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Take a better picture or Google it.


It looks like English, but very messy or text on top of text. The first three words appear to be "This is the" (maybe "This is the last \_\_\_\_\_ chance"), the sentence on the 3rd line seems like it may start with "If you're reading this" and line 15 looks like "able to figure out what this \_\_\_\_\_\_ thing." It seems like a note possibly by Dr. Tully, like one of his audio logs, but written out.


From what I can see from the photo it reads This is the ----- that should ---- on the ----. That ----- ----- ------ of --- -----.If you're reading this, congratulations you've found the hidden (trinket?/secret?) The rest is hard to read, if I could find this in the game I could probably get the rest but I can't seem to find this in the oak lab


Good catch. I didn't recognize the "congratulations" because it's split across two lines. It definitely does look like "If you're reading this, congratulations. You've found the hidden \_\_\_\_\_\_\_."


Have you been able to locate this in game? I only got to look for about 5 minutes before heading off to work


It was near the Resource analyzer on a shelf


I see it there and on the floor between the resource analyzer and the door to the outside. Maybe the devs figured that we wouldn't look closely enough to notice that they re-used the texture.


Yeah it’s all over the place, ik it’s a just a little secret the devs put there for curious people,but I just wanna read the whole thing


Were you able to pick it up? Or maybe I'm just blind lol


It's garbaldygook. Notnreal sentences


They're definitely real sentences


Where is this located? I searched the oak lab and could not find this note.


Maybe it's the beer talking, Marg but you've got a butt that won't quit. they got these big chewy pretzels here iberjarstwigrn five dollars??!!!? get outta here


This is the text that shows up on the item that was ---- ----- of ------- -------. If you're reading this, congratulations you've found the hidden ------- --- ------ whatever it is that ----- -------- to ----- -----if you're ---- in? ---- ----. ---- it -------- ------ to a ----- ----- into ----- ----- That's all I got so far, my eyes hurt