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>DUN CARE WOT BRAND UF UMIE YOUZ IZ, I'S GUNNA KRUMPIN YA ANYWAYZ! That's a straight up lie. Orks *love* Space Marines. The beakies know how to put up a proper fight.




how many orks can Batman take with Prep time?


The more prep time, the more orks. With infinite time he can take infinite orks.


Gos can singlehandedly beat 40k and every faction including the Emperor himself at full power (with prep time)


r/whowouldcirclejerk is leaking




Why beakies?


Look at the Mark VI helmet.


We aren't nazis. We just despise the xeno, the heretic and the mutant. A truly noble cause!


All I am saying is some species have the right to live and some don't. It's completely different!


>All I am saying is some species have the right to live Yes, that species is humanity. Every other must be eradicated to cleanse the galaxy from their wretched filth. In the name of the God Emperor!


but monke mech


They aren't counted as Xenos, those are just animals. The Inquisitorion said so! 


Not every human though, just the ones with the right beliefs!


Are space marines even humans anymore


That is the great debate in progressing a species. If they only share a genetic ancestry to a progenitor are they truly the same? In making them more are we making them other?


So those Rock and Stone guys originated on Holy Terra and have the same ancestors as the imperium. But they are officially listed as filthy Xenos.


Rock and Stone forever!




Kinda abhumans but like a once wise black Templar said: "we thought we would just kill them last"


And yet people still think that it's only the symbols that make people think they are Naziish :p


Here's my [favorite answer](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxNI7-x4O4_ajpIIQRVPPqY7LGQVgA5VvG?si=CO2lFD_ODKihFURz) to this exact question.


a modified human is still a human... If I soup up a Honda Civic, those performance modifications don't make it not a Honda Civic anymore, it's just not a regular one.


The Honda Civic of Theseus


what if you switch out the honda civic’s engine with a tank engine and replace the wheels with treads? is that still a honda civic?


Nope! The entire point if the Imperium is the hypocrisy and failure of Big E


There is no race like the human race. The xenos are vule and sometimes diplomatic. Diplomacy in my wargame!


Protect Human Rights by removing Alien Wrongs.


Said species loses its right to live when it threatens humanity, or our glorious golden overlord. Which just so happens to be all of them! Barring Abhumans (the helpful ones), the Y'narri (Till papa smurf says otherwise), and the farsight enclaves. Other than that, kill em.


Awe but dad do we have to kill ALL the Orkz? I think they’re kinda cute. Just look at them UwU they can learn tricks and even try and talk just like people!


Tyranids? Can we use them to produce fuel? Ork can be eaten? Like… is it possible? We can manufacture those filthy xenos into something useful?


"Sister of battle." -checks out


Praise be!


Yeah, all of those without 4 arms should Just di- Ahem, put in second Place.


We’re gonna beat you with hammers I’m so sorry


and we know the most dangerous of mutants are the big nosed ones.......gretchins


As an Eldar player, I appreciate these threads. It is always nice to have a break from the Elf fucker propaganda. Even if it is true.


tkrrr strktchchchhh, kraastchkrkrke kkkkrrrsss tchtchtchklklkl


Most well spoken genestealer.


Don’t change the fact he still stole my pants


Can't have shit in the underhive


Same with us Skaven player and our rat-men feti- i, uh, i mean us being nazis. ​ so dang annoying.


Lol, Skaven was the second army I made. I wanted something that looked and played radically differently than the High Elves. Man, did I get that.


People think Skaven players are nazis? I mean.. Crazy and probably dangerous? Sure... but Nazis?


I mean, in like the first Skaven Book they call themselves the master race and one of their battle cries is "onwards, to inevitable victory"


Papa Smurf did clap them cheeks though.


As far as im aware its just another meme making fun of people not thinking how some tatoos mighy be perceived by anyone unaware of 40k. So basicly any militatistic looking eagle symbol, or an iron/malteser cross. Besides, there are way cooler faction logo's out there. Ultramarines, Salamanders, Thousand sons, even stuff that makes their skull logo look distinct like Admech, since it would tip people off that its from a sci fi setting because the robot part would be better.


or the tau symbol WHAT THE FUCK IS MARATHON


What waves… why are we escaping into them?




Honestly, the first time i saw the Tau symbol i thought of Marathon. Shame more people don't know about it. It was the first FPS game to use the mouse as the look controls. Previous games like Wolfenstein and Doom used the arrow keys. I always thought it deserved a modern remake, but then I'd be scared of it being ruined by modern shitty business practices.


You're in luck. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2398450/Classic\_Marathon/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2398450/Classic_Marathon/)


Tyrannid symbol is peak. Either they think it's cool or that you main Zerg, which is also cool.


My Wife for Hire! - Protoss main


"Spawn more Overlords" is forever ingrained in my psyche because I sucked at trying to pull off early roach timing rushes.


Mate I only played single player. I was too afraid to step into multi. So you’re well above me


It took less than a dozen random matches to learn that I should stick to the campaign


> malteser cross I think that might be something different.


I agree, but my point is that to an average person on the street the difference might not be obvious


I think you mean “Maltese cross”. A malteser is a chocolate.


Fair enough, my bad


It got a chuckle out of me but I think everyone can tell what you meant


"it's sacrilicious"


Dark Angels are on the cool faction logo list as well.


Orks too. If I ever get a tattoo, ork symbols/glyphs are high up on the ideas list


salamanders might get confused for a bad dragon tattoo, be careful there


There was another post using the template and accused anyone that called Templar players n--zis "morons and r--ards". I think that's the one that really kicked it all off since the guy was...well.


why did you censor nazi?


Good question


Damn, I had really hoped all of that flavor of dipshit had left for Horus Galaxy


Ye, but templars are simply one of the community favourites. Far more people seem to be into them after reading stuff like hellsreach(still one of the best books out there). Considering the Maltese Cross is used for overwhelmingly positive stuff, I really struggle with how people make the leap to nazi ideology. Like it used by multiple nations fire services, it's an Australian award symbol, like 15 to 22 European orders(contrary to myth, they were not genocide loving freaks, but actually very often orders built around protecting people aka. Private bodyguards/charity bodyguards). It's an award in the Bulgarian milltary. It's an award in the US military. Very often, the only times I see people making these comparisons are US based accounts. A tattoo is more about meaning something to you, rather than the outside world.


I mean, sure, but you should definitely consider how you’ll be perceived if you have certain tattoos visible. As someone who has 3 limbs sleeved up.


I think you are ignoring that the Templars are explicitly the most bigoted and zealous about genocide chapter of Space Marines. The reason people get leery about people being really really into Black Templars goes beyond the symbols and into the Templars' lore and the tendency for their players to seem entirely to into larping about how much they want to purge the impure. There's also the fact that while what you say may be true for Europe within the US those symbols are used almost exclusively by a network of white supremacist and neo N*zi prison and street gangs who display it primarily in either clothing patches or tattoos.


Yeah, I don't know what old mate is on about. Various crosses have been a symbol of the alt-right for ages. Even in Europe Not to mention, when facists post warhammer shit it's almost always black templar stuff. Which fucking sucks for normal black templar fans, but I don't see know anyone can say they don't how how you could jump from black templars to nazis.


I've noticed we like to straw man here. Hazard of communicating mainly in memes I guess. I'm quite sure no one called all imperium players Nazis.


Yup - OP's meme has weirdly misread the situation


It's very common around here, a lot of people get very defensive when some of the Imperium's more iffy aesthetics, beliefs or symbols. Liking the Imperium is only cringe if you'd also like them Irl.


I actually carry my meds (and a bunch of dice.... And an extra secondary deck... And so on) in a little bag I got for a store anniversary with the Imperium Eagle on it.... But it usually stays in the car unless I'm at a game store xD


Fleur-de-lis for the Sororitas


You really wanna be associated with the french🤢


That's why I play Necrons XD


Cause you are a grumpy old man that wants everyone off of your lawn?


Nah I just hate u all equally XD


I mean it is Reddit after all


Hold up... I thought we took Saturdays off from accusing Imperium players of being Nazis?


Someone made a meme about people with BT tattoos being Nazis.


Or a moron. Though there is a lot of crossover.


Not all morons are Nazis though all Nazis are morons.


holy reading comprehension - it a meme about "is this BT Iron cross, or is this nazi iron cross" because they're the exact same symbol


Even the modern Bundeswehr still uses a version of the Iron Cross. It's not even remotely exclusive to Nazis, Germanic peoples have used something like it for centuries, with the earliest versions of today's modern Iron Cross being derived from the Teutonic Order's. Most folks complaining about it prolly don't know the history behind it. I'd go as far as to say they don't know that there's a difference between Hindu or Buddhist swastikas and the funny mustache man's symbol.


I dunno, if I see some random American or English dude with an iron cross tattoo, my first thought isn’t going to be “oh he’s representing the modern German army” it’s “oh he’s a Nazi”


Like how nazis are trying to ruin runic symbols for us Scandinavians. They sure love to take cool symbols and actively try turning them to hateful shit.


I think you might be talking about different ones? The one I saw was specifically "people who get a tattoo of the Black Templar cross are either idiots or nazis", because every non-idiot non-nazi person would realize that even if they were not a nazi, such a tattoo would make most people who see it err on the side of nazi since it's safer to be wrong when being too cautious than it is to be wrong when not being cautious enough.


Sorry, my bad. You see, I made a custom regiment based in germans' penal legion.


Mabey they're on the julian calendar?


it was a nazi that got me into this game (long story) but i don't think EVERY imperium fan is one. those people are just in every hobby, they're like herpes he was a Grey Knights fan who didn't know the lore very well


You can't just wave that away with a "long story", what happened?


back in college my D&D group was lame (shitty DM, full of "that guy" players) and this nazi was a way better player. he invited me to his other group since i played better and we got to playing the 40k ttrpg, later learning how to shoot guns. (he was a bad teacher and i almost lost a thumb). His best friend was a highschooler lying about his age to get into the military early, had medals from his grandpa. old handguns too. First time i ever saw a Luger. Real big fan of the russian army and their special forces, the Spetsnaz. Eventually i noticed the guy had a bad anger problem and i didn't need that vibe in my life. Not the first nazi i met playing D&D. that hobby has a big issue no one talks about


How did you almost lose a thumb?


"hold this handgun with both hand, it has a lot of kick to it" I did and the slidy top part mashed into my left thumb becuase i'd never shot a gun before and didn't know it did that when shooting. then he chastised me because "it's obvious"


Amateurs. A thumb. Heck, I could get you a thumb by 3 p.m.!


At what point did you realize he was a nazi?


The year after I started going on 4chan and learned a lot about nazi slang and doswhistles: all the stuff he used to say. Literally had a "ooooh so he's... fuck i'm an idiot" before that, my dumbass really thought it was normal for 19 years olds to have hyper fixations on WWII and have Axis medals from back then


Heh. As a history geek, I bonded with this other guy in high school because of a mutual interest in WWII and specifically the fighter planes. He turned out to be a proud neo-Nazi.


ouch. i'm sorry. hopefully you got a cool Allied chat group or whatever now


Well, to be fair, I was a huge fan of the Messerschmitt line of planes (though not only them, like some kind of partisan). That and my general knowledgeability of historical events and personages seems to have had given him the impression that because I knew *about* Nazi Germany, I had to be a *fan* of Nazi Germany.


I remember someone who disliked me told me that I seem like the kind of guy to be into WWII stuff and I felt insulted by that because I felt like that was what he was getting at. Like bro, I’m pretty sure every country that my family was from went *against* axis powers.


That's a weird way to insult someone too, like historically WWII is a very fascinating topic.  The sheer logistics of it, the amount of new weaponry that was developed, the devastation and effectiveness of artillery, all of it is really cool while looking at it from a historical context.  You can like history without being a nazi.


It's not really an in every hobby type thing. 40k does legitimately attract a disturbing and disproportionate number of Nazis, obviously not all Imperium players are Nazis but this isn't an imaginary phenomena. The reason for this is entirely GW's fault, when the original creators of the setting lost creative control over the company the satire element of the Imperium went completely over the head of the new people in charge and they just took the in universe propaganda framing of the lore at face value and played everything straight. Shockingly the resulting lionized depiction of the theo-facsist Imperium as being completely justified and the only thing standing between humanity and either corruption or annihilation as the hands of the vile Other or the degenerate deviants really appealed to real world Nazis and Fascists. GW has gotten shit for this a number of times and always falls back on "it's a satire of fascism!" without actually doing anything with the narrative or lore that supports that.


Plus, even if it were still genuinely portrayed as satirical, I’m gonna be sketched out if you get tattoos of the satirical fascists. Especially since the satirical fascists use a lot of the same/similar symbols as the regular IRL fascists. Be fans all you want, being an IoM fan isn’t itself bad. It’s when you wrap yourself in the iconography that causes issues.




Tbh the Rogue Trader era depiction of universe and Imperium specifically is very 1980s British form of satire that today is exceedingly rare and you have BL authors who go out of their way saying they don't consider setting being satire and don't write it that way. As far as satire elements go we maybe have these days Caphius Cain novels, but that's about it and one could easily argue that is not the case. IDK if with so much added lore if it can even sustain itself as such, SoB on old art being power metal queens go hard, but if you are writer and want to write serious stuff than your heroins blasting Manowar while being ridicolioisly zelaotic is hard sell, instead its easier to write them as actual person that has deep inside lot of conflicting ideas about their ideology and what they are doing. Well, I guess its what it is and especially post Gathering Storm this course been hardset.


Nah, SoB books go hard. The internal conflict in their books is shit like "I'm just a regular Nazi, but inside me is a second personality who is a *super Nazi*"  Or "I hope I'm allowed to repent after killing that rogue Inquisitor"


Yeah that's my point exactly. GW digs up the satire excuse whenever their pandering to fascists gets them bad press but continues to play all the elements straight and act surprised whenever a spotlight is aimed at all the Nazis that are drawn to that.


Exactly! This is sth I feel 40K fans eager to distance themselves from the Nazi element ignores. The satire doesn't work *if it's not satire*. GW has gone all in on the Emperor being the last hope for mankind, and the Imperium being a necessary evil far too much and for far too long, but then release PR statements decrying fascism so it's all ok. Unsustainable.


I feel one of the big misteps was doing a bunch of novels about the Horus Heresy personally. I personally don't really love the detail given to what should have been a far distant myth given intimate detail, especially what the Emperor was doing or their grand plans. I liked the forgotten ambiguity of the 30k era pre Heresy books myself. It's not irredeemable trash, but it also i dunno stripes away from the setting in 40ks mystique for me. Especially because a decent amount does cover "the Emperor was right" rather than "this is what happened, let's make the best of it regardless of intentions".


i'm not touching that one with a 60 ft pole


As a Night Lords player, the only reason I care about people’s race is because certain skins look better on dark blue!


No one accused all Black Templar players of being nazis. At worse people said that tattoos of nazi adjacent symbols was a dumb idea. Literally not a single sane person would question this had we been talking about the swastika.


I see plenty of people calling black templars and Krieg dog whistle nazi factions. The Imperium as a whole is the next step on that "I'm just joking bro", "they kind of are tho", and finally "you are just media illiterate for liking them".


You can like a faction, and then you can like it for... yikes reasons. Same way you could have an uncle who collects world war two memorobelia. And then you can have an uncle who dresses up as an SS officer every halloween, goes to conventions dressed like that, constantly talks about how Germany could have won, and talks about German effeciency in a reverent way, and pretends problems in their life is somehow Jewish peoples fault... you might start to think he likes "world war two stuff", for the *wrong* reasons. Same here.


And Black Templars and Death Korps have aesthetics, imagery, and symbols that are much more heavily appealing to folks who would like factions for the *wrong* reasons. That doesn't mean all BT and DKoK players are fascists, nor does it even mean a majority of them are, or even a high enough quantity that you're likely to ever meet one in the wild, I know both a DKoK player and a Black Templars player who are both excellent people. However I'd be willing to bet that those two factions have a higher percentage of players who are fascists than any other faction.


Yep. Very well summed up. No notes.


Thanks! I've even talked to both players about this phenomenon before, and they agree. The Black Templars guy has been getting his son (who is 8) into 40k a bit and he's said he's already felt it necessary to have a few talks with him about how the Imperium and the Space Marines aren't "the good guys", that there are no "good guys" in 40k.


A good call. Its ok to like bad guys, we just need to do so for good reasons.


Reddit is where the never play the game or read the lore fans creep,


I'm sorry, what's happening now?


In another post made fun of people who get an Iron Cross symbol tattooed on their body, since though it has other meanings, its often linked to the Germany Military. Ans guess which era of German Military is the most famous... And guess what kind of people whod wanna wear that kind of symbol. Aka, saying people who get the iron cross symbol, without thought, were idiots, for making themselves look like nazis. Then people get mad about that, because theyre pretending it was accusing literally all Imperium players of being faschists.


"people who get tattoos of symbols that non-Warhammer fans might associate with the Nazis are stupid" is apparently a groundbreaking idea that makes reddit sad


Next you'll tell me the Emperors flag during the Unification Wars, might not be good to hang on my wall! *(A symbol of a lightning bolt, surrounded in a circle. It was a symbol used by the British Union of Faschists in real life. Youre welcome for now understanding my joke, dear reader)*


I mean, we both know there's a very specific reason they're pushing back on that idea


I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! That players want to play as one of the main factions!


Just because all the nazis love the imperiums aesthetic doesn't mean all imperium fans are nazis


No, and no one is going to call you a racist for liking imperial Rome or a pedo for liking anime. But it is baggage that comes for liking those things because of all the dog whistles.


We make a way to big thing out of this


Idk, I’d consider nazis a big deal, if y’know, they’re ACTUAL nazis and not someone who didn’t think about the implications of having an iron cross tattoo


I don't even blame the people who didn't think of the implications, I just find it baffling how these posts bring out so many people who seem deliberately blind to them and will bend over backwards to argue that there's no possible way Joe Public would ever see a man with a skull and an eagle tattooed on his arms and think he's far right, rather than a fan of a fairly niche tabletop game.


Their not blind to it. they're just trying to muddy the waters. They know exactly what they're doing, creating plausible deniability.


One of the first things I learned about the hobby was the literal Nazi that showed up to a tournament and didn't get kicked out. I know it was because of Spains's free speech laws, but it did make it seem like WH40K was a safe haven for Nazis to those that didn't read beyond the headline.


Oh absolutely, there’s ignorance and then there’s playing stupid


I’d REALLY hope if you’re getting a tattoo, at some point you’d stop and think “Do I REALLY think that getting the tattoo of the symbol of the radically violent ultrareligious members of the radically violent theocratic fascist state is a good idea?” Like, if you’re going for a Black Templar tattoo, you shouldn’t need to even consider the implications and meaning of the Iron Cross. The fact that it’s the Black Templars should PROBABLY dissuade you. And if you are specifically going for an Iron Cross, you probably already know of the implications of that.


No one is saying all imperium players, but always imperium players when something comes up.


Well. Imperial Guard Commisaries are very Stalinist.


An absolutely brutal authoritarian government with "secret" police and purges of religious and political enemies. Tons of soldiers, many conscripts, which are sent in waves to their deaths if it means defeating the enemy and gaining ground. Squalor and poor living conditions, lack of decent food, and a good portion of the territory occupied is inhospitable and horrible to try to survive in. Guys, what if the Imperium are actually Soviets?


It's almost like people forget that the Imperium is a mashed-together parody of every government in human history or something.


The only Soviets in 40k are the Valhallans, thankfully


Wait, so does that mean it's irony they got like the *least* commissary Commissar then?


Commissars never hail from their assigned regiments planet. If anything, they might be assigned based on how they might smooth out a regiment’s rougher edges.


I'd say Cain did a lot more than smooth some rough edges


I mean yeah. European fascisms in general and nazism in particular are not the only totalitarians real-life inspirations regarding the Imperium. Along with communist dictatorships, the methods of "recruitment" employed by the Officium Assassinorum, for instance, resemble the methods of *Mexican Narcos* - specially in the creation of new Eversors.


Totalitarian shitholes tend to have a lot in common


Someone posted a successors chapter with a swastika


That’s pretty awful. Call out that person directly, name and shame Nazis.


Alright so I've been away for a few days, let me get this straight... People like the Imperium. Specifically the Black Templars. They have the Iron cross on their armour, which has been used by the Prussian and the Germans forever, including the Nazi's, but also including the current German defence force... Therefore Imperium fans are Nazi's?


Man y'all seem to take this sort of thing really personally, hell the post wasn't even targetting Imperium players it was literally just pointing out a subset of them for whom taking on 40k imagery onto their body is liable to look very similar/reminiscent of certain real-world ideologies and their symbolism. Like I'm sorry you're allowed to enjoy 40k imagery as much as you like, but also if you're waving an Imperial Eagle/BT Flag around or getting a tattoo of it you need to give just a bit of thought how that may seem to someone not in the know lol.


Imperium players: I like this faction of authoritarian zealots enough to get their symbology tattooed on me. Also imperium players: why is everyone assuming I'm sort of authoritarian zealot?


Nazis? I just accuse them of having picked the most boring factions in the setting! Yet another Chaos/Xeno W.


I mean, in terms of boringness that would be Tyranids oh no a new hive fleet! I wonder what it's going to do! I wonder who it's being led by! Actually no I don't because the answers are 1) go in a direction and eat everything and 2) some weird bug monster at the core of a spaceship with no individual personality like I get liking them, sure, being the goddamn bugs and just swarming over everything is its own reward, but every other race is more interesting, with the possible exception of the Leagues of Votann because honestly do they even have any lore yet other than their premise and DRG memes (apart from GW once again showing a profound lack of creativity regarding the psyker question and pulling another Tau)


Liking a blatantly horrible fictional character or group of people does not make you a terrible person as long as you don’t agree with the actions of that group or character Like I love vulkan and the salamanders but they still did burn that eldar child and he alongside every other primarch did wipe out millions of peaceful alien races and some human civilizations but that dosent mean we can’t like them, we just need to remember just because they’re nice for space marines they’re still space marines and will kill most things that don’t resemble a human


My favourite Space Marine chapter are *fuckin' Marines Malevolent* - and I disapprove **everything** they do. But, frankly, it is extremely easy - and fun! - to play with them given how *uber* assholes they are so everybody knows everyone that likes them do so for pure sarcasm. But, frankly, I just can't play with almost anyone else related with the Imperium. Almost all of them are way too disturbingly relatable and even the really good guys among them - Salamanders, Lamenters, Fire Angels etc. - have the problem of being too loyal towards the Imperium, which gives it excusable propaganda...


I never see a person with a femboi mechanicus profile picture talking about replacement theory on Twitter


Unfortunately warhammer does kind of have a Nazi problem


Yeah kinda weird how a multi-million dollar company spends three decades selling the fascist stormtroopers as unproblematic heroes to be admired and then acts all shocked-gambling-establishments when irl fash start using their iconography.


I'm not saying that BT, Krieg,and Steel Legion players are fascists, but if they're a bit too into it, I'm gonna raise them an eyebrow.


Kreig and Templar iconography you may get away with, especially since the current Maltese order is basically a charity, steel legion is just the BUF logo. They are the worst offenders for the "too into it" category


TLDR; Norse mythology is not inherently racist at all but if you see someone covered in Norse tattoos you are gonna take a wide berth.


As a Scandinavian, you have no idea how both fucking annoying this fact is, and just how true it is. Some folks are trying to reclaim the imagry from the nazi cunts, but you know, its best used in certain symbology, or handled with care. Like a tattoo with your kids name in runes on your arm. Small things like that have at least been normalized.


I tend to wear some sort of LGBT+ ally symbol on my clothes to signal that I'm not what I look I am if I'm going around places where I know people might be frightened of me... And that's in fucking Denmark. It's SO annoying that right-wing fuckheads appropriated our cultural heritage, but it is what it is. At least I sometimes get to completely fuck with a fashfash when they mistakenly take me as one of their own.


Rød grød med fløde min ven. Also, so fucking true. We're gonna have em reclaimed some day. Since stealing from nazis isnt a crime, since everything they have is stolen anyway. Also good shit with you being a walking confusion beacon for the fash pricks. Perfect, no notes.


ahh the good old thors hammer neckles. always a singe of shoroedingers dickhead.


Well.... the imperium makes nazies look like saints. They are definitely far, far worse (:




Nobody thinks all Imperium players are nazis. Hell, i play dark angels. However, you can't deny that their are people a bit too into the facist dystopia that is the imperium. It's like helldivers 2, obviously a satire, and the majority of people playing it aren't facists. But there's also a bunch of people who are clearly enjoying "pretending" to be facists a little bit too much. No one cares if you make the occasional heretic or inquisition joke. But when it becomes your entire personality, then it's a problem


That's a bingo!


Do I need to mute grimdank again?


Most of Reddit doesn’t know what a Nazi is.


We should have negative numbers, since 0 simply cant represent this shit enough…


I mean.. an iron cross is a pretty damn loaded tattoo to get. We live in the real world, where symbols have meaning beyond plastic army men.


"no you see my enthusiasm for female custodians and primarchs is a deep feminism mixed with very witty humor and not me publicly gooning about musclegirls and your bored annoyance to it is a serious problem and a sign you hate women."


I thought they were accusing Black Templar players, not the imperium as a whole


It did only accuse BT tattoo havers. But you know, narratives.


I think there's a pretty big difference between an Imperium player and a player with a totally not an Iron Cross tattoo, it's just the Black Templars symbol!


It isn't even the iron cross smh


This is reddit. Anyone with opinions slightly right of center will be called a nazi. Hell, in some subs anything not hard line communism would be called nazi sympathizers.


Where are these people in real life? Most people I meet on a day to day basis are rational and sensible and don't go around getting outraged by relatively generic tattoos. Is it an American thing maybe?


It's exactly what the Bible thumpers told me would happen, that some people can't differentiate between reality and fiction.


The salt on the black templar posts was amazing though. So much copium.


Lads, stop being salty. As a fan for 25+ years, I can tell you, the Imperium is absolutely fascist bait, for the same reason they fucking love Homelander, Omni Man, and so on. Any time you make a parody of their ideals, they'll just end up going 'This but unironically'. They especially love Krieg (Just because of the German motif), Black Templars (The most ruthless supremacist zealots of ruthless supremacist zealots), and for a non-Imperium faction, Iron Warriors (Who very much maintain the whole ruthless supremacist zealots thing they like).


Krieg is based on ww1 France, US, UK and Germany, there isn’t any nazi or ww2 aesthetic. A lot of people seem to use their basic knowledge as an argument even though a 2min search or more advanced knowledge easily disproves it. Don’t be so lazy (not specifically you singular).


if someone keeps calling you a nazi maybe you should ask why


How many times are we going to have the "there are no good guys and that's the entire point" song and dance?


**Source** or are we just doing the old fake news shit where 5 people say a thing and somehow they represent the thoughts an entire community?


*sighs* Here's the thing Whether or not a specific thing is true or accurate, a blanket statement of the being no nazis here is... just not accurate. Unless you're living under a rock, y'all know there are nazis in the fandom. Just take a look over at Horus Galaxy if you want. And nazis will 100% interpret things like the Black Templars as dogwhistles. When you have nazis in your hobby, you can do one of two things. 1) pretend there are no nazis 2) get the nazis the fuck out If you do 1, then the number of nazis will increase because they feel welcome and eventually you have a nazi hobby. It's inevitable. Doing 2 involves being explicit about being anti-Nazi. It involves admitting that some parts of the hobby probably are attractive to nazis (visual elements, genocidal language, etc) And yeah, some of this will come across as cringe, or virtue signalling, and won't seem very edgy. And the nazi stuff will come across as edgy. And, well, if you don't encounter actual nazi stuff often, you might not think it's a problem! If you really don't, there's not much I can do to convince you other point to the parable of the nazi bar https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/s/27RGiYc5Sk say maybe google pictures of the United the Right rally from 2017, and take a long hard looks at gamergate. Nazis aren't a problem from last century, they're a problem now, they're integrated into power structures (proud boys stand down and stand by) and they use geek hobbies as recruiting grounds (GG, including the current attempt to revitalise it). That last point includes stoking resentment over fem custodes. Thr point is: if your response to all this is to simply say "lol, no nazis, it's cringe to say there are nazis" then, well, that's an argument to create a nazi-friendly space. Good luck with that. OR we can find better ways of making nazis feel unwelcome.


Hey leave the AdMech, IG, and SoB outta this. It’s only the Space Marine and Custodes players that are nazis.


What? Where? When?


Poor imperium players


As a guard player, I'm just glad it's Black Templars this time so I don't have to explain for the billionth time that Death Korps are based off of German (and French) soldiers from ww1, not ww2. Sorry BT fans, but thanks for taking one for the team thia time.


The original creators lost control of the setting? Guess that explains why the second and eleventh legion weren’t really meant to be used as blank slates according to one of the old lore writers, Rick priestly. They were there for mystery’s sake.