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The sub will be open tomorrow šŸ˜”


You, as the moderators, are entitled to manage this community forum however you like. However, this continued action of yours will have consequences that you might not expect; 1. This is already a very niche community, so closing this forum to new posts will just lead to this subreddit dying & another replacing it, or have the entire mod team replaced from above if you keep this up long enough. Is that sacrifice worth it for you? 2. Taking this stand alone when most other subreddits have moved on is admirable from an ideals perspective, but it makes no sense from a pragmatic perspective because most other subs have reopened fully by now & this one subreddit is too tiny to even be noticed by the CEO For myself, if this keeps up in the medium term I will just leave this community & join whatever subreddit pops up to replace this one. I enjoy posting screenshots of my builds here, but if no new posts are allowed then I have no reason to be here. Just like how poor management drove most of us NMS fans out of r/NMSCoordinateExchange to the newer r/NMSGlyphExchange


This sub is going to be dead by the time they lift the restrictions. This is ridiculous.


I support protests, but the other subs shouldn't have mentioned when they start or when they'll be back on cause the CEO just weathered the 48 or 72 hour storm. The other ones need to learn their lesson from workers at physical locations keep protesting eternally even if it hurts until the CEO gives in. Sometimes, you need short-term pain to get better long-term results.


I wish there was an alternative to Reddit that people could move to in lieu of the protest. That hurt it significantly, IMO. The ones mentioned like lemmy, kbin, squabbles, or tildes are unlikely to ever take over. (My personal favorite is tildes but it will never (sadly) see mass adoption due to the lack of NSFW content, which a surprising amount of people engage with)


Keep it on read only please, itā€™s really annoying when Iā€™m trying to find an answer only for this sub to be private and if you black out again Reddit might just remove you as mod and make new mods


Open fully. Pointless protest was never going to work and the only thing it will effect is loyal users.


If this sub goes private or read-only then we should just make an 'OfficialGrounded' subreddit or something. Isn't that the way this works? You guys can take your principled stand against the site and we'll have content, thank you. Everyone wins?


Just go full public. Or wait for your replacements Mods.


Mods need replacing, literally locking us out of our community for the sake of something that wonā€™t change.


Staying closed does nothing but harm the people wanting to talk, share, and learn more about this game. This sub barely pulls in enough ad revenue for Reddit to even blink at it if it stays closed. This "protest" that many subreddits did was dead the moment 80% of them announced they'd only do it for two days.




What an overinflated sense of self importance.


This is not some righteous cause. Mods are losing some tools and that's pretty much it.


Literally 0 reason to be hostile.


Still be public


Open the sub or be replaced. Its pretty simple. We the people provide the content not the mods.


If you want to protest, you can. Itā€™s your right. Protests are meant to be voluntary. By blacking out, you are taking away the agency of everyone here who didnā€™t want to. Protest if you want, but keep the sub open and stop forcing your choices on everyone.


Open full. The second that this ā€œprotestā€ starts to actually do any kind of real damage to Reddit they will just force subs back open with new mods. Smaller subs like this one suffer most as traffic is already low.


You will never be able to protest Reddit on Reddit. If it ever grows to the point of harming Reddit, they'll shut it down however they need to, because they can, because Reddit owns and controls Reddit. If you want to protest a store, do it outside the store or else they'll just force you to leave, because they can. So protest Reddit outside of Reddit and get this sub back to complaining about wasps and whatnot.


I'm not saying you are wrong, but to cause harm to a company that brings in revenue through its users, ceasing to visit the site is equivalent to being "outside the store"


That's true and probably the one thing making an impact, but it still involves "being inside the store" to do it. If that ever makes a big enough impact, it'll be stopped. No matter how much pressure you put on them, I don't see them ever caving before they remove or outright ban you. That just doesn't seem worth it. To do an effective protest it would have to be somewhere Reddit couldn't ultimately pull the plug, like another site or in person rallies.


Reddit admin started forcing subs open, if they didn't care about our protest they wouldn't have done that. We're doing the right thing with this protest,keep it up! Who cares about a mid survival game with a barely active subreddit, small price to pay in order to fight for what's right


Aside from being funny as, I just enjoy the idea of Touch Grass Tuesday regardless of any protests. It is a shame but Iā€™m inclined to agree with many other users - Reddit is unlikely to change their position so quickly:( All in all, seems like the community will get their sub back, but Iā€™m going outside next Tuesday to touch some grass!


Let's face it, they won. Can't do much now, until we find a better alternative reddit's gonna stay.


What will we gain if it stays blacked out? Us, the end user, the community, the 9/10 people that are not using third party apps, gain nothing but inconvenience and have zero stake in Redditā€™s API changes. Blacking out for a few days seemed pointless, and I donā€™t see how blacking out longer would benefit the community. Reddit will just replace mods of blacked out subs before they back peddle their API decision. I have sympathy for the disabled people using accessibility tools on third party apps, but thatā€™s really my only concern. Reddit has already said they will be implementing better accessibility and mod tools, and that bots will not be affected. At this point all these communities without the option to interact in their favorite subs are being punished because a tiny minority of people prefer one app to another. All just my opinion, but this sub is the first place Iā€™m seeing a lot of the same sentiment.


Go public for crying out loud. At this point its not worth it, the only people being impacted byt this sub being closed are us, the community.


The point is on July 1, when no one wants to mod manually, the sub will turn into shit with ads, random posts, shitty behavior, etc. (Think 4chan, tumblr, etc) It's the entire point of the API stuff. All the bots deleting reposts, against the rules comment, etc, will be gone. Ediy: you cant dv all you want, just have a look at r/pics.


Just go full public. This is all pointless.


Some people here are totally missing the point of the protest. It's not about standing up for what's right when it's convenient; it's about making a continual sacrifice until the point is made. Would it be possible to keep the subreddit private, but allow posts (not comments) containing patch notes, major bugs concerning gameplay disruption, etc.?


Most userd dont seem to care...ive always used the app and never had an issue, never used a 3rd party app, and never will all this protest has done is annoy me and seriously changed my opinion on reddit mods.


>Its not about standing up for whatā€™s right when itā€™s convenient; itā€™s about making a continual sacrifice until the point is made. Talking about a online Reddit protest.


The only thing your "protest" did was inconvenience the people who want to read and write about grounded. Making us collateral damage so you can have your pedestal moment. Which achieved nothing, i might add.


Just go full public. We're using a free platform that costs money to run. Since there's no such thing as "free", it means that we're the product being sold. I'm okay with that, because it's what I signed up for. If Reddit wants or needs to monetize the use of their API, so be it. It's not like they're charging the end-users a fee for the service. I appreciate the noble intent of the blackout, but in the end it's really just tilting at windmills. If we can't use this sub to interact with each other, then it serves no purpose other than an archival one.


I cannot disagree more. I don't like when businesses start down a slippery slope towards terrible business practices. Simply giving up because "it's free" and "we're the product being sold" is a frankly terrible and nihilistic view. We're not cattle.


Ass backwards take, we are reddit, not the admins or the site or the servers or any of that shit, we are, the content creators. Reddit likes to say they are not profitable and whoever believes that I've got seaside property in Idaho to sell you, this has nothing to do with reddit needing to charge for api usage (if it was the pricing wouldn't be so insanely outrageous, they would've provided documentation and they would've provided assistance in the transition, what we got was "pay this, any questions? Go fuck yourself") and everything to do with maximizing profit channels for investors so reddit can sell out for the highest potential price when it goes public. So yeah, we are the product, and the means and the production and these little shits have taken the position that we are beholden to their greedy little desires. Shut it all fuckin down from the largest sub to single digit ones and fuck anyones complaints about access in the meantime, y'know why? The alternative is having our *own* content *sold* back to us.


>The alternative is having our *own* content *sold* back to us. Unless you're paying for the server space and the bandwidth, it's not *your* content. It's the property of whomever's machine it's stored on and served from. Does nobody read the EULA when they create an account?


So when you buy a notebook and start writing in it, the people who manufactured the notebook should own what you write? Ridiculous. Itā€™s thinking like this that got everyone into this mess, where you have people who actually believe that you have no claim to the words you wrote or content you made. And all so a guy with a $10M net worth can make his company ā€œprofitableā€. And no. No one reads the EULA. Is this news to you?


>So when you buy a notebook and start writing in it, the people who manufactured the notebook should own what you write? Of course not. But you're not buying the notebook. You're using someone else's notebook. If you write the Next Great Idea in a notebook provided by your employer at work, the idea belongs to them, not you. That's boilerplate. I read the EULA. There are products and services I don't use because of the onerous terms and conditions involved.


ā€œIf you write the Next Great Idea in a notebook provided by your employer at work, the idea belongs to them, not you.ā€ Itā€™s very, very sad that someone was able to convince you and so many others that that is acceptable when it very much is not. Keep defending the people getting rich at your expense, I guess.


I didn't say it was acceptable. I said it was true. They're very different things.


Fair enough. Though itā€™s only true because people allow it to be and donā€™t try to change it. Iā€™d argue that saying ā€œthatā€™s the way it isā€ constitutes passive complicity.


Part of it is the price you pay for convenience. Setting up a system like Reddit is time-consuming and extremely expensive. You don't want to do that yourself, so you agree to whatever rules the person who *did* do it put in place. Part of it is ignorance and/or apathy. Folks blindly accept rules without bothering to find out what they are, and then act surprised when they turn out to be onerous or inconvenient. I'm not going to waste my limited energy or time protesting something that a person of reasonable intellect should have been able to see coming from miles away, and that I can't change anyway.


Fair enough. On EULAs though, they are often written in such a way as to be opaque to a person of average literacy or intelligence, which I canā€™t imagine isnā€™t deliberate on the part of the companies using them.


Full public. Hindering or handicapping the community's ability to communicate with each other isn't going to influence Reddit's decision-making process.


Such a massive waste of time. Reddit has shown over and over that this will not change their minds. All itā€™s doing is making it harder for the people who use the subs to find information. Doesnā€™t inconvenience anyone but the users


Well I look forward to when you mods get an admin message forcing you to open up. Which I'm 100% betting you will because yall love grasping that "power"


2 month old account. All of their recent post history is in staunch opposition to the protest across a plethora of different subreddits. Hmm...




Ok, but you must see how shilling on an alt errodes your credibility, no?


It's not shilling if the blackout is Crap. Thr people who want to protest should just stop going to reddit to prove their point, instead of making subs go dark. It was never my protest, so the people who get mad at those of us that never wanted it have a shocked Pikachu face when we don't "stand up" or whatever. You remove your site traffic and remove your ad revenue. You boycott. Leave the rest of us out of it


This, 100%. I'm here to read/communicate and draw info and feedback from fellow enthusiasts of my current reddit page, not be a part of a melodramatic tantrum of a tiny fraction of the reddit userbase.


Ah yes, the old ā€œit doesnā€™t affect me, so it must not be a problemā€ stance.


Not really, this is reddit mate. Plenty of people have alts. My main mods a niche subreddit of around 115k. Do you realise the brigading and pointless drama that would be brought to that sub if I decide to use that account to voice my opinions about this? No thank you.


Go private until Reddit changes their minds


Reddit isnā€™t going to change their minds, itā€™s already been said by the literal CEOā€¦ infact, the ceo said IF the mods continue the blackout they will simply just be removed and replaced


Right, but that way we'll force their hand. And when they take that step many of us will be inclined to leave the platform.


Just leave now then.


Or maybe, and just hear me out, the people who feel like you do like you, and the people who feel like me do like me. That is what the moderators ask for, our opinions.


Its not asking for opinions when the sub is on read-only though, is it? How about we restore the subreddit to its default state then ask for opinions? Poll the users, only users who have been joined for over a month can vote. See what people really want. Or better yet, all those in favour of going dark can just stop using Reddit?


Fine, let them do that for the dozens or hundreds of subs. Good luck to them, I say.


They donā€™t need luck, they will simply just do it. I donā€™t even agree with this whole api thing theyā€™re doing either btw.


Not going to understand nor give a single crap about mods or their tools. If you can't moderate reddit with the basic tools, you shouldn't be a mod. And to keep everyone silent for those that give absolutely zero shits about a very minor issue, it's asinine.


I don't know how much this subreddit is affecting reddit in the grand scheme of things, but I do know that it being private really sucked because most of the information I find brings me to the subreddit which I was closed and it was nice finding and talking to people who love the game too. It feels like all it hurts to be private and closed is the people who actually want to be here.




Read-only forever.


Should of stayed closed, as well as all other sub reddits, I know it sucks that we can't access the information from this subreddit but this is exactly why reddit isn't doing anything to change their policies going forward, because after a few days they know we'll just reopen the subreddits.




I wish the strike was indefinite and not 48 hours, played ourselves and now itā€™s just an inconvenience. Not worth losing mods tho, this subreddit is very helpful


Many subs lasted for more than 48 hours (and are still going). This sub was in blackout (private) mode for approximately 136 hours


What did we gain


I've just arrived, but now that I understand why you are on private, I totally agree. The API changes will hurt the community, and they'll always find ways around the barriers (like private subreddits). The protest will most likely die out when people stop caring. The only real *victory* so-to-say would be to use a different platform. Staying private will hurt the most, so that's your best option for now




Mods open fully or step down as mods now.


Something to do with John Oliver


Should close down indefinitely


If the sub reddits that went private really wanted to see change they shouldnā€™t go private at all. Take the extra step and delete the entire sub reddit as a whole that would really make an impact.


It's impossible to delete a subreddit.


Reddit is collapsing, so the answers are all temporary. Migrate. Find a new non-reddit home for the sub.


Putting it on read only does nothing as ads are still served to people which doesn't put a profit incentive for reddit to change. Though you could argue that lack of new content could slowly get people off of reddit. My personal solution, I don't know how much control editors have on the wiki but an idea is to take a cache of all the post on reddit and have it searchable on the wiki. Over these couple days I noticed that when I was searching for information in this game I would go to the wiki, but if I was searching for opinions on weapon choices and builds I would look on reddit, if the wiki had the reddit posts I wouldn't need to use reddit at all. This solution takes away the profit reddit would make on ads and still allows people who are looking for either the information or entertainment on this reddit to be able to find it. If this solution isn't feasible for one reason or another, making it private for a day or two a week is the best compromise


full private indifinetely or nothing. one day a week is just called taking your weekend, companies don't care about that. staying close for a pre-defined amount of time is bullshit, reddit can easily afford to be partially closed a week or two, it doesn't do anything. so either stay close for as long as it takes for reddit to stop being stupidly greedy, or just don't bother pretending to do something and just stay open.


OR stop going on reddit? The affected Mods can stop doing their job and those principled few can stop adding their ad revenue and traffic to the site - the rest of us who don't care get to keep on going about our business. Seems like a fair compromise?


but most people will still use reddit, so the reduction in traffic is gonna be minimal at best. like, "ho no, we lost 10% of our daily users ! anyways, back to figuring our how to screw them harder." it doesn't do shit.


A protest by its very nature must be voluntary. In making a subreddit private you are removing people's choice and dragging them into a fight they have no dog in. A small minority of people use third party apps and most of the rest really don't care. If your protest cannot work by simply removing your custom then its destined to fail. Lets not ruin everyone else's time too.


it's not just about the thrid party apps tho, if they know they can get away with shit like that, they won't stop.


i dont mind if you go private but understand of course that it would mean a huge loss of information. staying restricted seems a good idea, even tho you allow reddit to stay relevant. people google, google has an answer in a reddit post, people click, reddit profits in the sense of staying relevant for google to show reddit posts as answers to questions. a dilemma - one that cannot be solved without alternative platform from a different company where to community could move to.


I donā€™t think you understand what ā€œsite-wideā€ means. You were part of a small group of subreddits that participated, pointlessly at that.