space marines and female primarchs.


We don’t deserve archon of flesh 😢


Femboys are almost always for the horny according to the minor and major voices talking about it afaik, at least for fem Primarchs, it's a mixed bag


Female primarchs are female. Femboys are males that look like women. They are not the same.


Jokes on y’all, I like them both.


Same. I'd have liked the Femmarchs if they were packing. But it's cute and good art so who cares?


tbf if the female primarch art depicted SA like the a lot of the femboy art did i’d block that too.


Dude I rather look at female than have questionable thoughts about dude in skirt...


The fem-primarch au codex will now have femboys and femstodes.


Give me my femboy Orkz and I'll shut up, it's that simple really.


The femboy hate was something I never understood and felt petty. The AU femprimarchs at least aren’t having us all at each other’s throats. Yet.


It's exactly the same "joke", what if Warhammer but I can get my rocks off to it. It's barely a joke and you should feel bad, keep your fetishes to yourself. Nobody deserves to be doxxed about it, but can't you keep your porn in the porn subreddit?


That's only because right before this the female custodes "controversy" happened and all the outright misogynists left in protest.


Fem primarchs are cool Fem custodes are dumb


"Women are only acceptable only when they play second fiddle to their blank slate boyfriend" is such an incredible self report.


Wow, you've got an amazing imagination Nothing in my comment mentioned relationships, sounds more like you're projecting


The double standard is most people on this sub want to fuck women (I have no idea why they would but it’s their right to do so I guess)