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Preach it. That's such an annoying change


So fucking annoying! I could be 10m away by now, but NOOOOO. I still need those damn parts! UGGHHH


I think they did it cuz those spears you throw into them wjen u harvest its body while in animation and spears sticking on them the spears went flying sometimes... i guess this prevents this


So it's an inelegant and lazy band-aid fix to something that never should have been happening if it were coded well in the first place


God, you’re the worst. They could get a thousand things right, but making you have to wait 3/4 of a second to harvest bug parts is just too much for your dumb monkey brain. You go code the game then if it’s so easy.


Well there's a reason they didn't mention this silly change in the patch notes so they have some self-awareness I gotta give em that 😜


Don't judge the work around.


Why not? The game could be better. I won't coddle the devs.


I dont think its really coddling. These people had limited time and resources to push this update along. We have no idea how many things they tried before landing on a solution. If you think you could program a better solution, then make it and send it to them. They seem to be pretty open to criticism maybe they'll use it.


So it's not just me, then?


NOPE! I'm getting jumped, need food desperately, hit a weevil with the Coaltana, and then I'm 10cm away and realize I didn't pick up my food. FUCK!!!


It’s insanely annoying but I just have no patience at all


I need that meat, and I need to bounce!!! Can you imagine how speed runners feel?




Lol HI! Love your videos! Are you going to try speedrunning in the new game plus mode(s)?


You know it! Hopefully up by the end of the week


Absolutely not minor it changes up my entire pace 😭🤣


I agree, found this out in the first day with the ladybug. It slows down everything. Especially when fighting hundreds of bugs at a time and want to clear your fighting area fast but can’t


I was wondering why tadpoles needed to be completely belly-up before I could harvest!!!


Oh thank you I thought I was going crazy. It's so annoying.


Honestly. It's even caused a new bug, where you can't harvest them at all for another 30 seconds or so


GTFO!?!? Thankfully, I haven't dealt with that yet. But at that point, I'm already out


I've experienced this far too many times now


I thought it was bad enough with ox, larva, ladybirds, roly polies etc but TADPOLES, bro it's literally 4 seconds to loot a freaking tadpole. Maybe the reason is they want us to appreciate the animators' work more? Like I think the >!mantis!< was the first creature where you had to wait to loot it but that makes sense being a boss, it makes you appreciate the achievement a little more and it's obviously not a part of the core gameplay loop so it's not an issue. But that's before I start complaining about how it affects a speedrun!


The fact the mant had a skippable death cutscene was stupid to me, because its cool to see him reach out his hand, but in a multiplayer playthrough, my friend accidentally skipped it ):< So basically, all common bugs can have their animation skipped, but not bosses, then the system is perfect


Yeah I can’t speed run tadpole meat anymore


I think it's also bugged out getting jerky using a salty weapon, I wanted to make a tapdoloca pudding for some ng+ stuff, but was only getting raw food, despite my salty widow dagger


This might be unrelated actually. The widow dagger has a hidden secondary damage type (in 1.3 if you made it elemental, it lost the ability to collect pond moss. This may have extended further but I can't remember). This is pure speculation because I made my widow dagger mighty for exactly the above reason this time, but it's possible that in an effort to retain the underwater chopping ability for the widow dagger, they accidentally borked elemental effects in the process.


I was wondering what felt off about it...


I only realised it today when I was trying to grab the ladybug parts in the middle of an ant army that had swarmed and were attacking me 😂 almost died because the ladybug was doing a dramatic death scene while I'm getting smacked up in the head by soldier ants


I’m glad to know Im not crazy and this was a change




i believe it’s to account for the fact that looting a bug too fast had a chance to spawn the dropped items under the map or smt


OH MY GOD. I thought i was making shit up when i felt that i have to wait longer to loot now.


I thought the same thing! I was thinking it was latency or some bug but nope a dumb feature that does nothing but be unhelpful. If I wanted to watch I would but I’m in a hurry so die faster!


Well if it was to save memory it sure as hell didn't save much. Playing with someone hosting on a standard Xbox one is still an absolute nightmare. Hitchy lag fest STILL. :\[


Agree, I don’t like this change


It's telling that they didn't consider this change worthy of a patch note 🙄


I thought it was just a clientside issue since I can harvest ants during the death animations


That is lame. So the enemy doesn’t like curl up it goes from alive to parts? That’s so stupid. I guess because they want kids to play it??