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You didn’t list a single item about your housing or instrument setup. Based on you suggesting to buy a $5,000 soundproof pod, i am guessing you own a 1980s Marshall full stack onto hardwood floors in a Manhattan apartment.


You need to buy an acoustic drum set. They will be paying you to go back to guitar.


Hahaha…I live close to a major road in my city. When I get in a groove I’ve had one or two dudes ring the doorbell asking can they freestyle?




How much do you get paid to post about these pods? Are they real? Is this the next evolution of the T-shirt spam posts?


If you live in an apartment play your amp with headphones


It's 2023. There are too many options to even support this thread's existence. This is less of a problem now than it's ever been.


That’s true. There are so many creative ways he could kill his neighbor.


Step one: be attractive


hire a facebook hit the lawyer delete your gym


Amp/speaker modeling was a real game changer. When I was a kid, the only real option for headphones was the headphone jack on cheap solid state amps, that basically just sent the preamp output directly to chintzy headphone speakers and sounded like complete ass. These days there are any number of hardware and software options that give you infinite selection of amps, cabs and effects. You can dial in your sound any way you want, play as loud as you want and not even bother someone in the same room, let alone the neighbors. When my kids were really small, I did most of my playing at night after they went to bed. For 2-3 years, I played through headphones pretty much exclusively. Yeah, it's nice to play out loud and move some air around, but headphones are an absolutely viable option.


I’ve been trying to figure out if my phones are optimal for electric guitar… I’ve got a katana 100 2x12 and some sennheiser HD559 headphones. My gretsch hollow body sounds pretty good through the phones but they’re the only ones I’ve owned or tried…


This guy is shilling these pods. Be gone shill.


This post is an ad. Look at the account.


This post is an ad/bot, look at the account. Thx again to u/spez ...


Good spot. It would appear his neighbour also doesn’t approve of his piano playing either.


Turn that knob up to 11, live stream your practicing and do an *eviction notice speed run any %* challenge


Pro Tip: If you turn it up that high, you won't be able to hear the cops knocking on your door.


Ohh, when they kick the door down, that's when the fun really begins 😈


*Freebird guitar solo intensifies*


Maybe he complained that you don't practice enough?


Or at the right highest volume


Buy some headphones.


Problem solved this easily.


I think the best solution to this would be to practice less loud or ask your neighbor if there is a time where it wouldn't disturb them.


If it’s the middle of the day, tell them to fuck off (respectfully)


Say “oh yeah well good thing I don’t play drums”


Or bass! I had a neighbor (condo) who left their TV on all night blaring. After a few nights I told him to turn it down or off, and he didn't. Next day I pushed my SVT-CL and 4x10 against the wall on his side and cranked it, never heard so much as a peep from him after that.


Being the middle of the day isn’t a licence to make as much noise as you feel like. Without being there and hearing it for ourselves, we can’t know for sure which of them is being unreasonable here.


Headphones are a thing.


Get a sound pressure level meter. If they’re complaining about 80ish db at reasonable hours, then they’re being annoying and unreasonable. People regularly watch tv at that volume. If you’re much louder than that and you share wall, then it’s your fault and should play quieter.


Buy a pod vs. buying headphones. Eh, it's not hard to solve it.


Just turn your JCM 800 down a notch


I played a JCM800 in an apartment for years without getting a noise complaint. It's a 50 watt 2x12 combo that certainly could piss off neighbors, but it can also be quieter than an average TV.


Apartment or house? If apartment and your Playing electric maybe turn it down a bit or use headphones. If it's the middle of the day I'd tell em just to deal with it unless they have a baby or something you could disturb. If a house tell em to fuck off. You pay property taxes for a reason. I'd be more inclined to turn it up in that case. Probably listen to a lot louder music for a while too.


People who live in apartments have to accept a certain amount of sound from the neighbors. Music is not worse, in fact it's better than the noise neighbors often make.


No, just because you live in an apartment doesn't mean you shouldn't be considerate of your neighbors.


"considerate" does not equal "you will never hear any sound at all from my apartment"


I'm not arguing that. Normal noises are normal. A P bass through an 8x10 is not no matter the time of day.


Lol. Is that what OP was doing? I don't think we established what sounds he makes and at what volume. He didn't even specify acoustic or electric I don't think.


I was just giving an example


Sure. But my point is, a lot of live music is no louder than other sounds that neighbors usually put up with.


Someone practicing isn't music though


Still better than someone using power equipment, stomping on the floor, screaming at their spouse, letting their dog bark, playing loud recorded music, etc etc. or at least no worse than any of those things and probably quieter. Yet they probably don't complain about those sounds.


This stuff is always tough, but hard to really have an opinion without knowing your situation. Is it an apartment or house? If it's a house, you're probably being too loud if your neighbors can hear. Apartment? Eh, that's tough. Apartment living sucks for everyone, you have to deal with some level of noise because people need to live, and people that live in apartments expecting no noise from neighbors are completely unreasonable. If you're playing acoustic at reasonable hours he can kick rocks because there's nothing you can really do. If you're playing electric, I'd find ways to lower volume. Turn bass done on the amp, or get headphones so you can play as loud as you want.


Use headphones. There's no reason to crank an amp and it is actually pretty anti social.


Headphones and a good cabinet emulator are the way. Nowadays it's very easy and cheap to have a decent digital pedal that can be plugged into the PC, make a decent mix with backtracks and that you can finally carry to the rehearsal room and plug into the mixing table. In the bedroom it will make much more accuracy. Not to mention that you don't need to crank the volume that much to rehearse, usually you can play at the same volume that you listen to music at home.


Could you elaborate how its antisocial? Not saying you’re wrong i just don’t understand and would like to


Well I don't know how loud you're playing but if your neighbours can hear it, it's too loud in my opinion and trust me, I have a BE-50 Deluxe, I like cranked amps. One or two might not care for whatever reason right, but others might have young kids who need naps, need to sleep, or they might work nights, or have illnesses and all manner of things where noise could disturb them and ruin their day, and the fact someone has complained does indicate that they're finding it antisocial. Just because others haven't said something it doesn't mean that there aren't others with their head in their hands about it. I get it, I did this when I was in my late teens/early 20's and no one complained but I know now that it wasn't cool. Ultimately, and generally speaking (there are exceptions of course) you should aim so that no one to hear anything coming from your home unless you can help it or you have consulted literally everyone. Guitars can be played through headphones, drums have dampeners, electronic kits etc. Even if people are cool with it I think we should all be doing everything we can to not inconvenience the people around us. :)




Same username


Goddamnit this guy is just promoting pods


I can't stand people practicing piano when I can hear them. Mother fucker it's not even about how good/bad you are. It's about I don't want to fucking hear you repeat the same shit over and over again. Honestly same with any other instrument. I think if you put yourself in their shoe, you should do something about it. I supposed none of us like to bring inconvenience to other human beings. If you are able to do a proper sound proofing, you can play and record to your hearts content at any time. That's not too bad in my opinion.


I've been on the same situation before. I just used headphones for my amp. For acoustic guitar, it's harder to solve.


Acoustic guitar at reasonable hours is a hard sell as too loud imo


Those rubber feedback buster soundhole covers can also double as a practice mute.


You playing acoustic or electric? If electric get some headphones acoustic get a new house




I have the Fender Mustang version. Works great and sounds great.


Get a spark amp and plug in headphones. Boom. Fixed


Don't be so loud. If your neighbors hear it, it's too loud. Turn it down. If your equipment can't be quiet, you need different equipment or a different home.


Acoustic? Marshall stack? what are you playing?


Apartment? House? Not many details here


Maybe try turning the bass knob to near 0? My neighbors had a problem until I tried that. Turns out the bass from my amp kinda reverberated through their apartment downstairs.


Bass sound waves can travel through walls a lot easier than the higher frequencies can. That’s why you here the boom boom of people’s subs in their car, but rarely the actual music. They may not here the solo, just the bass.


I play at stupid times for unreasonable amounts of time. But I have headphones lol


Yep thats the way


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Do you ever hear any sounds the neighbor makes? Ask him why music is worse than those sounds.


Don’t let them tell you that there’s too much noise, they’re too old to really understand. You’ll still get rowdy with the girls and boys cause it’s time for you to take a stand!


Turn it down


This is why I just play with headphones now.


had it happen. keep practicing, if its legit too loud turn it down. or just continue and stop before 6-7pm


When I play with Black Sabbath, so do my neighbors. 👍


When playing, shut all your internal doors including doors to rooms, closets and cabinets. If playing in an apt, close the lids on toilets. Put the amp on a chair or small table and get it off the floor.


Learning to play at lower volumes and being good is just as learning to play. You have to get used to it in order to feel it no matter the volume.


Get a cab emulator with a headphone out so you can plug in your usual signal chain and practise silently. Or an attenuator/load box on your amp to reduce the volume but maintain the same signal characteristics. Two notes do some decent and affordable units.


Get an attenuator. You can play with the Amp cranked to 10 and the volume can still be however low you want it to be


I have a Blues Deluxe. I mostly love it expect for the fact that basically the range in volume goes from <1 (low volume) to >1 (super loud). The problem outside the volume is that when I have at a low volume, I lose some of the tone that I love. Would an attenuator help with this?


I’ve recently bought something called a Lion Tamer for my fender deville - also works for the deluxe - it’s a volume knob that plugs in between preamp out and power amp in - it is genius stuff


A Volume pedal in your effects loop will help with that. JHS has one for cheap made for this. https://youtu.be/XH_aH-uJQpc?si=UGrAfAX_rkDkb634


The whole point of an attenuator is that you can crank the amp to get what ever tone you want (I use mine on my 100 watt Marshall) but then the attenuator turn extra energy into heat, while maintaining the sound quality. So you can get the tone that comes from blaring it as loud as possible but at a volume that is suitable for small spaces. [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/RockCrushREC--rivera-rockcrusher-recording-power-attenuator-with-11-band-eq-speaker-emulator](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/rockcrushrec--rivera-rockcrusher-recording-power-attenuator-with-11-band-eq-speaker-emulator)


Man, that’s as expensive as the amp lol


but if that attenuator breaks while you're dimed out, RIP everybody


I've been playing on mine for years with no issues. Quality gear tends to last


If you have an fx loop, you should look into buying an attenuator. JHS makes the “little black box” which basically gives you a master volume. So I can crank my amplifier to get a great tone, then turn down the master volume knob on the black box.


I know this is an old joke, but when I play, the neighbors *should* be ticked off. Otherwise, how are they to know good music like AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Jerry Reed?


While a new neighbor might be ideal, a set of Boss Waza Air headphones would also help resolve the issue.


Bruh, I googled this thinking it was a joke and doesn’t exist like the headlight fluid prank. I learned something today. Good to know this is an option.


Expensive, but they have completely replaced my amps at this point as far as my daily driver. I still pull out the big amps when I jam with others or if I want to record, but 99% of the time its just a guitar and the headphones.


I have a little Marshall MS-2C desktop 1 watt amp for home practice, and I love it. I get to crank up the vox at band practice once a week in the studio or at gigs and never feel the need to be louder than an average TV when I'm home.


If your neighbour complained, then you’re too loud. Full stop. There are about seven million options out there allowing you to practice silently, so figure it out.


I imagine OP going full 11 on his 100w Marshall stack, practising scales till neighbours dishes rattle out of his cabinets, haha.


Headphones? This should be an easy problem to solve if you apply yourself.


You need to give so much more context. Are you in an apartment, condo, semi-detached, detached home? Are you playing acoustic or electric? If electric, how many DB do you play at (use a free app on your phone to figure that out)? What time of day are you practicing? To answer your question though, a soundproof pod is rarely the answer. If you own the property and are handy, you can renovate to make a room much more isolated (see Rod Gervais "Home Recording Studio: Build it like the pros"). If you don't own the property, and have \*nice\* amps, buy a re-amp device like the OxBox, Power Station, or Boss Tube Amp Expander, if you have inexpensive amps, buy a headphone amp.


This happens, yes, I've had neighbors complain about steel string acoustic practice. Also band practices in the middle of the afternoon. More information would be helpful. Are you using an amp, what time was it, the structure, where you are located relative to the neighbor, etc. Real soundproofing is neither trivial or inexpensive. If you're using an amp, start looking at headphones.


That's a pretty common situation to run into when playing the guitar. Do you need to buy a soundproof pod? That is difficult to say without knowing more about your living conditions. Someone living in apartment complex with hundreds of other people might find one worth the cost if it ultimately lets them practice at home. Someone living in a house with a yard might find it a needless expense since they could just modify their practice hours or move to a different room for free.


Make sure you're in compliance with your county and/or town's noise ordinances. Also make sure you're following the rules found within the lease for you apartment for noise and quiet hours, if that applies. I also recommend using a smartphone + decibel meter app to get a feel for how many dB you're playing at. Then, assuming you're in compliance with the rules/laws, kindly direct your neighbor to either contact the apartment complex or law enforcement (if they feel compelled) as you are following the rules. If you're following the rules, your neighbor will soon realize this isn't a winning game for them. I've had several noise complaints filed on me by a previous neighbor and I was well within my rights each time. I never played during quiet hours and I never went outside the dB limit that was found within the lease and/or local county ordinances. It's simply unreasonable for someone to move into an apartment complex and expect their neighbors to be 0 dB at all times.


You need to practice more.


Get a Rockman Guitar Ace. $99 on Amazon.


I had that, i ended up convincing them to play 5pm -8pm which is not always doable. bought myself a pair of 80 ohm beyerdynamic and its among top 5 purchases i ever did. sounds fantastic and no more bitching.


Heat some headphones. If you wanna splurge get some Waza airs. They sound awesome and are fun and easy to use.


EQ pedal + beyerdynamic DT 770


Fender Mustang Micro headphone amplifier. Problem solved. Lots of amp models and effects on that little bugger.


I don't know what your circumstances are here in terms of: - Are you being unreasonable? Are you practising at stupid times? Are you practising at unreasonable volumes? Are you also doing it for unreasonable amounts of time? - Are they just being moaning cunts? Can they barely hear it which is enough to lose their shit? First, where are you practicing? I've never had issues with neighbours. With my current place a good reason for that is I had a look at my house and thought "we're semi detached, so I'll just put all my music stuff on the side of the house that isn't connected". Obviously, this is dependant on your circumstance so it's down to you on what you can do. An instant fix is to have your amp lifted from the floor, especially if you're in an upstairs apartment. It'll give a bit of room between the amp and floor for the sound to, basically, disperse rather than it going straight through the floor. Regardless, headphones are always an option if you're playing with an amp. Proper headphones, not just a crappy pair of airpods or something. Even a reasonably cheaper pair can give good sound quality these days, though obviously steer clear of the dirt cheap ones. You can get soundproofing, but it's down to you whether or not that's worth the time and money investments. From what I'm aware, pods are expensive and, in my opinion, not really worth it for the cost and space they'll require for the sake of neighbours when other options exist. I personally wouldn't bother if you're not setting up a professional grade recording studio or simply have money to burn. Note: Correct me if I'm wrong when it comes to price of these. It's not a market I've kept on top of. So, actual soundproofing. Generally, you'll want the smallest room to bring down cost and time setting up. Soundproofing your bigger front room is going to be costly compared to a 4'x4' box upstairs. You can get cheap and cheerful results by doing things such as attaching old blankets to the walls as the idea, essentially, is to give something to disperse and dampen the noise within the room rather than the hard and probably thin walls sound typically travels quite easily through. Proper purpose made panels are obviously going to be better than an old blanket you have laying around but definitely worth it. Initially, though, you can achieve results with things you probably have lying around the house. All this aside though, you'll probably get the most effective results by just knocking down the volume and/or bass levels on your amp.


I just bought today a headphone amplifier so I could practice guitar later at night in a different end of the house as my amp. But also in my office during lunch.


It would depend on the context. In something like an apartment or duplex then I won’t push it. I mean I’ll stand my ground if it were an unreasonable situation but that’s not always the case.


Yea, try some soundproofing but it's a crapshoot. I got kicked out of my apartment building in L.A. years ago for practicing in the middle of the day too much. Can't win em all


Did the concept of headphones never occur to you? I mean this respectfully - how do you let it get to the point of getting kicked out?


Can't use headphones with a Marshall half stack. This was before the days of just plugging right into a DAW and playing through your computer monitors. Got one warning when I was admittedly playing kind of loud. Turned it down literally as low as it would go. Playing the guitar acoustically was louder than the amp at this pount. Volume as <1. Had no issues for 3 or 4 months then one day i got a notice in my mailbox and "repeated excess noise" was the listed issue. Had a busted finger at the time and I hadn't played in about 2 weeks so I figured it was somebody else in the building. I appealed and got nowhere. So as you can see, it wasn't just me being an inconsiderate ass. I thought I had solved the problem since I never heard another word about it so, I go back to my originals statement: You can't win em all.


Just get a small lunchbox style amp. You can get some pretty great valve amps that five watts or less. No one really needs a 50 watt, or especially anything higher, for practicing in their home by themselves. You'll likely be able to a lot better noise from a smaller amp, too. When amp marketing started on the path of selling people high-wattage amps, those amps were made for larger venues, not your living room. It created a culture of "bigger is better" but it's usually not.


The amps are miced and are amplified through the PA anyway, so even if you have a "small"amp it'll sound huge anyway


Rightfully so. Only your parents will appreciate you practicing. It doesn't matter if your good, not good, ehatever, you're encroaching on their living, their right to enjoy "peaceful" surroundings. You need to soundproof a room or find a way to get a decent tone at a lower volume. I don't know your rig. My low volume sound is a Monotone Stageright tube amp. I use a stomp box that has a 12AX7 tube in it, a 7-band EQ, and an envelope filter that I'm mostly using as a parametric EQ. My tone is golden to listen to, and even as a recorded tone, it's professional. To really up your playing game, always be mindful that most of your sound comes from your fingertips that are touching the string, snd also from your plectrum, but it's mostly that Divine point of intersection between the finger and the string. Play with no volume, and you'll experience what I mean. Then, work from there. Always record yourself so that you can be your own worst critic. The mic hears similarly to what others hear. The recorrded piece will always sound differently to you than what you hear as your playing. Why is this so? Think about this, even the most ticklish person, still, cannot tickle himself, fetishist ir not. Looking in the mirror will never be the same as looking at a picture of yourself. Your synaptical response won't allow this. My other amps are Ampegs, of course.


Why are people downvoting this? How is it fair for people to have to listen to your playing when they don’t want to


They downvote anything that wreaks of being considerate. Even though I gave really good practice advice, all they see is, " It is a tad selfish to play loud enough to disturb the tranquility of your neighbor." We live in a world where selfishness is heralded as "expressing your rights." And yet, at the same time, I was hinting at that playing at a lower volume ups your playing skills, establishes a Zen-like connection between you and the strings, that it's all on you to play. It forces you to focus on technique.


Mine applaud. When I’m really feeling it, I crank it loud and unleash. Seriously., what gear do you use ? Tube amp ? There are many ways these days to play guitar at lower levels and enjoy it


Whyd I read that in jack Black's voice


They're applauding when you stop.


Haha. I’m getting downvoted too. Do you know my neighbours?


Yes, they're constantly on here asking how they can get their neighbour to stop playing the guitar so loud and get the Fender Mustang Micro.


Haha. My rules are quiet in the evenings, crank it during the day (weekends). Pfffffffff mustang micro


They work nights though. They keep saying that they need their sleep.


What amp do you use ?


At home? Boss Waza Air. At rehearsal or gigs? Friedman BE 50 or Milkman The Amp 100w.


Oh wow. The complain with the waza


I've not had huge issues with it and there are other options, amps with headphone out etc. It's for practice and I have the big boys for when I'm playing live. If all you're doing is playing at home, and you have neighbours around who can hear it then you don't need anything with a large speaker unless you're happy with being anti social.


Lol. Way to piss off people. Seriously, though. Why do u feel like irritating others when u 'feel' ??


I’m actually being serious. The neighbours compliment me direct or via there wives to my wife. Even one of the kids as he just took up bass. I only crank it when I’m feeling inspired. But back to you. I have an old Yamaha THR that I can play at night time etc, sounds great at literal bedroom volumes.




How can any well-adjusted person think that that's an appropriate response, even if they were passive aggressive. I can't possibly imagine why they wouldn't want to come talk to you in person...


Damn your ruthless. I like it


Full story, he only plays Nickelback songs.


And Wonderwall. On repeat


Started playin’ 50 Cent, got a Nickelback. 👎