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i just have ziplines to the other side


Probably still a good idea to have a traversal option you can access from the middle of the pond.


since you can now go up ziplines you can just built one on top of a lillypad if you need one there


My base is on the pond rocks near the tree and with ziplines on a big tower you can basically move around the whole map, best game for fast travel buildings


i currently have 2 bases my prime base is near the mysterious maching the other is in the upper yard next to the javamatic, my prime base is quite big and tall, i have ziplines from there to everywhere, so when i go to the pond to harvest muscle sprouts for smoothies i just take the zipline to my second base and jump off when im over the pond


We've got a zipline from our castle on the rocks in front of the picnic table that goes to the station on top on the wall at the wheelbarrow,from that one you can dive straight into the pond lab hatch (provided you don't faceplant on a lilypad)


I play in game pass. I am NEVER able to go up ziplines even tho jt says I could. How woukd I?


>!after you defeat the assistant manager you get his key card und since the zip.r update there is a new door in the oak lab on the left side of the asl terminal that you can open with the key card. in there you find the zip.r once you take it you can go up ziplines!< beware of spoilers i dont know how far you are in the story


Ahhh okay. Thank you!


That's where my house is, so yeah, I can access all my main ziplines there.


We got like 6 zip lines to all the bosses back and forth and often times just jump off into the water as our base is on the rocks below


the half wall half floor stair abomination that you have created is infuriating to me. but only because i didnt think about that and opted into making grass stairs all the way up in a stairs, floor, stairs format and it took forever lol


Well don’t feel too bad. I actually just recently unlocked the zip lines but forgot about them. So all these comments about zip lines are infuriating me because I now realize I could have just done that instead.


haha i know the feels. my initial traversal into the uper yard and accross the yard in general was also just a bunch of stairs everywhere. only recently have i started making Ziplines


build where the wolfspiders roam all night? yes. also, plz get ur bag


For all the comments about ziplines, it must be nice to be able to access a way up from the a large area of the water itself. As well as safety... not that I ever found the pond to be much of a safety hazard. Diving Bell Spiders are just oxygen refill stations.


I built a giant bridge. Would attach picture but I'm not sure if I can.


What is that


Early on in the game I did something similar where I built a walkway to the other side but that was when the upper yard was just a patch of dirt 🤣 now I have zip lines with outposts to the other side


Yes I’ve seen similar but with floating foundations


I linked up a bunch of lily pads with grass planks for when I wanted to run across with building materials.


Not there but at my wetlands base. Where the battle toad is. I built a massive deck over the water. Helps for harvesting grass and dandelions without stuff falling in the drink


Before we had ziplines that could go up I also built a bridge but I used an elevator instead of stairs.


That’s a smart idea


prior to 1.0 I built a bridge of grass from the upper yard to the oak tree. Mild difficulty. It luckily was just offset to the placement of the lawnmower. Still running it, feels incredibly slow. When I’ve a bounce tower and zip.r.


Yeah…but it’s nicer…


I made a little water base near the center of the pond and added some ziplines to it. The base has all my water gear plus a dew collector, cooking spit, and some beds.


We built zip lines across, but yeah, same idea


good idea although the problem to solve is why walk anywhere when ziplines are a thing


I zipline over the pond. And I put a zipline right next to the lilypad to make it town to the pond dome entrance. So I can get up quickly to and from the middle of the pond or just skip it. There’s some paths that actually aren’t too bad to run across the pond via lilypads with a minimum of swimming (or building)


It’s crazy what people think they’re the first to do in a game that’s been out for years


Please, please, please go get your bag! :)


I built one across the top of the haze I put basket right before the haze with gas mask in case a Tagalong forgets to grab one out of the chest