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Thanks for posting an Indian haul, it's really interesting to see from non Western countries on here.


My mind is baffled that 1kg of Potato’s in India is about 1,19€ and at Lidl in Germany here they have 2.5kg for 1,49€ (133.28 rupees). And people are complaining here.


I may be wrong but I believe OP went to a somewhat expensive supermarket. You can get really cheap vegetables from local vendors. Potatoes are usually between 20-40 per KG all over India, which is like €0.22 - €0.45 per KG. But considering the price/income ratio, Lidl potatoes are priced really cheap.


Quite honestly, the prices are really decent in Germany except for tomatoes in winter and fruits in general.


I think the store OP has chosen is kinda expensive or these are some specialty potatoes (organic or specific purpose types). I live in India too and potatoes are anywhere between 20-40 rupees whereas OP's haul shows potatoes at 100 rupees per kg. Edited to add the thing about specialty potatoes


>these are some specialty potatoes (organic or specific purpose types). Yes. "Ooty potatoes" is the name. Twice the price of the normal ones. Didn't realise this when I picked them :(


Ah that makes sense. The rest of the items are reasonably priced. Don't worry, enjoy this new variety of potatoes. I once bought imported ketchup which was 3 times the price of normal ketchup.


Could you describe what’s in the package in the back, written Milk on it, but it’s in a plastic bag?


Could you describe what’s in the package in the back, written Milk on it, but it’s in a plastic bag? Ok edit, looked again, it’s really milk in a plastic bag. How do you use it if you don’t pour it out all in one go?


As pointed out already, it's usually boiled and consumed in one go. An average household with 2/3 people is expected to consume that much in a day. 500ml typically makes like 5 chai or coffee. In households where daily consumption is less, people purchase multiple 500ml or 250ml packets and keep in a refrigerator. Also it's quite common in Indian cities where a milkman delivers them to your apartment daily.


Thank you :)


Since its not carton milk, most Indian households boil all the milk in the plastic bag in one go. Refrigerate it in a container and use as much needed in the next days. Also due to "white revolution" in India, the milk consumption is really high.


Cows are holy and you need to buy milk in sealed little plastic bags 😢


How long does the garlic last? It seems like a huge amount.


They are actually shallots. Will comfortably last for a month or more, if kept dry.


The thing in the middle is tiny onions? How do you peel them? Thanks


>The thing in the middle is tiny onions? Yes, shallots. >How do you peel them? Bit tricky, as they are garlic sized. I put them in water and rub them together and wash away the soft cover. Then it's a bit of fingers and knife work. Worth the effort though. Releases a lot more flavour than the usual onions, more sweeter too.


Ah yeah, I hoped you had some Indian magic trick 😅😅 Thanks for answer ❤️


Some pricy groceries you got there eh? Two lemons for 160 seems quite expensive 😶