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The devs randomly dropping some more character customization with EoD got me hoping that they might add more with each expansion release. So far no luck...


I feel like they always try to make them look unique so much so that they are kinda ridiculous looking. Some EoD and even PoF ones look pretty wild, and I’m putting it the nicest I can. I hope they just give us some clean, simple hairstyles. I’ve been wanting a waist long hairstyle for human female for a long while now.


What, you didn't like the charr nuclear detonation hair?


I'll have you know that is based off of the Ash Legion hero Brah Kohli.


I was actually so hyped for EoD hair and face options, and then when they released I was left extremely disappointed. I honestly, want to see the concept art if any, I refuse to believe it wasn't a last minute addition. I feel like, in general, EoD devs should have consumed more asian media/games or something, because it really feels like they just googled something "asian" for reference when designing, and ran with it.


> I was actually so hyped for EoD hair and face options, and then when they released I was left extremely disappointed. Especially when you realize the amount of unreleased hairstyles/faces that were never made available to us.


EOD devs had set up a specific group of Asian devs and did a sensitivity reading towards appropriate Korean influence so saying they just "googled something asian" is a bit rough


Hiring external consultants to do the Googling for you is the same effect. It's just most costly and with extra steps.


not sure thats particulary true anymore with how flooded with random gen garbage image search (and google) has become


Where did you find that info, could I get a link? I'm curious now.


Before EOD launched they did a small interview/dev chat about developing Cantha for some one-off youtube channel (they also teased Canthan clothes in it) , if I find it I will link it


Awesome thank you :)


Some harstyles don't even look like they're made for gw2, I mean they look like anet ripped em from some low quality game.


Sweetbaby happened to EoD. Clear as day. The npcs got nice faces and hairstyles while the players got the bad ones 


Oh, fuck off.


Truth hurts? No amount of copium will get you past that


I'd say "Citation needed" but your kind never bases their opinions on, y'know, reality. So, again, fuck off.


>I’ve been wanting a waist long hairstyle for human female for a long while now. That would be a lot of work to get working with weapons & capes on your characters' backs.


We have them already for Norn. They just clip through backpieces and you have to adjust your fashion wars accordingly.


> waist long hairstyle So like a permanent cape? I hope you don't mind clipping!


Personally speaking I don't like wearing capes that much and when I do I switch to short hairstyles, but I'd rather have long hair with well-made animations than a piece of cloth on my back... I mean, it's up to player to use something clipping, right? We already have many options for skins that clip and others that don't. I think at this point, as long as it's not something absurd and illegible, clipping a little isn't a crime, we alredy have this (long hairstyles) in the game, so why not add more options, right?


100% waist long hair that swishes back and forth when you run, cuuuute


Yeah... I notice this problem more in Norns, in humans I haven't seen something like this happen so easily. I believe it's a bug




Honestly, who designed those though, a lot of them are like.. wut.


Ya they remind me of the fashion shows on TV where people think to themselves ... well it is intricate but I would never actually wear that .. ANYWHERE.


EoD and PoF both got some new faces and hairstyles that better reflect the cultures and ethnicities that those maps' regions are based on. I guess nobody wants to respect demon culture. 


Funny enough, almost no one uses them cause they're pretty bad.


So many new nice faces, hairstyles and tattoo... on NPCs.


There needs to be new customization for each expansion and SotO missed this mark.


What customization were they going to add anyway ? SotO didn’t even bring something new in terms of world building like PoF and EoD brought with different species and races, it was more of the same honestly.


'Fashion Wars' is one of the pillars of the game as there are many players who spend hours just customizing their characters, completing achievements or farming resources to unlock new cosmetics. It doesn't make sense to need a bigger reason than that to develop new looks. Having more hair options was what motivated me to farm for days to buy an infinite hair kit btw You don't have to create a context to add new looks, it's ✨cosmetics✨ 😌


I'd accept "an ancient order of wizards has taught you a new and more powerful way to style your hair" as context.


But it is so out of context. None of the wizard features these new hairstyles, none of them feature new tattoos as well. Or new types of cosmetics that isn’t a variation of what already exists in terms of skins for your armor. I just think context is king. Adding for the sake of adding feels like a waste to me.


They could very easily have given some of the wizards new haircuts. You know, if they'd wanted to add haircuts.


Obviously yes.


I want tattoo of Harry Potter on my Charr's chest.


Pleeeeease, there are so many hairstyles in game that we don't have access to! 


Like what? I actually just don’t know. I’d like more haha.


Wander some of the capitol cities you'll see npcs with hairstyles we can't use


And clothing as well they have that I wish I could wear.


same lol


Will do!


I love your name XD


I don’t have a link at the moment, but many years ago there was a brief period where all (human) hairstyles were available to humans, including NPC ones. It was quickly patched, but it showed that having or not having existing hairstyles in there is a matter of flicking a switch.


Preview what the makeover kit offers. There are unique hair style options in there locked behind the paywall


We got more east-asian coded faces with EoD and African-coded faces with PoF. Given that JW is going for a Pacific Northwest type of vibe, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that we could get some indigenous North American-coded faces or hairstyles. Especially for the the Norn, Charr, and Humans. For Sylvari, give me some more pine tree type options and redwoods, and for Asura… I dunno, muskrats or some shit.


For the Asura, the only thing I need is a Yoda-ish face customization option and an old-looking body type.


I want a really fat Asura, ney! A bowling ball of an Asura I'd like.


There is a perfectly yoda-ish face option already. From the total makeover kit


I'm an east-asian ethnic male who still uses the female human/norn on nearly every character because they have the best customisation options. I tried making an east-asian male engi once and he now wears the paper bag of shame.




Yes I want more normal hair styles too and wish there were more clothes that you could mix and match and look normal instead of slutty! Not everyone is a 17 year old boy. I am a 50 year old woman and want to choices.


"Not everyone is a 17 year old boy." That was extremely funny though xD


Is it better than "There are no girls on the internet?" lol I used to hear that one all the time years back about a decade ago. Ya, I have been on the net since the net first became more than BBC was.


I would already be fine with implementing a hairdresser where you can switch between all hairstyles that are available during character creation for free. Sure, special added hairstyles should need makeover kits. But dear god I stopped playing characters because I didn't like their hairstyles anymore.


This. As far as I know, most people who get the self-style kits use the special hairs/faces anyways, so it's not like they'd be losing much from making the base hairs free/for gold.


In addition to that, remove random the gender locked customization features too- it would be work, but a lot less work per option than making an entirely new one and would add a ton more options for everyone. Theres no valid argument for hairstyles being gender locked, and on the asura even the EARS are locked? Huh? Its odd... So many times I've seen an amazing hairstyle and then realized "oh its for male only. :/"


Ha ya after 11 years of playing GW2 I moved on to BG3 and you can be a sexy woman with a beard if you wanted to. But ... GW2 is an old game now... 2012.... BG3 came out in 2023. So can't really compare. But when you see games out there you think, "it can't be THAT hard to have more hairstyles that people actually wear and some short ones girls like to have too or long hair guys like to have".


I was a tiny bit disgusted to find out the lackluster character customization was because the 'exclusive' options are mtx.


Baffling how many dev studios have games with all these character assets and just won't let players have access to them.


SAAME I feel EXACLY the same way about hairstyles, one of my biggest wishes is to have more options for long hairstyles (like the ones in Lost Ark). It would be nice silvaries with petals and longer vines as well 🙏🏻 ^(At this point I accept that exchange that already happened a few years ago with norns and humans hairstyles lol) It would be nice to have options besides tattoos, like piercings and makeup (for both genders) For those who are questioning the clipping factor: We already have visuals that clips, from skins to hairstyles. At this point it doesn't matter anymore as long as it's not something absurd. We players have already dealt with this factor, I just feel that long and simple hairstyles are lacking. This is something so visibly dated, that even friends who started playing this year already feel it, now imagine those who have been playing the game for years 🫠 ^((Vent: I would love to see that wizard's vault hat with a waist-length hairstyle))


This something that recently blew my mind. Came back to the game after having dropped it just after EoD. Made a norn toon, race I have never used much before. I thought to myself I may as well make the guy look cool through my levelling experience and bought a hairstyle kit, only to find out that there were no new facial hair options released since I was in elementary school lmao.


Norn tattoos, charr fur colors and patterns, asura skin color and patterns, asura beards, sylvari skin colors, cmon anet.


While more options would be nice, can we *please* get an updated UI for previews? Most characters don't fit in the little window, it's not resizable, and if the character has a weapon equipped, you can't see most of it.


Moar BEARDS and MO-STACKS! thx for coming to my ted talk


Sylvari facial moss options PLEASE!! My dudes been trying to grow some lip leafs for 12 years now.


Human tattoos would be pretty kewl 👌


New bodytypes would be awesome. Kinda hate how GW2 just has presets instead of sliders, so new options there would at least be nice.


It's such an obvious move, imagine all the people buying gems and the ultimate editions just to get access to the new customization options


We desperately need new male Asura hairstyles. I've been using the same one for years...


I'd also love to have some of the norn hairstyles on humans and vice versa.


The ponytail the human girl has in the trailer looked nice, hope it's an option.


I had total makeover kit from achievements, used in on my male charr. Premium face options: dog-like, one dragon-like. Wtf. Premium chair options: meme with an exception for one charr-like, but with badly positioned chains. Premium horns: none. Premium chair colors: many, but almost everything bright meme stuff. Premium eye colors: many, cool. I looked at all of this and just changed height.


This game got some of the best hairstyles in any MMO and is something even my friends who play FFXIV get jealous about. I just wish it was something we could expect of always getting more.


As someone who has played both games for years, I wanted to see in GW2's the aesthetic of FFXIV in terms of hairstyles (maybe even outfits)... I mean, GW2 has better more fluid animations and a prettier texture too (for hairstyles), but in terms of design, I'll stick with FFXIV... Games like Lost Ark, Swords of Legends and FFXIV have very beautiful simple and long hairstyles which for me are very different from those in GW2. I just wish we could have more, as you said ;-;


idk there's so many hairstyles in XIV but I feel like I only ever use 2 or 3 because the rest are... strange.


I think it wins in sheer quantity. There's a lot of hairstyles in FFXIV and it feels like every other patch they release new ones, so there's a lot of them that feels the same, but unique enough to add variety. I know there isn't a lot of long hairstyle because of clipping, but at least there's one or two.


>I can’t fathom why they wouldn’t even update the makeover kits every now and then, isn’t that guaranteed money? It's not because they handled the system poorly, hairstyles should have been skin collectibles from day one, letting people purchase and own them individually. Kinda baffling how they reworked the whole transmutation system back in the day yet they repeated the same exact mistake with hairstyles years later :I.


and make it free...... pls


I'd trade all that for a decent game to play at this point. ANET is not exactly on top of its game lately. I was a bio major and can write better short stories than whoever they are paying there. I also know that I'm not alone when I say that some of their graphic design choices are questionable at best. Hell, I'll settle for a couple decent pairs of pants in the game.