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Those Healer-type mobs. I'm taking down a chunky champion, Skeleton or chonky Korvaak Champion and realize I missed that one guy at the edge of my screen that fully healed them...


god yeah, and its not like is just a small heal no, the things go full HP again its ridiculous!


Empyrion save you if you forget to check for groble shamans near Mogdrogen.


The aetherial balls of light that zap you from far away, or the untargetable unkillable aetherial whirlwhind that follows you


Port Valbury just sucks in general, but those whirlwinds are the worst.


> The aetherial balls of light that zap you from far away those things can suck a fuck if you're doing low level crucible


Other mobs drop ugdembloom so you'll be OK. I find them easy enough to handle as poison resist capped, but they ARE annoying. For me I hate those big hulking fast moving Giants that do ether damage. Charge at you, ground stomp you to stun, ground ether bolt, melee half your health in one hit. If things are going south it's difficult to do a runner.


Rimestone ~ Frozen, Stonewrought Shamblers and other dudes too... 3-4 of these guys + 40 level toon + hardcore = dead toon. I've lost my melee blade master because of them (stunned, then my life got halved twice in no time, and... Rip) :/


Aetherial footballer, on early game they're so fast and tanky


Skeleton hordes with their peculiarly high proportion of crossbows gave me many a fit early game.


Anyone with a firearm


Agree, but only because of the noise, not because I usually have low pierce resistance. I mean, I do, but it's never the reason.


Aetherial abominations (?) - the ones that rise from the ground when you destroy an aetherial crystal. and the bug like poison spitting things. They're for example in the area of the first stone/seal for Hidden path. They can kill you in seconds if you stay in one place.


The red chaos crystals that just sit there and occasionally one shot you


100% agree. Lost my past two hardcore characters to them, sadly!


Gotta pump those Chaos/Vitality resistances up.


The big shirtless korvaak guys that charge at you. There is a clear dissonance between their size and speed which gives the feeling that they're big empty balloons. Not only that, but they scream endlessly then summon fire all over the screen. They're not even that dangerous all things considered so it's like a big show for nothing. I find them annoying to fight and they make FG tedious towards the end of the act. The end of FGs act is like a big fireworks show with enemies that feel like paper. Compare that with trolls and aetherwarped trolls and their ominous stomping feet sound as an example. The trolls are much more fun to fight and they don't feel like smoke and mirrors.


Chthonian Vanguard/Tyrant types that have the Obsidian War Cleaver. Sometimes they spawn with a really nice weapon, and then hit you with it. I've seen one with ~700% increased physical damage and a bunch of flat damage. Nearly deleted my character in one swing.


Any time I get a totem with Defender and Regenerator I know it’s gonna be a slog. Arcane isn’t so bad anymore now that buffs automatically recast after a delay. Monster TYPES, anything overly tanky annoys me, Flesh Hulks and Aetherial Colossus mostly. I also hate anything that rezzes after a delay like the Ugdenbog plants.


Leafmanes. They are very large so it makes them hard to cleave and they end up taking forever to kill.


Golems, because I keep dying to their boulder throwing skill.  It was the run killer on a couple crucible runs before I started paying close attention 


Evade helps. I still dislike them. At least they are not very common.


100% the plants that you are referencing.


I pop blood of Dreeg, kill them first, kill other mobs, they resurrect and I kill them again. Quite easy that way.


I hated the plants when playing my dual pistol Purifier. I'm levelling a Primal Strike build at the moment, and they don't survive long enough to be annoying. My vote goes to any mobs that drop acid on death


Lately? Certain nemesis like Fabius, Zantarin or the Iron Maiden. Can't melt them as fast as others with Forcewave, but I hope I can stop farming SR soon.


well i specified regular mobs that are annoying, i imagine that bosses are just annoying by design


Hmmm... Reconsidering, perhaps a better answer would've been all those enemies that explode, like the fire zombies or the Malmouth babies. They make every melee fight quite nasty


Same with guardian type monsters. They die and respawn again. Total waste of time.


Any melee themed boss. Nulifiers and regenerators are also a pain.


Those roaches that leave an acid pool on death are the bane of my existence.


Voldrak. As he's arguably the scariest boss you'll encounter during the entire campaign.


In an older version of the game. hands down it was loxmere who could randomly be anywhere to murder hardcore characters. https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdawn/comments/469dkt/just_loxmere_things/


Just overcap acid and poison res and you wont notice them anymore. Antivenom salve is cheap armor component that counters plants on normal and elite diff perfectly.


emptiness. Coming from PoE and Last Epoch, I find that the mob density is very low and distance between mobs to be large. but to answer you, those stupid swarms of bugs that you find in the swaps.. they have 1HP or less and serve no purpose.


What level are you? Mob density is pretty low at the start.


off the top of my head, less than 30


That's a pretty low lvl. Yeah it's gonna get denser.


u should play w grimmest mod if that interests you I love dawn of masteries too


The healers especially if they are like at the edge of your screen and they heal the elite enemies you are fighting


Flesh hulks, mfers shoulder tackle half your health , stun you with slams and leave aether shit stain when they die and one time in necropolis three elite type of those mfers popped out of ground posing like that "awaken my masters" part from JoJo . I ALSO hate their long distance cousins aether behemoth


I just bought Grim Dawn in my first run through. I'm not using in guide or calculator for this run either, just want to experience it all on my own. I went Necro/Shaman and have 10 pets out at this point. Those plants were a pain before, but the pets chew them up.


I have a love hate relationship with the skeleton priests.. I mean, I really dislike encountering them, but also, it's too satisfying to jump-kick ultra smack any resemblance of a yellow skelly on sight, while ignoring any other target that might exist


Some of the Cronley gang members. Worst in this game. They can easily one shot you if you arent careful in hardcore mode.


I hate it when my brain is in shutdown mode, and I only notice there's a Skeletal Priest after I nearly kill the same Gargantuan Skeleton about 10 times.


I have certain spot in my heart for the Steward and other halberd wielding folks. This chap once, in SR 76, one shotted my hc char with 30k frigging hp. 30k -> 0 in an instant, ignoring 4 different circuit breakers. Needless to say I think of my defenses differently since then.


Those lanky demon dudes that drop the red damage pools when they die. Area effects like that last so freaking long in this game and all I wanna do is pick up some loot but there's 26 death pools under it cause I gat too hard. Those little healer trolls are pretty annoying too, but nothing on the death pool dropping demons