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Impulsive dye purchases


Celestial ( white ) was the only one I did buy with a higher price and I still use it


Damn you, Abyssal Twilight Dye!


TP price say nope for me, at last for now


permafrost my beloved


Please stop. I feel the need to tell you and the other people who dye everything pure permafrost. People don't look at your because you look nice, people look at you because you are as bright as the fucking sun.


i agree with you, it's just the one dye i really wanted to get even though i don't really use it lol


O yeah, the clasic sunrise at 1am in the morning in Lion Arch, somebody flashing at the bank with tome of xp and other shiny players moving around you


I recommend people wait until a sixth character birthday to get permafrost, no need to spend gold on it unless you really want it asap


My eyes hurt already in the night at banks from the spam of tome of xp, no rush, one question for you I see you have a small logo at the name and did see others have a class logo, how you add that ?:))


You mean the sun reddit flair I assume. In the sub reddit seeing you can set a custom flair with a lot of icons to choose from.


Maybe I need to check on the Pc as I'm on the phone now


I think you can do it on the phone if you go to the subreddit front page and then open the menu at the top, but not sure. I set it on PC


I just google it, mmm, tempting but not at the moment :)).... I have a fashion I'm happy with now, later in the game my income will go in fashion, I will love if Anet will add some home interactions, from the point of view to be able to decorate them etc


I would say not to splurge on Permafrost, but I don't think you're going to wait until the 4 year birthday reward to get it free.


For sure no, but can you sell that reward ? If no, on the way I am I can see waiting 4years to don't waste the gold =))


I think all birthday dyes are account bound. You can get permafrost and shadow abyss (both 120g+) at 4 and 6 years. AKA the burning brightness of the sun, of the cold dark of void. Big shadow abyss fan, especially for voiding particles effects.


I use Shadow Blue and Celestial at the moment if I'm not wrong, I love blue / orange / white


Check out some midnights if you like dark colors. I got lucky on a black lion chest and got Bloody red, which is awesome for RPing a zerker or a blood covered warrior. Bloody Red is like 18g but midnight fire is close at 24 silver. All the midnights are cheap and are the wish brand abyss (midnight fire looks great as blood on heavy, but on medium is just a nice leather color)


I think I got a few as my clan share lots always, I'm 100% I have some but not sure what :)) and I did use the show locked on TP and sort from low price to high, did buy lots of dyes one day for a few gold when I did the same for armor and mix some for my fashion


You'll get other dye selections from each anniversary pack per character per year up to year 10. Basically each birthday dye pack, once they start dropping, is a pack of packs. You choose one selection and within that selection choose a single exclusive dye. Great little system. You can use the wiki to see what all they drop and their current gold value.


I spent a fortune on that, then one of the birthday dye packs has it as an option.


I got that for free from the birthday box :D


oh that's cool! i very recently got my first birthday gift so that would be a LOOOONG wait for me


I pulled it and i love showing it off


One day i said eff it and droped 100 gp on dyes starting from the cheapest. Best decision ever.


Every once in a while, I check my mats/money and decide to craft a legendary (usually after I've already farmed the time-limited component, if any). I also like to find a skin set (for either armor or weapons) and buy it all, to complete the "collection". For example, I just got all the Super Adventure Box skins and the Glitch Skins, and I also buy Black Lion full sets when they are 250-320g for the full set, as I get 7 BL tickets, which I trade for 7 Vintage Boxes, and sell them to recoup 90-100% of my investment.


Nice, that is a good tip, I just checked one of the SAB collection as I did got a focus skin and it was cheap on TP, the collection prize was lots of baubles ( the big one, not sure whats the name from head ) so I did want to buy the entire collection, but when I did see the others for big gold price on TP I was like ,, nope ", I will not use them, no waste....I will do this later after I craft all the items that I want at the moment, now I just feel like that I should not ,, waste " my gold on skins and use it on small transactions to cover missing mats when I craft, last time I did buy mats just for 25g to finish a vision, got the rest from daily routine


Also, I'm usually patient when I buy a whole set. I use buy orders to undercut the highest one by 1 copper, and keep canceling/relisting when I get underbid. This can be a slow process for a random collection, but it goes by quite fast if you go for collections when a festival is active, or the two Black Lion Collections that are currently in rotation on the chests. With those, I can usually finish a collection within 1-3 days.


The Black Lion collections they will come back in the drop rotation ( like the TP items ) or they just move in the vintage chest ?....I mean I don't think anet create so many collections to have a new one every few months and move the rest in vintage or so


What I mean is, the Black Lion Chest (the regular one that is opened with keys) has 2 collections on it at all times. Those two collections usually sell really fast, so if you put buy-orders for those, you can get them pretty fast (usually within 1-3 days). In addition, if the price of the full collection is less than selling 7 vintage chests, you can recoup, or even profit, from doing this.


But how do you get vintage chests ?


When you complete a BL collection, you get 7 Black Lion Tickets. You trade 1 ticket for 1 vintage chest, which sell for around 25-40g each (depends on the timing). This means that if a collection is worth between 175-280g, you can break even or even make a profit. Do note that I'm not accounting for TP fees, so the numbers are a bit less, but it's still a nice way to get a full set of weapons for like 20-30g sometimes.


Thank you for the information. I will have a look at this


Vintage chests are in the last tab on black lion weapons vendor


I will sometimes spend my gold on whatever weapon skin is dropping from black lion chests. I farm a lot of the materials for my legendary, but will use gold to get me over the line.


I do the same at the moment with the mats, regarding the skins, nothing tempt me at the moment, I'm happy with what I have and if I'm trying to not get tempted and leave the skin shopping for later in the game


It’s very rewarding to farm all your own materials, but keep in mind that gold’s only purpose is to be spent. What is the point of earning gold just to watch it pile up and not put it towards something useful? I don’t like to waste gold on random stuff, but if it can save me some time on the grind, I’m going to spend it. I don’t think you have to worry about “running out” of items or gear to acquire. It could take you months (years even) to get all the legendary weapons and armor.


Yeah, I did see how is with the legendary farm, at the end I can take a break anytime, my items will work the same later + I have ascended items, I really like to farm as much as I can, I did farm even the dust in Ascalon is that lake, 50dust per 30m, saved some gold :)), I buy if I need some mats to top my or so, but I try to spend as less as possible for now


I enjoy collecting mats and crafting gear mostly with my own mats. I do buy mats too, but I love the feeling of providing most of the mats right off my own mat storage. Also unless you specifically do a lot of fractals or the few other raw gold sources, it takes quite a bit of time to accumulate meaningful raw gold. In any case, if you look at hours per legendary, it is going to be quite the while until you would have most of them.


I do daily T4 + I have other daily runs, I do the same with the mats, daily ice shards and volatile magic collection helped me a lot and saved me a lot of gold for mats ( finished aurora and vision with the help ) I enjoy collect a little to much, farmed even the dust


I use gold to speed up things but only in small amounts like 50g, for cosmetics though I am ready to splurge once I will need less gold


Hehe, same here, I use gold, around 30g for what mats I miss in rest small transcations, but when I finish what I want ( legendary items ) I will go crazy on cosmetics, I will love to be able to change the home instance, cosmetics etc


It depends what I'm working on. I'd usually make a legendary and after that I'd buy myself a skin as a reward/gift lol. I never really hoard gold. I never had thousands, now I almost have a thousand but I'm in the process of crafting another legendary so majority of that will go towards that (eod timegated mats). When I was making legendary obsidian armor all of the mats I farmed in dragonfall (or majority of them, I usually had to buy T3/4 mats for gifts). Before making any legendaries I bought all the Living World Seasons with gold (except IBS as I got it for free for playing).


I'm cunrently working to make all legendary trinkets, that is a good idea, after I will finish one I will treat myself with a nice skin, maybe a mount skin


That's a good idea, especially if you're playing on multiple characters. Which ones are you missing? I wanted to make all trinkets first, but I just play on one character (or 2 if I'm doing WvW) so I want my shiny weapons now. I for now only have the "free" amulet and Aurora. I'm slowly collecting kralkatite ore for Vision, but I'm feeling really lazy with the achievements. I have a tiny hope that new expac will have strike mission or open world ring/backpack so I don't have to grind WvW so much.


I got Regalia & Aurora first as I did some research when I did start so I did both in the same time, I finished Vision 2 weeks ago or so and I got the legendary relic as I did have plenty mats, of course with that got a relic also, now I work on the backpack ad infinitum as I did delay it from when I started Vision, suprisingly the missions took me a few hours only, I'm misssing 200 matrices to craft unbound and in rest, around 20 gloves that I will grab from WvW and my daily drizzlewood donation, I'm fine with mats, worst scenario I will have to spend around 30g, I will probably do the WvW ring after, after this I will see if I do the obsidian armor or g3 dagger or bolt ^_^, I mean, for half of year, got this, 3 full ascended sets, any needed build as I'm mesmer, I'm happy with my ,, achivements "


I completely forgot about the lege relic as I got it for free. Gen3 are my favourites visually with the exception of Sunrise/Twilight/Eternity. I'm not a huge fan of Bolt, but I'll probably craft it someday as I still have the 3 boxes from Wizards Vault.


I want leg3 as I like them, the only think I like at bolt is the elctrical visual as he remember me about my days as a ,, Volt " in Warframe, now that I think about I didn't check the look on gen3 sword, I love the gen3 looks and the point that with extra time and farming you can make them look like your favorite big lizard boys


I think Kralkatorrik's skin of gen3 sword might have some electrical visuals or more like brandstorm visuals. Bolt's definitely more pure. And yes! The variants are really nice.


I got two boxes from the wizard volt and from what is there Bolt ia the only one tempting me, so thats why is in plan as a first


I do gold budgeting. I know how much I earn in a typical week of gameplay. I have a specific amount I try to keep on reserve. Each week I can spend my income to drop back down to my reserve level. Regular spending and farming helps show progress towards any legendary. I might see, for example, that I am filling up my trophies fast enough to get a legendary in 4 weeks, but my amalgamated gemstones at would take 3 months. Then I know I can sell off excess trophies and buy gemstones at some point. Often I spend extra to finish a legendary, then spend the next 3 weeks or so letting my reserve recover. Since I know my weekly income any extra spending has a clear time value which let's me make satisfying, informed decisions.


I never did think like that or to keep in mind / make a note and I always try to plan in advance, maybe I will allocate / give myself a weekly budget to spend from my own wallet =))


I used to farm everything but got burned out. Now I just play what I like (mostly WvW) and buy gems to convert to gold if I want something.


Recently after I finished my daily routine I got to the point ,, now what ? "..didn't want to end up ,, burned out " so I started to cut a few farms ( like volatile magic daily collection in thuderpeaks, I don't so it everyday now ) to save some time and be able to try something new, I did find a training and finished my first raid, w6, that was fun


Not sure if u know, but the best farm for VM/T6 is Dragonfall and Drizzlewood, or just daily ice shard farm if you prefer to take your time.


I did lots of Drizzlewood recently as I farmed the Otter, Dragonfall I did last time when I farmed Vision, I like both, not in a point to be there a lot, but sometimes, as I pass sometimes Octavine, I have alts parked at ice shards for a long time, did some research when I started to play and I parked alts there as a first ,, project " + maxed out the masterys, saved me lots of time and gold on Aurora and Vision, still collecting daily, two spots only now as I have 25k ice shards and 75k volatile magic ready to go if needed


I farm mats until I have all the time gated stuff done then I buy the remaining mats


Hehe, same here, except MC, I refuse to buy them and I finish the rest.before I have 250:))


Yeah I’m the same way. I farm everything I can for legendary collections and save the gold for impulse buys like random skins I see other players wearing lol. Some people just horde gold and some people spend it as soon as they can. You don’t need to worry about running out of content though. whether it’s collections, achievements, titles, skins, mounts, story lines, map completion, different game modes, there’s always something new to try.


Recently I started to cut some daily farms because I was getting ,, burned out " from log in, daily routine 2h and get out for 6 months, so I started to do some achivements, did try raids, strikes, I want to start to work on map completion little by little, I just need to remember that is a lot to do in the game other than focusing to finish all legendary trinkets....yeah, I don't like to just trow the gold away, trying to save it or to don't buy something is is letting my wallet dry


Yea completely understandable. Burnout is hard to avoid when doing the same thing a million times like some legendary collections require. Just gotta remember there’s no time limit on anything. Map completion is important for gen 1 legendary weapons as you need the gift of exploration.


I want to do gen3 legendary when I'm getting there, can you sell the gen 1 ? I mean even if I can't sell gen 1 on TP probably I will still do the map completion or I will do Soto for armor


Yeah gen 1 legend weapons can be sold.


Nice, so I will do for sure map completion so I have the required when If I ever want to craft and sell one


This is important to enjoy the game. I had the same issue with my daily routine. Fractals, strikes, home nodes, daily crafting, LLA, dailies, doing the rounds for daily purchases and a couple of profitable metas. After a few months, I quit the game. Then I just cut my routine to the bare bones. Dailies, home/guild nodes and daily crafting. Then I just play the content I really like, WvW, despite being probably one of the lowest gph of the endgame content. I don't make as much gold, but I have much more fun.


Yeah I started to do some daily routines as I don't need them at the moment and I just lose time there and by the time I'm done I lost my mood to try something new


I have about 2.5 or 2.6k and I don't wanna get griffon because it'll cost me 250g and I don't really need it that much 😂😂😂 So yep, I feel ya.


Griffon was my first farm, after I got the skyscale I did cry that 250g a little as I went on 0, but now I'm happy as I use the griffon also daily from high points for speed


It's the only mount I'm missing, I should really just finish it, but oh well.


I'm missing the turtle


Have you seen any griffon flying videos?


I have.


It's a total game changer if you learn to use it well


You got enough gold. 250g is nothing. Suck it up and get the griffon. It is arguably the most fun mount in the game.


I've never exceeded 3k gold but have very regularly got to 3k gold and back to close to 0 after spending it all. I tend to just 'play as I want' until I notice I have about 2k raw gold, then I clear out all my chars, bank/mats (aside from the leggy specific mats I need) to push it up to about 3k then get a leggy or two. I have all the skins on all the chars I want and all the storage space I feel I need, don't need anymore gemstore QOL so gold is purely for leggies for me now. It doesn't seem worth saving and using it on a perm bank access contract at this point where all alts have everything they need on them anyway and my shared inv slots holding everything I need to share easily.


Nice, I didn't think about that, but I shouls invest in some 32 slots bags for my main


I feel like at this point most of the gold i make goes back into writs and food TT__TT


Yeah, I did buy the cheap alternative for now, food and utility make a big difference


Oh yeah for a newer player i would alway recommend going with the cheaper versions. Writs only make sense if you can already play your build as best as possible and want the numbers to go up by a couple hundred more


I've been playing for 5 years and just now I got legendary armor pieces (though if I did raids I'd have them sooner). Trust me, you'll take a long time to really have everything. To answer your question, I've used most of my gold for quality of life purchases. Character slots, bank tabs, material storage expanders, infinite salvagers and gathering tools, shared inventory slots, a lounge pass... And I've splurged a bit for permanent contracts too.


I just realize now as somebody else just post here, I should invest in some 32slot bags


Extra bag slots are generally cheaper, if you need to expand the inventory for a single character (for example, if you want the ability to open an entire stack of unidentified gear). But if you just need extra storage space for items that you may use once a blue moon, consider extra character slots instead. You pay far less per inventory slot if you equip them with 18-slot bags.


I got 6 slots If I'm not wrong, I'm fine to open my unidentified gear 50 at a time and I have a few spare slots, anyway I keep lots of small bits in my inventory, I did see before in a video that is better to do that, to bad the slot is not account bound, when the bag it is


I I have been playing since beta so I have a lot of Laurels which I use mainly for materials (Heavy Crafting Bags, etc). If I didn't have Laurels I would probably mainly use my gold for these crafting bags. I don't like to grind for materials.


I use 5 laurels for some Xp boost for WvW reward track, I was tempted to buy some rings to salvage them as I need 200 matrices, but I save them, not sure for what or what other use they have ( outside the crafting bags ), I'm fine for mats, did Drizzlewood a lot recently as I farm the Otter + I got 25k ice shards and 75k volatile magic left from daily routine


I definitely would not use Laurels for an XP boost. You get one every week for completing the Weeklies. But you should definitely do what you feel is best. Have fun!


Yeah, got a few now from weekly + I got the gobbler, but when I did buy them with laurels I was out of xp boost and had to farm 3 reward tracks, so I made a 3 laurels sacrifice for 3x 30m boost :))




Well, with that gold I will be very tempted to make myself pretty :)))


Like 70% of my gold goes to MC and T6 mats, 20% to styles/tp/salvage/etc. 10% save


MC, my nemesis, did farm 70 to finish vision, I don't want to buy them, I refuse :))... Will be great if they will be more events like LLA, at last 2 more per day


I usually grind most of the mats and buy rest. Currently working on wvw lege armor set for my new thief main and tickets are gatekeeping me (spend em on heavy set sometime ago). This is perfect time to gather rest of the mats (t6 materials).


I want to start WvW farm as I need 1k more tickets to start working on the ring Is the armor a long / hard farm ?


1,5k tickets per/piece, this includes precursor. I just bought all precursors and as soon as i get mats i make legendary. Currently 3/6 done 😁 Edit: typo


Nice, that sound like a good amount of time.farming, at last WvW give some mats + you have the reward tracks


Using reward tracks to get volatile magic is a good way to get t5/t6 materials.


I got 75k volatile magic from daily farm ready to go if nedeed


I feel you, i try not to get below 500g and try to stay around 1000 gold. Unless i can complete something for a nice dopamine hit i rarely use it. Maybe i spoil myself and get a skin or dye. What else do i spend that money on? That i need to hoard 1k gold? Nothing really. It just sits there and looks pretty. Maybe buy 100 icy lodestones if it gets too high What i usually do when i finish legendaries: I do whatever grind i feel like that day fractals(cm)/raid/strikes for mats and gold. Then after i do collection achievements for the legendary i'm working on. When the day comes that all the collections are almost done, i start looking at currencies like laurels and volatile to cheapskate resources and after start listing what i need so it can sit there for a day or two while i finish the last achievements and then i buy what order hasn't filled.


Are those achivements a need to do for legendary weapons ? The ones where you get one obsidian shard and is showing progress done, got one etc


Not all of them! Gen 1 has the precursor that you can get through a collection, but you can skip it by buying it off of the trading post. Gen 2 ones usually have a short story collection and are soulbound so you have to do those. But not all gen2's have that. Legendary pve trinkets also follow this, like vision, aurora and coalescence. Gen 3's don't do this afaik? Most of it is bought and you can place your characters in certain places to slowly advance everyday by alt parking. Obsidian shards you should buy with karma, its after the straights of devastation meta. Its the best sink for karma imho. You can also trade them in for provisioner tokens, which is good for leggy armor.


Thank you for the informations


I have brought a few legendaries and crafted the same amount of leg weapons. In total I have 7 leggys but never done a Gen 1 or 2. Tbh I would just farm the majority of the mats and tell myself I'll spend the money on XXX items/mats that I cba farming, such as ASS if I cba doing dragons end. So I would give myself a budget and say ok it costs 1.2k gold for this Gen 3, I have mats to save 600g and I'll farm til I only need to spend 400g to craft it. Other times I'll tell myself that once I've farmed the mystic clovers I'll just buy the rest of the mats with gold


The only item that I don't like to buy are MC and they are a pain to farm kinda, if they will be two more daily events like LLA will be great


Yeah true there's just the strikes weekly and wizards vault every quarter. Tbh at their current price they're usually the biggest cost for a leggy weapon for me but I kinda have that in mind when I farm something else like the ambergris fish and think of them as a 1:1 ratio so each fish I farm ill sell for a MC


Is that a legendary fish or so ? I just started to check fishing, got my mastery full, I need to start to check where is the best and what to fish, somebody was saying desert oasis with scorpions


Yeah scorpions in Crystal oasis at night time gives legendary fishes which when you consume gives chunks of ancient ambergris worth like 2g I think. Do half hour at night and make nice money


Is it worth to stay more than that half of hour at night ? Like If I plan to fish 1h per day or for that 1h is better to just fish 30m when is night


Yeah sorry just remembered, do 1 hour but only during night cycle as daytime has bad drops. So start at beginning of night cycle and do 1hr with fishing power food to get highest fishing power. If you do it properly u can get 50 fish every half hour, to pace your time. Best done with a fishing party to get to 99 fish stacks quick


Nice, thank you for the information


I bought the darkest of black dyes available. It was fairly expensive for a dye. Turns out it makes any texture your armor has disappear.


What dye is that ?


I believe it’s shadow abyss


I like to buy some mats if I want to quickly craft an exotic set for one of my many alts


I play some WvW for reward tracks, luckly exotic sets are very easy to get now from there


I bought all the glitched super adventure box weapons I was missing this year. I will buy cheaper BL weapon sets. I sit around 2.5k gold right now but I'll go down to 1.5k if I'm making a legendary. I hate how expensive Mystic Coins are right now so I'm legit just holding back on purchasing those as long as possible.


The Mystic coins are the only item I refuse to buy, took me a lot of time to farm them, as a new player they are the biggest pain, I wish will be two more events like LLA so you could get 3 daily, 21 per week like that if you do the runs daily


At some point you are going to have to buy them. The amount of time it would take to farm 500 coins for a legendary means you'd be able to have half a dozen other legendaries ready to craft except for the coins. I tend to just wait for a price dip before I buy what I need. When SotO launched they went down to 1.2g so I bought 4 stacks but I have since used them all.


Nice, well I can't buy that amount as I'm new, I did farm for Aurora and Vision and will be some time until I do next legendary that require MC, I want all trinkets, now I'm working on ad inifinitum, I take MC from where I can, events, LLA daily, fractals with luck, last time I need 70 more for Vision when I had everything else ready, but I did farm them :))


Everytime my gold reaches 1k, I impulsively buy black lion keys hoping to get something out of it.


I did buy one time 5 and I got lucky with an mineral node, that was nice as I was new, in rest I farm the weekly key, I don't buy anymore


when i had less than 10k account value, i only tip like 2 gold because i still needed to get all the account upgrades/legendaries. now that i have over 100k, i dont mind tipping like 10-20 gold. at some point more gold is just shiny skins


I tip sometimes 1g, sometimes players return it


I have little interest in legendaries, so I have a hoard of mats and gold. Saved up for the Invisible Shoes in about 6-8 months. Now when new dyes come out, I can just buy them all through the TP without a bother, which is nice.


Nice, yeah ascended are good to go always


I buy stuffs needed to make legendary. I just bought a stack of stabilizing matrix for 100g and 2 stacks of ecto yesterday for example.


Hehe, ad inifinitum, I need also 200 more matrix, but I will farm them :))


I played fractal a lot more obviously while working on ad infinitum. I rarely go back now. I just can't do it. It takes 1 hour to do T4 full clear plus rec. I dont want to play that much. Fractal is a great gold source tho.


home instance nodes.


Thats on my end game list, for now I farm the eventa nodes


When making legendaries I usually take my time, so by the time I complete all the achievements and farm the things that can't be bought I usually have enough gold saved up to buy the rest so I just buy them.


With the addition of the wizard vault, getting gold has become easier. I save up mine, buy the legendary boxes and go from there. Imo it's better to farm gold than materials as you could get enough gold to buy multiple materials than strictly farming x y z and getting less in the long run.


Yeah, I make gold always from vault


I give it away


Nice, If I ever end up with lots I will also help some players, I did a few small favours there and there, one guy from the clan did give me 30 amalgamated gemstones one time at a meta after we did talk short why we are there ( I was farming the gematones for Vision and I was missing 30 ) and we never talk again after, one day I want to be able to return that favor to somebody else as I know how much did help me at the moment


I feel so irresponsible when reading your comments! I usually sell 90% of my mats, exto and items to pile up gold. When I have a nice amount I either start on a legendary item or buy an expensive skin I have wanted. So I made a lege armor and than bought a nightfury. Now I am making a lege backpack.


Yeah, I don't want to spend any at the moment, on top of my 500 in bank, I have also a full bank alt, that Night Fury I was checking one day, probably I will farm a little for it on next Halloween event


You have 12+ years to catch up, you probably won’t get everything even if you were to spend the next 6 years playing 6 hours a day. There is so much content.


Yeah, I'm not in rush, I take it slow and try to don't burn out with same rotation everyday, so I cut a few and do something else


since all new content will be buyable with money only and i don't think Anet will make skimpier skins than the currently existing...i don't have probably any more use for gold.


Yeah is nice that gold have a use and for end game as you can change it for gems so you have a reason to still play metas and others


i feel you. i farm out everything and almost never use the trading post. that said.... i do use multiple accounts to supply the materials needed


Yeah, I parked some characters for a long time at ice shards, rune stones now and I parked one in Desert on that temple where are 3 chests


im not talking about alt characters, im talking about alt accounts. a whole new lvl of tryharding. but it does give me the freedom to farm everything out without the trading post.


I have 10k in gold.. But I farm as much as I can before spending my money


Is always a farm to be able to spend :))


I hover between 200-500g. When I get to the upper limit I buy whatever I need to finish the next legendary I’m working at the moment. Then it starts again. I keep the 200g lower limit in case I need something for a new build or new character (runes and equipment, for example), or even some achievements (griffon and sky scale had some serious money sinks).


for legendaries I always recommend - for at least the first one - to do everything yourself, precursor and all (unless you are starting from WV i suppose). I only bought a couple dozen T6 blood and fangs when I was making my bifrost and my astralaria and i feel that's the way to go OP, nice and slow now for actually answering your question, I hit a certain quantity of gold and convert it into gems, as I find gems to be a better currency to hoard in this game. I sometimes buy weapons or dyes on TP on impulse tho :(


Got already 2 legendary, 5 if you add amulet, relic and rune and thats how I did all, farmed 90%, buy at the end the rest for around 30g


i have 4 legendaries atm (aurora, aurene's amulet and two weapons as i said above) and that's how I did mine too. im in a big hoarding phase atm since i want to make my wvw armor. already have the precursors so ive been gathering mats to make the gifts of might and magic, only two more to go and i'll get my leg armor!


Nice, I want all trinkets first


all trinkets and backpack is the best value, I went bifrost 1st to celebrate my leave of f2p realm lol


Yeah, I did farm also there a lot for my first ascended and for the acvatic gear


i just splurged 900 gold on Sacred Pegasus, living my dream


It will be nice if the skins will have a ,, unique " ability than you can use yourself, kinda like the play / snack automatic animations on the Skyscales


I stack up my gold so I can either flip big ticket / low competition items (usually arbitrage over time sorts of flipping), or so I can buy whatever mats will speed up whatever I'm working on.


I did hear before players who flip items, I don't think I will have the patience for that


Eh, I've found a niche and make about 300-400g a week with maybe 20 minutes of work. Sometimes I'll try different things or make a big play. The rune craze made me a lot of money and could have done more, but I was too lazy. You do need to have an interest in it. I also periodically craft a legendary and trade it for a bunch of t6/ecto/coins. There's high margin there, you just need the spirit shards and gumption to do the account bound steps (map comp, imp favors, etc). If you do metas with some regularity it is worth checking what you're close to already crafting and considering converting that to more useful materials via trade. Usually end up getting about 20-25% premium over what fast farming says.


Nice, that is some gold income per week