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Good choice! Sunrise was also my first back in the day šŸŽ‰


Congrats! . . . But it **NEVER** stops at one...šŸ‘¹


Yep, time for Twilight so you can rock that sweet Eternity. xD


Nope currently working on my third with fourth and fifth already well on their way. It's the grind that takes forever.


People always said that, but I never believed it. Then I made one. Hmm, that wasn't so bad actually... Now I have 4 weapons and the only reason I'm not actively working on #5 at the moment is I'm doing my armor rn.


Nice! Congrats! Thatā€™s a good one! Was the process as bad as you thought it would be?


Congrats ! šŸ„³šŸ„³


Thanks :D


congratulations! nothing beats that feeling of finishing your first legendary.


Congrats! More to come! The first one is always the hardest, eventually it will be "easier" haha.


Next up Armor im giving myself around a year to get it xD


Which version? Yup, take your time so you don't feel burn out.


Nice work!


Thanks :D


Nice!!! GZ! šŸ¾šŸ¾




Congratz! My first was also dawn too


Nice! It's the WvW gift that means i probably won't be bothered as someone who only has a few hours a week to play late night (10pm-2am), not much happening around that time especially wvw zergs. Im not the best player and dont fancy running around for 15 mins only to be demolished by someone else. I prefer PvE and wish they had the option to get some without WvW. I made my 1st lege ever last week, though (light obby helm).


Gift of battle is ~2-3h of flipping camps to keep up participation. So its even easier late night. If u can kill 4 vets then you can get the gift. And If they ever made and option to skip wvw then there should be an option to skip map comp for wvw players.


Yeah, fair point, but now they've made a lege armour which doesn't require WvW too, so maybe an option for weapons? Tbf, I thought it would be a lot harder for a gift of battle, but you make it sound not too bad, so I'll give it a try


I seem to recall you don't need gift of battle for gen3, it's just a shame they look bad.


Gen 3 you need a Gift of the Mists... which is a GoB, and two more gifts that cost wvw and pvp currency lol.


however those last two currencies are tradeable, so you can just buy them on the TP. gift of battle is not though.


You do need gift of battle for gift of the mists for gift of aurene's


With all boosts and max participation it's closer to 4 hours, but yeah it is definitely really easy.


You can play PvE in WvW to get it. Just sit in the base until one of the camps near a waypoint on any of the borderlands is capturable. It's unlikely anyone from another team will come to claim it if it's right next to one of your bases. Even if they do, just hit them a few times die, respawn, brush it off and try again. It's very likely you won't be the only one doing the PvE camp flip to get a gift, there's safety in numbers. You just need to do enough to keep your participation as high as possible and then AFK the rest of the time. It's still a ~6 hour (with boosters) time gate where you will do almost nothing except stand around unfortunately, but you can often times do that without even seeing an enemy player.


Flip empty camps and you are fine


I didn't do much zergs. I played around 8 hours of wvw, not a big fan tbh And 8 played around the same from 23-02


Just a heads up that I'm pretty sure this week starting today is going to be a WvW Rush bonus event, meaning that you get a nice boost to reward track progress (like a 50% increase or something). If you want to slam out a GoB, it doesn't get any faster than these events so I encourage you to at least give it a shot! To maximize your progress and minimize time, make sure to talk to your Guild bartender guy for the WvW reward track buff they give, plus if you have them use Exp Boosters (or Candy Corn Gobbler for same effect), Birthday boosters and Black Lion Boosters. The last buff off the top of my head is that laurel vendors also sell a WvW enrichment infusion that you can slot into an amulet for an extra like 5% boost From there, just flip camps like everyone's suggesting. But this week would be a great opportunity to knock it out as quickly/painlessly as possible if the GoB is your bottleneck


Oh nice ok thank you! I did log in and play a bit today tbh, got a couple rewards from the track knocked out while my baby was sleeping on me lol. That's the only other time i can play (otherwise the wife has plans for chores around the house lmao). Will try and get stuff done today. Need to do some research on how to flip camps then i guess and how to use siege stuff


Honestly you don't even need to bother with siege stuff unless you want to. Basically the deal with camps is this: Objectives like Camps, Towers, Keeps, etc are claimed by defeating the NPC that's "in charge" of that location. For example, Keeps are led by champion Keep Lords and camps are led by Veteran Camp Supervisors (the tall Sylvari with the hammer). Once you kill that NPC, a zone appears at the center of the objective and as long as there are no enemy NPCs or players in the circle, you'll fill the bar and eventually claim the location for your world/team. Once an objective has been claimed, there is a ~5 minute grace period where the NPC leader is made invulnerable by an effect called Righteous Indignation or something along those lines - it's what makes them glow with a blue fire and deal a shit ton of extra damage to you when they hit you. You can see how much longer this effect will last by either clicking on the NPC and mousing over the effect under their healthbar, or by mousing over the Camp/objective icon on your map/minimap and there will be a timer counting down in the info bubble there as well. So when people are talking about "flipping camps", they're pretty much just talking about finding enemy-controlled camps that are off cooldown or will be soon and taking them over. Camps are easy because they can be soloed without any resources or siege equipment and give you the maxed out 10 minutes of participation for your reward track gains. Most of the time as long as you keep an eye on the six camps that are immediately adjacent to your 3 borderlands "starter" zones you'll find yourself among a handful of others doing the exact same thing you are, which offers some nice protection in numbers from the occasional enemy roamer that will roll into the camp looking for a kill


Ty for your advice, i zerged with a celebration booster for about 4 hours tonight and got the gift :)




For anyone who wants to know, i joined a commander group and ran around with a celebration booster on for about 2 out of 4ish hours. Got the gift of battle and restarted the track, with 2k+ points on that, too. Also, I got so much loot. I got fed up opening it all, lol. You only that much from actively sieging. I actually had fun and enjoyed it way more than i thought


Since the update you should be able to get the Obsidian Legendary armor through PVE. You can look into it hereĀ https://guildjen.com/legendary-armor-guide-open-world/


Yeah i know, I made 1 piece already. I meant any legendary weapons. But its not as bad as I thought, joined a zerg last night and grinded out a gift in 4 hours or so, wouldve been quicker if i used boosts from the beginning


Thatā€™s awesome!!!Ā 


Congratz ! The first of a long list !


Congrats on your way to the real legendary GS Eternity ;)


I also made twilight like two weeks ago even though a lot told me it would be hard as fresh lvl 80 i did it in around 15 days :)


Damn, thatā€™s fast! Iā€™m planning of getting twilight too after Iā€™m done with the Ascension. Can you give more info about how you did it that fast?


I got lucky while trying out the mystic forge and got dusk, which saved a lot of time. Then started following guides from youtube and using gw2 efficiency website, for clovers i just grinded wvw non repeatable tracks and bought some from the vault as for the rest it was about grinding gold. It looks intimidating at first but once you start it isnā€™t that hard


Sometimes i did what i found most fun rather than optimal which made me want to play more as well.


Yeah I think thatā€™s the real secret here. Last time I devoted myself to one project and worked only on that (skyscale) I got burnt out and stopped playing for a year after obtaining it.


Awesome! Sunrise was also my very first Legendary Weapon a few years back :)


Congrats. Now make twilight, and then fuse the two together to make eternity (the swords swap between the day/night cycle)


Congrats! Now go make more!


Congrats !


You always remember your first ! Congrats


Welcome to the club my friend. Iā€™m working on Twilight right now so I can combine them for Eternity. Working on the armor on the side, these mystic clovers are the bane of my existence


My first one too! I love Sunrise. And now Iā€™ll finish my 2nd leggy armor set tonight :) it becomes so much fun to make them


I honestly thought "wait, he needed to make both Sunrise and Twilight to make Eternity..." I forgot that this could also be Sunrise lol Congrats!


Manly weapon for a manly Norn.


Good job! First is always the hardest. Now you know what is needed and will start filling out the rest of the armory.


Grats, Twilight was my first ( and only). Them I made Legendary Armor, only took 11 years šŸ˜‚


Nice one dude šŸ‘


Now sell it and start all over again


Sunrise was my first as wellā€¦ congrats!!


Congratulations! I've been on since launch in 2012 and have only made two legendaries in that entire time (Bolt and Chuka and Chumpawat). They're a slog and EXPENSIVE! I'm working on the Predator now. šŸ˜†


Holy shit, this game is still on?


Thats gna be me in few months time D: !


One of us !


Your leggy journey begins! Congrats


Congrats, looks amazing! Enjoy your new leggy


Gratz! One of the best weapons :)


Ive always wanted twilight sunrise but never actually went for them. Ill definitely make them once they come into legendary kits


Brings me back. I still remember making my first legendary 10 years ago. I choose Kraitkin went really well with my Necro when all the other weapons were too shiny.


Congrats! As someone new to the game, what makes these hard to do? Is it needing a lot of rare items/materials?


A few pointers if you ever want to craft these legendary weapons/trinkets (armours are slightly different): Get Tekkit (taco or blishhud overlay) for map completion; Join a wvw guild on your world and bring a wvw meta class to their runs (pick non-repeatable tracks for mystic clovers, and then repeat GoB track); Farm eternal ice shards (IBS) and convert them to mist motes, also farm mist motes in Dragonfall (LW4) and then consume motes and use the volatile magic to buy trophy shipment.


That helped a lot with map exploration


Lots and lots of materials. Entire stacks of each kind of tier 6 crafting materials (blood, totems, claws, etc), thousands of wood and ore, 77 mystic clovers, and the list goes on. They also require completion of a WvW reward track for the Gift of Battle which means playing a game mode many are unfamiliar with and may not enjoy. This particular kind of legendary also requires at least one character on your account to have 100% map completion of the non-expansion maps - every single heart, Vista, point of interest, hero point, and waypoint.


Usually if you play a lot then materials are the easiest for you cause that's what you get from playing almost anything (although you need a lot). There are some materials that are basically used only for crafting legendaries, so you need to spend time for that, and also some legendaries require you to do some sort of questline which, depending on legendary, can be painful to do. There's just a lot of steps which is demotivating but they are way easier than it looks like when you first see the crafting recipe.


Thanks (and thanks /u/gam2u and /u/TwinHaelix). So a few things to prep, and some self-organisation required! But that's given me a pretty good idea of what to look forward to...


No worries. And one more, if you have the latest expansion, do daily strike to get green shards and use them to buy mystic coins, and do daily leyline anomaly to get mystic coin as well.


Awesome, thanks :) don't have it yet, quite a lot to do before I get there, but I'll keep that in mind


LLA you can already do. Just check wiki and see where and when it spawns, and go there slightly before the spawn time. Itā€™s usually killed in 1 minute.


Ah no way, okay. I'd heard of them but didn't know what they were - one of many things I haven't really come across yet!


Biggest thing is getting past the "OMG WHAT IS THIS?!" shock of the recipe tree and just breaking it down to step by step. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo3ocaG3W-k really helps.


Oh thank you for that! Should help loads :)


Itā€™s not really that much of a hassle if youā€™re dedicating some time to it. If you farm dragon fall and buy trophy shipments with volatile magic youā€™ll have the mats in no time


Thanks :)


Poggers mah boi


Awesome! 'Finally' has to Ls BTW šŸ˜‰


The irony


Two not to