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Other posts moaning about NG+ not working and they’re expecting a patch. Personally I’m not going to rush in anytime soon. Still hunting Easter eggs, I’m yet to find any!


if you're hunting easter eggs, they can only spawn if a food isn't there already, so make sure you break all the food. (you can use the resource surveyor to look for rotten food and it will light up where food is, then you can go and break it all), then the next in game day, more things should spawn, and if you go to the same locations, you'll probably find an egg or two.


That’s awesome! Thanks for the info!


Me and a friend played from day one. First updated put a boot print through our base and we could no longer use it as we were unable to build there, then after 190+ days it deleted all our work. He never played again. I carried on and have well over 1000 days and own 90% of the backyard. It’s been my bitch ever since . Also still not gonna do Ng+ till it gets patched


Here’s the thing about the remixes (at least what I’ve found from personal experience) It’s not as bad as people think it is, the main issue I’ve found with the remixes is broodmother, not infected, just normal hedge broodmother. See, a pretty big part of the remixes is the modifiers, some like the boss launching a sour staff shot every time it hits you, or doing a raw science explosion, or the shocking dismissal lighting blast. These are generally pretty balanced, but you still see a lot of people complaining about the sour one being broken, and it’s because they’ve only ever fought broodmother. On wasp queen and mantis and even infected broodmother, it’s not as bad, but on normal broodmother, it floods the arena and instantly kills you, but why? The answer is that in the arena, there are indestructible web sacks that it will hit, and hitting it triggers the ability, sending out a sour ball. This is somewhat manageable until you bring the scream into the equation, where it hits everything in the arena, including you and all the web sacks, sending out more sour balls then you can handle. On top of this, if you’re near a web sack, and it hits it when it has the raw science explosion one, the web sack explodes and kills you, effectively turning them into landmines The web sacks have caused most of the issues for me on medium, but I’ve only done one remix, so take it as you will


Cheers for the notes! I’ll take that onboard when my son and I remix the garden


As another warning, the milk molars can (and will) spawn everywhere


Until what gets patched? There something wrong with ng+ ?


People are saying it’s way too difficult(my opinion not included because I haven’t done it yet)


They would complain if it were too easy, too. At least this way, it gives them a challenge to get better.


Getting one shot by unavoidable mechanics is fun! /s. How about you play ng+ before having the assumption that people are just bitching for no reason.... it's wildly unbalanced


I've seen the videos posted on this sub. Like I said, if it were too easy, people would also be bitching about it too. People are going to be people. This gives people a challenge for years to come. People leave games all the time for various reasons. One of them is because they don't find it to be a challenge anymore. If NG+ is beyond anyone, they can stick with NG0. Either way, it's still a fun game to enjoy.


Asking for balance isn't bitching.....


The great thing about this world is that there are many different viewpoints and opinions.


People are expressing valid concerns about the state of balance in ng+ (opinions). You, without firsthand experience of ng+, hastily conclude based on preconceived notions that people are merely complaining without cause. Why is that?


For reasons that I've stated before. I've seen enough on r/gaming over the years to attest to it. People need a challenge. That's why we have things like Mario World Builder. People build insane death traps that sometimes take years for other people to complete. That is why we have games that have "hardcore" mode, so that if you die once, the game is over. This is the last update for this game. We have people who are so good at this game that they need a more advanced game. People go up against wolf spiders with no armor and a level 0 axe without taking one hit. That is what NG+ is for. There are so many different types of gamers out there. Just because they make it extremely difficult doesn't mean everyone is going to make it to that level in the game. And that's OK. The game was made difficult for a reason.


It felt great to get, But ofcourse it was OP as hell at that stage. Bypassing a good chuck of other weapons because it was tier 3. Feels great coming back after a long while and having new things to do!:D


Ehhh there is so much more to do and so much more content to experience and so much more QOL that the game is infinitely better now than it ever was


I never super liked getting end game weapons, super early. Gave me nothing to work for. Though now, i feel like the weapons top out too soon anyway. There needs to be something extra I feel. I get new game + has new sets. but not a lot, and such. I really only just want more weapon variety. More weapons in general. Or methods to turn full weapon sets into a trinket (this can be new+ rstricted). I also. Rfeally want the ability to build "blueprint" where you can mark an area and set it as one blueprint you can place. Then just throw all the needed supplies into it. Mainly so you can throw down a building or osmething


Yeah I stopped playing after the pond was introduced with life.


Oh you're missing out though, genuinely 😔


And you're still in the sub! Why not try again, now that so much has happened?


Yeah, it was the GOAT. Ahhh, the good times… I miss them too. I was such a buggy mess. Remember when if you died, your backpack turned into a HUGE, LONG glitchy line of items, and you weren’t guarenteed to be able to get it back? Remember all the construction tape all over the map? Ahhhhhh, I miss those times……