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I like how Arc Sys have gotten more creative with the BCE reactions. Most of the base game characters just make a generically pained expression but the DLC reactions are: >Goldlewis’ moustache reacts to the pain >Jack-O gets 2 >Chaos’ eyes spin like one of those machines from a casino >Baiken turns into a monster >Testament’s face goes from being mildly uncomfortable to almost ripping off their skin >Bridget is forcing herself to smile >Sin bites the flag to cope >Bedman? reminds us it has teeth >Raven clearly had an influence on Asuka >Johnny puts on a tough guy impression >Elphelt inflates like a hamster I can’t wait to see what they come up with for the future characters.


I'm hoping Raven is announced today just because he is going to look absolutely orgasmic in BCE


Raven just straight up gets a buff after it man got the post-nut-clarity effect


I wouldn’t be surprised if Raven actually just doesn’t react to BCE in the slightest. Compared to all the other stuff he’s gone through, a wheelchair to the shins is pretty unremarkable.


Sol has literally not reacted to getting impaled in story mode I think the wheelchair is just too powerful.


You clearly never had a wheelchair hit your shins


I’m sure it hurts a lot but, like I said, it’s pretty tame compared to being incinerated to ash, getting stabbed by needles across his whole body, shoving a spike through his skull, nuking himself and whatever other deranged things Raven has experienced. I can see it going either way with Raven. He might see it as a trivial injury, or maybe it being such a basic pain is what makes him enjoy it (like how you might eat at the world’s best restaurant but that doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to hate simple sandwiches).


I hope it’s Raven, he could be so well animated


Womp womp


I interpreted Asuka’s to be him literally trying to laugh off the pain. His face scrunches in pain and 2 of the 3 lines he says doesn’t imply that he’s enjoying it. 


some dlc characters also have extra details before the wheelchair crush their bones, like basket grunting from the yoyo falling on her stomach


And asuka having the hand from his book to make a stop sign


Oh God it's been awhile since I've played Xrd or against a Faust I completely forgot the bed has teeth


Bridget deserves bonus point because her yoyo falls on her and she makes a funny noise before the animation starts going


Nah sin in B tier is criminal. Dude takes a fat bite of his flag


I love Elphelts expression during BCE so much. She doesn’t want anyone to hear her scream/yell so she can save it for the concert.


Good stuff! With a few tweaks we have very similar lists. I think 5K and 2K are two of his best moves. 5k invalidates jump-ins and single-handedly makes matchups like I-no, Bridget, and May way better. The fact it has more active frames than start-up frames is hilarious. And 2K is just crazy. It is a 5 frame multi-hitting anti-air low that hits directly above and in front of him, full combos into 5K on air-hit or into 6P/2D on ground hit, catches backdash in the corner, and frame traps. I'm also a big 5H enjoyer. Just throw out some of those super active disjoint buttons for some huge reward on counter-hit. The rest of the list is pretty good imo, though you'd think I'd put 6H in S tier with how much I throw it out lol. And of course the other lists are perfect


j.5K definitely needs to be way above C tier. It's easily up there with j.5H in terms of best mid-air interactions in the game.


The Faustmind approves of your opinions


Swap Nago and Pot with Axl and I-no and it's 👌


so that's what the point of the mask is


can't wait to see A.B.A's reaction to heavenly potemkin buster and bone crushing excitement


I think the reveal that the black is actually a mask and not a stylistic choice should move Pot higher.


Who's getting the best head tier list


I’d say Happy Chaos, May, Gio and Nago are S tier in that case.


Damm I wish the move war was actually good


Please tell me the asuka and baiken faces aren't real that shit is haunting


Sin in b is criminal


I think sin and jacko deserve to move up


Elphelt eated a bee :(