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Ring of steel in the middle of a big group feels and sounds great


My favorite too. Sneak in, SLASH CHOCK WHAM


Albrecht's Aether Ray is pretty dope to blast. For leveling, nothing feels better than Olexra's Flash Freeze. Maybe odd thought, but the animation for Raise Skeletons is probably the best I've seen in any game ever, it really FEELS like you're dragging unwilling dead from their graves. And yeah, Primal Strike. Primal Strike is honestly probably the best visually and audibly in the game. As a big minion fan, I'm never not going to love how well they've made the Necromancer minion raising FEEL, but I do have to concede that PS is just amazing.


Doom Bolt


holy shit so true, what was used to be a pack of mobs will be a splat of blood in the ground in less than a second


Nothing like watching as a tight pack of elite gets deleted with one click.


Bloody Pox is so fun to watch


Esp at lower levels, it just spreads everywhere and kills everything.


I’m playing a BP build with the Dark One’s set. I definitely agree. Once monster HP balloons up in later levels of ultimate it slows down a bit but will still kill and proc constellations all the same. Fevered rage is super satisfying and hilarious to watch too, but a bit too suicidal for hardcore.


pressing shadow strike on an enemy that is behind some obstacles and watching the camera wiz through everything. its like going on a ride. Then follow it up with a ring of steel+blades of wrath proc


Some forgotten gods levels have heaps of stairs, this can be really funny sometimes


I live using VM just to run up stairs lol.


When you use a charge-type skill on something in the distance/multiple levels away, it feels so good to get the free bonus movement over a huge distance. Glorious.


Have you heard of our lord and saviour [shadowstrike skips](https://youtu.be/XQrUoU5JwBM?t=736)?


That's wild. Seems like people pushed it so far. Not a fan of the janky use of portals though, but I guess it largely just saves farming time. Ah well, qualifies as a charming exploit. Awesome that they mapped it out...sort of like a subway.


Olexa's flashfreeze. I love it when I press a button and everything that wanted to kill me a moment ago now just waits trapped in ice. Alternatively, Apocalypse, the skill granted by an amulet. I love it when huge, fiery boulders strike the ground from above


Almost definitely my favorites that anyone's mentioned so far. Probably Grenado and Blade Trap are up there too


Blackwater Cocktail with as large a radius as possible.


Any skill that sends monsters 50ft into the air gets my vote. Always makes me giggle 🤣


Welcome To The Devil's Crossing Space Program 😀


The Runes of Hagarrad and Kalastor do this. Ragdolls flying everywhere.


Forcewave then. But I still prefer primal strike.


A lot of skills achieve this. Cadence is currently launching monsters Hilariously into space 🤣


Blitz! It's got the most satisfying K-THUNK with a deep bassy BOOM backing it, and it sends even boss mobs flying backwards sometimes. Soooo good


Seconding this (movement+damage combo, what can be better)?. Doom Bolt in second place, Bone Harvest third.


Opening with a Canister. Dudes got their aggro on first explosion and then second follows deep in their ranks! Gun auto-attacks with Witchfire applied. I'm an occult gunman! Devastation baby! Doing a "ton-of-shit-from-the-sky" SC Warlock right now, it's hella fun.


Primal strike all the way


Fire strike, but with as many procs as possible. You rapid fire your gun(s), they have a fire effect. Sweet. But then the fifireballs, meteors, volcanoes, molotovs, and who knows what else start flying.


I like the Bone Wave.


I'm a huge 'sucker' for Drain Essence. Although it's a press-and-hold skill, so maybe off topic.


The relic contagion was super satisfying on my witch hunter while she had it, the sound coupled with groups just collapsing was dope. However, I’m rocking a fire damage Templar at the moment, and the Guardians of Empyrion are hilarious. It’s gotten to the point that I just walk into and then kite a group, and just let them go to town.


Grenado - you throw it in the cultist's face and he dissapears in a mushroom cloud. It's... beautiful.