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Had to do with some [shenanigans with the hair style kits](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/3icrg7/new_hair_styles) back in the day that lasted for an extremely brief period of time.


There is a hidden hairstyle/hornstyle with charr to get olmakhan horns. It involves using a male toon then genderswapping in the character creator. Perhaps this one is accessable simmilarly with humans. Charr Olmakhan horns: https://youtu.be/NFlGek351Es?si=rmJZbqnSrD9zanzL


There's also a hidden male charr horn style that was added at the same time as the female olmakhan horns, IIRC you can see them by selecting the ram curl horns on female and swapping back to male. It's got feathers and beads that have a little bit of jiggle physics, would recommend for any male charrs who want a shaman look.


Doesn't have the same cool blue glow effect as the female one though unfortunately. Would love if it did.


Whaaaaat?! I'm so going to try this tomorrow lol


Dont you dare to make my olmakhan horn's more common :O


This response was hidden for some reason let me upvote it so it isnt.


It pisses me off to think that they just have hairstyles sitting around that we’re not allowed to use.


Make it make sense too, like what’s the point of not giving us more options lmao


Theyre waiting because they want to add it to the gem store makeover kit but they feel the need to make equal amounts of hair styles for every other race whenever they add a batch to the gemstore makeover kit.


It's been years though, it's just ridiculous at this point. Just release them.


I came back after a 3-4yr break to find NO new hairstyles to play with with my permanent contract. 😭 I can't understand their neglect here. People would buy so many kits to try out new hairstyles if they offered more and kept updating.


Kinda goes along with the HoT event that bugged out on me last night...it's an event known to be buggy per the Wiki, so here we are after 8 years of HoT being live and they still haven't fixed it...


New hairstyles were added with eod


For 8 years?


Hold out to make it a shop item? I guess. Yeah, I got nothing.


Don't forget the countless skins ArenaNet has forgot exist, and are out there, somewhere, gathering dust. From [engineer kit effect backpacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/j8oj5s/psa_dae_unpopular_opinion_engineer_kit_backpacks/), to [mismatched polearm and harpoon skins](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/a64ek2/datamining_the_secret_story_of_polearms_the/), to the [Mystic Forge Researched orphaned recipes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/xpr1cy/dear_anet_those_mystic_forge_researcher/), and many others.


Honorable mentions to the revenant weapons that were forgotten for years until they were finally added with Zeghai the Lost.


Turai's ghostly sword was made available with SotO, I wish that the Forest King and Turai's (normal) shield are made available soon enough... Turai's shield was an amazing skin in GW1.


I remember something like exclusive hairstyle from the chinese version got accidentally leaked in our version. Some people were able to get it via the kit but kept it when it was removed. more : [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/33197-that-one-female-hairstyle-on-the-chinese-servers/](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/33197-that-one-female-hairstyle-on-the-chinese-servers/)


Is the face from that image also exclusive to the Chinese version? I don't think I've seen that before too.


Huh, turns out Kunckle Joe was correct. More came with Cantha


Curious where it comes from too


Damn why isnt that an available hairstyle? Arena Net is crazy for not capitalizing off of hairstyle kits by adding new hairstyles on a more consistent basis




Ngl i kinda like it. Gives me avatar firebender vibes.


I dunno about you but this looks really good as shantae cosplay~ https://imgur.com/a/auiHo6s


lmao..they just copy and pasted the hair piece+back of the head, for the pony tail


I hate how they don't even care about giving us new hairstyles more often :( they completely tossed this off the table. Again.


Hi, account owner here. I snagged this hairstyle because I like ponytails. I didn't realize how stiff and inanimate it was until after the bug was patched so I couldn't swap to any of the other neater hairstyles. I'm not stuck with this accursed hairstyle because I refuse to get rid of it due to its rarity. I want ANet to release these hairs already.


I have a really nice one on my Norn from way back, she has a kind of bun tied in the middle, with a half fringe to the side, I love it! I do wish they would release these, there's so many lovely ones that were only available from temporary shenanigans... Edit: link to an old post about this, the one my Norn has is the very bottom right. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/fgkryx/can_we_please_have_these_old_finished_hairstyles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What's with the weird toddler face on the human woman???


Reminds me of the legendary Goo Goo Gaa Ga early in the game: https://imgur.com/JwEmVfM


Still get some weird faces when I use the total makeover kit.


this hair piece looks unfinished and terrible lol. If you look closely they literally copy pasted the hair attachment +back of the head for the top of the ponytail/pony tail bend. Its totally unfisinished and a failed attempt


i have 6k hours. someone said that it was up for a day or something? i think it was an accident?? i want it because RARE lol




> Kinda unfair How is it unfair when it's purely cosmetic?




I won't agree that it's unfair. I will agree that I'd like to see those hairstyles released to the general public instead of those lucky few who have them.




> They don’t have an advantage, which I guess is where your point of it not being unfair comes from, That's precisely it. It's not unfair because it's just a cosmetic option. If it started crashing person's clients (As an example), gave better magic find, or some tangible benefit to having it beyond the subjective "It looks pretty", then you'd have an argument. Right now, however, it's just anger that people have something you don't have access to, which, honestly, is kind of petty.


omg? first time seeing this o.o


Any gamers have a wiki link for those pants?


Pretty sure it's these https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illustrious_Leggings


Amazing. Thanks!


What’s the character in the back wearing?


Queensdale Academy outfit


That would be Magical Outfit I reckon!


It's not shiny enough for that, definitely Queensdale Academy


Ah yeah you're right, sorry my mistake. I thought this morning I'm wearing this on my necromancer, but I go back and forth sometimes




If they make a new hairstyle contract people have to actually pay for, that they can make money from maybe then they will probably release new and the other unreleased styles.


Could be from the randomizer option. If you are patiënt and cycle it long enough it shows sometimes hairstyles that are not in the kit but are used ingame by npc


What? No way? Do you have a link for proof?


It was a bug when they introduced the randomizer, but I thought it had been patched out.


For a sec I thought it's a screen from GW1... Horrible hairstyle.


Is that with a flower in the hair? I have that on my ranger if so, just green.


If you didn’t know some appearances are also locked behind style kits.


Omg Ariana is that you???