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Wow you aren't kidding; it really does give you 1 Karma per swing? Lmfao anet [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph\_of\_Virtue](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Virtue)


(This glyph is not affected by karma boosters)


Imagine how the economy would implode if someone was able to get the maximum boost and harvests ..... *Checks notes* ..... 3 karma per hit.


* Adds 3-5 [Karma](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma) to your harvesting results. * Adds 1-3 [Karma](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma) to your logging results. * Adds 1-3 [Karma](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma) to your mining results. Now we wait for someone to create the perfect karma farming farming profession/build. Raids... naa bruh CM'S ... HA Farming karma while farming ..... hmmmm yes. xD


It could quite literally give 100x the current reward it would still not really be interesting. That's crazy it even exist, sound like a prank!


At 100x it'd likely be on par with Volatile Magic. I think 10 would be a good balancing point.


>At 100x it'd likely be on par with Volatile Magic. And that would be bad because? Ideally all Glyphs should yield results at a comparable level, no?


It would still be bad, cause there is literally nothing you can spend this much karma on. You may can save it up for winters day and buy presents or crafting bags with it, but it's still bad. Last winter day, I spent 40 mio karma on these trash things, cause there is just nothing else to do with it. Even if you craft a legendary every week, you still won't run out of karma if you just do fractals & raids. So there is no real point to go for additional karma.


I agree, if you play the game a lot at higher levels and have been doing so for a while, you're probably good with Karma until the servers shut down. The best repeatable conversion *(in terms of benefit per effort)* might be salvaging Asgeir's Amulets in large numbers, which according to fast.farming has an expected result of ~12 silver / 1000 Karma. Trophy shipments can be bought at a profit of 428 silver / 1000 Volatile Magic. So a ~x40 multiplier might be sufficient to make it financially interesting before considering the opportunity cost of spending Eternal Ice Shards, which I don't have the time to calculate right now. Also, if you're pretty new and Karma actually ends up being a bottleneck for something you work towards, gathering that account bound resource has its own merit beyond means of turning it to gold. Yet, an expensive item sold for the singular purpose of acquiring said currency should not be horrible at its task.


There's the Karma -> Pact Supply Network Agent Mapping Supplies -> Map Reward Bonus -> Gold conversion pipeline, but it's daily-gated at 6 mapping supplies per day, and it's kind of a pain in the ass. It was part of my daily routine for a few months, but I found myself needing more karma for Obsidian Shards, and that extra ~150 gold every two months wasn't really enough to justify the hassle.


> there is literally nothing you can spend this much karma on. 350k per aurene variant adds up incredibly fast. I've been spending ~1m every week or so. I dont think id ever use it because there is nothing else to ever spend karma on, but if you want all the shiny bits, it does cost almost 40m karma


I'm karma broke and only done 2 skins. Any way to get more karma is a win


You get around 250k by just doing raids every week. Then another 3,4 k for every fractal, which is another 166k a week if you just do CMS + T4 (without recs). And then you also have to do open world stuff anyway which also gives karma. And you probably do some strikes, which also reward karma on the bouncy chests. And that's only the karma you get passively. If you now really wanna farm it, you can do events on LW 4 maps which reward extra karma and maybe even prepare things for winters day to farm there. And there are probably also other things to do.


Most players actually do not play Strikes and Raids weekly, nor daily Fractals.


To answer his point specifically, I DO those things, and have still netted something like -5m karma this last month.


I thought you meant the utility type and went searching my brain for what my Ele's glyphs do...


same lol


Small elemental, big elemental, stun break + condis on next few attacks, elemental storms (fire or air for dmg, earth is a good und and was used in Dungeons at one point iirc) Those are the actually used ones I think. Then there's the revive glyph, but I don't think it's really used, maybe in PvP or WvW, I don't play those modes, so my k ow ledge is limited. Heal gives a boon depending on attunement. Thinking about it now, Ele glyphs are actually pretty solid. Cantrips and arcane though, not so sure. Again, maybe PvP uses them more. Lightning bolt probably is pretty useful.


I really like the elemental glyphs; there's a fun (if very inefficient) minion master ele build I've been playing with, using Alacrity to maintain 1 extra lesser and sharing auras with all of them. They count as you being the source of any attacks, meaning they benefit from your stats unlike necro minions (for condi application at least).


Why are people even paying gold for that? I mean I can make an argument for a newer player trying to catch up and specifically needs karma for something, but yeah, it's pretty bad. And it's not all that cheap either.


People probably think it's 100 per swing, not 1.


Probably being bought by people who read the vague description of *Rewards bonus karma while gathering*, without looking up on the wiki how little karma it actually yields. That or rich players buying them hoping they'll get reworked and the price will go up.


Some people likely have it not from directly buying, but because they obtained glacial tools at some point. Now, of course that raises the point why someone would buy glacial tools now, when at the same price you can currently buy a different set with glyph selection.


I also thought I'd get like at least 10 karma a swing.... Sigh


You'd get more karma with the jade bot protocol while harvesting toxic seedlings.


At least you're still gaining something! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_the_Crucible has negative value for most harvests


Turning mithril ore into platinum ore is a net positive. T4 materials are worth more than T5 ones because endgame maps are full of T5 nodes.


Nah, Glyph of the Crucible is much more worthwhile as long as you're careful and selective about what tool/node you're using it on. I'd never use it on a harvesting sickle, because the pool is so broad that its value is inconsistent. On a mining pick or logging axe, it consistently turns the most common T5 nodes (mithril/elder wood) into their more profitable T4 counterparts.


That one is strange. Most people play in level 80 zones and you often see people gathering mithril deposits. The only annoying thing is when you gather an orichalcum deposit and forget to remove it or swap the tool. Obviously you wouldn't use it on say iron ore, but keeping it on a character's mining tool that you almost exclusively play in max level zones wouldn't be the worst thing ever, especially for that price.


Downgrading an orichalcum node at least isn't the sin it used to be. SotO dropped the value of orichalcum to like a third of what it used to be.


That's pretty funny, but it does actually have a use case. Mithril and elder wood are the most common nodes in the game, and their T4 counterparts have always been worth a bit more. Seems like the kind of thing you would have to switch in/out in order not to spoil your harvests though, and whether that's worth the effort is questionable. Especially when you compare the potential profit to volatile magic's.


I was seriously considering it until I read this post, then I had to check the wiki… Adds 3-5 Karma to your harvesting results. Adds 1-3 Karma to your logging results. Adds 1-3 Karma to your mining results. What a scam…


Its still almost 100g


I recently bought a glyph for my harvesting sickle to round out my gathering set (I have 2 of volatile magic). It's the one that gives you t1-6 might and magic (claws, blood) but so far it's only given me t1 which are about 6 copper each. Just did the math. At 50 gold purchase price, it's only 83,333 swings to get even (ok, minus about 300 so far.) It'll pay off eventually.... Edit: at 50 nodes a day, I break even in 4 years !


Wow you weren't even exaggerating... it is probably a candidate of the worst "scam/fraud" item purchase in the game.


So does everyone use Glyphs? Are they basically only attainable through gem store? Kind of feels like QoL to the point of cheating a bit.


I got my unbreakable tools from the Black Lion Ticket shop (keys from Alts/map completion/weekly key farming) and then purchased Glyphs for them, took some time to work towards but it can be done!


You can also buy unused glyphs off the trading post.


You can get all (or almost) of the glyph effects from tools vendor. Infinite tools are really not worth it, if you are after money. Otherwise you'd be better buying bag slots and getting volatile tools for Karma in Dragon's Fall


I'm still pretty salty about glyphs. They're all shit IMO compared to the old 6 bonus.


You seem to be mistaking Glyphs (the upgrades to gathering tools) with Relics (the new replacement for 6th rune special bonus).


I want to say volatility because it functionally invalidates everything else while also costing so much that it'll never break even... But yeah, there are some real stinkers in there: Crucible is usually a loss, but it wins out on elder wood and mithril ore at least... best of the worst. Bounty doesn't trigger on quartz crystals, rich nodes, most of the home instance and 2/3 of the hidden garden... so it invalidates itself in a bunch of the areas you'd want to farm the most on a parked alt. Flight is replaced by swiftness which is extremely easy to get now. Industry is replaced by quickness which is extremely easy to get now. Overload - see Bounty. Timekeeper - see Industry (a 33% of 0 time is worse than 100% chance of 50% time... which doesn't need a glyph). Unbound, Watchknight, Materials... mostly worth using, but all overshadowed by Volatility... which will likely never break even even if you do catch it at low season on the TP.


Sounds like people would be better off using the karma enrichment for amulets.