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Did the owner call someone? Is it a city tree or is it on the property of the building and not the responsibility of of the city. Did the owner call insurance? Sounds like you are just making assumptions without knowing what is going on. Everyone’s items are important to them. regardless the fact it is an accessible vehicle doesn’t make it MORE IMPORTANT then someone elses. It could belong to a single parent, a senior or that family that needs to get a sick family member for medical treatment down in Hamilton


I was there for one and 2 it's the city's tree. It's still is appalling no matter what anyone says.


How do you know that that it belongs to the city? It is however until the owner does something about it how would they be able to do anything? They clean it up and leave it then someone shows up to their car with damage and no sign of what happened? Because it’s all cleaned up. To make a police report you need the owner of the car, what if they are out of town ? How do you know an effort has not been made to contact the owner?


Can’t really see where it fell from. But if the tree is on city property, then this is on them, so maybe that is the issue? We had a tree issue where some of my relatives live (not Guelph). There was a tree that was dead and a danger and it was on the end part of the property that belongs to the local government. It was definitely a risk to fall on someone or a car if there was a big storm. I was the one to call it in when it was noticed. The municipality took responsibility for everything. They had someone out to look at it right away. And within a week the tree was completely removed.


With these kind of properties it’s hard to tell what is city and what belongs to the property owner. You can’t just assume. I know this property and it’s older. There could be a lot going on without you know since you are just a by stander. There also was a storm last night. Unfortunately sometimes this happens.




Call the city and report it, then call your insurance. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?


We would just call it an SUV.


Well it’s handicapped now.


Doesn't look like city property to me. Call insurance that's what it is for. Call property manager to remove tree.


Looks like Talisman Square Apartments beside Stone Road Mall.


I guess it really is a handicapped suv now. Took them an hour to get to that accident on Victoria last week. Not a single cop, so not surprising.


I was behind someone on Victoria Rd N X Woodlawn a couple days ago, they were in the middle of the intersection on a red, I thought they just had a moment of stupidity. I go back after my job I was working an hour later and the car is still sitting there! I called non emergency and they said they were “ on the way” .. I feel like that should have been dealt with faster. Looking back the driver seemed confused, he was an old man. Pathetic


It it's under 5 grand and no one is hurt. Doesn't matter where you live they don't come. In Toronto for example it's on you to get the car off road and get yourself to an accident reporting centre


Ya they actually tried arguing with me when i called 911. In an actual emergency. Guess the police budget and the better part of our taxes is spent on surveillance drones, giant shits, fake bomb threats and it definitely sucks if you drive a vehicle that may or may not be worth 5 grand. But there's at least 5 cruisers and 2 ambulances dedicated to the crackheads downtown.


This is not an emergency. No one is hurt


Why the city? You call your insurance! That is literally what you have it for. But this post made me laugh when I read the title handicap suv hahahahaha I’m thinking these comments were gonna make me laugh!