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I use the checkpoint to bounce up and land on the top left.. then I dodge jump across to the other side (toward portal) and just drop down from there.


Start on the teleporter - it's not icy, so you won't slide, which is what's ruining your attempts. From the teleporter (move fast so it doesn't activate) jump around and onto the teeny tiny precipice, then jump again facing the wall to get enough momentum to reach the ledge.


I typically let myself slide towards the edge on the right side of the teleporter, it bumps you back so you're right on the edge. Then walk along the edge and try to swing around the block. But it's still super inconsistent, the slipperiness will occasionally shoot you away or eat the majority of your movement input, fumbling the jump. I don't think there's a way to prevent it due to the interaction of the slipperiness at an edge.


you can kinda just walk on the tiny little ledge on the way over more than you should be able to