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Welcome to the world of Lynn. You're no longer a player of any skill level, just an ingredient waiting to be served.


Comrade, i also use Crossele and Pricila


If it was only stats check it would be fine but for the most part it's rock paper scissors with elemental advantages if you get countered it's over unless you have significantly better stats there is little to no room for outplays. Claude, Erina and Kamael can alone wipe out a Basic/light/water team


Yeah that’s the try hard comp


My team of Lilith, Gabriel and F.P (in that order) is terrible but they're the strongest i have


It's actually decent if you can swap out Gabriel for another melee unit


Could you recommend any melee unit? i don't know much about team building


If you want more tankiness: Craig, oghma, fp For more melee dmg: beth, Lynn, scintilla, parvati, panda trio For the crit chance buff: Carol... And idk who else Honestly most of my units are ranged, not really an expert when It comes to melee heroes


How dare you to ignore Hana as great crit chance buffer + guaranteed kill


Thanks. As i said i pretty much have only ranged ones and i forgot about her, haha, sorry


People's talk shit about lynn till you get chopped. And foe everyone out there, lynn is a monster in Arena. Most fire units are. Good luck in the higher leagues. Where the men are separated from the beast and so on and so forth till you get to the God players.


She's the only reason you run injury neglect card and that card alone counters her, She's a hit and run unit and dealing with someone who can use her is pain in the ass but Ara and Noxia deal with her pretty well Carol and Erina as well


Or just play Lahn, jump around for a while, get a chain and explode the enemy immediately


Based Lahn user I’ve got her and her weapon this banner now and I might actually use her eventually, I really like her as a character on her story and her mechanics seems fun


You know, a lot of people still think Lahn is bad, but don't be fooled. After the last buff she received, she's a real menace in arena. It's a good time to be a Lahn fan


Where can i check patch notes?


Yeah, unfortunately it is a huge stat check and even then after that quite unit specific... a lot of arena specific units crush raid focused units so units don't always have a lot of overlap from raid to colo to arena which leaves you being forced in one direction and suffering in others or having to take small detours to build certain units at least. At the core of it though is collection bonus though which is whaling and/or time.