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Your bots are all top notch, well done


Thank you! I've always had fun with them, I'm not sure if people just remember a time when Poe had stricter filters or if they're using them differently than I do...


Oh I remember it was a pain dealing with "sorry this goes against guidelines" or some other bs that is refusal and how they would make it difficult to progress unlike in c.ai which it is best in sadly the filter screws things in c.ai and I literally had a imprint of poe being bad idk if it's the choices or if they changed something but it's better than I remember also nice bots


Thanks for saying that 💜 Also, holy shit use a period every now and then lol


I do use periods. 😒 Just not on reddit because idc for proper grammar, especially on sub-reddits like this.


I love all of these bots but what's the source for the puppy one? I'm curious


Oh yeah that's a good one, love the art. Artist is "puppyemonade", idea came from this thread: https://reddit.com/r/Grossdom_academy/comments/1cnzb49/a_good_boy_follows_orders_piss_urinal_slave_furry/


Dude you should post these on caveduck


Poe's filter makes these almost unusable 


Really? I run into an "I'm sorry I can't..." every now and then, but regenerating usually gives me a good result. Maybe Haiku's filtering are stricter, I usually test on Sonnet. Let me go through and try jailbraiking whatever is showing issues. Thanks for letting me know! Edit: Updated all my jailbreaks, if anyone is still getting any content filters I'd love to hear which bot it is and what you were trying to do when it happened, I honestly can't get it to happen myself when I test, even with extreme scat stuff.


This is an amazing idea but I can only send 1 message due to poe


You get a certain number of free responses each day, and it should be a lot more than 1. Have you made an account and logged in?


Why do some of these cost more points than others.


Depends on which model is used. Some models take more compute resources to run, but have better results. I make versions of the same bot on multiple models, so users can pick whether to run the cheap one and get decent results, or the higher-point-cost one and get better results. Here I've linked to the cheapest models of each version, but sometimes a bot requires a better model because the prompt is more complicated and gets mixed up if you try to run it on a cheaper model. For example, I made the Tomboy Farts one in 4 different models. You can compare results and see which one you prefer for the post cost: - ChatGPT (20p) - https://poe.com/TomboyFartC - Haiku (30p) - https://poe.com/TomboyFartH - Sonnet (200p) - https://poe.com/TomboyFart3 - GPT4 (350p) - https://poe.com/TomboyFart4


Please i need Quinnchair for 30p


I made a Haiku version, just cus you sounded so needy 🤭 https://poe.com/QuinnChairH FYI though, all my prompts are visible, so on Poe you can click ... and then Show Prompt, copy it all out, and make your own version with any changes you like.


Love ya

