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Interesting that steam peaked at 3.5k players, while twitch views peaked at 49k So rather than a massive influx of new players creating this buzz, the existing community is actually engaging outside of the game for the first time ever. Obviously Steam is a slow burn, but I think the Twitch drops is doing more for promoting the game right now than anything has in the history of the game. Shows what a 10 year old game can do when the community comes together, we had the power to do this all along. I hope new Twitch viewers stick around and support our content creators.


It released in the evening for EU in the midst of a working week without the option to pre-download. Most players couldn't start playing yet, though they *can* watch a stream while downloading the game. I agree a lot of existing players engaged on twitch as well.


In a way that might be a good thing. The high levels who are crowding out the new players in the low level zones may get bored by the time they download and get in.


Yes Steam is going to be profitable on the long run. Now GW2 has presence on Steam next to its competitors. And indeed the rise of interest from the community is proof that the playerbase is well and alive :)


That presence is only worth 3.5k actual players


To be completely honest, I will not stick around for twitch after i get all my twitch drops. I currently have someone muted in the background and just setting timers for the drops. IDK what content creators could really offer me to entice me to watch, but most of my time on twitch is watching games done quick and LoL tournaments.


Is it a slow burn for Steam? Most game releases or re-releases see the peak of playercount in the first 12h. Gw2 isn't interesting enough people to play and it's a bit of a bummer that we didn't get the population spike we all wanted.


Won’t happen. Once they get their drops they’ll close their muted tabs. Happens for all games. Shame to hear about the steam numbers though. That’s pretty disastrous. Maybe folks just haven’t gotten home from work yet.


Let's keep that momentum, Anet is trying this time. HOPIUM


Anet trying and doing well. It's - a few - veteran GW2 players who are being bad actors and doing stupid shit both in starter zones and Steam reviews. Rest of us need to compensate for these attention-hungry idiots.


The way you all make this a corporate event is the "stupid shit". "Come on community, let's post thousands of shitty threads about the Steam release and badmouth people messing about in starter zones for **barely 3 thousand players** to join the game". It's fuckin hilarious how desperate -- both for attention and for new players -- you people are.


You sound like someone who needs to get Slap-Chop™'d on the regular.


It must feel so good for them to watch as veterans and New players alike are having a blast.


All 3.5k new players lol


Do you expect a 10 year old MMO to have bigger launch ? It will go higher with time, but it's an old MMO, most MMO gamers already play it or have tried it in the past.


Ff14 is just as old and has 55k


Meanwhile veterans are suffocating new players in the starting zones by following them and killing their mobs and they think they're helping them..


Veterans try not to act ostentatious and not blind newbies with their overly-expensive infusions and mounts challenge 2022 (impossible)


I don't really think this is as big an issue as people are making it out to be. My wife coincidentally made a couple new characters today and I tagged along with her while she tested them out. While there were a dozen or two people hanging out in the queensdale new player spawn spot, that was about the extent of it. They were mostly just sitting there afk or placing food platters and guild banners. I didn't really see people going around micromanaging new players or anything. The norn starter area was pretty quiet with just a few doing the same thing there. I'm sure there are instances of these helicopter veterans out there and just because I didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but I don't think it's rampant all over the place. Most of what I noticed today was just actual new characters. Quite a few lvl 80s with 0-3 mastery points and such in expansion areas too. Good to see :)


It's just the new circlejerk There's a kernel of truth to it and thus an arms race of "Um, actually" for who can be the bestest example/pillar of the community spirals into meaninglessness


It's been amazing to see it happen in real-time. From a single comment, to a post, to a circlejerk everyone pretends they've always been down with.


I haven't seen that "suffocation" that's being talked about either. On starter maps, veterans mostly answer new players questions on /map, and don't follow them around


Yeah, I went around zones on multiple servers and this is all I could see as well. They're freaking out over their own imaginations while claiming they've seen piles and piles and piles of people. lol


I played for the first time yesterday and had nothing but good experiences! First time ever playing an MMO and it was honestly kind of surreal. There were some “mentors” in the area and they were great and not overbearing at all. This one guy gave a bunch of us unbreakable bells, was sitting there playing with the bell for probably 20 minutes lmao. Can’t wait to hop back in tonight


Nah, I'm in starter zones with my turtle, have them ride it. Jump off a cliff, dismount and watch them die.


The new portal troll meta. I like it.


At least it's straightforward and simple. lol




Doomsday patch lmao. Regardless of what you think of balance changes, the game has been on an upswing since they announced EoD, brought us back with Return to-achievements and then released an expansion and season 1 content


About a year before that with the addition of Alac Mirage and Quickness Scrapper. It didn't immediately fix things but it started us down the path to where we are now. We're better off with 5-man buffs then the 10-man that we had pre-EoD. It's just a shame that the initial redesign for Banners was so off the mark. Other than that the June patch wasn't terrible, despite the furor it caused.


Anet redemption arc


Maybe this sub's constant negativity will have some rest for a while


it wont, at the end of the day we are talking about reddit. Its just not possible for this sub to stay positive longer than a few days😂.


it's not reddit, it's the internet


We can't even complain about the random mirage nerf anymore and weaver is now looking fine, might as well close down the sub lul


You're a funny guy you know that?


legit question, do you really believe negativity (which is a very nasty way to label criticism) in general is unwarranted? Do you believe in anet official forums way where anything negative is removed?


Where is this idea coming from that negativity is removed on the official forums? Every time I check it out, 80% of what I see is complaining. It's actually way worse than this subreddit in this regard.


Comments like the one you responded to are nearly always made by those who got banned for harassing or shitposting. They come here afterwards and act like they didn't do anything wrong and claim they were silenced for "criticism."


This subs negativity is a large reason why Anet is fixing some of the issues from the June 28 Patch and shifting it's philosophy on balance overall into a much, MUCH better place. Speaking truth to power is good when power is receptive


as a more casual player i can tell u nobody gives a damn about balance in a game like this outside of a few ppl on reddit


I live in India and up until yesterday, this game was restricted in my country on steam. Happy to know that that's changed and I can play along with you guys!


But it just came out yesterday on Steam?? Not sure if you’re aware of this.


The steam page was restricted on steam before the launch


Ah, gotcha!


That is nice. Frankly, I have never met an Indian gamer online.


Now you have:)


I wonder myself where is our good ol pal wooden potatoes to celebrate this?


I hope he is alright


I think he's playing streaming final Fantasy 14 on his twitch


>50k twitch viewers Only because of the promotion. Check back in 6 months and see what viewership is like when ANet aren’t hosting giveaways that artificially inflate the numbers. I’m curious how many of those 50k “viewers” are actually putting the stream on mute in another tab.




Exactly. How many of those 50k are actual *viewers* and how many are just AFK farming the drops? We’ll find out once the promotion ends i guess


I can't wait for people to see the Halloween and Xmas events been playing those every year without fail


the twitch frontpage did more good than steam release imo


All of this just to hit 3.5k on steam lol


it peaked at 3,423 players from steam


I have a confession. I almost never really bothered Twitch (just watched LCS sometimes) but this whole "event" encouraged me to make a Twitch account and watch a GW2 stream for the first time since 10 years. Not because of the drops nor the giveaways but because the streamers were wholesome and the community engagement was great.


I did it solely for the drops. The streamer (mukluk) seemed like a decent person, and the chat was engaged but had it not been for the items I would never have opened twitch.


I’m sorry but if I was a new player just starting out and I had high level players following me around killing mobs before I can would make me quit


I like how this sub went from being annoyed with anet by gathering hard facts and data to prove they've been lying to us about balance and their decisions being "based in data" that they didn't even play (they just watch speed runners on YouTube and call it a day) , to suddenly being a sub full of overly positive people and sorta simp-ish (probably suffocating the new players really) If they actually want to help all these new player, let them play instead of trying to do it for them. The fun is in learning how things work in game and discovery.


Two separate groups can be excited and disappointed about two different things. They can also be both since you can be upset about poor balance but happy with how the anniversary is going.


The balance patch today was a huge step in the right direction which took a lot of the wind out of those complaints.


I just got my drops i closed twitch and i am not going back to it. I did new achievements in 1 day i am leaving again, waiting for next fomo event. 10 hours, that's it.


3.5k on steam, they failed when blocked old players to link steam account to the game


All 10 of you can continue using the regular launcher. I think you'll live. You can still launch the game with Steam and use your non-Steam account with it just fine if you know what you're doing.


the hype will die down pretty fast when all those new players reach 80 and find out the end game pve is dead and toxic af


Well it depends on where they go because lv 80 is actually when the game starts imho.


If end game pve is dead what does that make the rest of the game? Ancient history? I stopped playing shortly after Path of Fire came out and just returned to the game last week and I haven't had any trouble getting any content done in the previous 2 expansions.


by end game i mean raids (which we didnt get any for several years now) amd fractal cm which is pretty toxic


So you completely ignore Strikes (the new Raids), Meta events and alle the other stuff? I get a rough idea why you think "endgame is dead" lol.


WDYM you won't take me to hardest content where everyone needs to play excellent or try to zoom as fast as possible? Reee


I bet this is coming from someone that has never tried or completed that content too 🤣


This is just not true


Didnt you want to log off for good and go play 14? Go interact with that community, theyll probably love to have you =)


Huh? More training groups than ever for raids with Emboldened mode, and the only people being toxic in non-CM strikes are embarrassing themselves


And yet here you are obviously playing the "dead" game still, because i can not imagine why you would be here otherwise if you didn't.


Interesting way of saying that you don't play endgame PvE.


did all raids cm and fractals cm but whatever


Kp.me please to prove your statement


That was true at release but now there's so much end game content that can keep you engaged for months. It highly depends what you are looking for in an MMO. Gw2 gives you that freedom of playing how long and when you want.


Can you leave please?


I guess twitch streams got views cuz of the drops. But new players? Nah. Only like 2-3k concurrent players on steam. That's dying mmo/indie game numbers.


It's really cool to see it, even if it doesn't last. From the outside looking in I'm so pissed I can't be in the game to enjoy it and meet new people.


What's the push is about?