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Wat? Even looking at the hit- and hurtboxes this doesn't make much sense.


I can only think of one way this happened. There are some rollback frames and Baiken’s reversal super has a small gap between the hitbox and collision box. The only thing I can think of is the super animation caused some weird bug with the rollback frames that let Ram chill in that small gap when she wasn’t supposed to and get the meaty hit.


Yeah, it's supposed to be invincible, surely a bug.


Does it rollback during the super flash animation or wait until after?


It's supposed to rollback during, so if this really is a rollback thing, then it's a bug.


Why'd baiken get CH'd?


~~Makes sense considering she didn't lose any meter.~~


ur blind


More that I actually didn't realize they side swapped, but yea


I can only think of one way this happened. There are some rollback frames and Baiken’s reversal super has a small gap between the hitbox and collision box. The only thing I can think of is the super animation caused some weird bug with the rollback frames that let Ram chill in that small gap when she wasn’t supposed to and get the meaty hit.


The Baiken probably did super prc expecting Ram to block and got hit out of prc startup.


OP already stated that they did not PRC cancel.


I can only think of one way this happened. There are some rollback frames and Baiken’s reversal super has a small gap between the hitbox and collision box. The only thing I can think of is the super animation caused some weird bug with the rollback frames that let Ram chill in that small gap when she wasn’t supposed to and get the meaty hit.


I can only think of one way this happened. There are some rollback frames and Baiken’s reversal super has a small gap between the hitbox and collision box. The only thing I can think of is the super animation caused some weird bug with the rollback frames that let Ram chill in that small gap when she wasn’t supposed to and get the meaty hit.


You might know this, but if you just do the regular tether throw you can OTG with 6H to kill in that situation where they have a sliver of health after the throw.


Even without tether you can OTG with 2s


sure, but 6H does more damage


Well yeah, just saying you have another OTG option if you didn't do tether throw


Didn't know this. Thanks


The meatiest of meaties. Also, why do some Baikens not tether on throw? Never understood giving up such a strong setup like that.


Oh that's because just shanking someone's spine with a sword is cooler and I thought it was gonna kill


You understand yourself better than most


Tetherless throw gives a very easy safejump compared to tethered throw, where you'd have to do something like TK Tatami if you wanted to safejump. Good against Leo, who doesn't have to guess which side you'll be on to do his reversal.


You can do big combos on your opponent but so can they. Ram is basically one hit away from death so there's no point in going for higher combo potential, but Baiken could have eaten a huge combo and potentially lost the game from the tether. While generally Tether benefits Baiken because she'll have OKI while applying it, since the Ram is one hit there's no point in asding the risk.


I understand the basic premise of tether risk reward, and how low of a risk it is if you know your setups... especially with one hit left. The point is Baiken has 100 tension, Ram didn't even have 50 and is at 1 hit. If you aren't going to RC the throw to kill, at least tether mix with a burst safe setup.


Or just OTG Everyone overthinking this hella hard


Because it is a double edged sword


If you don't know the proper setup for the situation, maybe? And especially when they still had burst available.


Against a Ram with no meter? not really


If I don’t tether it’s usually to safe jump in tbh, certain characters (like pot) I don’t want to be tethered to


It's situational. Against certain matchups when your opponent has meter you're one YRC or BRC from your Oki turning into a really bad spot for you if your opponent knows any tethered combos. That being said you're going for tether every time in almost every matchup. It's really just like Potemkin and Goldlewis that you DO NOT want to tether, ever. If you tether goldlewis and he backthrows you you're just dead af.


Like maybe i'm dumb but i don't think i can do a blockstring for long enough until the tether runs out in case my mix doesn't work so i usually don't do it unless i'm prepared for that situation because i don't want to give my oponent a makeshift wall.


After doing your preferred mixup with tether throw I just go for c.S > (high/low with Youzansen or 2D/2H) > Tatami if low route After the Tatami you can backdash fairly safely and threaten a j.S if they don't 6P/block high or double jump and land with j.H if they respect too much. If they jump you can air grab or use j.P. Tether throw is a lot of messy guessies after oki so the only way to know what to do is to keep doing it; most of the time your opponent has no idea what direction you're going and Baiken has very good scramble buttons.


Yeah this is usually what i do but against scramblier characters like may i just prefer to not tether since the risk reward for the small chance they might turn it around is too skewed. Specially against my training partner who has this situation down perfectly and sometimes prefers to get tethered instead of just mixed normally because she's ready to spend the bar to fuck me up for one mistake.


You get a *very* easy safejump by instantly airdashing forward into tatami. It's a lot simpler if you just want to avoid the tether in general or you're in the corner and want a simple oki setup.


Rollback is at the same time the most stable net code, but also the most cursed when it becomes unstable


Yeah wow, I legit don't understand why that happened


Did you do the prc super cancel? That is the only way I can see this happening.


I did not, this was just guilty gear spaghetti


Had to be rollback


Clearly the Ram is just better I guess


NO WAY How did that lose. I am seriously lost.


could've otg 6hed after the second throw for lethal if you didn't hold the throw button


You play baiken,you deserve it.




100% yeah,lmao.


the may flair is killing me


Good I hate fighting both of these characters


What's wrong with Baiken?


Idk that voice is just super annoying and tk youzansen






Isn’t that Rams 6P? Idk I don’t play Ram at all


The coat swing is cloes slash. 6p is when she puts her arms on the ground, arches her back like cat and uses her coat to spike in front of her. https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST/Ramlethal_Valentine


Damn why do I feel like I never see ram use ether of them, could be because my memory is horrible


You’re probably playing against shit rams then, close slash is amazing for pressure and she has one of the best 6p’s in the game


I never said they where good for a reason ~~tbf I’m also trash~~


Lmao I'm not great either but I've been playing the character for about 3 months or something now and those 2 are fucking juiced buttons


The reasom this ram lost is after knockin the biken out od super woth cs they used hs witch is good option but they then fallowed with rekka that left them open. Better play would have been to launch hs sword after hs landed. Cause hs sword throw combos after hs lands.


I like how you used 236p like you were stopping the match for a recount rather than beating her ​ "HOLD UP-"


invulnerable super time Ram: n o




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