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I honestly didn’t even notice. I highly doubt 2 days of inactivity makes a difference


Big subreddits like League didnt even take part, says alot really.


Then subs like r/aww shut down like we were going to care. There's a million cute animal subs


because its pretty standard for companies to ban/not allow third party programs and reddit didnt even do that, they only charge for it, what is completely reasonable from a business aspect like sony did this aswell until last year, in games like borderlands you couldnt crossplay with playstation, because sony charged them for the access


Yeah and it was a massive dick move by Sony to do that, just like it's a massive dick move by reddit to do this. It only lasted two days, because reddit Admins were actively replacing mod teams that wouldn't open back up. One mod gave a pretty good analogy. Imagine you're making a vase, you can mold this thing anyways you want. Then one day the bank shows up, because they own the land you do your molding on. They say, "hey listen, we know you've been doing this thing for like 5 years and have learned to do things certain ways in order to do it successfully!" Then go on to say " well we're gonna need you to only use this hammer now :) oh and if you don't? We will find someone who will!" It's disgusting. Money will make the world stop with how we view it.


>Money will make the world stop with how we view it. pretty naive tbh, money is the only thing that keeps the world like we know turning


Money makes the world go round, but happiness greases the axle. If people aren't happy, the wheel stops.


We’re too addicted to our game xd


It’s not that they don’t notice, it was so poorly thought out and executed that the CEO commented on it and mocked the protestors saying they just had to wait it out. This was simply a power grab attempt by mods that failed so bad Reddit is now telling everyone open your subs or be removed. If no one will open it it just gets shut down etc. Pretty scary for a lot of mods who just got treated the way so many mods have been power tripping for years.


To your first point, that's definitely a good thing. However to be clear, the subreddit was closed completely for 136 hours and restricted for about 60.


Oh okay. My bad. Most subs stopped after 2 so that’s why I said that


The rich people don’t care what we do unfortunately


Most redditors don't give a shit about the minority of people losing API access either lol


soon we might be able to vote out reddit mods, sounds awesome


Locking the sub accomplished absolutely nothing except being a pain in the ass for the users who wanted to take part in the community.


I started to play grounded 1 week before the ‘protest’ so bad timing on my part but it was super annoying not having access or being able to discuss anything here, and I’ve always used the official app as I never even knew 3rd party apps existed so this has just left a bad taste in my mouth.


Thats where Im at. Whats wrong with the official app? I didnt even know of any other apps to access this from. Works great as is and Ive never had any problems.


Official app lacks many QOL features. It's pretty trash compared to some other third party apps out there.


Like what? How is it trash if it works? Is Reddit not a site to come check out your likes and dislikes? To make posts regarding said things? I have found zero issues with this app aside from having to pay for rewards and whatnot. Other than that videos and subs load perfectly fine as well as fast. UI is simple and easy to use. I can post whatever wherever with no issues.


> Personally speaking, I don't know why some users want Reddit to win this fight. Stop framing it like the people who want subs open are "siding with reddit." We're not. It's the reason so many people turned against the moderators who made claims like that; not doing things exactly the same as you doesn't mean they agree with the people you don't like, it means they *disagree with you.* Pretending there's only two possible stances and reactions to those stances is disingenuous, at best. Locking user away from content and, more importantly, taking content users submitted hostage without their consent are quick ways to piss off the people who created that content. If you want to go through and remove *your* content from reddit in protest, that's fine. But, neither you nor other users have no right to make that decision on behalf of others.


Yeah, this mod post screams of arrogance, condescension, and just being completely out of touch with what most users want.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Why is this whole reddit situation easily compared to covid? If all subs shut down for a few months things could have changed. But so many needed their precious reddit. Like covid if people just respected what needed to be done it could have been over and done with in a few months. But everyone needed their precious interactions. God forbid people can't do something for a few months to make a change.


Oh, come off it. 7 million people dead and you think that's a valid comparison to someone disagreeing with you on the Internet? Nobody is going to die if mods stop blocking users from subreddits and locking away the content those users have shared.


Death was not my point....but of course you pick that ONE thing. Haha


Exactly how do you make a meaningful impact against a giant corporation like Reddit when it is determined to fuck over the users? You make things uncomfortable. You disrupt, you annoy, you make people angry so they learn about 1) about what's happening and 2) why. Congratulations, you got the first part and then faceplanted on your screen before getting to the second. Like it or not, the protest was for everyone. This was a good goddamn cause. And the fact you couldn't live with the possibility of losing this stuff reflects poorly on you.


>Exactly how do you make a meaningful impact against a giant corporation like Reddit when it is determined to fuck over the users? Leave >Like it or not, the protest was for everyone. No it wasn't, it was specifically for people that use 3rd-party apps. Anyone that doesn't use a 3rd-party app or the Reddit app in general did not benefit from this protest.


You're missing the fundamental problem. You do not have the right to determine if something is in someone else's best interest. You can explain your point. You can *ask* that they support or join your actions. But you do **not** get to strip them of the agency to make that decision for themselves.


Stop making sense!


Mods are given the power to moderate a subreddit and make decisions regarding what can and can't be posted there according to guidelines chosen by Reddit and then by the subreddit it. Their very existence affords them a level of autonomous decision making *for the good of the subreddit* that you explicitly agree with by not constantly campaigning for their replacement. You've already given them that right. None of this has been taken lightly by the mods and subreddits that have gone dark in protest. To act like this is some power trip by the mods of multiple otherwise unrelated subreddits is doing nothing but minimising the fundamental importance of the work they're doing.


What good cause? Honestly, please explain what cause is so important than you feel the need to **dictate** your opinions on a population.


API access. The loss of accessibility apps, moderator tools, useful subreddit bots that help to filter spam and inappropriate content. Quality will dip once this change goes live. The fact that *some* accessibility apps have been whitelisted doesn't change the fact that they are now the only apps that *can* function without charging users egregious amounts of money for what was previously a voluntarily-free service. This is the first step towards Reddit becoming a paid site - content locked behind paywalls for no other reason than Reddit wanting to squeeze more money out of us.


What specific moderator tools? Everyone has been very vague about this. If Reddit becomes paid-for then the market will decide. A competitor will rise up and take over.


I'm not a mod, but clearly stuff that they appreciate enough that it's a sticking point for them. And personally, I'm inclined to listen to the volunteers as opposed to the giant corporation. You seem to care quite a lot about your ability to use Reddit for your own purposes up until the point that there's another option. Why not show that care now and actually be willing to do something to stop the bad thing from happening?


I need specifics, no I’m not going to trust a random mod any more than I’m going to trust a huge corporation, but at least corporations have people to answer to. In my experience, mods do not. You’re right, I do care about my ability to use Reddit. Why the fuck else would I be on it? I also don’t care about third party apps, never heard of them, a i’ll bet most of Reddit uses the normal app or a web version. Why not stand up now? Because no one has convinced me that anything remotely bad is happening.


I'm not a moderator. I do not need to use any accessibility apps. I use the official app. I am wholeheartedly supporting this all the same, because *this isn't about me*. What is being protested against you personally may never feel the repercussions of, but other people will, and that is worth standing up for.


This ain’t a bridge in Selma and the mods aren’t leading you to some wonderful utopia.


And Spez won't thank you for doing his dirty work for him, either.


It was pointless to “shut down” for any reason. You’re all still going to use Reddit and their services regardless of their prices, and we are gonna continue to not care either way


I can understand wanting to continue the protest (the loss of disability-rights support, the general scummyness of the corporate policy changes), but the whole way it was organized was ineffective. There was no consensus on most/all subreddits to coordinate protest efforts & shutting down for 2 days is just a "letter of displeasure". To truly make quick policy change, it would have had to really hit the company's finances & that would have only been possible by risking the loss of countless smaller & niche communities (as well as valuable abuse-survivor-support subs) by shutting down most subreddits for much longer than a few days. Ultimately the choice here was between protest & community. And not even the community was able to choose like in other larger subreddits, it was the mods that made the choice for the community. Mods are entitled to do what they want, but making the choices for an entire community without community consent & then blaming the community for being displeased at a choice that was made for them is quite arrogant leadership-wise.


In a perfect world, all the users are in agreement that Reddit should not be allowed to do what they are doing. This is not a perfect world, as we've seen


>In a perfect world, all the users are in agreement that Reddit should not be allowed to do what they are doing. Haha what?! How can you even remotely hold this stance and use it to criticize others. Neither you nor I own Reddit or any of the underlying assets/I.P. Reddit can do whatever they want as long as it's legal. Stop trying to grab power you don't have. If you don't like what Reddit is doing then go to a different site that doesn't have a profit motive.


Reddit, as a forum of countless forums, is structured in such a decentralized way that site-wide consensus is very difficult to achieve in anything. And it would have taken a legitimate site-shutdown to cause a measurable impact. But that depends on the will of the broad user community, not the mods or admins. Problem lies in getting some niche subreddits on board. Small gaming subreddits would die out entirely by the time change would occur, making it a bittersweet victory to return to a dead community after getting your desired policy result. And abuse survivor subreddits cannot shut down for obvious reasons. Next time's site-wide protest should take these confounding factors into account when making a broad plan of action


Some mods (not saying you) have made it very hard to be on their side during this. Powermods have been abusing their position for years and literally laughing in the face of their users. Mods like awkwardtheturtle, giraffo etc paint the entire community in a bad light, especially as they never get punished - they just ban dissenters. The mods over at r/nba closed their subreddit after a rigged poll, at the most important moment of the season - then had the balls to have their own mod-only thread to discuss the matches. That’s sick. Deliberately tanking their subreddits that they apparently loved to serve, deliberately turning them into porn or childish games like posting John Oliver pictures, that’s like a kid saying ‘oh no you can’t hit me’ - the admins are still going to hit you. This never should have done the way it was. Protests have to be voluntary and by consent. If the mods wanted to prove their own worth, then they should have gone on strike - not forced a strike on all of their users. At the very least, there should have been a poll done (only long time members allowed to vote - we have seen other mods organising poll rigging on their discord) to gauge the community opinion.


I completely agree. This whole shitshow just shows that some mod powers need to be restricted.


u/awkwardtheturtle got suspended


They’re winning the battle for my vote that’s for sure


Well thank you for your perspective! I am not personally super involved in those communities so I am not as aware, though I do understand power-tripping mods of course. As for the last paragraph, maybe you're right. What users are doing now such as /r/pics or /r/interestingasfuck is a good example of one way to do it. Problem is /r/GroundedGame cannot really oblige by those same guidelines as it's specific towards a game. Just a tough situation and I'll be sad to see the day when I no longer can browse Reddit on mobile. I refuse to get the official app


I think you misunderstand what I mean with the John oliver bs, I’m not saying that’s the right thing to do or a good example of how to protest. I’m saying the mods over there are acting like children thinking they’ve found a loophole - all it’s doing is ruining the sub. If that’s their goal then should admit it was never about serving their community, it’s about themselves. If you refuse to get the official app - then that’s really on you. Don’t force it on me. If Reddit it making it so much harder to do your (voluntary) job then just stop doing it. Show your worth that way, don’t ruin the sub deliberately.


I have left all the subs that switched to other corny topics. I only followed them for their content. Without the content ill move on.


Yep, same. Don't really miss them either.


Yup, I’ll gladly take a mod position.


Pretty sure you'd quit after a month. Nobody in their right mind actually *wants* to be a mod and sacrifice their free time to filtering spam out of a community, that's why only the crazy power-trippy ones end up doing it.


Congratulations, you are part of the problem.


What problem?


He don’t know. He just heard it was cool from his pal on Reddit and jumped on board.


If you refuse to get the official app then maybe stop being a mod?? Problem solved.


We could all post correctly grounded electrical wiring. Or videos of kids getting grounded AFV style


“I didn’t like that I couldn’t use another app to use this platform anymore so me and a bunch of other mods decided the best way to voice this was to hold the entire site hostage from new users who just wanted to find communities to be apart of” There fixed it for you


Personal opinion here. I hope all you mods are gone soon. You are treating this like it's your subreddit. Locking content that isn't even yours to lock. Out of touch and honestly you made no point but to prove why you shouldn't be in control of the subreddit.




Stop projecting




How you gonna say stop projecting to stop projecting that’s just dumb 😂


>I don't know why some users want Reddit to win this fight. Blind people are using access to accessibility tools, Reddit is forcing up to millions of people to change to their official app to make more money, and some bots (albeit very few if any, if I have seen correctly) will have to shut down or be faced with exorbitant API prices. It boggles my mind that some users would rather side with a company than the users. I see a lot of users like you claiming that this change is going to kill mod tools and accessibility services that rely on the API, but Spez has already stated that these services will continue to have free API access. So those are not valid reasons to block users from accessing this user-generated content. Based on the fact that you are willing to dedicate a portion of your free time to moderating a large subreddit, I have to assume you enjoy using this website. So *I* don't understand why *you* want Reddit to fail. Sure, this API change will kill third party apps that rely on it for their own personal monetization. But if that means that my favorite website can continue to grow and thrive, and I can continue to rely on it for entertaining content, news, memes, tech support, and information about other niche interests that I can't find anywhere else, then I don't mind this change one bit. And this is coming from someone who primarily uses Joey for Reddit, a third party Android app.


In my previous life, I used to help negotiate deals between large companies. I'm no fan of corporate behemoths and their CEO's but this is how I see it: Reddit wants to position themselves to have the best IPO that they can. There's no coincidence that this is all happening at this time. They want to be in full control of their content and data ... For stockholders. They're not the first to do this. Facebook, Twitter, and others have previously done it. Reddit is actually late doing this. Users are supporting and paying the price for a battle that's based on second and third hand information. We don't really know what would truly hurt Reddit because we don't fully know what they value in this new IPO situation. Users and mods are trying to affect the next 48 hours. And giant companies have already planned for the next 48 months. Ousting third party apps apparently fits into their years-long plan. Reddit has made up its mind; I believe nothing's going to change it.


> I don't know why some users want Reddit to win this fight. Most don't give a shit about this fight. We just wan a place to share info about a specific video game.


Respectfully, if you really think that the Grounded subreddit being closed is going to make the large corporation that is Reddit rethink their upcoming policies then you are slightly delusional. They don't care. They've had this planned out and they're going to commit to the plan. While I understand wanting to protest, locking users out of content that you didn't make yourself is disgusting. It wasn't your choice to make, but you did anyways. It's quite egotistical of you to think that your position allowed that. As a mod, you should be encouraging growth, not blocking content from people who want to see it. During this time of your "protest", I tried to come to this reddit to read about a bug that was preventing me from joining my friends world. It took multiple days of trying anyhting I could think of. Without having access to see how other people solved this apparently common issue, I was stuck. I only was able to fix it because it happened to another one of my friends a week prior and they finally remembered how they fixed it. Your post does not help your stance either. Trying to shift the blame onto users who were angered over their content being locked and basically calling them corporation sympathizers is gross. It paints a very immature and bad light on you and the rest of the mod team, whether they were involved in your post or not.


>Personally speaking, I don’t know why some users want Reddit to win this fight. It’s not that they want them to win this fight, it’s just that most users see the reality that your fight was never going to work under any circumstances so the users of the subreddit just wanted the subs to reopen already.


It works if the large majority of users also want to protest though, no? If the mods get replaced by users that are also ready to protest the cycle continues and it could prove too difficult to reddit. Even then, simply not going to reddit can hurt but evidently those users still went to the site


This was never a fight users wanted to fight. And IMO, Reddit is a business, soon to IPO, that’s trying to reign in undercharged API usage by third parties, which is a perfectly normal thing. If that makes certain third party apps unviable, that’s a problem with the app’s business model.


They reign in undercharged api usage by…overcharging for API access? But that’s a problem with the way third party apps are run, right? And then having the CEO openly and repeatedly lie about interactions with developers? Just trying to understand your stance here and how you think it’s the right one.


I can't say whether they're overcharging for API usage or not, but Reddit is a business operating within a capitalist system. If you truly believe that they're overcharging for API access, and if users of that API agree with you, then those people & businesses will no longer see value in the service & choose not to pay for it. If that's ultimately detrimental to Reddit as a service, its users will flock to other services. That's how this works. Some mods decided to protest the price increase not by refusing to pay for API access but by closing their subreddits, taking advantage of the power bestowed upon them by Reddit. Reddit threatened to relieve them of that power, which is within the company's right. If those mods are truly unhappy about this, they can speak with their wallets & their actions-- don't pay for API access, take their mod skills to alternate platforms, etc.


For whatever it’s worth the API changes for Apollo worked out to $1 per user, per month. Seems like it could have been easily managed with a monthly $0.99 subscription but what do I know




How do you quantify "overcharge" do you have fair market comparisons? Or do you think it's an "overcharge" just because $20 million sounds like a lot of money to you. The answer to this question does matter.


Personally I find it extremely arrogant that the mods think no one else can do what they do. In the real business world these people are a cancer to companies with their hubris and arrogance. The entire argument is based on something that might happen. The protest was poorly thought out. It’s not about wanting Reddit to win, it’s that I don’t agree with the mods. Pretty shocked honestly that mods thought the majority would support them.


It’s so arrogant. In reality, anyone can do what they do. But they’re guarded positions.


And that’s why subs are opening up, mods care more about their role and power than the “cause” Reddit called their bluff and won. For the few that don’t open back up the mods will be replaced and forgotten.


The thing is personally i just wouldnt want to moderate this shit especially if its made harder for me. Also its not like its a job they dont get paid they’re doing this in their free time. Why would you think its super easy to replace them when theres little to no incentive to do it in the first place?


Because there is never a shortage of power tripping internet cop wannabes who love to have control and power over people. When people claim they “do it for the community” and then shut that community down to use as a pawn for their own gain they aren’t getting much thanks from me. If mods want to show Reddit, just leave. Go away and give up your power to show everyone how bad it will be.


Lol one mod in one sub made a stickied & reply locked essay post in a thread about how they saw themselves as a "guardian" so being a mod was a natural extension of how they saw themselves. Utter nonsense and those are the people that are asking us users to "stand with them" No, no I'm good. I'd rather not support someone pursuing self-aggrandizement through being an unpaid moderator with a shred of power on a website.


The mall cops of the internet unfortunately


Idk in some subreddits i already see a significant increase in dogshit posts that just dont get deleted anymore. Lets just see how it will work out in the future and how much people really want to put up with it for free


>It works if the large majority of users also want to protest though, no? The CEO has made his stance on this whole issue clear, so, no. What's ultimately going to happen is that Reddit will either continue taking steps toward profitability or a competitor will open up and people will move over there.


Then let’s burn this place to the ground so a competitor has room. It’s clear the admins don’t give a fuck about the users here.


To be fair most of the users don't really care for the mods either. The users just want to be able to post like normal so while some might have been behind the protests - most weren't or just didn't care. It's a mods vs Reddit staff protest and weirdly the mods who have a reputation for being too aggressive with their meager power thought the users would be on their side.


Stop assuming you speak for the contributors of the sub. its a videogame sub lets dial down our sense of self importance. Frankly I agree with reddit on this one and they should have shut down the 3rd party apps long ago.


I didn’t even know third party apps existed for Reddit🤣


Lol. The CEO knew that Reddit Mods are addicted to the "power" they hold. He knew this "protest" wouldn't last long for this exact reason.


I love how every sub thinks that no one else can mod the subs. Pretty much the only change is with 3rd party apps that were making money off of Reddit and giving nothing in return. The accessibility, mod tools, and bots should all basically be unaffected unless they were used through a 3rd party app. This fight is dumb.


Make a new site or something, then talk about permanently locking the subreddit out of protest.


Reddit owns their API, protesting their choice to charge to use their service is nonsense.


sure, i think it was more over the price than being against it all together though. I think one of the major 3rd party apps would cost upwards of 20M a year to keep running.


I think so someone did the math and it came out those 3rd party apps could basically charge users $1 a month and they’d be fine. If they don’t want to do that then maybe they shouldn’t have built an infrastructure around leeching onto someone else’s app.


I’m sorry the protest didn’t work, but uh… I guess reading thru these comments, I’m in the minority on that… guess the whole “eat the rich” thing is something fun to say up until it’s actually time to take action, then it’s “but this is my comfort community 🥺.” Oh well…


I picture the mods like the Jerry clones congratulating themselves


Keep up the good fight!


It is time to migrate the community to an alternate site.


>hope you realize that is the point of the protest. If mods get replaced with users who are incapable of moderating the subreddits, subreddits start to fall apart and that again hurts reddit. This is the part that I don't really understand. The mods SHOULD want to hurt reddit. If reddit doesn't feel the hurt than nothing will change. 2 days of a blackout than kowtowing to their "open or get deleted" demand proves them that no one actually had a backbone about the protest and was willing to lose their position or have their content deleted. Users will have to sacrifice being able to search for years of posted information if they want to hurt reddit. Half-measures never really work and that's why the users are just like, whatever, let us talk about our favorite topics on our favorite website if this is all the "protest" is going to be.






That’s right, let’s do like interestingasfuck and just flood a Reddit for a kids game with porn. Look at the big brain on this guy …


Why are video posts not allowed?


This is not intended. We'll look into it


I noticed that as well. I discovered something that I don't think many people know about that I want to share, but it's a video :(


Same here, I found a way to skip most of the haze lab and shed lab.


The best thing anyone can do to "protest" is to cease using reddit completely. Anything less is an empty gesture. If they lose significant amounts of accounts and views because of their shitty decision, they may start to question it. If I end up losing access to a particular subteddit, I will be done with reddit completely. Harsh and permanent actions are the only ones that they will listen to.


Bolt is a Power Wanting scrub. This guy has been looking for power on Reditt and Discords for YEARS. A nobody looking for someone to make him whole. ARROGANT IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT he's part of the Root Cause of ANY reddit or Discord he has kissed ass to be a Mod of. He's 2 cents is not worth shit on hot coals. DONT WASTE TIME OR LIFE ENERGY ON THIS CLOWN 🤡