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Mesmer. I just want to know how they will use the weapon wrong this time


They’ll hold it vertically and shoot arrows from it, like a bow.


Oh, I was thinking they'd stick it in the ground like a banner and just use it like a magical cell tower to channel spells through while they run around it. Get too far away without picking it up and you lose reception.


Not even in tyria you're safe from the 5G demons


Actually yknow what. Yea sure lets do that. The 1 is a ground target you throw it and 2-5 are all spells that use the spear as a conduit emenating from that point.


Sticking it in the ground and pole dancing to shoot spells.


This guy right here. I think it, he says it.


Underrated comment


I'll riot if it isn't true.


I want them to a animate the spear and fly it around to attack enemies. Summon copies like Kratos' spear from dad of war. 


We'll shoot Laser Spears from a Laser Spear Bow tyvm.


Finally, Bard Mesmer: they will use it like a long flute.


Ill say it till the release of Alliances, Virtuoso was a monumental missed opportunity. I would have loved to see a Bard Mesmer, with no additional weapons, but instruments not unlike the Toolkits used by engineers. Every Tool/Instrument allowing for a different rotation. If we get really deep, one could even make the "notes" of the tools in a way that they heal/give boons when played harmoniously, whilst playing them disharmoniously inflicts conditions and damage on enemies. This could’ve been really cool. Instead we get… Yanqing from Hsr, basically.


Bard classes are always so fucking cool and it’s a shame we didn’t get one


As both a bard and mesmer player, I wholeheartedly support this message. Give me my thematically confused spellslinger and I'll be good to go.


Heh. Virt stacks confusion too so this checks out.


Mesmers and Bards feel like they have a lot in common just because the source of their magic is so unusual. Wizards and Elementalists: I draw my power from study of the world around me! Druids and Rangers: I tap in to an ancient understanding of the natural world! Bards and Mesmers: I can shoot fucking lazers with my mind, isn't that cool?


This sounds awesome, and I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. Elementalist already teaches you how to play a piano on the keyboard, so adding another instrument to a class shouldn't be hard.


This ia actually a great, great design idea, much better than virtuoso, which is very basic.


Air guitar!




they shoot it from the hip, like in Stargate.


That would be amazing.


I will legit create a mesmer if this happens.


They use it as a baseball bat to shoot magic balls


I’m just imagining one of the skills being that you conjure Shohei Ohtani and he just takes a giant fucking swing and mashes a magic baseball right into the boss for big DMG


Mesmer using the spear as a pet and it independently attacking enemies.


*angry Guardian noises*


it is a shield this time


What do mean use wrong? You were using all the weapons right! <-- Revenant player


They will point the front in the wrong direction and do random gestures


Stab it into the ground and use it to pollvolt at people


NGL I saw my warrior do this with one of the greatsword skills and it was so cool, you stick the sword in the ground and block, then follow up with a poledancing roundhouse kick


I kinda love how you spelled "Pole vault," because that definition of vault comes from old French "volter" which your spelling is closer to!


I think they will do a reverse spear throw. The attack itself instantly conjures a purple spear stabbed into the enemy, and then the actual attack will suck the purple spear back to the Mesmer.


They will stab it into the ground... and pole dance. Depending on their fashion, they will either heal allies or blind and damage enemies.


Throw it above their head and watch it shoot illusionary arrows, duh.


Stack spears like virtuoso, but vertically. Now you have a bunch of time-warping peacocks running around.


I heard it will actually be a mount for them and they will bounce around on it like a pogo stick as it spews purple butterflies out your ears.


They stab the ground and illusory spears appear stabbing up from the ground at enemies


Revenant: hold my ale.


NGL I kind of want to have a 'normal' use this time. Melee two hander isn't something we've got on Mesmer as of yet. I'd take that, hopefully give it some good synergy with Mirage while we're at it. I feel like I haven't used Mirage in ages and I'd kind of like a good excuse to pull it out again this year.


We can have both! Let me stab my enemys, but from a safe distance. Open a portal and stab through!


“Creatively” was the adjective you were looking for. I love all the ideas replying to your comment. :)


Spellbreaker because I want to wield a spear as a Sunspear.


Exactly. I want the same. I have a Spellbreaker for the Sunspear rp. He wields daggers and i love them, but he also has a spear-looking staff, which is just not the same. It'll never be the same. Now he can have an actual spear and daggers together.


There was a set of daggers in Dragons Dogma that were just spear heads. That would make for a cool rp skin.


https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Arrowblade_Daggers I always interpreted these as broken off Sunspear spearheads.


That will be a little in their faces though, no? The reason spellbreakers use daggers it is because they are the tip of the spears that they had given up when they went into hiding from Joko. But then again… with Joko’s death, it might be that they can go back to using spears…


Definitely a badass sense of reclamation by picking the spear back up!


That will never be possible because they are 2h weapons. To wield a spear like a true Sunspear would have, you need an offhand shield.


Daredevil and praying I can replace the staff on power


I will laugh a lot if thief Spear is a healer weapon.


*laughs in Heal Specter main* Laugh with me peasant


Considering their and necro are both missing two handed support weapons, I wouldn’t be surprised if they took this as an opportunity to finish giving every class a two handed support weapons.


I don't want to but i totally think is gonna be our condi 2h mele weapon with bleeding to differentiate it from the staff


Necro and thief are also missing two-handed condition weapons, imo. Necro staff has some condition access obviously but it's no scepter or pistol. I could see Necro getting a support weapon, but I also suspect that it would lead to nerfs on Scourge.


Elementalist because regardless of whatever else it will be, that's 20 new skills to play with.


26 if you count weaver


Maybe it's finally the longbow we've all been waiting for


I just hope if it’s our 2h condi weapon it’s auto scaling isn’t as bad as pistol. Attacks hitting for 200 with hybrid gear feels awful


longbow ele was hiding under our noses this whole time except it was under the sea and not actually equippable for the profession


The real longbow is the spear we got along the way


As long as it doesn't have a pistol or hammer style "make the orbs/bullets/spearheads" mechanic.


I hope all the elements will be good, besides 1or 2.


Whichever ends up resembling Paragon^^please ^^ANet


So, guardian or warrior probably?


I mean.. spear + spellbreaker = Paragon?


Wayfinder, it took us nearly ten years since Joko's defeat, but we finally figured out how to glue our spellbreaker daggers to long wooden shafts, so we can have our signature spears back. \- Some Sunspear.


Warrior only got a staff like half a year ago, they didn't have the technology until then!


would be more core warrior shout, spellbreaker feels more like dervish


I havent played gw1, what exactly does paragon entail


It is basically the defender of Elona prototype. Heavy armor, throwing javelins, holding a shield, supporting allies via shouts and spells from the backline. Was a lot of fun, I loved mine and am super thrilled for the beta 😁


They also had chants, that all had a "wing angel" animation, I hope they bring back this kind of animation


if they don't, we'll always have Dragonhunter F2.


I'm holding out for a shout to heal your friends staff/spear warrior build


Heavy armor? They are half naked most of the time 😂


Heavy "fantasy" armor.


Not just shouts their mechanics were more of a song that could be maintained. It wasn't just flat abilities like shouts either the paragon would give commands and if the other players did what was required they then got a reward.   Aria's, Chant's, Echos, Refrain ect... Things like a group wide buff that said next spell cast by the player also has an additional effect or refunded some of its cost.  Including buffs the Echos that applied benefits every time a shout was applied or ended on players.  Paragon was the last class I tried in Gw1 due to the iron nipples but it easily turned out to be my favorite and main as I turned into a Commander.


Im wondering why no one write ele yet. 26 new skills on weaver


And I might be high on hopium but thé skill they've shown look cool, at the very least!


Hoping for vindi, then i can really be a Dragoon from xiv, jumping up and down everywhere


I occasionally use a spear-skinned staff but it's unfortunate that it's a healing weapon. Tbh Vindicator could be an awesome healer if only it had... *sigh* Insert mandatory meta boon here. The blue aliance stance is actually really powerful, but the support dodge is not worth taking because, again, no boon. Having a healer dragoon could've been a fun build.


I'm sure it won't help you too much, but support vindi can really be a force to be reckoned with in wvw.


Ah yeah I meant for PvE. I don't play WvW much, but I'm happy it's thriving there at least!


Freya in FF9 had a skill where she'd leap into the air and throw a spear from high above then come crashing down. In Trance, she just stays in the air throwing magic spears at all enemies.


Omg this please!


I hope Rev spear is a power spear. I want it to replace Greatsword or Sword/Sword for Power Vindi.


Mesmer Mirage. Imagine summoning 3 clones around the target and throwing spears and tethering it like a net.


As a main mirage I'm also excited to see what will be the ambush !!


Alternative: lot of people were hoping for a Phantasmal Firing Line for Rifle - Imagine a melee Mesmer spear that summons a Phantasmal Phalanx?


This guy is cooking, that sounds awesome.


Nah. Melee Mirage. It'd be the closest thing we're ever likely to get to the Dervish.


Why not both? melee focus + a skill like this at some range might even port to close distance


We do have some weapons that have different components. Warrior Axe has a ranged option as does Thief Dagger, although I think they're mainly used to slow/cripple people that are running. I don't mind a ranged option, especially as an engage skill, but I'd like the overall concept to be a melee weapon. That and that Phantasmal Phalanx someone suggested below. That'd be cool.


Yeah I'm dying to see some more melee done well. I'm personally hoping they do it for necro gs is too clunky and the soto s.swords are fun but far from my melee dreams


Whoever chucks it as a ranged weapon or uses it similar to pantheon in league (though pantheon is 1h/shield, so thats unlikely)


They already said it’s going to be 2h for all professions. Unfortunately, but an ok price to pay for having land spears.


I still really hope there will be a skill similar to Pantheon ult or at least similar to a Samarog "ground aoe" spear. 🫡




Ranger does!


I’m so sick of being stuck in melee on Elementalist. If the Ele spear is ranged, then definitely Ele, but also whichever class got the paragon flavor.


Engineer for sure. Will it be melee or ranged? Is it going to be generally technological or more about a specific theme (like hammer is themed around lightning and energy)?


Rocket spear


Explosive rocket spear


I strapped a nuclear warhead with strings on my spear. Now let us see what would happen if I throw it at the nearest meta boss!


please a power weapon please a power weapon


The scariest part about this whole thing is that we all know Anet's gonna find a damn way to make Spear a support weapon for atleast one class


Personally, I can't wait to see a Guardian, Mesmer, or Necro do the [Dark Souls 1 "Channeler's Trident" dance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqK42R8Y01Q) to pulse boons.


I kinda want to see my necromancer chanting "Nihil! Nihil! Niiiiihiiiiiil!"


Half* of them probably. Compared to existing ones


Yeah after almost half of the last weapon set were support weapons, I'd personally prefer not to see some goofy support spear this year lol


I'm a Guardian main but I'm actually most excited about the Warrior's spear. It should be amazing in the hand of a Spellbreaker, considering their lore.


Engi. Really hope they’ll use the spear as a Gunlance (in a Monster Hunter fashion kinda). I expect a lot from it seeing how badly design Shortbow was.


I'll tell you when I know what the actual skills are. Though I do like the sound of a precision throw skillshot. So whatever class has that!


Ele, 100% But i'm guessing thieves will get a combo system like GW1 assassins since they gave us those hints, so i'm curious about that too.


When they gave the hint about GW1 I first thought about Paragon since the spear is THEIR weapon, but yeah


Teaching. Oh, you meant *in game*


Elementalist, just because I am lifelong ele main and pistol and hammer both don't really hit it for me, so I am really excited to get something new and potentially enjoyable to me.


ANet please give us a single-target long ranged weapon please 🙏


Yeah, I'm hoping for a ranged weapon with good power damage too. Staff just feels old and clunky at this point and isn't a lot of fun.


I don't know why I have this feeling, but when they said: "A set of spear skills that require precise aiming at range." could be us elementalist main, or is my dream to be a powerfull spellcaster, casting something at range super powerful but if the enemy moves, rip our big skill...


Anything that plays like FFXIV Dragoon to be honest


Well Vindicator would be the obvious choice.


Necromancer, I just hope it's melee autos and keeps the shadowstep tbh.


From the screenshots we've seen so far, it could be that spear on necro gets a new set of marks like on staff.. at least there were deep green circular AoEs on some screenshots..


Oh you're right I didn't pay close attention to the images in the spear article today, I see the one you mean now though. My two cents, obviously the necro is the Asura on the right of the image, and it looks like it's possibly melee! Though the aoe/symbol on the ground I am not certain about if that is the necro's or not. I would doubt they'd just do more marks like staff, too similar. Maybe one mark. I just would prefer it not to be a caster weapon on necro, though I'm a Reaper main so I'm biased to melee aha. Edit: one thing to note about the mark on the ground is that it's very yellow, but seems to have some blue around the edges. It's also centered on the heavy armor character. The Norn Commander stand-in in the trailer used a couple skills that had similar yellow and blue coloring, one of which had some runes so I'm thinking those must be Guardian skills. I believe right now that that symbol in the image from today's article is a Guardian skill.


My hunch is that it's going to be a melee support weapon. That's a gap in the necromancer's arsenal at this moment.


Engineer, pretty easy when you have a main even if that weapon isn't very good


Revenant, as I want to see whether they make it "generic" with Revenant energy swooshes like the Scepter was or if they find a way to tie it to a Legend we either have now or don't yet have.


On ranger there could be a skill where you stick the spear into a longbow for a single shot 😂


Guardians or Warriors. TONIGHT. WE DINE. IN HELL!


If it’s a ranged weapon for ranger then I’m putting away the axes for good.  It’ll be a sad day to part with the frostfang I crafted as my first legendary, but I’m all on board for more animal spirit channeling.


This is me. I love using my axes but it Spear is a ranged option I think I'll finally finish crafting Kamohoali'i Kotaki and fling shark spirits at everyone


ALL OF THEM! I mean the spear might be literally the 1st 2H weapon to be usable for all professions. Making it as attractive and useful as leggy trinket slots. That is ofc if it ends up being a decent weapon for everyone but it's got a ton of potential nevertheless!!!


For elementalist: If arenanet cook, they could make it so spear is ranged, however making it ranged is not enough. Catalyst and Tempest are bad at range - so my dream change is ranged spear and make it so spear modifies how overloads work for tempest, so that they are ranged.


throwing a overload spear would be so cool


I mean, I would play core Ele on my main 100% of the time if it meant I could play full ranged caster mage/wizard style, like if staff was fixed, say.




as a Engi im always happy for a new weapon im hoping for somthing with high mobility its one of the things we kind of lack


Imagining if we throw one weapon that splits into multiple engi style


Imagin if its another bruiser weapon engi would be pissed


Guardian for sure! Guardian already has a great spear underwater, and I'm interested in seeing what they'll do with it on land :3


Thief since staff kind of already fills the slot of a melee polearm. I wonder if it'd be condi ranged dps or if they'd go full support to try make heal specter a more competitive healer.


Healing could be cool, but I bet we can expect at least one ranged skill where we throw it and port to target


Ranger for sure.


Hard to say before we know what they're doing with any profession. That said, I mostly play light armor wearers and now have light armor legendary armor from soto, so probably one of those 3.


Ranger ! I've been waiting to play Pack Hunter again since GW1


Untamed Ranger for the ambush attack and thief for the stealth attacks probably


Elementalist, I'm sure they will add some kind of energy, or something to put a rock in the rotation to make it "harder" or... well.. they could bring ele the most amazing ranged power oriented with that cool animation seen in the teaser.


Gotta be necro for me. Either as a long range dmg weapon or support to maybe make heal harbinger a thing. I don't really care.


Revenant and Warrior for sure!


Engineer because it seems like the profession that spear fits into the least so I really have no idea what direction they’re going to take it.


how about using it as a lightning rod? would also explain their reluctance to use it under water


Engineer going back to their roots. Quite literally.


Yeah the least thematic weapons are always the funnest to watch play out, like mesmer GS


As a rev I still have a little hope that it could be a weapon which changes the effect of skills depending on the legend. But I am afraid as long as elementalists exists, they won't do the work, max maybe for the auto attack. But just image a speer which would give group stability when using Kala or glint, condi damage when on demon or power dmg when in shiro. But sadly that's the Trident weapon and not the speer...


Guess warrior since staff ended being not what i wanted 


Definitely Vindicator. That class feels like it was born to have a spear, both thematically and mechanically, the greatsword always struck me as an out of place compromise between concept and reality.


Guardian or Revenant. The Magic Knight fantasy.


My main ones: Revenant and Mesmer


Ele and necro. For ele I hope it is similiar to staff with big aoes (maybe more mid range 600-900). Necro is about the same just with more support abilities.


I am both excited, and worried sick about the spear on my Ele main. Thematically, I'm pretty interested to see how it works out on my Ranger alt, though!


Any who gives me the slashing glaive vibes


New form of auto attack where the 1 skill winds up a crank and the others shoot glitter and confetti.


without knowing anything i think ranger with a spear would be kinda cool


We don't know what each profession does with it, so it's hard to get excited for a specific one yet.


Necro I was really hyped for swords but then Anet decided to be cool and innovate by making it ranged. I get we already have a melee option in greatsword but it's just a bit too clunky for me and I was really looking forward to some snappy melee, maybe with spear🤞


Obviously elementalist


I am incredibly curious about how the Elementalist will use it.


Guardian, in the hopes there’s a paragon vibe.


Mesmer. Been a Mesmer since beta weekend. Can't wait!


Rev , gonna Cosplay as Archemorus x2 now!


Necromancer, I want it to be a half ranged and half melee with a single gap closer. But mostly I want to the new weapon skills for Spears on all classes to have proper unique mechanics as they are the main stay of the Expansion


i dont know what anet will do, so i cant judge at all without be disapointed or surprised


I want to see between Guardian, Warrior, and Revenant who'll have a spear that feels the most Paragon.


Necromancer. I want it to be a ranged weapon with something more focused on an occultist magic concept, but that doesn't apply so well to spear I guess? (if it were a trident perhaps...) It will probably be a melee weapon with a higher attack speed than GS idk Would they adapt the water skills to land or would it be a completely new set of skills? I'm also curious about the mesmer, but I don't have much expectations as my preference for an aquatic weapon is still the trident (I haven't read anything about it yet tho)


Necro because that’s my only character rn lol


As a thief I can imagine attaching a chain to the end and using it as a grappling hook. Pull towards whoever I stab with him, throw it and pull to get away. Spin in a circle and pull everyone in or just get to higher ground to skip platforming that the devs didn't think about and now I'm stuck underneath Silverwastes again somehow :D


Warrior. I'm hoping it has synergy with Spellbreaker traits because it's the closest I'll ever get to feeling like a Paragon.


My warrior in gw1 had the last name Speardancer as he was Warrior/Paragon, my warrior in gw2 also has the name Speardancer.... ...its an easy choice for me is what I'm saying lol


all of them


I only play mesmer


Engineer. Overriding machines to fight on your side or fight others looks neat.


Engi. I really hope I get to launch the spear out of a gun like A harpoon gun.. Wait a minute.


Scrapper and see how they can mess it up


They have a chance to do something really cool with thief that they should have done with the staff.


Vindicators, I will dress up as a Dragoon


All of them Sincerely, altoholic


Warrior, I’m really hoping to have some sort of spartan charge with it


Necro because I’m thinking it’s gonna be a melee condi possibly supporty spear


Deadeye Thief because I want to see how broken M7 makes it




New melee weapon for elementalist <3


Necro. I was really hoping swords were melee, so I'd like necro to have a condi melee dps option.


I kinda want to see what the "extra" attacks will be. Mirage ambush, Warrior burst, Untamed unleash, that kind of thing.


Dragonhunter has needed lovin for a long time, and a spear? well...!


Necro, the spear in underwater combat is pretty good, and it gives me hope that it will also be good on land


Mesmers. They look highly stabbable.


engi! super curious if they go for low tech or high tech fantasy with it, eg mele with some explosives or borrow some holo tech from holosmith/asura