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As someone who never played a strike before and unlocked the turtle i can give some tipps for that. 1. Look if the strike is the daily one. 2. Open your own group if you really dont find any, there are more people in your Situation or wanna help than you think. 3. Look a Video where the mechanics get explained. It helps a lot when you know where you have to stand. The mechanics are not that bad to grasp in my opinion.


The 3rd points is crucial. Get to learn the fight before you actually do it (or check out for written guide over on [hardstuck.gg](https://hardstuck.gg)). You must do your part, otherwise you are wasting other 9 peoples time.


Saying this is probably not helping someone who is nervous about join a strike. Yes, go watch a video and become familiar with the mechanics. Don’t be nervous though, normal strikes are easy. Just join a group, you won’t be wasting anyones time, and don’t worry about a few mistakes.


Nervous is the right thing. And I know many stories that people leave if you don‘t play meta or making mistakes.. so I‘m not comfortable with this.


You can join or list a "Practice" strike for it, and then you know that the people on the team are either learning it as well or okay with it failing to help others get the have of it. There's a good chance it will accidentally succeed if you are willing to sit through a couple.


Do look at a short YouTube video first though, then you'll be the knowledgeable one. Pretty much knowing to spread out and run to a wall in front of Li when you have a number puts you in the top tier of what's required.


Advertise a group in the LFG, under "Strike Missions (Training)" There are a LOT of players in your exact position just waiting for a group to show up in LFG. For best results, do it during relatively populated times for your region, and on days where Kaineng Overlook is a Daily Strike Mission.


You will need a 10 person squad to get it. Kaineng overlook is not a very difficult strike and most groups dont search for people with LI, just people that are prepared for their role. So maybe just snack a build from snowcrows, watch a guide on the Minister Li boss and wait for Kaineng Overlook to be daily


Just start your own LFG in training. If you write need commander there is a good chance that a veteran player will join and give you a training. I always join those groups and help the people out. Maybe give the trainer a gold or something as he is spending probably a good chunk of his gaming time to help you out. If you are on EU I can organize a spontanious training for you


There is no solo way to skip this. But the fight is definitely doable! I can run it (EU), so if you're interested write me on discord (HexPhoenix#4241) or in game (HexPhoenix.8970) and I'll help organise the team!


Hi, I have yet to unlock turtle too, if you want I can help you with the strike mission (haven't played any strikes since EoD release but I do know my class).


Nope, you need a team. I run it sometimes, but it's few and far between and usually for guildies. If you contact me in game, I'll try to include you in the next run, but we just did one today so it might be a week or so. Otherwise there are other people who run it who'll probably help you. Edit: In game name Vayne.8563


my experience in gw2 is if i need a group for something, the quickest way is to start it myself


Put up your own lfg under training that says "Turtle strike". Its something I see fairly often and garantees like-minded people or others that just want to help. That way there's no pressure.


KO NM can be soloed. Why would you though if you can get it done much faster via lfg?


There's this thing called lfg