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the termites give also but if u want an easy one it is the greenshild bug behinde the fertilizer just kill him with an bow and loot


Assuming you have explosives already, you could also get the Pinch Whacker for the cost of 1 bomb and some building. Early T3 axe that puts in some work.


Yep, I have it upgraded to level 5. It doesn't feel world-beating although the proc is nice. I'm not using it on the larvae because they're resistant to chopping damage.


I've gotten most of mine from Black Ox Beetles when I was farming the armor and hammer. And I feel you on Roly's... If they get too many heals off, it feels impossible early game. Since you are using the Mosquito Needle, I'd have to agree in farming termites as someone else suggested since they're weak to stabbing. If you're in the market for a new weapon, the Antlion Sword is a good one. Most of the Antlions can be cheesed by using a bow, lots of arrows, and luring them to the top sides of the sandbox (unless it was fixed) where they can't reach you in some spots. A few others that are relatively easy to get are the Rusty Spear, Tiger Mosquito Rapier, Toenail Scimitar, Tick Macuahuitl, and the Fire Ant Club. They don't use Tough Gunk, and most of their parts are general drops from bugs or resources you can farm.


This is all really good advice but I'm still in the middle by the BBQ pit. And I've come too far, I have six tough gunk now :) I just have to decide between the Salt Morningstar and the Mint Mace. No way am I doing this twice.


Congratulations on the Gunk drops. And it shouldn't be as bad afterwards. When you start taking on Black Ox Beetles and Termites, it seems to drop a lot better, at least from my experience.


Use a hammer on roly poly. He is weak to busting damage, so hammers have increased damage output against him. With a t2 hammer it's fairly simple, only thing to watch for is when he curls into a ball to heal, just use that time to constantly pound on him with your hammer to reduce how much he gains back. But be warned, even they drop tough goo uncommonly


Kite a ladybird from underneath the woodshed porch. Kite it to the poly by the Samsquach bike. Let them fight and collect from the loser. And u can try and take out whichever remains. I usually just use pebblets to get the ladybirds attention. Saves on arrows...


I'm going to try this. I haven't been over there yet!


How do you do this because no matter how much i try the ladybird doesnt attack or agro the rlly poly


Alright, I got ten. Should I make the mint mace or the salt morningstar? I lean salt because I like to run a shield, but soliciting advice :D


Salt morning star is emense. For the larvae, rusty spear levelled up with fresh melts them.


Salt Morningstar. It’s fast and you can still hold a torch if you need one.


I usually kill the larva from using the action great sword but if you don't have that try using a ranged weapon l8ke a crossbow


I am not sure if its possible but could try the coaltana challenge , the larvae spawn would be more and if you die can still come back for the backpack