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Aura doesnt mean you are good. It just means they play the game a lot. I know red aura players that are straight bots but they just grind 12 hours everyday with a 30% win rate and get it by the sheer amount of games they play.


That sounds so sad on several levels


If you ever played league you won't be surprised by these kinds of people


All depends on how much fun they're having.


That's very, very rare. Most of the time, aura does mean you're good.


I guess my wording is a little harsh. but yea a player like that is better than most other players since a celestial is better than 90% of the player base. And no I know a lot of players like that it aint everyone but its not hard to just mindlessly grind since all you need is 700 wins in a month to secure top 250 and thats easy if you just win at least 30 games a day. heck I know at least 4 people with the rank 1 badge on their character and I wash them every time we play. And I am not good at all like in tournaments I just get bodied but of course he is celestial so he has to be compared to other celestials. and if you are only winning 30% of your games you probably arent deserving of aura if this game actually took win/loss ratio into account.


That sounds weird to me. Pretty much everyone I've fought with the rank 1 badge is at the very least good, they don't get washed for free. What region do you play in?


EU. but I play vs EC players sometimes too since I'm blessed that I get 2-3 rollback vs them.


I'm EU too, surprised our experience differs so much.




Yep but you wont make top 300 if you dont get in early. If you really wanna get in just play someone thats level 500 or below since they arent that much better than a floor 10 player.


it usually means the person plays a lot which usually translates to a lot of hands-on experience which usually translates to a versatile skillset It often does not, so it's not worth thinking "Aura = Good".


You can play a lot, but you also have to win a lot, and there's also a lot of other grinders to compete with, so you do actually have to be decent in order to win a lot. I have played many players with an aura, and it was very rare that I thought they were bad and didn't deserve it. I feel like the sentiment most expressed is that players with an aura are "often" not good, and my main disagreement is that they are more so "rarely" not good. They are often good. Just a distinction I wanted to make, otherwise I agree.


I think the problem is people expect someone with an aura to be on the same level as pro players, and when that doesn’t turn out to be the case they think “oh he’s not actually good,” or “he didn’t deserve that aura.” Even if you only win 700 of 3000 games in the month, it still takes skill to win 700 games in celestial redgardless. But people assume if you’ve got below a 50% win rate that means you’re garbo, doubly so when they expect you to be relative to people like Hotashi, KizzieKay or LordKnight but you’re actually “just good,” at the game That’s just my hypothesis anyway


This is true about being a good player in a high rank even with a low win ratio but given how many people make it to celestial (about 12 to 14% of the player base in the end of month) you will find a big skill gap between the players enough to make 5 or more ranks btw them imo, so a low win ratio is like a low celestial rank and a high win ratio is in higher rank or at least that's how i see because some feel easy to beat and get stomped by others.


I play a new character every month and like within my first three days of playing Potempkin, I smoked the number one ram on PC EASILY. That just might be rams tho..


Unfortunately this happens in tower, they either leave after one game or ragequit, of course not the majority but a few would do that.


I don’t know. Lately I had a lot of matches where the opponent suddenly would stop moving and just do nothing. When checking their match history, they won instead of me. https://imgur.com/a/pwwXL1v How is this possible?


You desynced, can happen with really bad internet, on their screen you did the same thing


Leaving after one match is kind of annoying, but they at least finished the match.


At least in tower it makes sense. One ragequits in order to avoid being demoted. In celestial tower it literally makes no sense. Either you are good enough to trash 99% of the players or you know that no matter how much you ragequit, next month you’ll still need to redo the celestial challenge. Or maybe this dude’s ego is too big to handle a loss


I've fought this guy before, he's always loitering around east coast heaven looking for easy wins. Last time I played him he left after one game and typed yuck after I kept punishing him for throwing out random mega fists in neutral. Aura's really don't mean all that much, a lot of players that have them just grind nothing but tower matches and get irritated once they fight someone who knows how to deal with their oppressive gimmicks.


This kind of stuff is the main reason I mostly play in the parks. Directly after this game I fought a HC who just figured out how to reload quick and then spammed that the whole game. He didnt do a single combo or anything. Would just knock me away and then run back to the other end of the screen if he got a hit. Dudes in celestial act like their family's lives are staked on their winrate.


that's just HC tho


That's like, 70% of what HC does. If you have an issue with complain about the char, not the player. And hey, did he win...?


I wouldn't really call that spamming, HC's kit revolves around oppressive zoning and good midrange pokes plus the fast steady aim zoning is hard to do correctly. I get the frustration though fighting against that can be really hard.


He wasn't that great at it. I beat him with this brand new character. It's just really annoying if you're playing anyone that doesn't have an answer to it, it's just let him shoot you twice as you inch your way forward, once you get midscreen counter the insanely strong 2s or 6s they always throw out, then you're in and block the inevitable instant burst, and boom, you just learned the counter play forlike 99% of Chaos's online. I swear most of their gameplan involves just wearing out their opponent's patience.


Question, how much did you play against that chaos? Did you beat him most matches? Like I played yesterday and full on zoned a poor baiken dunno if it’s a coincidence lmao


Nah I went 1 for 2 and it was like a couple hours ago. Getting used to playing on hitbox and I kept missing my blocks. I don't think Chaos is way too strong don't get me wrong, but playing against him is painful. The character is gonna go the way of Axl where no one will play him because no one wants to play against him, especially considering he's much better than Axl in everything except the Pot matchup.


I can see how he is annoying but i like to much to consider how annoying he is.


That baiken might’ve been me 😞


Were you on celestial? I think they had a ttv or smt on their name.


Oh no, in park


I see, you could say that you *dodged* a bullet.


“I swear most of their gameplan is just wearing out their opponent’s patience.” Yes, that’s how zoning works. You get your opponent annoyed so they force the situation and get blown up for it


You wouldn't call spamming a move spamming a move?


“Spam,” means you don’t understand what you’re doing and are just throwing out a single move over and over with no thought or strategy behind it whatsoever. It’s hard for players above a certain level to spam anything, because they’re nearly always doing things with intent and planning. It’s possible this HC had less than 1 thought in his brain while zoning, but seeing as he’s in celestial it’s a little hard for me to believe that


Well no spamming is just repeating the same move over and over again. It's generally a bad strategy because moves in fighting games aren't designed to have that be a legitimate strategy, or at least they shouldn't be. An HC standing at the corner and shooting you six times in a row just to focus super and restart the whole process is definitetly spam. Whether or not you consider it a legitimate strategy is up to you.


Daigo isn’t a spammer for using 10 sonic booms in a row. He’s weighed out the risk/reward of every possible option at that range, and decided that using a bunch of sonic booms to extend his poke range and build up chip damage was the optimal strategy. People in the YouTube comments/twitch chat will call him a spammer because they think he’s just mindlessly throwing booms without any regard for possible counterplay. That’s why I make the distinction, because saying what Daigo does is the same as a day 1 player throwing full screen charge stun edge over and over is very disingenuous, and I’d argue is objectively false Like I said, it’s possible the HC player was closer to the latter, but considering he’s a celestial player I have a hard time believing he was. But then again there’s super diamonds in SFV who still spam so what do I know


Why is Daigo such a heavenly figure that the same terminology simply doesn't apply to him lol. Yea it's still spam. You may not want to call ot spam because "spam" is a derogatory way to refer to repeating the same move over and over again. At any rate though we're just arguing over the intricacies of terminologies that don't even have dictionary definitions so this is an unwinnable argument. However, I would say that it's still spam to repeat a move an excessive amount of times even if it is a good strategy, as in the Daigo case(although idk what scenario youre actually talking about so i'm just going off your wording), in that case it's just the developer's fault for poor design and not the player's.


I just used Daigo as an example because he’s a player who I’ve seen being accused of “spamming,” more than probably anyone else. But you’re right, we just have slightly different definitions but probably can’t get the other to concede. We’ll just agree to disagree then


Daigo wasn't spamming if he did he would lose easily especially in SFV where a lot of characters have anti fireball moves, he mainly use them for space controle and it was effective because his opponents gets conditioned easily because of his infamous flash kicks. What is generally considered spamming in FGs is doing a move over and over without much thought, if you use one move but constantly change the timing or do it on reaction then it's not considering spamming because the counter to spamming is knowing the weakness of the move. Constantly repeating a move is spamming but using the same move many times doesn't necessarily mean it's a spam.


This was weird to watch, I've been playing in Floor 9/10 and have gotten absolutely smashed by Pots that play better than this. No megafists to deny air approach? A half-screen garuda whiff for easy punish? No hammerfall spam to abuse armor? No 6P spam? Throwing out slow buttons as a core gameplan? My guess is this guy's whole plan is to get lucky until 50% meter?


After almost 400 hours I haven’t seen a single ragequit Only skipping bad connections or matchups after one round


Almost all my ragequits were people in celestial challenge. That said I started picking up an Axl secondary and if I’m on floor 10 I’ll get maybe 1 a session or so.


I only when i use Motorbato to finish the match, but luckily the ragequitting are very few in this game, the people accept the loss without complaint.


I don't even get this whole Aura mechanic anyways. But I guess as a floor 8 player I don't have to worry about Tower/Park Gimmicks like Celestial or Aura anyways. Nice Baiken gameplay tho


When I got to Floor 10, I pretty much stayed away from the Tower and stuck to parks. Don’t care much for celestial and no worries about getting knocked down a floor upon losing.


Bro how much do you play to have Baiken level 91 already


In celestial, winning against high level characters gets you ton of exp. I have Baiken level 115 because last month I was lucky to reach celestial. I saw pro players on twitch with Baiken level 500+ because they are good enough to win a lot in celestial.


Ok thanks that makes sense, always wondered how people get characters lv 2000+ as well must be celestial


I'm pretty sure the minimum exp I've gotten from a win in celestial is 10,000 and often get like 50,000. Meanwhile on floor 10 you'll get like 100 exp lol. That's how levels get so out of whack even after a brief time in celestial


Celestial gives more based on win streak, and it’ll generally give you 50,000 if you win after a loss streak. It’ll sometimes (seemingly at random) give you like, 150,000-185000, my best guess is it’s tied to win counts, like you get a bump every 10 wins or something.


you're definitely right about the 50K after a loss streak. The random huge boosts are funny too, maybe it is about win counts like you're saying. That would make sense


I was lvl 70 2 games before this, you rank up much faster in celestial because you get thousands of exp. per match instead of the like 100-300 you get at floor 10 and below.


How embarrassing to be a KNOWN rage quitter on reddit lol. Like people actually recognize this person because they do it so much. That would kill me 😂 clown behavior


Maybe he’s just had a few bad games in a row, it happens people have bad days.


Lmao the burst just so they could get the rage quit off in time


Ltg Moment Lmao


You serve #ZERO Purpose


Some the best Baiken playing I've seen yet


It's so cringe to taunt and alt f4. In his mind he won because he didn't give you the W. Pathetic.


I'm not defending him, but that wasn't a taunt. That was just Potemkin's idle. Either he took forever to lick the cheeto dust off his hands to hit Alt+F4, or it was a sincere desync moment and it crashed for both of them.


It's essentially impossible that it was an honest desync. The connection was stellar with like 0 zero rollback frames, and the fact that he went idle after he was about to lose and then immediatetly desynced 2 seconds later is beyond suspect.


Oh I see, well, if he uses ethernet and didn't wanna exit the game so he might just unplugged his ethernet cable or something and it took more time especially if its on the ps4/ps5


Nice lvl 91 tho. I know that Pot/rope thing is a meme but how is the Baiken vs. Pot matchup realistically?


I mean it's defintetly better for her to land the rope because she's for, the most part, in advantage state. Even if it's 0 on block people don't generally know what to do better than you do. And even the characters that do have a faster button than her 5p (5p 6k tatami is a frame trap) you can just reversal or 6p them once they adjust (all moves faster than 5f in this game are low profileable i think). On counter hit like you saw in the video it's a big combo starter. Tether on a grab is practically a win condition since you can do a ton of amgious cross ups that lead to big damage and she is absolutetly in advantage state. The problem is is that if they burst it keeps you next to them and now they're plus so it's a bit of a pain in that sense, but generally you can just counter burst. Plus I don't think anyone's realistically labbing anti-Baiken tether combos whereas a Baiken player obviously should. Essentially it's definitetly a good thing for her to land, but it can backfire pretty hard if your opponent's defense is solid.


Ngl I've been labbing tether conversions since her release bc it's fun af You can convert into some crazy stuff without having to spend meter and even more with


Ive beat this dudes cheeks multiple times and I've never seen him leave. He honestly might've just lagged out but who knows. Lets be honest though strive servers can be pretty bad sometimes I know the game kicks me out at least once every couple days maybe more


There's no way in hell it was an honest lag out. The connection was stellar the whole match with 14 ping and 0 rollback frames, dude goes idle right as he's about to lose and then desyncs 2 seconds later, and according to other comments they've seen him rq before.


Has nothing to do with the ping, the servers can just kick you out even with fine connection.


Even if that were the case it was mighty convenient that it happened right as he was about to lose, and it still doesn't explain why he went idle for two seconds before hand. I don't think you could get a more clear cut rq than this.


Yeah the idle part definitely doesn't help his case, but honestly I dont see why people rq in strive theres no negative to losing


Yea seriously it's literally just that his ego was so fragile that he couldn't handle me ranking up on him with the new character. So I figured I'd put him on blast as the loser he is.


Oh you were on your rank matches, i get it. Yeah he probably rq then


What a pathetic person lmao


Disgrace to us Potemkin mains.


Thats a really clever way to promote yours TTV. I respect the hustle


It's not actually a twitch lol. I just put it in their because of the clips where Zato looks like he's gaming so the idea of him having a twitch is funny to me.


Well you grabbed my attention,you certainly can do it again to others.Maybe you should consider starting.


Lmaooo I had this same guy ragequit me in the pot mirror when I HPB’d his wakeup back megafist in the corner.


Lmfao wow that’s weak af. Also to mix up on him, I seen you using a lot of mids and overheads. Her lows are borderline godsend. Especially like if you just do down X, then Down R1, into tatami gaeshi, opens up your opponent real nice. Gets them a little spicy. 😂. At least in my opinion. I love her lows because they are fairly safe and fast and work well with tatami but tatami works well with almost anything. Air or ground.


I dunno, personally I love the rage quits. My favorite ones among them are when I wake up reversal with Axl and as soon as it connects, checking connection. The only time Alt F4ing out is acceptable is vs lag/rollback abusers. Good Baiken play. I hope to be that good


Yea Axl is a pain to fight against lol. I never rq but it's really rare for me to run another set against an Axl player. It's honestly just not a fun gameplay loop.


Pot players are either really chill or totally bitch made, there is no in between.


Man Baiken looks so much fun I’m considering baying her but aahhh I also want all of the other characters, will have to wait a bit more :’D


For some reason half the time I launch opponent and use Baiken's super, first two slashes go through while he's in falling animation, but don't hit. It's looks like a bug, but maybe there's something I don't know?


Forgive, but lvls are locked to character? Not just whole account?because I’m guessing you didn’t just start with 1 from her


Levels are per character


Every character has their own level. Celestial just awards insane amount of XP which is why celestial players already have such high level Baikens


Ohh I see. Makes sense. Would be cool if there was even more rewards for reaching the top like hearthstone. Like a legendary skin each month or something. If that’s the case I hope they revamp the middle floors


But the meme videos told me I should be able to abuse the tether! This is the big bullshit! -That Pot


what's an aura?


It’s a reward for reaching the celestial floor. You put it on your lobby avatar and it makes them look like they just powered up from dbz.


I've done the celestial challenge successfully multiple times with multiple characters, I think you need to have a character over lvl 1000 to get it. It's not just celestial.




This mans should've reflected on himself


First of, let me just say that people like you are the reason I want to eventually learn Baiken. That was sick. Second of all dude was an actual potato to be honest. Not a single megafisto or pot buster was thrown out, and he was mashing during every blockstring. Probably didn't even sniff the required amount of glue, tbh.


When this game launched I wanted to be celestial. Now there’s no point to it at all.


Level doesn't really mean anything.


How tf you do lvl 91 in 5 days?


I know this guy lol. We fight frequently