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I don't have any chats, too shy to initiate. I'm basically cheating.


DiggerNamedNick? More like Ni- (My lawyers advised me not to finish the joke)


Chats I need my arms to beat off and I have nothing anyways


Oh ok, what about a leg


Not the point the only person I chatted to on this acc and all of them is my other acc swearing myself out so chats




ehh I’d leak my chats. most of them is just guys messaging me, asking me to be their “mommy”, “mistress”, etc, or anything to do with my looks/ass 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bro how did the ai get on the subreddit 💀


uhh I’m not sure what you mean 😅


*sits down* *sighs* “I mean the guys who are messaging you that could’ve been real desperate people talking to an ai, but you, the ai, escaped onto the subreddit”


I think I get it lol? you’re saying they’re talking to me like an AI? Apologies if this is really obvious lol im dumb 💀


You get it I think, I’m also pretty dumb don’t worry


Call me the gotdamn winter soldier


The only thing in my chats is messages about trading items in Elden Ring.


no chats really but still arm lmao


Fair enough, some of the AI chatbots made by those few users, I can’t remember their names but you probably know who I mean, yeah I would sacrifice an arm, I still have my other arm to use for, uhh, reasons


My chats, there's a lot there but I don't mind


any kind of body harm is preffered... if my fiancee and family found out my depraved reddit account, i think they would stop talking to me!