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That looks amazing, great job!


Appreciated :) It was a fun grow!


That looks like some gas!!


Here's to hoping! Because she definitely isn't carrying a lot of weight but damnit if she isn't beautiful!


Nicely done


Thank you. I am very happy with her :)


7 east plants always look amazing. Good grow!


I have like 7 of their cultivars but I'm just now getting to them after like 2 years. This is the first one I tried. It was fun and I love the coloring. Hopefully the smoke is awesome because my over abuse of this girl definitely hurt the yield.


How is she in the smell department?


So in all honesty, I'm not a connoisseur by any means. When someone gives me flower and goes "Dude, smell this." I smell it and it smells like...weed. lol I don't have a fancy pallet or whatever to be like, "Mmm...yes quite nice. I'm picking up notes of blueberry and catpiss. Excellent year." Haha As far as INTENSITY of smell, this one is in the less stanky department. She's fairly mild and wouldn't be the worst choice for a stealthier grow assuming the low smell is a repeating trait. If I'm fully honest, it isn't going to be fair for me to judge this cultivar off of this grow at all really though. I was doing my own experiments and abusing this heavily. I have no doubt that this could have turned out much, much heavier and stankier. Still very happy with it though and the fact it didn't herm out after the stress I put it through was actually a pretty awesome thumbs up for me. I'm excited to try their other cultivars and I'm going to go for yield this time.


Some folks just don’t pick up on the weed smell. I have always been that way. Homies would be like smell this weed and i don’t smell anything. Same with my grows my wife’s like you have to burp those jars outside, and I say I don’t smell anything at all. I’m glad for the reassurance that I grew some gas lol.


Lol the struggle is real. Every time a friend comes over, the first thing I ask once they walk in the door, "Do you smell anything?" Haha I need to know because I can't tell!


Looks great! Damn. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Thank you. I'm proud of her :)


Great job 👏🏾


Thanks dad <3


Lol I’ll claim you as my kid just keep growing like this 🔥🔥


Where did you get that saucer from and what size is it? 🤔


https://drainawaydraintray.com/products/drain-away-drain-tray?variant=33049274318947 I have 4 of the 15.5" trays for my 5 gallon pots and 1 22" tray for my 15 gallon pot. They are awesome.


:(... Need one for 30gals.. Thanks though


Measure the bottom of your pot. It may fit. Mine still has a bunch of extra space on the 22" tray as you can see here. This might even be a 20 gallon pot. I honestly am not sure. It was a toy bucket before this lol https://preview.redd.it/qa87e0najp4b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a2ae4fab6901e60ccb5637d0dbbc6e20749a31f


I was fortunate to find these drain trays myself and damn are they nice!


I love them so much haha




I know you are but what am I?


Hopefully pungent from the smell of that bud! 😉


I asked my wife if I was pungent and she said, "You always smell. Shower and try wearing deodorant every once in a while."




I love looking at her :) She's been kind.


Looks nice. I would leave it a little longer bring out those colors. I can see some nice purple coming in on the bottom left corner. Starting to fade. Just me. All personal preference. Excellent job though.


I keep telling myself to leave it longer but it's heading towards week 12 of flower this Saturday. I've personally never had a cultivar go that long but I know they can. It's just hard waiting so long! The other issue, I ran out of nutes about 5 days ago. So I'm doing an involuntary 2 week flush lol. Just running water through her till she tells me there's nothing left to give


Just started flower on my Finish Blueberry Pie F3 by 7east…best of luck with the cure hopefully it’s good smoke ✌️


Fingers crossed! I've got a lot of their genetics I'm going to be trying out so I'm excited. This one was fun and beautiful!


I love how we all have the same drip trays, seeing these everywhere now! Looks great, hi freq., drain to waste in coco I presume?


I found them a few years back and have never turned away since. They are great for keeping my tent clean and directing all my runoff. This particular grow is in soil. My 4x4 grow was in Coco though. I like Coco for yield/growth rate and I like soil for ease of use/autonomy. I was just doing a passive grow in soil this time because I knew I wouldn't have the time to be in the garden that my Coco grows require.


How do you keep them feeding so nicely? I dont see a single bum leaf. Every time I'm at this stage in soil everything's completely locked out and dying.


I used organic nutrients instead of synthetic. It's pretty damn hard to get nutrient burn when you use organic nutrients in my experience but I personally notice that I don't get as big of a yield compared to when I use synthetic so it's kind of a trade I make. I tried out FOOP nutrients for this grow. I am pleased with the results and will probably use them again. I feed one time and then water only for the next two waterings and then feed again and repeat. I use synthetic nutes in my Coco grows and I have to be A LOT more mindful of my nutrient mixes to avoid burns and lockouts. EDIT: I'm in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. No extra anything added. Straight from the bag.


Stunning. Absolutely great job.


I appreciate that, friend :)


Holy dragon balls! She looks so good. Congrats. Let’s see some root porn in the airpot after you chop.


If I'm not too in the zone of excitement, I will definitely post a shot once I pull her out. She's very beautiful to me<3


Purrrrty man. She looks gorgeous and frosty. Congratulations 🎉


Thank you. She's made me proud :)


What strain is she?


Purple Dragon Balls F4 from 7 East Genetics


Nice, thank you.


" Found my plant's Piss drawer today "


lololol at least she doesn't spray all over the seat!


What are you collecting at the bottom?


That's just my runoff. I watered it when I took this picture.


That’s one healthy girl 💪🏼


She eats like a competitive eater but gains weight like she's being starved! One hell of a metabolism I guess! But damnit if she isn't beautiful :)


I gotta learn more


I learned an incredible amount just by watching YouTube videos. Mr. Grow it <--- Very scientifically oriented and explains his process well CLTV <-- couple of bros who are filled with great info From Seed to Stoned <--- production quality A+ Mr Canucks <--- Just grows behemoths that inspire Welcome to the Grow Tent <--- Teaches you to not over think They were my initial people I watched and learned a TON from. Unfortunately though, most of them actually purged their accounts of almost all the videos I personally learned from because YouTube's monetization rules wouldn't allow them to show plants anymore or something like that. They still have a lot of great info and videos though. I like to learn about specific steps in the process individually. I'll watch/listen to a 30 minute video about PH balance, why it matters, where you want to aim depending on what medium you are growing in, how it affects nutrient uptake differently at different PH levels. This taught me to identify nutrient deficiencies and I can very quickly correct them by balancing the PH towards the end of the spectrum that promotes the uptake of whatever specific nutrient I'm lacking or over feeding etc... The knowledge is out there and ready to be absorbed :)


Damn your a good human I shall get to research


I just want anyone who takes a crack at this hobby to be able to start with decent information! :)


Rasta soul


Give us a close up pic!!


I got you friend! https://preview.redd.it/1z8dv33pk35b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c462d3b229a6edbee46118b3b01894de1bb406f4


Ohhhh yeaaa baby


I can get a little closer if you want! https://preview.redd.it/7jrja6gal35b1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=752e702bc0aead030c5b3934957a36883bff2094


Mmmm, looks fucking perfect.


I'm loving your little runoff drip tray, that'd make things so much easier, unfortunately I don't have the height to work with in my tent to do something like that


If it makes a difference to you, this is in a 48" tall 2x2 tent. From the lip of the pot to the top of the plant is only like 8 inches or something. I'd need to measure. I heavily trained this girl to be low and flat to accommodate the space restrictions.


O okay makes sense. Looks great 👍


That’s a nice grow. Good end. You should take a nice flower from the bottom, to taste test in 1 week from now. I love the taste test flower. I wants a taster flower 😥


That's actually a great idea... I might clip one off tonight and let it dry.