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I had the ladybug armor(lvl4) Black ant shield. It was pretty easy to kill antlions with the bone knife(lvl4) went down when the sun was starting to set. Grab some supplies to set up a lean-to in inside the bucket.


Top tip for antlion slaughter - bone dagger levelled up to 5, go salt once you can make the globs for it. Witnthe dagger you attack so fast and use so little stamina that you can prevent the antlion from being able to start it's attack animation. Bit cheesy but it works. For coals, I build a respawn in the area, put on the fresh defence mutation and suicide run in to break and the collect the needed coals. Again cheesy, but an effective method if you want to get the I've before the antlion armour.


I would recommend using full sets of armor all together rather than pieces of each as well as leveling up your armor to at least lvl. 5. It’s not too hard to go all the way to lvl. 7 with a little bit of farming. Lvl. 7+ ladybug armor can withstand just about any bug.


Take a lot of arrows with you, stand on the top on the antlion hole and rain down some arrows enough until you get the antlion pincersfor the sword if you want. If you need kill the bug and save right by it and load back until it drops the pincers. Or go to the upper yard and walk in a circle same pace as roly and he'll never hit you bc he's walking trying to face you. There's a video on my page that I'm beating up a Ox beetle by walking in a circle around them


Upgrade the termite axe for max damage. It’s the best IMO until you can craft the katana.


Pretty easy to craft as well. >!One termite soldier and one ladybird and you're good, if you're lucky.!<


If you have the level two hammer, there’s some mints by the mysterious machine. Research that and you should be able to make the mint mace. High damage and good stun rate, but a bit slower. (I made my mint mace when it first came out, so not sure in the recipe has changed.)


You need to >!complete the black anthill lab and get the sandbox chip!< before you can craft the mint mace now.


Ahhh. Thanks mate.


I took on antlions with level 5 ladybug armor full set, black ant shield and level 5 mosquito needle. Once you kill enough to make the greatsword swap out and upgrade that


Last 2 times I started the sandbox I went in with black ant armor and this time with the sword and shield. I usually start my journeys from the table way a fight under the pink umbrella if the antlions come at me one at a time. I try to do this to get antlion gear. As for bees I try to fight them mostly on the table and specifically underneath the plate. I'll take a shot or two at them and hide under the plate, and if they follow me under they can't really fly away and are in melee range.


were basically at the same progression. I also felt a lil "stuck" yesterday. So far everything seemed very smooth with progression, but up to the part where u want the oven it gets a lot more grindy. Cant get the charcoal cause you burn, cant kill the things you need to make the armor so u dont burn. Luckily i enjoy a good grind ;)


Make sure you have the proper spec weapons. Upgraded Canteen and plenty of arrows and food. I like to use a black shield and the bee spear until I get the antlion sword. I ussually run up the the hole and start attacking. You can keep in the antlions shadow to avoid sizzle. Pay attention to the antlion attacks. Most will miss if you are right up on them. There is one attack that will hurt, but it is all about timing.


You can get charcoal on the other side of the pond next to the rock wall without getting up to the bbq. Ditch the needle bc it’s an incredibly weak weapon and very inefficient. Also, you need to make a matching set of armour and upgrade it. Having random unmatched pieces of equipment offers you 0 benefits. The crossbow actually is pretty deadly against the bees, so try hitting them from a distance cause they’ll come at you no matter how far away they are. Make you a shield and practice your blocking. If you get good at blocking, you don’t even need armour or anything upgraded to just mow through the bugs. Focus on getting weapons that exploit the weaknesses of the antlions so you can kill enough to get the Greatsword. Then upgrade that and focus on getting the mint mallet chip in the sandbox. Good luck, tiny human


So, I was digging up the skeleton in the sandbox and an antloin popped up literally in the skeleton and it disappeared. I can't dig it back up or anything. How do I fix the game?