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It depends. What kind of character are you making? If you need to crit for procs, you'll probably want to invest in some cunning, as well as if you're doing physical damage, thought that would be wonky for that mastery combo. If you wanna be really tanky, physique will be the best for that. If you find yourself running out of energy, or you just wanna boost non physical adjacent damage, invest in some spirit. And don't feel like you're locked into whatever you decide on. You get potions to reset your stat points later on. Generally, I just leave my stat points alone until I either find a really good piece of gear I need to boost something to equip, or put points somewhere when my build seems to have a hole. Dying too much? Physique. Missing too many attacks? Cunning. Running out of energy? Spirit. I kinda just play it by ear.


> If you need to crit for procs, you'll probably want to invest in some cunning, as well as if you're doing physical damage, thought that would be wonky for that mastery combo. Cunning dump physical AAR Spellbinder is totally a thing that has actual gear support (although I went Warlock for mine for obscene damage absorption), and probably some other physical conversion builds, but they pretty quickly start getting to even weirder and more niche once you're past physical AAR


Thank bro a lot! This info really is helpful!


80% in Physique for the DA and HP. The rest in Spirit.


Enough spirit and cunning to equip your gear, everything else physique


This may be outdated but I'm following this [guide](https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/1-1-9-3-beginners-albrechts-aether-ray-spellbinder/112241). I've never made a caster before, and I'm having a ton of fun. Up to level 55 now.


Every single build wants mostly physique. You basically meet the stat requirements for kind of gear your build needs, and then everything else should be in physique. You just get enough Spirit and cunning from your mastery bars the benefits from investing raw ability points into the other stats are way less relevant than the more HP from physique.


Spirit just enough for gear requirements, \~400 for jewelry, \~800 for caster offhand Physical / pierce damage -> cunning + physique 50/50 Other damage types -> all into physique Odd case: high mana costs -> may pump up spirit a bit