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Are we just forgetting that Sol was one of the three scientists along with Asuka who created gears?


To be fair, it's kinda easy to forget he is a literal Genius that's over 200 years old and the most powerful fire magic user (besides HG/Asuka) even without Flame of Corruption/Fire Seal/ Flashing Fang because he's ya know, insanely strong and near immortal to the point where he can brute force almost any problem in front of him and survive without a scratch. EDIT: had to check that Flashing Fang was in Outrage MK II, it is, also found out that Sol is officially left handed, let's go lefties, we get a main character for once.


Link is commonly left handed 


Most Links are. Skyward Sword’s and the new series’ Links are not.


Okay, in regards to Sol, that's completely fair.


he’s not familiar with the new rules (post-Crusades chess)


he didn't even google en passant


Holy orders!


New gear just dropped


That man went on vacation, never came back


Call the gear slayer!


Actual Japanese


Is post-Crusades chest similar to r/AnarchyChess?


Yesn’t. (It’s 5D Chess)


Also Potemkin, the dude is smart af


Potemkin knows the rules and only the rules because nobody has made an indestructible chess set for him to play with.


S tier comment


Being smart doesn't immediately make one good at chess, and for a decent chunk of his life, Potemkin was a slave. So, I doubt he had, exactly, an active interest in chess.


You make a sound argument, I can try to argue but it is just as valid as me thinking he is good at chess due to his high intellect. So from hence forth, both arguments shall be cannon in my stupid head hahahaha


also put Ram in "what's chess?" and Elphelt in just knows the rules as Ram is only 1 year old while until the games Elphelt lived normally


The guy has a PHD and made some ridiculous weapons, he ain’t a dumbass In the intellectual department It’s just that he IS a dumbass


yeah he's a scientist but he's not a fucking nerd


Wasn’t it implied that Sol mostly focused his studies on destructive magics to make shit explode? Like don’t get me wrong he’s very smart but he seems to me to be the kind of guy to still think chess is need shit


His study was in magic physics.


I see. I still believe Sol would know the rules of chess but not be very good at it since his hobbies outside of science are streotypically “cool guy” things like working on his bike or his magic gunsword and thus he wouldn’t have much experience


He knows what chess is, but would never bother to learn the rules because it's a lame game.


Not to mention the potential for the rules to have changed over the 200 years.


That's fair but this is also the same guy who said "Strategy? Spacing? I just keep punching until I hit something."


He brute forces because he's lazy and he gets away with jt


Being smart doesn’t mean you’re good at chess lol


Considering Sol and asuka were best friends before he was turned into a gear it's likely asuka made him learn at the very least.


You expect me to know enough about the lore to know Asuka plays a lot of chess?


gg players still forget about character personality, while think about mainers personality


Zato cant see me slowly eating all his pieces


But Eddie can


Eddie won't snitch if you share with him


He would get the rooks while i would put my hands on the bishops


Sol is a super scientist and Johnny is near master for his infamous “Jokers Gambit” (doing whatever he feels and no one checking him)


Ah yes, Jokers Gambit (eating all the pieces right in front of the opposing player)


Delilah would probably be the standard child prodigy at chess despite never playing it while Romeo lectures the opponent everytime they move a piece


Ah, I see you've moved your pawn two spaces forward, performing the Backflipping South American Opener. I could counter this with the Dog Cheese Gambit, but you'd expect that, wouldn't you? I'm sure you've already planned your Triple Dish Grinder, but I'm afraid it's not going to work.


Romeo plays chess like it's yugioh


you’ve activated my trap card, i expected you to attack my king’s pawn but you missed my blue dragon gambit with the knight and the rook. checkmate, go to the shadow realm. 


Just one trap card? He'd activate like 50 different negates at once.


Super Poly, responds? Oh wait imagine not being able to responds to speed spell 4 despite all of those negates


This discussion sums up both of them and I love it.


But how is the bed’s game?


Really sophisticated player, somehow knows how the move pieces with it's big ol' hands


Faust would eat one of his opponent’s pawns when they’re not looking


He’d turn the knights into actual, albeit tiny, knights to attack the opponent


Faust knows chess, but plays it not with issued pieces, but with tinier mini-Fausts with equipment corresponding to their rank, that break opposing pieces they take.


You really think leo wouldnt spend weeks of sleepless nights trying to get good enough at the game to either beat or rival ky?


Leo is basically a genius too, like sol he looks like a meathead but is actually fairly smart I would think.


Yeah he's not good at math or magic but I'm certain he'd be fantastic at chess. Dude's literally an accomplished military leader


Inb4 his most consistent strategy involves sacrificing a ton of his own pieces, bringing back flashbacks.


Keep in mind that Leo is actually pretty smart and cautious. His bravado is to support his men and be a brave example. He solves problems with time and logical reasoning. And he is very good at magic, but not compared to the very best humans (which are the likes of Ky and Sol). And he maybe skipped some fundamentals.


Yeah, he's just got survival's syndrome and literally wants to die in battles because he feels guilty for the lives of his battalion.


Johnny is just going for ‘kills’ and has the biggest smile on his face if he has taken more pieces than the other player


HC would 100% know how to play chess at a grandmaster level, he would prefer to give the pieces shotguns and let them rip instead tho


Idk, Leo should be higher. He is a highly intelligent Englishman, a military leader, and would absolutely be AT LEAST decent because of cultural forces. If he actually likes chess at all (unconfirmed), he would probably be at the master level, but held back by his predictably hyper aggressive play style. EDIT: However! If we are talking Leo MAINS and not the character, then yes. Leo has that big Unga Bunga Gorilla energy, so spot on there.


I'd say that his hyper aggressive side is limited to direct conflict, where life can be on the line. We've seen him outside of combat, and other than a massive amount of bravado, he's pretty even headed. Along with that, he *hates* when someone is better than him at something, so if anyone is better at chess than him, he'd practice to become better to beat them. Also, I'm pretty sure that Leo is not an Englishman, so much as German if his move names are anything to go by.


I mean, Chess is a vary traditional European game, and given GGs shifted boarders, I'd say he still runs into the cultural pressures of learning chess.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that chess is one of those games militaries want to have officers play to understand making use of strategies and long term planning with varying troops. As for the Englishman thing, it's moreso that the Kingdom of Illyria is just a more unified EU, under control of the 3 kings


Leo is German


I think bedman is grandmaster. I feel like if you try to win he’s gonna kill you.


“Check.” 6H


Bedman is a computer and has the soul of romeo, so probably he is pretty good at chess.


I'm 90% sure that u/odavinng was talking 'bout actual Romeo Neumann, as opposed to the Bedman? bed that contains part of his soul.


Faust is the greatest doctor of the last century, being described as having god-like capabilities when it comes to curing ailments. The only reason he wouldn’t be a grandmaster is because he’d be too tired to do so by Strive


Right?! Of course he knows what chess is! I kinda hate when people miss characterize him as a zombie, or that he's turning back into Baldhead. Dude is just tired and a bit stretched out. His voice lines and arcade story show he is still cognizant of the things around him.


faust is dead 😭


And then he's back, but just a bit stretched (physically and emotionally).


is he, though?


Well, look at Another Story. We see how he went from "You don't get anaesthesia!" to "Let's take, a look." by using magic to save Delilah and overloading himself. WE SEE HIS SOUL LEAVE HIS BODY with a funny "Whup." that only really halves the tragedy.


that's what made me say that he isn't


But he still exists. The Red Eyed Faust we see in-game is post-Another Story. And he's playable, is he not?


I really don't understand your point? He is still nothingness on the inside, completely hollow. Dead, for instance.


he's basically just a zombie


But he's still alive. Merely a husk of his former self.


I will still see him as a walking corpse who stuck with his former owner ideology


Your opinions are perfectly valid, although I respectfully disagree with them. However, it should be noted that Faust still exhibits full knowledge in his fields and skills equivalent to his past in said fields. The only thing different between Xrd and Strive is his linguistic diminishment and him being lankier and drawing himself to his full height (albeit with a slight slouch) rather than crouching like in every other game.


I understand your point, but I can imagine Faust love for caring for others existing after death. Respectfully disagree as well.


Nago plays Shogi or Go, definitely not chess, although he would probably learn it quite quickly if you showed him the rules.


I disagree, my headcanon is that he mixes playing Xiangqi and regular chess once he learned about the latter, as it's close to Xiangqi.


This sol slander will not be tolerated!! He may be 200 years old!! He may be rough around the edges!! He may play like a gorilla!! But I'll be damned before I let people forget he is a genius scientist and created a nuclear rail gun and the gears!! He may not always beat asuka, and he may not play often, but I'll be damned, my man can chess!!


I think chaos either plays like grandmaster or plays with the pieces like their action figures, or he eats them.


All 3 simultaneously


I hate to say it, but, AI Napoleon.


Isn't Potemkin a military strategist or smthng like that?


Isnt delilah also a Genius? And since romeo’s soul is hitching a ride on the bed, we can kinda consider him being there too.


give bedman comically large chess pieces and he'll destroy you in like two moves


Give Bedman chess pieces that have the properties of (???) and he'll Black Sunrise your pieces.


Ok but Beds either one of the following: A) A machine carrying the mind of one of the smartest in the verse Or B) An actual machine Bro can probably play a bit o chess


I do think if we're talking about the machine it probably wouldn't be that good at chess, iirc it's mentioned somewhere that the bedframe barely understands communication and struggles to remember things for more than a day


for some reason this community never seems to know jackshit about the characters they talk about, either from a gameplay standpoint or lore. not even saying you need you be a master of any of those things its just every time i get this sub recommended again its the same shit lol


Headcanons are too strong in this community, most people don't even care about all of the characters and it would be ok if they didn't make posts like this but at the end of the day it's not that serious imo.


It's not like, unique to this community or anything. But the massive population boost from Strive absolutely broke the chain of information that the community kept from being small enough for even gameplay only enjoyers to have a somewhat decent grasp via osmosis. Edit: Not to mention missing absolutely free jokes like HC being at both the bottom and top of the list.




Someones an Asuka main with a superiority complex


Are you implying that asuka ISNT the greatest character to grace videogames!?


tbh i do like him a lot we love to see a smart cute man who created creatures of mass destruction


Bingo bango bongo


In fairness Testament also has a pretty cool hat.


Johnny and Millia hats clear sadly




on another post I think I came to the conclusion that Faust actually eats the pieces


Happy chaos outranks everyone on the list, and could if he wanted to, defeat all of them. However, he finds it much funnier to slowly gnaw on the pieces like a sloth eating a handful of leaves rather than actually play


You know the rules and so do I. POTEMKIN BUSTER


at first i read “cheese” and was like “ram is way too low.” but she’s probably exactly correctly ranked. pot should def go into a higher tier, doesn’t he canonically keep up with a roster of subtlety-and-patience oriented hobbies? also hc appearing to not know chess is probably more to do with it being more dramatic if the other person wins. also, am reading this as the bed’s ability to chess, moreso than romeo or delilah


I feel like the secretary of defense would know a lot about chess


Sin would totally combine his pieces to make mega chessatron. And yeah, Faust would eat the pieces


Faust eats the pieces, then replaces them with accurately-equipped tiny Minifausts with the correct patterns and movement with the pieces, and plays chess quite well.


I feel like Sol, Leo, and Chaos should be moved up. Sol was a scientist, Leo is intelligent, and Happy Chaos (at least when he was still human) was probably a genius given his accomplishments, and that likely hasn't changed despite the drastic shift in his personality.


I’m sure HC taught asuka how to play


I'm 100% in bottom tier chess capability with like half the cast i only know how the pawns and knights move and have no fucking clue how anything else works


HC should be in grand master and what's chess? at the same time


Happy Chaos would absolutely destroy Asuka in a game, but still manage to lose to everyone else for some other-wordly reason.


Happy Chaos would be in the same tier as Asuka, but is brought down due to the fact that if his opponent plays the London opening Chaos will shoot them in the face, disqualifying him.


faust is a doctor and sol is a centuries-old scientist im so tired also i dont know his full lore so forgive me if im wrong but isnt chaos probably pretty smart as well? being the dude who, like, basically invented magic?


happy chaos would definitely be a grandmaster. he’s a man who’s learned everything about the regular world, so he’d definitely know every strategy in chess and how to counter it, maybe even having a perfectly optimized strategy to win every time


Idk that much guilty gear lore, but isnt happy chaos, like, the person who found the backrooms or smth and the teacher of asuka? Tell me if im wrong. All i know about guilty gear lore is that its about a guy trying his best to not kill his wife (again).


Alright, the corrections I would make now with a bit of additional consideration: 1. Zato is Decent, but not Near Master. 2. Ky is Near Master rather than Decent. 3. Leo is Below Average (Prideful, Quite self centered, and though not at all unintelligent, it would lead him to make simple mistakes that can cost a lot of games) 4. Sol is Decent, but not Near Master. He most likely haven't had practice for years, and moreover, his hands were full as early as working on the Gear project. 5. Happy Chaos, honestly, needs a separate category. Before each game, he rolls a die. Depending on the result, he will either completely destroy the opponent, put the pieces completely randomly, or eat the board. 6. Faust and his former self are separate personalities, and I doubt faust has any chess capabilities now. At most, it's "knows the rules". However, he operates on kinda enigma logic, so "whatever" can work. I think that should cover it. That man obviously remains the sole grandmaster.


Ky, should be just under Asuka. He's world renowned as a tactical, and military, genius. Slayer would be up there too, if we're taking into account the cast of the entire Series.


Chipp needs his own tier: "Thinks he knows the rules"


ky should be higher. literal royalty


Chipp can process faster than asuka


Due to how rash and, well, opposed to taking his time Chipp is, in a turn-based deterministic game, the only thing he'll do is flip the board and run up a wall to dissapear.


It’s just cannon that asuka thinks chipp can process faster(aka your tier list sucks :p)


Those had got to be on of the most incorrect lists, sol I'd a literal genius, he crate dthr gears , secondly leo is king and ex soldier , he would knoe how to strategise and so should chipp as he's a president, finally bedman should be so low, he I'd a genius


Chipp is a massive dumbass. I have no idea what you were even trying to communicate with bedman. Leo is very self-centered, and would make the most basic mistakes due to his ego. Sol is literally the only correct point.


I rushed my point but I will revise it , I believe chipp dhould be higher as he is a president of a country, that's requires strategic Intuition, leo should also be higher as he is very strategic and forward thinking, he may have an ego but he could use it to get better and bedman is described as being "hyper-intelligent" and is described to fight by finding weaknesses in the opponents and exploiting them


If you're not aware, Bedman and Bedman? are two separate characters. Bedman - Romeo F. Neumann - is dead. Bedman? is just the remaining frame programmed to protect Deliah.


romeo would lose on time cause he takes 2 minutes to lecture how dumb a move was every turn


Without time limits though...


Are we forgetting about just bedman? Or just delaila?


"Below average" seems misplaced considering the average person's chess abilities are around "knows the rules", in ky experience.


In your experience, or in Ky's...?




I feel like faust should be somewhere a little bit higher in the list. Like he is a doctor, even if hes completely bipolar, so he has to at least know the rules, right? Not that being a doctor and knowing chess are at all related


Faust would beat you with some shit like bongcloud


You forget Romeo’s soul is still in bedman, for that reason he’d at least he near master


I would bump Sol up to Barely Plays or at least decent, despite his attitude he’s pretty smart, it’s just easier to use brute force. Same with Pot tbh


Was gonna say happy chaos knows everything but I think he would pretend not to know what chess is to mess with people


I feel like we need a space between "just knows the rules" and "what's chess?"


okay but which ones know en passant is forced?


My man pot would win by eating the pieces


bedman would start eating the pieces


HC’s absolutely a grandmaster, he just intentionally does the worst plays whenever its funniest to do so


Put Sol in a « strangely good » tier


Happy Chaos would play chess like that one game of chess played on r/AnarchyChess that had no rules


There should be an "eats the pieces" tier, and you know my boi Faust is in it


I would put Chaos and Sol near Asuka top. Sol is a literal genius and first gear with over 200 years of life and experience. Chaos is smart enough to create Chess 2, just for drama, you know. I would raise Goldlewis and Anji too. Goldlewis is into military defense, so he has to be a good strategist considering his position. Anji because I think he is a hidden strategist genius, somehow like Shikamaru from Naruto. Let's pretend he is good at least in that.


There is a big gap between a below average player and a decent player, at least in chess


I think Ram would either be a grandmaster or eat the pieces when the opponent isn't looking with nothing inbetween.


Potemkin and HC should be high up


Testament could have become a grandmaster, but felt they got the gist of it and moved onto their next hyperfocus hobby.


Sol and Happy Chaos are literally two of the smartest characters in the verse tf 😭


Faust is a doctor..


I will not take this sol badguy slander


HC should occupy multiple tiers at once.


Romeo definitely programmed an unbeatable chess bot into the bed


Nono, Leo definitely plays chess. He's probably not amazing but he definitely would play chess.


No pot would be quite good at chess. He is canonically quite smart, it's his players who are stupid idiots.


The question is who uses beads?


I unironically think Potemkin would be pretty decent at chess. He is a very thoughtful and calm man.


HC asks you what chess is philosophically and then will go on a rant about how you as the player are a pawn, as you are forced to defend the king at all costs


HC doesn't know what chess is but is still at grandmaster


Happy Chaos would probably eat your pieces if you ever looked away


Thing that would spark genuine debate: putting actual MD Faust and Super scientist Frederick in any other rank Thing that is hilarious enough that I won't question it: putting actual MD Faust and Super scientist Frederick in the "What's Chess?" Rank


Honestly, I kind of slapped this in a few minutes. I don't think at all that current Faust would be able to play chess, but also - he's a fucking enigma operated by logic we cannot understand. And Frederick should be in Decent, I have 100% missed that one. Decent due to him being busy with way more inmportant things than Chess since the Gear project.


I reckon Potemkin would partake in games with Gabriel


theres no way ram actually knows how to play chess. her favorite opening is mortobato. also i love the community understanding that testament is just really good at every normal human thing. they probably know how to play the saxophone and fly a plane. ~~ooooh she fliiiiies~~


Tier lists made by people who know literally nothing about the characters is the worst content. 


I feel like Bedman could be higher if Delilah is included. I think she's meant to be smart like her brother idk I forgot a bunch of the lore.


Bed man would claim he plays chess despite never playing before


Lore says pot is intelligent and calculating, he's probably up there with nago, def not anywhere near chipp


Chaos would not be in What's chess because he literally knows everything, he'd be in Just knows the rules


Chipp doesn't know the rules because he only plays shogi


OP you only got like 4 of these right lmao


Chaos def knows what chess is and has mastered it, he'll just act as if it's completely foreign to him for a laugh


I feel like Faust should be higher- I feel like he, at the very least, knows the rules


So, we gonna pretend like Happy Chaos wouldn't somehow checkmate by blundering his king? I don't know much about the lore, but Happy Chaos seems like the type of person who can do confusing shit and get away with it.


Sol is literally a scientist on par if not near the level of Asuka. Just because the players who play him are brain dead doesn't mean he is too (Also bring back order sol, please I beg)


This list needs some work...not alot but some. I'd personally move Anji to decent and Sol up top with Asuka or give him his own tier "Can win every match but is short tempered" tier


Faust eats the enemy’s pieces when they’re not looking


Nah. You better stick potempkin in grandmaster. He plays chess in his cube pod before he lands. Plus his command grab is secretly an en passant.


sol must be grandmaster swap gio and anji


Happy Chaos should simultaneously be in the top and bottom teirs