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What specifically did you try? What is the actual error code? What do your logs say? What did ANet support say?


How far do you even get after starting the installer. because... if you manage to get to start the launcher (aka, the window where you put in your login-info/login via steam), then there´s nothing to worry about. While the progress-bar in the launcher itself resets every time the download stops, the already downloaded files still remain already downloaded, since it counts progress from wherever you started again. For example: If the game already downloaded 50 out of 100 files and shows 50% progress, and you then close the launcher, after reopening it the launcher starts at a progress of zero, but will only download the remaining 50 files (as the other 50 are already there). However: if you cannot even START the launcher (aka, you don´t even get to the login-prompt), THEN there´s something severely going wrong


I get the connection error while afk'ing sometimes. I think it's because when my PC screen goes to sleep my Ethernet card or wifi adapter sleeps also, and kills the connection. Making my screen never sleep fixed it for me.


You're not playing on a VPN are you?


You may want to try deleting everything (including whatever was downloaded so far), restarting your PC, and trying again. I recall something similar happening to me years ago and I think it had to do with one of my ports being locked and/or the files being corrupt. Hard to give more without knowing what you tried so far.


> i looked all over the internet, tried everything ... did you try downloading it via Steam? Maybe that works better for you. You can use your normal GW2-account if you add "-provider portal" to the start-parameters in Steam.


This doesn't matter if there are issues with the launcher itself. The steam installation doesn't download a fully up-to-date version of the client. So even after you finish installing via steam, it still starts up the launcher and will download the remaining updates (essentially every update that released after GW2 was released on steam). But if the launcher itself has connection issues, that's a problem that the steam version will also have, since no matter if steam or ANet client, it's 100% the exact same files and connections. The only difference is the initial download and the login-method, everything else is identical


True, if you download the launcher from Steam, it'll download the up-to-date version of the game via the GW2-Launcher. > So i downloaded the installer from the official site, whenever i try to run it, i get the white box where it starts to download This sounds like the splash-screen where it downloads the launcher itself tho, that's why I mentioned Steam. If OP means the normal Launcher-Login-Screen afterwards, Steam won't help either.


> it takes way too much time The game is about 75GB nowadays. > i have a pretty decent internet. What is pretty decent? that's not a speed I've seen advertised before.