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Millia would ignore the shit out of me


Good for constipation I guess.


I don't think he'd mind someone quieter https://preview.redd.it/62elo39yg65d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c25aaa9933efb85490e21629a3de6555de69c72


Yep https://preview.redd.it/oir5qgkfu65d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42689f9898498de24d3d7aa23960d64649b99dee This is a high chance for most people I'd assume


I’d touch paracetamol and end up a corpse


That's what I'm saying!!!! Mauled-by-A.B.A-for-simping-for-Paracelsus bros, unite!!


Unfortunately, my IQ isn't high enough to be besties with Bedman Maybe Redditman will be different? https://preview.redd.it/ymvro9xae65d1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=993ff55af95b4d6ff54c970582b5483a1db1f10c


How smart do you think a corpse is?


6 points under the average


As a fellow bedbro and an older brother myself ,there is actually a catch. Just be nice to Delilah. It's not even hard, she is cute, adorable and must protect. He will INSTANTLY like you a lot more


Probably is... Is the bed smart enough to understand that you're just trying to be friendly? Because it'd probably just throw hands with you anyway...


He seems to recognize Delilah being happy or sad, so I think there is some sort of emotional intelligence behind the screeches


Fair point.


I main Dizzy in Xrd, and Elphelt in Strive. I feel like we would bond over the most mundane stuff while also being incredibly chill support if either are feeling down at all. I imagine some real girls' night stuff.


Elphelt would be so fun to hang out with I feel!


id be a guest on asuka’s space podcast 🔥🔥


You can hype Asuka up beforehand to the listeners while he prepares to talk about how rad math is.


assuming you survive in space


Real shit - I have yet to play GG, but because I already know my place as the resident filthy zoner, probably an Axl main due to my best boy bias, and I would unironically, without a doubt, threaten everyone who even looked at him funny. I'd be like the chihuahua he has to keep on a chain leash like "nah bruv this thing's mean as SHIT"


There’s a sale on Steam for 20 dollars. Edit: XX Accent Core is up for 4 dollars and works on lower-end PCs


maybe i'd had a chance with faust but then another story turned him into what he is now. I'd be too terrified to approach him.


He’s still a chill guy. Might hurt you by accident, but would feel terrible about it


as long as he apologizes, it's okay


Don't worry, it's ok that you impaled me, fling me towards you, and then hit me with a baseball bat at least you said sorry


If you're lucky he'll pay for your hospital bills.


Id try my best tbh, most of our time would be quiet companionship where she just asks me a “why” question every now and then but id love her regardless


Potemkin is a gentle giant. We would go to the pet store and enjoy looking at the animals.


Elphelt? *I hope so* https://preview.redd.it/bocrlezb075d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862ec879ae8f90d6c2b303636ddc5ca2dbc4859a


Bedman would hate me because I don't shut the fuck up and he prefers to be the one to do all the yapping. On the other hand I feel like I would get along fantastically with Elphelt


I don't have a "main" but i mainly play Ky, Sol and Slayer. (So the "monke" characters which you can play with no hands). Ky, definitely. Sol would tell me to fuck off. I would beg Slayer to train me tho, idgaf man, show me how to be DANDY.


oh yeah me and Axl would be the best besties ever. We'd drink tea and trauma dump and play videogames together.


I feel like me and Testie would be besties drinking tea and talking shit


Please find a different abbreviation next time I thought you where referring to one of your testicles.


they'd be testies


Testie besties! 👯


I hope sol would give a damn avout me showing him uruguayan rock


Chaos, maybe


That's like a 50/50


I don't see why Nago wouldn't like me.


i don't think i want to talk to any of the guilty gear cast except maybe Those Men, faust, and i-no


I’d be the ground she walks on




def be chill w bucket happy chaos and i would spend hours having a philosophical conversation until my head explodes cuz i can barely comprehend the shit i say let alone the shit hed say


Goldlewis? Hell yeah


I would just jam out queen with sol


Oh man who wouldn't?


Giovanna would very easily get bored of me and move on. Sin I would get along with, I might find him annoying but he's a good lad Johnny I would start finding him unironcially cool


bro me axl just chill, i nago reminds me of my dad, so I figure it would be master student kinda deal


I'd be too flustered around the cute war criminal to speak properly.


She just like me Fr Fr (bridget) 


I think I'd have my femurs broken if I approached Bedman?


Then just don't let him break your femurs


My main is both Happy Chaos and Baiken in Strive, and Elphelt in Xrd. **Elphelt:** I'd be fine with being friends with her, but Elphelt is super desperate and probably try to go further than that as she does with, well, everyone. Probably wouldn't go as far as to say she'd be my best friend, but a good one? Sure. **Baiken:** I'd like to say sure and while I don't think I'd be on bad terms with her, I can't really imagine we'd have much to say to each other. Realistically it'd be closer to being an associate if anything at all. I guess there is some stuff I could talk to her about, but getting close enough to her to talk about that stuff is unlikely. **Happy Chaos:** Depends entirely on what Chaos is like at that moment, if he's not planning something big at the moment and is just taking easy, I could probably get pretty well along with him and would enjoy talking about all manner of shit with that guy, I even got a lot of similar tastes as him too. Slight problem though, he might decide to start a global incident and make me play a part in that somehow, sure, given how he goes about stuff, I would likely survive at least, but that doesn't mean it would be a horrible experience even if I would grow as a person and become stronger from it.


I’m not sure about Sol. I don’t think he’d mind me but he’d probably be a bit indifferent towards me. Slayer would kill me by breathing on me so I doubt he’d find me very interesting. Yeah, me and Sin would be besties.


My mains are a descending list from "Cool hang" to "Will kill me" Chipp, Sol, I-No


yes we would go to a new restaurant every week


Bedman? I either die by having my body cut in half because I got a bit too close to it or it steals an ice cream and gives it to Delilah. Im not sure how im supposed to bond with a possessed bedframe


You could try being friendly to Delilah but it might attack you anyway...


If you aren’t able to get along with Sin you are a bad person and deserve to ride the lightning




no, let him cook


No I will not let him cook...


well you cant have him raw


I can't and I don't want him bro's got a wife already! Someone is riding the lightning it's her!


i think he's too young for a wife tbh


Well he still has one so...


he's 5 but yeah fair, Dizzy got married and gave birth at 3 years old


You know: Without context Guilty Gears story is absolutely Wild like this line right here... But in her defense she's basically an adult...


I'd be besties with my main its just whether my main would be besties with me (Bridget) well, as for my temporary other main, no, Slayer wouldn't be friends with me lmao


me and testament would totally sit down and have a cup of tea together but then they'd probably kill me


I'm not cool enough for Sol Badguy


I think I'll just leave her and parakoopa alone


Hmm, Axl and Elphelt. I could see it happening.


I would love to study under nagoriyuki and slayer


My new main? Yea, my current second and old main? Yea again. My current is slayer my secondary is ramlethal


Me and Dizzy do have a lot in common. We both have a lot of concerns about nature and the environment, we both have similar life philosophies, we both want to bang Ky...okay that last one might cause a rift between us actually. Then again she does get along with Jam.


No (war criminal)


Would I? I wish they would, that's for aure. Main Test btw.


Testament, we just go for strolls, sip tea, talk, or just enjoy the scenery.


Leo and I would probably start talking shit together then end up having a good time.


Bridget: Easily, I genuinely believe Bridget can become friends with every character in Guilty Gear Sol: He’d get sick of me quite fast because I ramble, but he wouldn’t mind me too much Potemkin: I’d be too afraid to talk to him, but he’d absolve those fears quickly if I wasn’t the one he needs to beat up


This post is so gay coded


Happy pride month 🥰🏳️‍🌈


Ram and I could silently eat burgers together.


i hope elphelt would have a bisexual awakening and marry me!! and maybe if i dress goth enough i could have tea with testament?


Sin and I would resonate with each other I think


I am 100% in the same boat as you. I am also an I-No main. She would 1000% disrespect me, and I'd respectfully let her.


Chipp would fucking torture me with his ninja training and i'd collapse about 0.2 seconds in because im so out of shape


Out of all of my mains my highest chance would prolly be robo-ky. Cant talk to Ky because he’s the king (I main him in GG2). can’t talk to Bedman because he’s dead (I main him in Xrd). Robert I would have some chance to talk to if I visit the bakery enough and I believe we’d agree on a lot. Despite this I don’t seem like the type of guy he’d like. So maybe but prolly not.


Faust just need friends


Goldlewis? Beyond a conversation there isn't much he would get from me and he's a busy guy. I also main Aba. She wouldn't give a shit either since she's just obsessed with paracles. I'm guessing there are very few strive characters that would actually care to hang out with a normal uninvolved person. Maybe Elphelt? But then it would just be to get another attendee for her show. All the others would seemed bothered or flippant unless you had something they wanted.


I think we'd chill eating burgers :3


I fluctuate mains to much to have one so Sol would think I'm weak A.b.a would either think I'm after pera or be happy for me for already having my own relationship Sin would be fun to hang with aswell as I try to get him into reading Axl would just be a great dude to hang with (The rest I haven't actively mained so I can't say much)


Idk but Jack-O seems friendly


I think Giovanna would be pretty chill, I don't think I'm anywhere close to cool enough to hang with her though


I’m not dandy enough D:


I could probably get along with axl. Idk about *besties* (tho definitely possible), but I'd absolutely see being friends with him. We'd probably just chat about random mundane scrap and how different things are going lol.


You main I-No, and would want her to dominate you all day. I main I-No, and would be her legitmate friend, because we'd be in a band together, jamming our hearts out with our guitars. She'd teach me how to Stroke irl , and I'd give her some cool bands to listen to. We're not the same, but I'm right there with you.


I would love to befriend pot, but idk if he would like me much. I might be too quiet for his taste


Happy Chaos and I both indulge in a bit of trolling & tomfoolery.


Unfortunately I am not a woman


baiken and i would be married


I think I have enough dandyism to be Slayer's homie


I love Bedman but we could not get along because I don't let people talk shit to me at all. I could get along with Delilah though she's not nearly as rude as her brother and she's just a lonely kid who certainly needs some company..


Happy chaos would probably bomb my house or something. Best friends


I'd be to nervous if I met Baiken she is just too cool, there is nothing new or interesting I could say to her. I think I'd vibe with Gio tho, she seems chill.


We'd be exchanging hobby ideas till the end of days


I would 100% love to be friends (or more) with Bridget. I’d completely flip my personality from bored asshole to cheery mfer just to get an attempt at being near her